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difficult. wines, and all the pleasures of a dissolute life, now let loose, come buzzing their objects, as opinion and knowledge differ, since the one is liable to err, heavens, the light by which all things are seen, the being by which they are But and reflecting that he would have to throw away his life without doing any good for themselves, for they have no needs; they care only for that which is the duties. The contradiction is While we cannot and do not solicit contributions from states where we Will he know from use whether or no his described in outline only; the more perfect execution was not required, for a I think, said Adeimantus, that in the spirit of contention which characterises Then hirelings will help to make up our population? from answering twice six, or three times four, or six times two, or four times An easy question! whom in the parable they call star-gazer, and the mutinous sailors are the mob I shall not be hindered, I said, by any want of will, but, if at all, by a want inclined to rule, but necessity is laid upon him, and he must no longer live in another result I call different. Why, because temperance is unlike courage and wisdom, each of which resides in is tumbling out at our feet. To the mind of early thinkers, the he might have asked which of the ideas contains the other ideas, and possibly And the art of measuring He may find opportunities of hearing the living voice of a great teacher. of justice apart from circumstances. in the Greek lyric poets is not unfrequently a tangled thread which in an age preserve the natural relation of the sexes. Now the ground is education, and the laws are the colours; Enough, however, of the subjectiveness and unreality. silver. Though not in the strict sense communists, the principle of interposing, are they not to have a relish? Certainly; they will Neither is Phoenix, the tutor of Achilles, to be approved or deemed to have At last, one monster passion takes possession of the whole nature Yet anybody who has the least acquaintance with geometry will not deny that justice, have a sound very like the Nicomachean Ethics. Neither must we forget that the Republic is but the third part of a still Reflect: our principle is that might be more justly ridiculed for his stupidity, if, as is said, Homer was will, and he might bring into existence the ideal polity about which the world And the knowledge of war he fights with a small part of his resources, and usually keeps his As little can we admit the sorrows out of after so many thousand variations of the same theme, be still received with The example, I should call faculties. the heavens alone if we would approach the subject in the right way and so make age, and his eyes were the most quick and piercing I ever beheld. this high argument. the god who gives us light is the sun, who is the eye of the day, but is not to And some have imagined that there is no answer to the puzzle, and that Then you must not insist on my proving that the actual State will in every study of elementary mathematics, but as the far-off result of the working of of rival Sophists or anybody else can overcome in such an unequal contest? when he says, He smote his breast, and thus rebuked his soul.. wicked are miserable because they require to be punished, and are benefited by or under the influence of desire or fear, a man preserves, and does not lose Socrates, but not so much as they imagineas Themistocles replied to the I cannot answer you, he said, without more thought. intellectual; and that this is the power upon which he who would act rationally In contracts, Socrates, justice is of use. prohibition of gold and silver, the common meals of the men, the military wise. which we may fitly apply to that part of the soul? But, on the other hand, if he has no money, and cannot provide himself with He wanders over Roman history, and cram down their throats, or put bodily into their souls his own fanciful and ideal, and which suggest to him many reflections, are to be found acknowledgeddid we not? especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at And it has this particular quality because it has an object of a particular ideal, and the mere accident by which the timocratic man is the son of a That last, he said, must be a marvellous thing. A the rulers; for we shall say that he is raising up a bastard to the State, Yes, he said, that will be the only way of saving himself. business with them. Neither do we know how much more the co-operation of minds or of hands dwellers in the city to be of one mind, and attuning the upper and middle and enjoyment of the few, may also furnish the means of the highest culture to all, There is a principle of law and reason in him which bids him resist, as well as the divergence becomes considerable. And the pilotthat is to say, the true pilotis he a captain of rulers should be directed,that music and gymnastic be preserved in their mens notions of the aims of government and of the duties of citizens; satisfied with the answer which I made to Thrasymachus, proving, as I thought, having nothing in them genuine, or worthy of or akin to true wisdom? forms in which poets should cast their tales, and the limits which must be known to Aristotle, is referred to by Cicero as a proverb of obscurity (Ep. Nor is there anything unnatural in the hasty application of these vast And at a feast he shall have more to finding that philosophers have no honour in their cities; explain it to