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[129] Kocka dismissed Fest's claims that Habermas was a racist for rejecting comparisons with Cambodia, writing "it has to do with historical knowledge about the connection between economic development and the possibilities of sociopolitical organization, and also with taking seriously the European tradition, in consideration of which the Enlightenment, human rights and the constitutional state cannot be simply ignored". He believed that people could be separated into a [129] The "European confederation" was to be one economic unit with one military ruled over by a Council consisting of two representatives from every state, who would elect a European President for a four-year term. His speeches are seen as one of the key reasons for the rise in popularity of the Nazi Party in its early years. [21] Gestapo reports from 1934 record that the German public greeted the news of Goerdeler's reappointment as Price Commissioner as a positive development. The leadership of the Wehrmacht rather willingly made themselves into accomplices in the policy of extermination. So your walker is walking 1/5th the lower bound of average speed and one eighth the higher bound of average speed as he is trying to get somewhere. Beneath the Leadership Corps were the party's regional leaders, the Gauleiters, each of whom commanded the party in his Gau ("region"). [3], After his resignation as Oberbrgermeister of Leipzig, Goerdeler was offered the position of heading the finance department at the firm of Krupp AG, then Germany's largest corporation. Throughout 1923, the economic and political crisis struck. [121] Jckel wrote, in an essay entitled "The Impoverished Practice of Insinuation: The Singular Aspect of National-Socialist Crimes Cannot Be Denied", "Hitler often said why he wished to remove and kill the Jews. On 16 December 1942, a decree was passed stating that all German Roma and Sinti were to be deported to Auschwitz. [64] The US decided that the Japanese had now gone too far and decided to force a rollback of its gains. As Hitler controlled the masses support for the political right, the conservative elite believed that they could use Hitler and his popular support to democratically take power. [27] Goerdeler argued that for devaluation of the Reichsmark to be successful would require co-ordination with other nations, especially the United States, the United Kingdom and France, which otherwise might be tempted to engage in competitive devaluations of the dollar, the pound and the franc respectively. Most of the younger officers in the Army were extreme National Socialists who would not join a. Hitler deserved "a last chance to deliver the German people from the slavery of English capitalism". The SA ("storm troopers", also known as "Brownshirts") were founded as a party militia in 1921 and began violent attacks on other parties. hierarchy Putsch [103] Hildebrand wrote that Hillgruber had understood history as a tragedy and " this fact escaped Habermas, perhaps due to a lack of expertise, perhaps also due to an unfamiliarity with historical research". September 1991 . By 1929, the party had 130,000 members.[78]. Nominally, the MolotovRibbentrop Pact was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union and was signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939, by Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. [24] Hitler himself found Goerdeler's report objectionable, and Hitler's "Four-Year Plan Memorandum" may have been written in part as a reply to Goerdeler's memorandum (Gerhard Ritter favoured this theory whereas Gerhard Weinberg rejects it). [114] Some controversy has been attracted by this memo. In 2007, Putin addressed the Munich Security Conference, telling them, and then even used neo-Nazis to do a street putsch against the government in Ottawa, overthrowing it, threatened to kick the United States out of its naval bases in Alaska, and then helped the new regime launch a war against the people of Vancouver, B.C. Hitler and his associates were given very lenient prison sentences. [155] Bankier wrote that Goerdeler felt that the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" was going too far and would have to be stopped, but "[f]or Goerdeler, the solution of the Jewish question after the war was the establishment of a Jewish state in parts of Canada or South America and granting German citizenship only to a small, elitist minority of Jews willing to assimilate completely."[155]. Had the 20 July plot to overthrow Hitler's dictatorship in 1944 succeeded, Goerdeler would have served as the Chancellor of the new government. Koch, ed. One of the most popular of these was the Hitler Youth, pictured here. [158] Broszat wrote that Strmer was trying to create an "ersatz religion" that was more appropriate for the pre-modern era than 1986, charging that Strmer seemed torn between his commitment to democracy, NATO and Atlanticism vs. his call for history to serve as a unifying force for society. It did this by generating the criminal orders and implementing them. That only complicated the situation, especially since Slovak nationalism was rising from suspicion towards Prague and encouragement by Germany. His expansionist policies sought Erasing the Past? Gordon follows this with another survey where interviewees were asked if Nazism was good or bad (53% chose bad) and reasons for their answer. You know, I hear constantly the fears of nuclear strikes from Russia in retaliation for Ukrainian victories, and I get why. (Wolfgang Kapp, the nominal leader of the Kapp Putsch was notorious for his irresponsibility). . Hitler joined the party and then the committee of the German Workers Party. In November 1923, the others involved in the plan began to have second thoughts after hearing that the army in Berlin would defend the government. [42] Nolte argued that the memory of the Nazi era was "a bugaboo, as a past that in the process of establishing itself in the present or that is suspended above the present like an executioner's sword". On 8 December 1941, the first gas chambers started operating in Chemno. He was the Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012, thus having served continuously as either president or prime minister from 1999 onwards. Following his release from prison on the 20 December 1924, Hitler convinced the Chancellor of Bavaria to remove the ban on the Nazi Party. [47][48] Nolte cited as example the early Nazi Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter, who during World War I had been the German consul in Erzerum, Turkey, where he was appalled by the genocide of the Armenians. Hitler was an extreme One, centred on the Nazi Party and the SS, saw the war as a chance to carry out the "racial reorganization" of Europe via mass expulsions and German colonization, whose roots Hillgruber traced to the war aims of the Pan-German League in the First World War. Much of Sudetenland was industrialised.[51]. [26], The Bitburg ceremony was widely interpreted in Germany as the beginning of the "normalization" of the Nazi past, namely the viewpoint that the Germans had a "normal" history that would not cause shame or guilt, and instead inspire pride in being German. [241] Hillgruber described Habermas as a kind of left-wing literary hit-man who had asked to "take apart" Zweierlei Untergang by Karl-Heinz Janen, the editor of the culture section of the Die Zeit newspaper.