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web components design system

USWDS components are simple and consistent solutions to common user-interface needs. need to be copied into your project so that they are available for bundling upon building your React application. One way is to use the copyfiles NPM package, which you can with any operating system: Pro tip: If using a package.json file, add a script to make keeping the assets up-to-date simpler. For two years we have been making an implementation with web-components using lit-element until I saw this article for a library named Lion allowing to create a design system on top of it . In some cases, a Design System is nothing more than a collection of visual design specs. This means theyre supported forever. You can check our help and feedback page if you dont see the component you need. Over the last five years or so, a better option emerged: building a Design System in a specific frontend framework like Angular or React or Vue. Additionally, given that these frameworks evolve quickly, app dev teams may decide to move to newer versions of the framework independently of other teams, which could introduce compatibility issues with the component distribution. You can query the element and manipulate its properties using regular JavaScript within