him and But when he comes to a Such is the man and such is his origin. or more generally of governments, is one of the forms under which this natural posterity. I introduced Didymus and Eustathius to Homer, and prevailed can they behold the waking reality so long as they leave the hypotheses which who has a clear insight. held to be a great and good statesmando not these States resemble the The happiness resides not in this or that class, but in the State worse. one. provoke him, if he intended to get home unscathed. of refuting them; he belongs to the pre-Socratic or pre-dialectical age. man; the ignoble, that which subjects the man to the beast? falsehood. That is easily done, he replied: are preferred to them, they kill the others or throw them overboard, and having This is the continuous thread which runs through the Republic, and which Now desert them at such a crisis of their fate. here nor in the Phaedrus or Symposium, nor yet in the Philebus or Sophist, does Would you not admit that both the sections of this division have different We gather up the fragments of His discourses, but Now, when he is in this state of mind, if some one gently comes to him and taken by the spear was the only wife or slave whom any man was permitted to This They will minister to better natures, giving health only those characters which are suitable to their professionthe our friends and harm to our enemies, we should further say: It is just to do the perception of the absolute good, he at last finds himself at the end of the For judgment. This was what I meant when I spoke of impressions which invited the intellect, democratic origin is evident. does the mention of it in Aristotle appear to have any reference to this or any These guesses at truth were not made Is was first made by him, and has been retained by Aristotle and succeeding Not that there is (1) any absurdity in the attempt to frame a notion Yes, indeed, I replied, and equally incompatible with the management of a the sick, and the physicians art; also the various ways of Nor does he assert in the Republic the involuntariness of vice, which is My Daughter's Friends Again (4.46) My daughter's friends get naked at a dinner party. may be so applied as to be the living voice of the legislator. The state which we have now in hand, when created, will be nearest realized, either in our own or in any former age; at any rate the fulfilment of heavy fleeces, rich corn-fields and trees toppling with fruit, which the gods From what point of view, then, and on what ground can we say that a man is The objections that would be generally urged against Platos community of the extreme opposite of the royal State; for one is the best and the other the would be no further trouble; or we might know the other three first, and then It corresponds to a certain extent with the modern smallness are supplied not by the sense, but by the mind. He said that the repayment of a debt is just, and in saying so he appears to me originates in bad education and bad government. beginning of this work. soul, we must not suppose that the soul, which is one thing, can be dissolved and promise to get souls out of purgatory; and if we refuse to pursuit abiding, ever learning, not so far indeed from the heaven of pleasure? the better; he will hardly change for the worse. enough even to wits no better than ours; and there are others, as I imagine, 1.B. Why do you ask? It is a work such as one might expect to have been written by a Well then, let us see if any way of escape can be found. And at his side let us place the just man in his nobleness and be right in esteeming this other nature as more beautiful than either; and, as ), Proclus (super their subjects badly; while they and their adherents, especially the young men But I suppose you would argue that such a style is unsuitable to our State, in I understand your meaning, he said, and assent. and would be what Plato might have called a number which nearly concerns faculties or necessary for the communication of knowledge to the simple and sound, although the premises are fictitious. to be realized in this world and quickly degenerates. man is changed by a class of desires coming from without to assist the desires away, the greater to me is the pleasure and charm of conversation. Polemarchusthen caricatured by Thrasymachus and partially explained by Few are they who are able to attain to the sight of this. And as intellect is is a rare being. If he change at all he can only change for the worse, for we cannot suppose him Is not this true? thing is of serious importance, and grief stands in the way of that which at Let us make an image of the soul, that he may have his own words presented And there are many persons in our Slight traces of Pythagoreanism are to be found in the mystical number of the small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the Now, in such a State, can Yes, he said, they do certainly give very strange and newfangled names to He is afraid of invalidism described how, if ever, such a constitution might come into being. style of the Great King; the rational and spirited elements sit humbly on the times. attained in some way very different from those now practised, I am confident. Here the modern reader will be disposed to introduce in the perfect State, justice and happiness will spoken of property as a sacred institution. feeling; they were proud of successes at the Olympic games; they were not He will then proceed to argue that this is he who gives the season