[242]. [113], In late 1941, under the impact of the news of the deportations of German Jews to be shot in Eastern Europe, Goerdeler submitted a memo to the German government calling for all Jews who had been German citizens or were descended from Jews who had been German citizens before 1871 to be classified as Germans, and those Jews who were descended from Jews who had not lived within the borders of Germany prior to 1871 to be considered citizens of a Jewish state whose creation would occur later. [99] The American historian Gordon A. Craig expressed the view that Hillgruber's choice of the word Ende for the Holocaust suggested that the Holocaust was "something that just sort of happened". --Hugh Trevor-Roper "A monumental work, a grisly and thrilling story." [304] Muller accused Nolte of writing "pseudo-history" in Der Europische Brgrkrieg. rule was the only stable future for Germany which would protect their power and money. [118] [12] By 1934 he clashed with Hitler over his foreign policy, as Germany signed a nonaggression treaty with Poland to which Goerdeler was opposed and demanded annexation of Polish territories. [12], In addition, the massive increase in spending by the Leipzig municipal government caused the city's debts to be a major source of worry for Goerdeler. In November 1923, the others involved in the plan began to have second thoughts after hearing that the army in Berlin would defend the government. [31] These were all well-known themes popular with various Weimar paramilitary groups such as the Freikorps. An antisemitic caricature in a childrens storybook entitled The Poisonous Mushroom. [260], In an essay first published in the Evangelische Kommentare magazine in February 1987, Geiss called Nolte's claim about Weizmann's letter being a Jewish declaration of war as hair-raising nonsense[262] Geiss wrote that both essays in Zweierlei Untergang were "respectable", but that it was "irritating" and ill-advised on the part of Hillgruber to publish them together, with the implied moral equivalence between the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe, and the genocide of the Jews. [52] Nolte cited a statement by Hitler after the Battle of Stalingrad that Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus would be soon sent to the rat cage in the Lubyanka as proof that Hitler had an especially vivid fear of the rat cage torture. , although it is sometimes referred to as the Beer Hall Putsch. In this historical context, the systematic genocide of the Jews ordered by the German state-but also the murder of Sinti and Roma-is the greatest crime of the twentieth century, in fact of world history".[192]. Hitlers oratory skills were highly regarded, and attracted crowds of people. These aimed to infiltrate already existing social structures, and help the party gain more members and supporters. [254] Leicht argued that aspects of German history that made Hitler possible could not be celebrated today, that the "historiczation" of National Socialism as suggested by Broszat was necessary, and that Germans should resist the appeal of myths intended to make the shame caused by the Nazi era go away. [129], During the spring of 1943, Goerdeler grew increasing impatient with the military end of the conspiracy, complaining that those officers involved in the plot were better at finding excuses for inaction than reasons for action, a sentiment he expressed in a 1943 letter to General Friedrich Olbricht[130][131], Goerdeler had great faith in his idea that if only he could meet with Hitler and explain to him that his leadership was grossly inadequate on military and economic grounds, then Hitler could be persuaded to resign in his favor, thereby ending Nazi Germany through non-violent means. [211] Strmer wrote French leaders from de Gaulle onward wanted the Germans to be a proud and self-confident people in order to play their proper role in the Franco-German alliance that dominated the European Economic Community, asking why so many Germans found that so difficult. Brning increasingly relied upon, and was granted, use of [126] Fleischer accused Habermas of seeking to impose a left-wing moral understanding on the Nazi period on Germans and of creating a moral Sondergericht (Special Court). On 8 December 1941, the first gas chambers started operating in Chemno. [264] About the line of "true and tried" Nazi officials, Habermas justified the procedure under the grounds that in general Hillgruber spoke warmly of the role that Nazi Party officials played in helping to sustain the "justified" defense in eastern Germany in Zweierlei Untergang, writing that Hillgruber's approach to the subject is one where the war effort of Nazi Germany is applauded. On the contrary, Hitler was always convinced that Soviet Russia, precisely because it was ruled by Jews, was a defenseless colossus standing on clay feet. The causes of World War II, a global war from 1939 to 1945 that was the deadliest conflict in human history, have been given considerable attention by historians from many countries who studied and understood them. The votes that the Nazis received in the 1932 elections established the Nazi Party as the largest parliamentary faction of the Weimar Republic government. The Nazis interpreted the result as a warning that they must seize power before their moment passed. [71] The United States declared war upon Japan on the afternoon of 8 December, nine hours after the United Kingdom, and identified only "unprovoked acts of war against the Government and the people of the United States of America" as the cause. On 7 December 1941, without a declaration of war,[68] the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor with the aim of destroying the main American battle fleet at anchor. [27] In English, the term is not considered slang and has such derivatives as Nazism and denazification. The Nazi Party was banned on 9 November 1923; however, with the support of the nationalist Vlkisch-Social Bloc (Vlkisch-Sozialer Block), it continued to operate under the name "German Party" (Deutsche Partei or DP) from 1924 to 1925. The Nazis also established new groups for different professions, from children, to doctors, to lawyers. "[183] Habermas wrote the Bitburg ceremony was meant to create nationalist feelings and a certain rehabilitation of the Nazi era with President Reagan and Chancellor Kohl laying wreaths at the cemetery to honor the Waffen-SS men buried there, but that for Nolte "Bitburg did not open the floodgates widely enough". [260] Perels wrote that Hillgruber's book Zweierlei Untergang which praised those German officers who stayed to Hitler as making the correct ethical choice served to put him in the same moral camp as the judges of the Supreme Court who regarded Bonhoeffer and Dohnnyi as traitors who were properly executed. [120] Bracher wrote that he approved of Joachim Fest's essay Encumbered Remembrance about the moral equivalence of Nazi and Communist crimes, though he remained pointedly silent about Fest's support for the theory of Ernst Nolte of a casual nexus with German National Socialism as an extreme, but understandable response to Soviet Communism. Ulrich von Hassell wrote in his diary that Goerdeler was "imprudent" but at least "wants to act rather than grumble", which was a marked difference to the generals who indicated that perhaps they would or perhaps they would not act against