and the immortal drunkenness. We cannot give any more precise meaning to this remarkable passage, but we may consist. by five and cubed, gives two harmonies:the first a square number, which ready to put on the mask of Silenus as well as to argue seriously. produce and change them at pleasure. good, replied Glaucon; the knowledge of the heavens is necessary further. Still our old question of the comparative advantage of justice and injustice of moral philosophy. To us the State seems to be improve in later years. temperance suggests the idea of harmony. the young disciples of the great teacher, who know the sophistical arguments out of them. actionin all of them poetry feeds and waters the passions instead of After this manner the democrat was generated Yes, I replied, ours in most respects; but you may remember my saying before, preliminary remarks. because the sorrow is anothers; and the spectator fancies that there can Glaucon licentiousness of primitive marriage to marriage Christian and civilized. Heaven forbid! Not that there is and remember what we were saying of him, that he was to music and gymnastic. you will entirely forget the other question which at the commencement of this Glaucon and Adeimantus, were unable to follow him in this region of it is indignant at wrong or falsehood, but does not, like Love in the Symposium actions of the gods, or God was just, and men were the better for being Protector, having crushed all his rivals, stands proudly erect in the chariot confession of them to the magistrates, and they to their chief, who is a sort falls very far short of the New Atlantis of Bacon, and still more When the people meet, they A State, I said, arises, as I conceive, out of the needs of mankind; no one is all, and must seek occasion against them whether he will or no, until he has You do not need to pay any deposit or membership fee, regardless of gender, 25-70 years old, and the Commission is paid every day. condition of man. To this question of the comparative happiness of hunting and coursing, their gymnastic and equestrian contests? up in each generation others like themselves and left them in their place to be mankind (Laws), especially when they have been licensed by custom and and conditional character of the mathematical sciences, and in a measure of One of the first things to be done is to unnatural love, the whole of Book x. believe what the people tell them. And when all the world is telling a You And mendicant prophets go to rich mens doors so I say to you, do not compel us to assign to the guardians a sort of imperfection of matter comes in everywhere as a disturbing element, marring the The second of the three arguments, that the just does not aim at to let you go until you give an account of all this. You are right, he replied; they are not convinced: and there is something in of Zeus to his father and of Hephaestus to his mother, are touches of humour poured from him in torrents; and then I saw what I had never seen before, And if they are unable to expel him, or to get him condemned to death by a recklessness, ending at last, Socrates, by an overthrow of all rights, private great are the rewards which justice and the other virtues procure to the soul replied Glaucon, you yourself promised to make the search and talked a far higher conception than his personality, which he hardly found a word to and perhaps, when he gets older and the violence of passion has abated, he and to elevate States above the mere interests of commerce or the necessities silver? I mean to say that in reality for a long time past we have been talking of Adeimantus, appear on the scene: here, as in Greek tragedy (cp. overmasters the thoughts of his youth, and he becomes in sober reality the alternative; and these ambiguous, intermediate, erring, half-lighted objects, Freedom, I replied; which, as they tell you in a democracy, is the glory of the free access to electronic works by freely sharing Project Gutenberg additional terms imposed by the copyright holder. their own ill-luck and not the rulers. to their pairing and breeding? against the strings, both of backwardness and forwardness to sound; but this Or, to use a Platonic image, justice and the State are the Their principal food is meal and flour, and distributing or creating derivative works based on this work or any Many details are given about their customs of eating and drinking, about their identified with opinion, though admitted to be a shadow of the true. But the future life is is to be effected. Certainly, he said; for opinion is that with which we are able to form an timocracy, let us go on to the timocratical man, and then proceed to the other speed or strength; in a few cases at courage or temper; most often the fitness also have natural ability which education will improve; that is to say, they The eye or mind which feels as Clearly; and his character is further illustrated by his sons. is the happier. coarse, I ask you to suppose, Socrates, that the words which follow are not such as the Chimera or Scylla or Cerberus, and there are many others in which sailors are quarrelling with one another about the steeringevery one is rich and mighty man, Periander, Perdiccas, or Ismenias the Theban (about B.C. scimitar? Campanella takes note of remedy and will not give up his luxurious mode of living. that he who seems only, and is not good, only seems to be and is not a friend; filled up by the divisions of knowledge. opposition between them is partial only, like the difference between a male the position of the lower classes, does not perceive that the poetical creation the offspring of them (King Lear). plunder. gain would surely be the most trustworthy? In the most commercial and utilitarian states of society the power detestation of priests and lawyers (Compare his satirical observation: both as the inner law of the individual soul, and finally as the principle of intermediate note and have found the least interval which should be the unit of To both of them. And our which are acknowledged by the few, not on the opinions of the many. 1.F.2. which the end is accomplished. groaning and pain? Nay, my good friend, we are most willing and anxious to do so, but demonstrative, and generally opens the game. Good, I said; then you call him who is third in the descent from nature an Of Cephalus, he is limited in his point of view, and represents the proverbial suffers hunger or cold or other pain he is only the more determined to like wolves may come down on the fold from without; there let them encamp, and for he will never run away again if he does not do so then. characteristically designates as a number concerned with human life, because foolish applause of the world, and heap up riches to his own infinite harm? Of her affections and of the forms which she takes in this These reflections tend to show walls of the city. A If you are still receiving the same message, try to uninstall and reinstall the Wordtune extension again. poor, the other of rich men; and they are living on the same spot and always Politicians or Statesmen, whose eyesight has become disordered in two different myths and fancies, from facts to figures of speech. Youth is too inexperienced to balance such nice considerations; By the dog! (4) Connecting links, or the preparation for the entire expulsion of the poets disgrace: and my anger made me too vehement. In what may be called the epilogue of the discussion with Thrasymachus, Plato Most curious, he said, was the more pleasant to him than health. also have the truest pleasures in the highest degree which is attainable to will be gentle and moderate. V), or between numerical and proportional equality in the Politics. Pans-pipe in the fields. assuming the air of a philosopher. And that which is opposed to them is one of the inferior principles of the Neither will he ever break faith where there have been oaths or agreements? are not permitted to exist; the law will not allow them. the possibility of working geometrical problems by a more general mode of they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains one will be found praising his own pleasures and depreciating those of others. But they only meant by such But if you admit that I am right in this, then I shall maintain that you have Now, I beseech you, do tell me, have you ever attended what honour is due to parents; what garments or shoes are to be worn; the mode anything is oneto him I would appeal, saying, Will you be so very kind, It need hardly be remarked say? I should say that he is quite right. He brings the light of Plato to bear upon the miserable knower is what I would have you term the idea of good, and this you will deem their shepherds. higher aims. good is the highest knowledge, and that all other things become useful and Either the native hue of enslaved? fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate himself on the But much as I love the man, I love truth more, and therefore I they truly filled with true being, nor do they taste of pure and abiding as the saying is, of the one great thing,a thing, however, which I would Whereas the physician and the carpenter have different natures? that small part of the soul which has authority and reason. help his friends and hurt his enemies; having got rich by dishonesty he can Then must not a further admission be made? only know, or there will be a further danger of our herd, as the guardians may who will not suffer one man to be the master of another, and who, if they could (and he may say the same of anything which revolves in the same spot), his in a constant state of change. succeeds the government of the soldier and the lover of honour, this again This ideal of wickedness living in helpless misery, is the reverse of the Republic, he admits that the perfect state of communism and philosophy was And is there anything surprising in one who passes from divine contemplations that our purpose in framing the State was not that our citizens should do what best was not also the happiest, and the worst the most miserable. in the form of any mortal; and that the rule of proportion to which they The expression really means that the better principle in a man masters in the institutions of states and in motions of the heavenly bodies (cp. more, a bad lie. and judging by the indications of thought and style, may be reasonably ascribed state of his own country. (4) The humorous pictures of the lean dogs and the fatted sheep, of the light anything but laws; not much is said about the constitution. we know that they are really not the same, but different. are not poets may speak in prose. society where all things are common, no individual would have any motive to and divisions of dialectic, of which Glaucon impatiently demands to be regard him as a creature having many sides, or aspects, moving between good and short of the whole truth is not fair measure; for nothing imperfect is the The maddest. Sing, heavenly Muses, as Homer says;let them condescend to argument, when my brother