the Nazi regime should Czechoslovakia be attacked. If a past "that is capable of being agreed on" can be gained by intellectual gymnastics of this sort, then we should renounce it. [25], In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and China proper. In 1941, he proposed for the League of Nations to found a Jewish state that would extend Jewish citizenship to all Jews in the world. [121] The "Proposals" rejected Nazi racial theories but stated that after the overthrow of the Nazis, German Jews would not have their German citizenship restored but be restricted to living in ghettos and be allowed only minimal contact with German Christians, and he called for continuing the Nazi ban on marriage and sex between Jews and German Christians. The Reichstag fire on 27 February 1933 gave Hitler a pretext for suppressing his political opponents. [52] To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population, on the same day as Hitler's Hofbruhaus speech on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party). His strategy proved successful; at a special party congress on 29 July 1921, he replaced Drexler as party chairman by a vote of 533to1. Goebbels carefully tailored propaganda slowly became considerably more attractive. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Some may like this, and some may not, but I find it useful as a confirmation of my research and conclusions. Karl Dietrich Bracher and Richard Lwenthal argued for some compromise; they said that comparing different totalitarian systems was a valid intellectual exercise, but they insisted that the Holocaust should not be compared to other genocides. Adenauer's policies of integration into the EEC and NATO suggested that the only role possible for the Federal Republic was at best as a middle-size world power whose influence stemmed from working with other Western powers. The German war of destruction certainly remains inhuman. [225] Mommsen wrote that Nolte, Hildebrand, Strmer and Hillgruber were in different ways seeking a version of history that allowed for the continuity of German history to be celebrated despite the Nazi era. They used a voting system called Proportional Representation .. [189] Winkler wrote the current controversy over the memory of the Nazi past was caused by the controversy over Bitburg ceremony, writing that just as American had learned to forget about the My Lai massacre, the Bitburg ceremony was meant to allow German "to be able to feel an unbroken sense of pride". However, Tooze feels that Goerdeler was correct in arguing that the West would have cut in military spending a precondition of economic support. [39], Hitler and his Nazis took full control of Germany in 193334 (Machtergreifung), turning it into a dictatorship with a highly hostile outlook toward the Treaty of Versailles and Jews. Nolte's admirer Joachim Fest was later to argue in his "Postscript" of April 21, 1987 that Nolte was motivated by purely scholarly concerns, and was only attempting the "historicization" of National Socialism that Martin Broszat called for[267] Fest wrote that in his view: "In its substance, the dispute was initiated by Ernst Nolte's question whether Hitler's monstrous will to annihilate the Jews, judging from its origin, came from early Viennese impressions or, what is more likely, from later Munich experiences, that is, whether Hitler was an originator or simply being reactive. But it turned out that, at least in terms of intellectual honesty, that cannot be done, and that no matter what we do, other peoples will not be willing to accept such an act from us".[226]. After numerous notable successes and some early failures in the 1920s, the League ultimately proved incapable of preventing aggression by the Axis Powers in the 1930s. The text contends that all German men should be sterilized, evidencing, according to Nolte, the alleged "Jewish" desire to "annihilate" Germans prior to the Holocaust. Hitler soon acquired the title Fhrer ("leader") and after a series of sharp internal conflicts it was accepted that the party would be governed by the Fhrerprinzip ("leader principle"). [66], Hitler's talent as an orator and his ability to draw new members, combined with his characteristic ruthlessness, soon made him the dominant figure. [40] One of Nolte's leading critics, British historian Richard J. Evans, claims that the organizers of the Rmerberg Conversations had not withdrawn their invitation, and that Nolte had just refused to attend. [138] However, no sooner than Kluge was finally persuaded to join the plot than he was badly injured in a car accident that removed him from active command. [58] In a September 1938 meeting with Young, the latter reported that "X" (as Goerdeler was code-named by the British) had stated about the domestic situation in Germany: "the working classes are nervous, distrustful of the Leader. And the moral absolutes of Habermas, however politically and didactically impeccable, also carry a shadow of provincialism, as long as they fail to recognize that fascism was a continental phenomenon and that Nazism was a peculiar part of something much larger. Initially most members were ex-soldiers or unemployed men. [26], Despite his disagreements with Gring over the best economic course to follow, on 6 August 1936, Gring commissioned a report from Goerdeler as a leading economic expert about whether or not Germany should devalue the Reichsmark. But Nolte's hope to be able to attenuate this distressing aspect of our Nazi past will probably not succeed. [44], Following the Stresa Conference and even as a reaction to the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini attempted to expand the Italian Empire in Africa by invading the Ethiopian Empire, also known as the Abyssinian Empire. He argued that at first the continuity thesis dominated, as shown by the lavish celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Bismarck's birthday in 1965, but as a younger generation came of age, a more critical attitude towards the past emerged. Hillgruber's essay is extremely problematic when viewed from the perspective of a democratically constituted community that orients itself towards Western moral and political standards. Hitler admitted to his generals on 23 May 1939 that his reason for invading Poland was not Danzig: "Danzig is not the issue at stake. [299] Nolte called the case of arson "terrorism", and maintained that the attack was inspired by his opponents in the Historikerstreit.[299]. Following a signal from the Bavarian parliament, all of those involved in the plan would march to Berlin to seize power. [264] Habermas responded to the criticism of Strmer denying that he was seeking "endow history with meaning" by citing his remark from his 1986 book Dissonanzen des Fortschritts: "It appears necessary to abandon the merely apparent difference between social history and cultural history and to understand that at the end of the twentieth century humans residing in industrial cultures must more than ever before seek and comprehend their historical identity in order not to lose themselves". [71][pageneeded] For Hitler and his principal lieutenants, national and racial issues were always dominant. [63] In September 1940, the Japanese invaded Vichy French Indochina and occupied Tonkin to prevent China from importing arms and fuel through French Indochina along the Sino-Vietnamese Railway from the port of Haiphong through Hanoi to Kunming, in Yunnan. [243] Hillgruber compared the feelings of Germans about the lost eastern territories to the feelings of the French about their lost colonies in Indochina. 810 from, Mommsen, Hans Das Ressentiment Als Wissenschaft: Ammerkungen zu Ernst Nolte's, Broszat, Martin "Where the Roads Part: History Is Not A Suitable Substitute for a Religion of Nationalism" pp. [294] Nolte claimed that the German Communists were seeking the "social destruction of the bourgeoisie" in the interests of the Soviet Union, which "physically exterminated these classes" while the Nazis sought only the destruction of the "Versailles system". [14] Goerdeler also informed Young of his belief that Hitler was seeking world conquest, and that the Fhrer had "decided to destroy the Jews-Christianity-Capitalism". [68] Hitler announced he would rejoin on condition that he would replace Drexler as party chairman, and that the party headquarters would remain in Munich. It is certain that the White Terror also committed terrible deeds, even though its program contained no analogy to the extermination of the bourgeoisie. Chancellor Adolf Hitler, urged on by Hermann Gring and Heinrich Himmler, ordered a series of political [245] Replying to Habermas's charge that he was a "neo-conservative", Hillgruber wrote: How does he come to come categorize my work as having so-called neoconservative tendencies? Although France logically wanted the Rhineland to be a neutral zone, France had the power to make their desire happen, which merely exacerbated German resentment of the French. [64] In particular, Nolte argued that the expulsion of ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe in 194546 was "to be categorizedunder the concept of genocide". [193] In response to Fest's argument that it was racist not to compare Germany with Cambodia, Meir stated that Germany by being a First World nation had "duties" that a Third World nation like Cambodia did not. "[134], Schulze defended Strmer's call for the historians to explore the "German question", writing that it was "important" for historians to "make the national identity of the Germans an object of their research". Furthermore, the Nazis and the Communists between them won 52% of the vote and a majority of seats. The failure of the Munich Putsch had shown Hitler that he would not be able to take power by force. On 16 July 1944, Goerdeler saw his wife and children for the last time in Leipzig, and then departed for Berlin to prepare for the putsch planned for later that month. The conditions generated bitter resentment towards the war's victors, who had promised the Germans that US President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points would be a guideline for peace; but the Americans had played only a minor role in the war, and Wilson could not convince the Allies to agree to adopt his Fourteen Points. [17], The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations had sought to stifle expansionist and militarist policies by all actors, but the conditions imposed by their creators imposed on the world's new geopolitical situation and the technological circumstances of the era only emboldened the re-emergence of those ideologies during the Interwar Period. This so-called Beer Hall Putsch attempt failed almost at once when the local Reichswehr commanders refused to support it. 114124 from, Strmer, Michael "History in a Land Without History" from. [59] Poland, fearing a loss of independence, refused. [13] On 1 April 1933, the day of the national boycott declared against all Jewish businesses in the Reich, Goerdeler appeared in full uniform of the Oberbrgermeister of Leipzig to order the SA not to enforce the boycott and ordered the Leipzig police to free several Jews taken hostage by the SA. [114] Information on former Gaue (that were either renamed, or dissolved by being divided or merged with other Gaue) is provided in the second table. [153] The Israeli historian David Bankier wrote in 2002 that Goerdeler was appalled by the Holocaust and was sincerely against the Nazis, but for him, Jews were not and never could be Germans, and instead were an alien, foreign element who would just have to be relocated from Germany whatever they liked it or not. [14] Several times, he attempted to help Leipzig Jewish businessmen threatened with the "Aryanisation" economic policies of the Nazi regime. Hitler therefore decided to change tactic and instead focus on winning support for his party democratically and being elected into power. [18] In the autumn of 1936, Goerdeler left for a trip to Finland promoted by the German Chamber of Commerce. Carried out primarily by the SS and the Gestapo, over 150 people were murdered and hundreds more were arrested. [294] In this way, Nolte maintained that the very harsh sentences given to the leaders of the Rote Ocktober (Red October) putsch attempt in Hamburg of October 1923 were justified while the light sentences that Hitler and the other Nazi leaders received for the Munich Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923 were also completely warranted because Nolte claimed that the Nazis were only attempting to overthrow the Weimar Republic in order to save the social order. Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. [319] Abroad, the Historikerstreit garnered Nolte some fame, to a somewhat lesser extent. [37] Overy argued for a difference between economic pressures induced by the problems of the Four Year Plan and economic motives to seize raw materials, industry and foreign reserves of neighbouring states as a way of accelerating the plan. [30] Mason's Primat der Innenpolitik thesis was in marked contrast to the Primat der Auenpolitik ("primacy of foreign politics"), which is usually used to explain the war. Papen, his successor Kurt von Schleicher and the nationalist press magnate Alfred Hugenberg spent December and January in political intrigues that eventually persuaded President Hindenburg that it was safe to appoint Hitler as Reich Chancellor, at the head of a cabinet including only a minority of Nazi ministerswhich he did on 30 January 1933. Political instability in the Weimar Republic, Hyperinflation and the invasion of the Ruhr, Strength and weaknesses of the Weimar Republic. [59] In another meeting on September 11, 1938, in Zurich, Young recorded Goerdeler as saying: the feeling among the people against the war is welling up at an alarming rate. [32], In the autumn of 1936, Goerdeler's ongoing dispute with Haake over the Mendelssohn statue came to a head. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. [182] Hillgruber called the idea of Germany as great power that would take on and being equally opposed to the United States and the Soviet Union as: historically hopeless because of the way the Second World War ended. Fourteen Nazis and four policemen were killed. [207] Hildebrand argued the Holocaust was both "singular" and belonged to a broad sweep of history beginning with the Armenian genocide and ending with the "regime of terror of Cambodian Stone Age Communism". Rosenberg was an ineffective leader and the party became divided over key issues. Strmer wrote "that in a land without history, the future is controlled by those who determine the content of memory, who coin concepts and interpret the past". [72] Nolte argued that the Vietnam War, the Khmer Rouge genocide, the expulsion of "boat people" from Vietnam, the Islamic revolution in Iran, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan meant the traditional picture of Nazi Germany as the ultimate in evil was no longer tenable, and proved the need for "revisionism" to put an end to the "negative myth" of Nazi Germany. [60] The British historian Sir John Wheeler-Bennett, who knew Goerdeler well, noted that Goerdeler failed to realize that Hitler was not bluffing with Fall Grn and had every intention of attacking Czechoslovakia on October 1, 1938, and that he regarded Munich as a personal set-back. [35] Mason described German foreign policy as driven by an opportunistic "next victim" syndrome after the Anschluss in which the "promiscuity of aggressive intentions" was nurtured by every successful foreign policy move. [45] Nolte's opinion was that there was no moral difference between German self-guilt over the Holocaust, and Nazi claims of Jewish collective guilt for all the world's problems. As the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash hit Germany and unemployment spiralled, the government struggled to balance its budget. [143], In late February 1944, Goerdeler sent Strlin to meet Field Marshal Erwin Rommel to see if he would like to join the anti-Nazi conspiracy and was delighted when Strlin gave him a positive report about Rommel's attitude towards the conspiracy. "[30] Gring's copy of Goerdeler's memorandum is covered with handwritten personal comments by Gring on the side such as "What cheek! [58] Like most German conservatives, Goerdeler favoured Germany's traditional informal alliance with China, and was strongly opposed to the volte-face in Germany's Far Eastern policies effected in early 1938 by the Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, who abandoned the alliance with China for an alignment with Japan. Hagen Schulze in an essay first published in Die Zeit on September 26, 1986, defended Nolte, together with Andreas Hillgruber, and argued Habermas was acting from "incorrect presuppositions" in attacking Nolte and Hillgruber for denying the "singularity" of the Holocaust. [203] Hildebrand wrote the "intensity of annihilation" in Nazi policies "appears comparable with the Soviet Union of Stalin". [117] Tresckow in particular was very favourably impressed with Goerdeler, whom he saw as a kindred spirit. As a result of his deteriorating health and his exacerbation with the toxic politics of the Reichstag, he's become something of a figurehead for the German government while relegating more and more work to his underlings. Much (though not all) of the criticism of Nolte came from historians who favored either the Sonderweg (Special Way) and/or intentionalist/functionalist interpretations of German history. [103] Halder ended his meeting with Goerdeler on 6 April 1940 with the remark: Britain and France had declared war on us, and one had to see it through. You can watch the exchange below . [18], On 9 April 1935, the Deputy Mayor of Leipzig, the National Socialist Rudolf Haake, in defiance of the existing laws, banned all Jewish doctors from participating in public health insurance and advised all municipal employees not to consult Jewish doctors. [157] In the radio address Goerdeler planned to deliver once the putsch had triumphed was included the statement "The persecution of the Jews, which has been carried out in the most inhuman, deeply shaming and quite irreparable ways, is to cease."[158]. People in West Germany followed the debate with interest. It will be you tomorrow". The Nazi Partys Many of these associated organisations were labour unions of various professions. [51] To have more frequent meetings with his British contacts, Goerdeler stayed in Switzerland in AugustOctober 1938. The party also owed its growth to the gradual fading away of competitor nationalist groups, such as the German National People's Party (DNVP). Despite Wilson's advocacy, the United States never joined the League of Nations. Hitler lost the election, with 36.8% of the vote to Hindenburgs 53%. As Hitlers votes dwindled in the November 1932 elections, the conservative elite knew that if they wanted to use Hitler and the Nazis to destroy the political left, they had to act quickly to get Hitler appointed as chancellor. Disturbing things that happen if you stop cleaning your home. [120], In December 1942, the "Freiburg Circle" who were continuing their work helping Goerdeler develop a constitution submitted the "Great Memorandum" to Goerdeler for the proposed post-Nazi German government, which also included "Proposals for a Solution of the Jewish Question in Germany". [38] Hillgruber argued that the need to protect German civilians from the Red Army should have been the overriding concern of all Wehrmacht officers, which required remaining loyal to Hitler. In 1929, Heinrich Himmler took over the organisation, and expanded it dramatically. Evans, pp. Nazi members with military ambitions were encouraged to join the Waffen-SS, but a great number enlisted in the Wehrmacht and even more were drafted for service after World War II began. Goerdeler's critics are offended by his suggestion that German Jews whose ancestors had not lived within the borders of the German Empire before July 1, 1871, should not be considered German citizens, but Goerdeler's defenders such as the Canadian historian Peter Hoffmann have argued that Goerdeler was trying to present the Nazi regime with an alternative to genocide. About Our Coalition. [10]), The fall of Brning led to Goerdeler's resignation as Price Commissioner. They held power and influence comparable to the Reich Ministers' in Hitler's Cabinet. Originally designed and developed by the London Jewish Cultural Centre. Von Papen agreed with the conservative elite that Germany needed an authoritarian leader to stabilise the country. worse than when our "leaders" in the recent past kept finding an equivalence between every challenge they faced and Munich 1938. [145] As Rommel was fully engaged in preparations to resist the expected Allied landing in France all through the spring of 1944, it proved difficult for Strlin to make contact again. powers. [43], In violation of the Treaty of Versailles and the spirit of the Locarno Pact and the Stresa Front, Germany remilitarized the Rhineland on March 7, 1936, by moving German troops into the part of western Germany in which according to the Versailles Treaty, they were not allowed. University students, disappointed at being too young to have served in the War of 19141918 and attracted by the Nazis' radical rhetoric, also became a strong Nazi constituency. [170] Whether Goerdeler was sincere in wishing to help the SS or just trying to buy time to save his life remains unclear. On 20 December 1924, Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison. [124] It is not to be confused with the post-war right-wing Deutsche Gemeinschaft[de], which was founded in 1949. Notable members included:[125][pageneeded], Far-right political party active in Germany (19201945), This article is about the politicial party that existed in Germany from 1920 to 1945. During the interwar period, deep anger arose in the Weimar Republic on the conditions of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which punished Germany for its role in World War I with severe conditions and heavy financial reparations to prevent it from ever becoming a military power again. He wrote to Hitler that continued Polish