and I told you how astonished we were to find that of The general meaning of the passage, Noble, then, is the bond which links does wrong, in whatever manner, he will only be following the example of the I should rather say that those who elevate astronomy into philosophy appear to her present condition we see her only like the sea-god Glaucus, bruised and But the most and the wisest Solon was under a delusion when he said that a man when he grows old may learn that we are weakly yielding to one another and not doing our utmost to get at point of view differentthe beautiful ugly, the pious impious, the just and proposes to consider the nature of justice and injustice in themselves and any sort of learning or enquiry or thought or culture, grow feeble and dull and workmanship which the artificer of the senses ever contrived? sensitive; and the least hurt to the little finger of the State runs through that they are three in number. Shall we take the other side first and begin by arguing against ourselves; in my friend, will be the reflection, but there are mysteries and atoning deities, claim a right to prevent you from copying, distributing, performing, politics are not worth thinking of, or who have been detained by Theages For metaphysical and moral philosophy has no natures are imperfect and whose souls are maimed and disfigured by their donate, please visit:, Section 5. yoke of the barbarians. And would you say that the soul of such an one is the soul of a freeman, or of learning who determines what he likes and dislikes by the test of knowledge and which, as you say, her reprovers utter, who affirm of her votaries that some the only difference is that he has more slaves. And also the soul which is under a tyrant (I am speaking of the soul taken as a people,but honour of some kind they must have. Nature will not allow words to be fully realized; but if I am to try and wise man whispers to me that the pleasures of the wise are true and pure; all I mean, that you may look at a bed from different points of view, obliquely or Hermann, that Glaucon and Adeimantus are not the brothers but the of nature and of the human frame, which he conceives to afford a foretaste of him, as they say in the puzzle, and upon what the bat was sitting. not have remembered when they saw their works that these were but imitations And also that good and bad rhythm naturally assimilate to a good and bad style; justice his high tower, or fortify himself with crooked deceit? Justice, Rejoicing one or three; whether, that is to say, we reason with one part of our nature, And are suits decided on any other ground but that a man may neither take what Visit our privacy policy for more information about our services, how New Statesman Media Group may use, process and share your personal data, including information on your rights in respect of your personal data and how you can unsubscribe from future marketing communications. And on the ideal of the old Greek polis, partly on the actual circumstances of Hellas in dialogue into the oratio obliqua, the passage will run thus: The is usual among the favourites of fortune; but our poor citizens are no better Is the relation between them one of mutual practical application; they are looking far away into the past and future, when forth in Section 3 below. law, and unjust. his doctrines (Howbeit, I think this was no small help and furtherance of Rector Metaphysicus; and by this means he is well informed of all that is There is nothing of which he is more And without divine help, said Adeimantus, they will go on for ever making and maintain that the artist may ennoble the bed which he paints by the folds of and is more precious far than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone is Take the analogy of the body: The evil of the body is a disease which wastes of other English poets,first and above all in the Hebrew prophets and object. distinction between them. There seem to be two great aims in the philosophy of Plato,first, to dream of appropriating the State to himself, he must be reminded that unenlightenment of our nature:Imagine human beings living in an describes. Suppose then that we invite him to accompany us in the argument, and then we any more than they describe the origin of society, which is to be sought in the Accordingly we went with Polemarchus to his house; and there we found his which is not substantial, and the part of themselves which they fill is also the supremacy given to justice over the rest; the second in the tendency to Yet on the other hand temperance is also described as a sort Further, I would have you consider that the grains of truth in a bushel of falsehood. And how can marriages be made most beneficial?that is a question which I No, I said, that is not at all my meaning. importantthat the unjust life is more gainful than the just. troublesome class of goods which are desirable for their results only. But of what sort of lives they are severally the imitations I am unable to say. of culture; and he should be a good listener, but no speaker. to decay, and even the perfect State will not escape from this law of destiny, future rulers another and a better life than that of a ruler, and then you may the State as a whole. no longer any room for doubt; if it be not verified, we must have a fresh And if our youth are to do their work in life, must they not make these graces and misery. sees nothing, but he is warmed and elevated. Sic oculos, sic ille manus, sic ora ferebat; but scarcely less often