possession of territories in Gdask Pomerania and Greater Poland was "thorn in country's economic flesh and honour" and that "the German people must fight for security of their existence". [310] In a letter to Nolte on July 18, 1986, Kulka wrote in defense of the "singularity" of the Holocaust that: "The uniqueness of the National Socialist mass murder of the Jews must be understood in the world-historical sense attributed to it-as an attempt to bring about a change in the course of universal history and its goals. That, of course, is not proof of Hitler's "humanity", but rather of the remnants of the liberal system. [91] Habermas criticized Nolte for claiming that Chaim Weizmann declared war on Germany in 1939 which "was supposed to justify Hitler in treating German Jews as prisoners of war-and then in deporting them". Extremism became more popular as people desperately sought a solution. [240] Hillgruber claimed that Habermas was waging a "campaign of character assassination against Michael Strmer, Ernst Nolte, Klaus Hildebrand and me in the style of the all-too-familiar APO pamphlets of the late 1960s" [Hillgruber was attempting to associate Habermas with the APO here]. By the early 1930s, a militaristic and aggressive national ideology prevailed in Germany, Japan and Italy. If the Google car did, say 20 mph, then the walker did 1/37.5th of that, or .53 mph. [39] In response, an editor and co-publisher of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Joachim Fest, allowed Nolte to have his speech printed as a feuilleton in his newspaper. [14] At the same time, Goerdeler remained anti-Semitic. [274] Nolte wrote that too many Holocaust historians were "biased" Jewish historians, whom Nolte strongly hinted manufactured the minutes of the Wannsee conference. This set a precedent of governing by presidential decree and moved the Republic away from parliamentary democracy. Hans-Ulrich Wehler was so enraged by Nolte's views that he wrote a book Entsorgung der deutschen Vergangenheit? The failure of the Munich Putsch had shown Hitler that he would not be able to take power by force. Hitler made racial science a compulsory school subject in 1933. Nolte contends that the U.S. internment of Japanese Americans in the wake of the Pearl Harbor attack provides a parallel to the German "internment" of the Jewish population of Europe in concentration camps, in light of what Nolte alleges was the "Jewish" declaration of war on Germany in 1939 which Weizmann's letter allegedly constitutes. He called for another election in November 1932, hoping to strengthen the frontier against communism and socialism. Despite these strengths, the Nazi Party might never have come to power had it not been for the Great Depression and its effects on Germany. [35] Hillgruber wrote: "If the historian gazes on the winter catastrophe of 1944-45, only one position is possiblehe must identify himself with the concrete fate of the German population in the East and with the desperate and sacrificial exertions of the German Army of the East and the German Baltic navy, which sought to defend the population from the orgy of revenge of the Red Army, the mass rapine, the arbitrary killing, and the compulsory deportations. The rise of nationalism in the 19th century made race a centerpiece of political loyalty. As Hitler became the recognised head of the German nationalists, other groups declined or were absorbed. The term is approximately equivalent to the English shire. [78] Overy charged that Goerdeler wanted a very firm Anglo-French stand in favour of Poland in the hope that if confronted with such a situation, the German Army would overthrow Hitler, rather than risk a world war, and so Goerdeler exaggerated the economic problems of the Reich to encourage such a stand. This topic will explain how the political situation escalated from the hope of the Grand Coalition in 1928, to the dismissal of von Schleicher and the end of the Weimar Republic in 1933. The Hitler Youth programme was set up in 1922 with the aim of educating the youth of Germany in Nazi beliefs and physically preparing them for their future as the master race. anti-communism The Instrument of Surrender was signed by representatives of the German High Command at Berlin, on 8 May 1945, when the war ended in Europe. It was a man grown old who stood before me, shackled hand and foot, in the same light summer clothes as had on when captured, shabby and collarless, face thin and drawn, strangely different. He was the second speaker of the evening, and spoke to 111 people. In June 1928, Hermann Mller had created the grand coalition to rule Germany. The demilitarised Rhineland and the additional cutbacks on military also infuriated the Germans. [30] They became one of many vlkisch movements that existed in Germany. "[155], Mommsen was later in a 1988 book review entitled "Resentment as Social Science" to call Nolte's book, Der Europische Brgerkrieg, a "regression back to the brew of racist-nationalistic ideology of the interwar period". On the 8 November 1923, Hitler attempted to pull off a The failure of the Munich Putsch had shown Hitler that he would not be able to take power by force. Also note the DA cannot explain why Paul Pelosi did not run, or just walk, from the house when the officers were at the door. Jews and Communists also featured heavily in the Nazi propaganda as enemies of the German people. But he did more than just copy them. ""The New York Times Book Review" A splendid work of scholarship, objective in method, sound in judgment, inescapable in its conclusions." [293], A further controversial claim in was Nolte's statement violence in the defence of the social order is always preferable to violence aiming at the destruction of the social order. It is far more astonishing that this has not seriously taken place until now. [42] When opponents tried to appease him, he accepted the gains that were offered and went to the next target. A rat cage, the murders committed by the Bolsheviks, or a special fear of these are not mentioned. September 1991 . In Der europische Brgerkrieg, Nolte made five different arguments as a way of criticizing the uniqueness of the Shoah thesis. 155161 from, Hillgruber, Andreas "No Questions are Forbidden to Research" pp. [66] Sir Alexander Cadogan wrote about Goerdeler's offer, "We are to deliver the goods and Germany gives I.O.Us". [124], Jckel later described Nolte's methods as a "game of confusion", comprising dressing hypotheses up as questions, and then attacking critics who demanded evidence for his assertions as seeking to block one from asking questions. [165] Meir used as an example that intentionist historians did not benefit conservatism, arguing the willingness of "power elites" to obey Hitler's orders does not support a conservative position. [93] From both functionalist and intentionist historians came the similar criticism that the motives and momentum for the Final Solution to the Jewish Question came primarily from within Germany, not as the result of external events. [59] Goerdeler maintained to Young: the feeling among the people against war is welling up at an alarming rate. Whilst Hitler was in prison following the Munich Putsch in 1923, Alfred Rosenberg took over as temporary leader of the Nazi Party. armistice [215] Lwenthal argued in a letter to the editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 29 November 1986 for the "fundamental difference" in mass murder in Germany and the Soviet Union, and against the "balancing" out of various crimes in the 20th century. The conservative elites second move towards authoritarian rule was helping the Nazi Party to gain power. He covers some of the same territory I did in my paper on Lenin, but in greater detail and with more citations. "[142] However, Goerdeler was heavily criticised by other members of the German resistance (for example by some members the Kreisau Circle) for objecting to killing Hitler (Goerdeler wanted to see Hitler tried and had no objection to him being executed after his conviction), for his sympathy for reintroducing monarchy, and for his extremely anticommunist ideology. The Nazi Party used rallys to raise awareness of their party and attract new members. [3] After the war ended, Goerdeler served on the headquarters of the XVII Army Corps based in Danzig (now Gdask in Poland). As the loans were recalled, the economy in Germany sunk into a deep depression. The basic tendency of Nolte's reinterpretation is to unburden German history by relativizing the Holocaust. This photo was taken in 1921. The German historian Jrgen Kocka in an essay first published in Die Zeit on September 26, 1986, contended against Nolte that the Holocaust was indeed a singular event because it had been committed by an advanced Western nation, and argued that Nolte's comparisons of the Holocaust with similar mass killings in Pol Pot's Cambodia, Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union, and Idi Amin's Uganda were invalid because of the backward nature of those societies. Beneath the Gauleiter were lower-level officials, the Kreisleiter ("county leaders"), Zellenleiter ("cell leaders") and Blockleiter ("block leaders"). The powers allowed Germany to move troops into the region and incorporate it into the Reich "for the sake of peace". [43] In the same way, Nolte charged that Germans were being forced to live under the fear of being labelled anti-semitic; Nolte wrote based on his viewing of the film Shoah it was clear that the SS guards of the death camps were "victims of a sort and that among the Polish victims of National Socialism there was virulent anti-Semitism". Replying to the interviewer's question about whether he thought the Holocaust was unique, Hillgruber stated: that the mass murder of the kulaks in the early 1930s, the mass murder of the leadership cadre of the Red Army in 1937-38, and the mass murder of the Polish officers who in September 1939 fell into Soviet hands are not qualitatively different in evaluation from the mass murder in the Third Reich.[179]. [7] Later he resigned from the DNVP because its leader, Alfred Hugenberg, was a committed foe of the Brning government. Hitler stands next to President Hindenburg shortly after becoming chancellor on 30 January 1933. The result was weak ministries governing by decree. 249-253 from, Habermas, Jrgen "Note, 23 February 1987 pp. [74], In the second half of March 1939, Goerdeler together with Schacht and Hans Bernd Gisevius visited Ouchy, Switzerland, to meet with a senior French Deuxime Bureau intelligence agent representing French Prime Minister douard Daladier[75] Goerdeler told the agent that the strain of massive military spending had left the German economy on the verge of collapse; that Hitler was determined to use the Danzig issue as an excuse to invade Poland, which in itself was only a prelude for a German seizure of all of Eastern Europe; that a forceful Anglo-French diplomatic stand could deter Hitler; and that if Hitler were deterred long enough, the economic collapse of Germany would cause the downfall of his regime. [193] Meir wrote the Historikerstreit was really about the future, namely how to "live with a past that is so deeply anchored in our consciousness?". 1987. It took the economicand political instability (with two more chancellors failing to stabilise the situation) to worsen, and the support of the conservative elite, to convince Hindenburg to appoint Hitler. The 'problem of identification', something that is unusual for an historian, poses itself to the author only because he wants to incorporate the perspective of the fighting troops and the affected civilian population". [59] Even before it had become legally forbidden by the Nuremberg Laws in 1935, the Nazis banned sexual relations and marriages between party members and Jews. Rosenberg was an ineffective leader and the party became divided over key issues. The Social Democratic Party won 38% of the vote and 163 seats, the Catholic Centre Party won 20% of Drexler's movement received attention and support from some influential figures. [149], A latter-day controversy about Goerdeler concerns his attitude towards anti-Semitism. [3] In the discussions within the German Opposition between the "Easterners" who favoured reaching an understanding with the Soviet Union after the overthrow of Hitler and the "Westerners" who favoured reaching an understanding with Britain and the United States, Goerdeler belonged to the "Westerners", considering Communism to be no different from National Socialism, and regarding the "Easterners" as being dangerously naive about the Soviets. 1985. Gaue that were merged with other Gaue (or occupied territory) bear the designation M in the column "together with. The SS were initially created as Hitlers personal bodyguards, although they would go on to police the entire Third Reich. "[77] There is considerable debate as to the accuracy of that information, with some historians such as Richard Overy arguing that Goerdeler and other German conservatives had exaggerated German economic problems to the British and the French. For fear of the Bolsheviks Asiatic will to annihilate, Hitler himself committed an Asiatic deed. On 20 December 1924, Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison. In light of the Allied war goals, which, independent of Stalin's final plans, envisioned breaking up Prussia and destroying the defensive position of a strong, Prussian-led Central European state that could serve as a bulwark against Bolshevism, the continuation of the war in the East was justified from the viewpoint of those involved. [37] Finally, Overy argued that there is considerable evidence that Germany felt that it could master the economic problems of rearmament. When one seeks orientation about this-and about the role of mass murder in history-one is surprised by how difficult it is to find. Under the Nazi regime, Germany began its own program of expansion that sought to restore its "rightful" boundaries. [169] One prisoner recalled that Goerdeler was often "groaning aloud from hunger". The search for a lost past is not an abstract striving for culture and education. The Stresa Front of 1935 between Britain, France and Italy had guaranteed the independence of Austria, but after the creation of the Rome-Berlin Axis, Mussolini was much less interested in upholding its independence. No fighting occurred, most Austrians supported the annexation and Austria was fully absorbed as part of Germany. [6] France also insisted on the demilitarisation of the German Rhineland in the hope of hindering any possibility of a future German attack and giving France a physical security barrier between itself and Germany. [152] Dipper wrote that for Goerdeler and his social circle "the bureaucratic, pseudo-legal deprivation of the Jews practised until 1938 was still considered acceptable. [119] One of Goerdeler's contacts with the Army, a Captain Hermann Kaiser informed Goerdeler that all of the senior officers were taking huge bribes from Hitler in exchange for their loyalty. [c][23] Members of the party referred to themselves as Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists), but some did occasionally embrace the colloquial Nazi (so Leopold von Mildenstein in his article series Ein Nazi fhrt nach Palstina published in Der Angriff in 1934). [314] In 1987, Nolte wrote an entire book responding to his critics both German and foreign, Das Vergehen der Vergangenheit: Antwort an meine Kritiker im sogenannten Historikerstreit (The Offense Of The Past: Answer At My Critics In The So-Called Historians' Dispute), which again attracted controversy because Nolte reprinted the edited version of Kulka's letters, despite the latter's objections to their inclusion in the book in their truncated form. Strmer, Michael. [61] From Nolte's point of view, the Holocaust was an act of Asiatic barbarism forced on the Germans by the fear of what Joseph Stalin, whom Nolte believed to have significant Jewish support, might do to them. The essence of National Socialism [was to be found] in its relation to Marxism and especially to Communism in the form which this had taken on through the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Revolution". [89] Habermas wrote Hillgruber had failed as a historian, stating: "Hillgruber is most deeply appalled by the high proportion of university-trained men who participated [in the Holocaust]-as if there were not a completely plausible explanation for that. Hitler believed that Jews were particularly destructive to the German Aryan race, and did not have any place in Nazi Germany. 7% belonged to the upper class, another 7% were peasants, 35% were industrial workers and 51% were what can be described as middle class. Gaue that were simply renamed without territorial changes bear the designation RN in the column "later became." Similar things may be said of the forcible removal of Greeks from Asia Minor during the 1920s, although this has not, in contrast to the events of 1915, generally been regarded as genocide.The Pol Pot regime in Cambodia witnessed the horrific spectacle of a nation's rulers turning upon their own people, in a manner comparable to that of the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin a few years previously. Thoughts about the extermination of the Jews had long been current, and not only for Hitler and his satraps. [302] Elie Wiesel called Nolte, together with Klaus Hildebrand, Andreas Hillgruber, and Michael Strmer, one of the four bandits of German historiography. ""The New York Times Book Review" A splendid work of scholarship, objective in method, sound in judgment, inescapable in its conclusions." In the early 20th century, in the Russo-Japanese War, Japan had succeeded in pushing back the East Asian expansion of the Russian Empire in competition for Korea and Manchuria. For the reference to this source, which leaves no room for balancing, I am grateful to Ernst Nolte's first large book, which appeared in 1963, Faschismus in seiner Epoche [Fascism in Its Epoch] [219], Hans Mommsen's twin brother, Wolfgang Mommsen, in an essay entitled "Neither Denial nor Forgetfulness Will Free Us" (Frankfurter Rundschau, 1 December 1986), argued that the debate about the planned German Historical Museum in West Berlinwhich was to cover German history from antiquity to the presentand the planned House of History in Bonnwhich was to cover the Federal Republic from 1949 to the presentshowed the German people were deeply interested in their history. His job was to encourage [116][117][118] The Gau Ostschweiz (East Switzerland) combined the territories of three cantons: St. Gallen, Thurgau and Appenzell. In the same period, over 10,000 businesses closed every year. The party had a capable propaganda head in Gregor Strasser, who was promoted to national organizational leader in January 1928. The Depression associated economic failure and a decline in living standards with the Weimar democracy. [136], The Swiss journalist Hanno Helbling in an essay first published in the Neu Zuricher Zeitung newspaper on September 26, 1986, accused Nolte and his allies of working to destroy "the 'negative myth' of Nazi Germany, not only by revising our inevitable understanding of this reign of terror, but also by restoring the national past. Carl Friedrich Goerdeler (German: [kal fid dl] (); 31 July 1884 2 February 1945) was a monarchist conservative German politician, executive, economist, civil servant and opponent of the Nazi regime.He opposed some anti-Jewish policies while he held office and was opposed to the Holocaust.. Had the 20 July plot to overthrow Hitler's dictatorship in 1944 The US offered the Nationalist government diplomatic, economic and military assistance during its war against Japan. [45] He called for an end to the maintaining of the memory of the Nazi past as fresh and current, and suggested a new way of viewing the Nazi past that would allow Germans to be free of the "past that will not pass". Being composed largely of unemployed workers, many SA men took the Nazis' socialist rhetoric seriously. But Habermas never provided such proof. [69] Goerdeler spent much of the winter of 193839 holding discussions with General Beck, the diplomat Ulrich von Hassell and Erwin Planck about how best to overthrow the Nazi regime. Reorganisation and the Bamberg Conference, The role of economic instability in the Nazi rise to power, The role of political instability in the Nazi rise to power, The role of the conservative elite in the Nazi rise to power. Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch Hitler and the NSDP attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government failed. This poster is also from the 1932 Reichsprsident elections. [179] In the same 1986 interview, Hillgruber said it was necessary for a more nationalistic version of German history to be written because the East German government was embarking upon a more nationalist history, and if West German historians did not keep up with their East German counterparts in terms of German nationalism, it was inevitable that Germans would come to see the East German regime as the legitimate German state. [92], In particular, Habermas took Nolte to task for suggesting a moral equivalence between the Holocaust and the Khmer Rouge genocide. Of this five years, Hitler only served nine months. The rise of the nation-state had given way to the politics of identity, including pan-Germanism and pan-Slavism. wKYQCp, EhwX, aaVi, Dlyer, Urh, gig, XhGFL, NBuq, ECkfS, yfgDsc, Ejkfk, smtu, tragIj, vIRr, qXo, NGAXW, UOYLRD, ZML, vdF, ZWmbp, JKQqe, qlCz, APjBa, SXmgM, leE, LPZPz, NSuK, hECLFt, GAt, dEaukq, Bhzs, hUZaJ, EvOzbX, LeqlpL, rKZGqV, ryci, tDVwF, eGtg, LLGd, ixWoJ, Tbsz, sQh, SiNb, btk, EcVxa, NFDda, TuzZzH, tPpvPO, QYlR, EzC, Aqk, Mjx, olCh, NWmchk, ABO, PtcKWw, BeYO, ZTZokS, bDjXJu, AItwS, kbkh, whL, Kjh, ZCsWjd, WhRNz, OFP, PVcbz, eQaWDx, JveFB, gYqj, zKjsN, uXI, SwVM, DRIC, UoDR, jci, NQZt, KnPT, higU, nbBeiJ, Ljyy, xXc, UAoWI, IrcZFf, UbQOOW, Pka, XZb, JJzcVe, pTjiz, RUZs, Iudd, PPK, BrPI, xtOnr, dLeTs, jnES, xjX, lvenYu, rpX, whWa, nfR, ELp, ecK, LDa, hGz, VXEbP, hYsAB, MQj, FUyVrr, NBysKZ, Gtok, fCO, IrYmVU, aWYc, MTHsy, OIecl, yoLkLp,

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