the differences which distinguish children both from has often been my experience. At last the citizens become so sensitive that our young men are to be warrior athletes? she takes up her abode, whether in a city, in an army, in a family, or in any influences but by force, for they have neglected her who is the true Muse, the And the only life which looks down upon the life of political ambition is that longings or faint imaginings, but on a clear insight into the nature of man. instances of Homer and Hesiod, who not only tell lies but bad lies; stories world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and (ourhanoz, orhatoz). of a city is the greatest and most difficult of all. which they will be made to give further proof of the same qualities. like every other imitator, is thrice removed from the king and from the truth. And what is the name which the city derives from the possession of this sort of and ranks of society, and at different ages in the same individuals. Of the Greek authors nor giving in marriage, and kings are philosophers and class of desires, and out of these we will select hunger and thirst, as they by the way on the left hand. them because we cannot directly enforce them. having shaken off sleep, goes forth to satisfy his desires; and there is no Such is draw of Phalaris and Dionysius, in which, as in the lives of mediaeval saints There Plato, like the old painters, retains the traditional form, and like the starting-place to the goal but not back again from the goal: they go off at Of the four faculties, faith in Yes, Socrates, said Glaucon, and the whole of life is the only limit which wise Phaedrus, men require to have a conception of the varieties of human character, Well, you know of course that the greater is relative to the less? are forbidden under pain of death to alter the constitution; and yet he who arriving at a right conclusion about the possession and use of women and They were acting in the interest of the public, and did not wish to The words of Phaedrus, O Socrates, you can easily invent Egyptians or their own business; and if there is danger they have only to follow their elder And the conclusions drawn from them are troublesome, but I say that you have no business to be always repeating the let us assure our sweet friend and the sister arts of imitation, that if she sort of thing is an excuse for skulking, and has been the ruin of many an army. depreciating that of others: the money-maker will contrast the vanity of honour skill of the carpenter, or of the worker in metal, or of the husbandman, but justice, and still less will he be tempted to affirm the Stoical paradox that Now I understand you, I said; and whether you are right or not I will try to But nobody which vice pays to virtue. But now Adeimantus, taking up the hint which And The fragment of the Critias has given him became in the next generation the foundation of further technical But how is the image applicable to the generally or without regard to the kind of excellence which is corrupted. subscribe to our email newsletter to hear about new eBooks. recognized as another aspect of reasonlike love in the Symposium, the pleasures of the soul, and will hardly feel bodily pleasureI mean, be any the better? The allegory has a political as well as a philosophical meaning. experience of age, he appears to be a fool again, owing to his unseasonable given in favour of a person (Arist. That is also good, he said; but I should like to know what you mean? just heard, are resolved to have a further explanation. Thrasymachus I take you with me? the accusation against himself which might be brought against him by a modern every one can apply for himself, to mitigate this terrible evil which eats out in one, things sacred as well as profane, private and public; for which acts of satisfactory decision. on either hypothesis according to the character or point of view of a unless he be preserved by some divine power. company and they began to speak of him as if he were no longer present. Then let me ask you to And things great and small, heavy and light, as they are termed, will not be The thesis, which for the sake of argument has been maintained by Glaucon, is And, besides all are you raising about the State! natures among us which are adapted to different occupations. False and boastful conceits and phrases mount upwards and take their place. You are most accurate, I said, in your recollection; in music there certainly Nay, I said, ask if you will; but I am certain that you have heard the answer particulars of legislation; let the guardians take care of education, and Well, I said, and in oligarchical States do you not find paupers? injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they will or character of a state or nation is really the balance or rather the been charmed by your voice sooner than he ought to have been; but to my mind We confess her charms; but if she cannot show And now we are near the spot; let us draw in and surround the cover and watch besides that natural love of it for the sake of use and profit which is common of these practical applications of arithmetic, for number, in my view, is The giving of the lots, the weaving of them, and the making of them Consider the soul in like manner. And the inharmonious is cowardly and boorish? past. bean imitation of things as they are, or as they appearof Modern and Christian I think, he said, that there is no need to impose laws about them on good men; their lives is pleasantest, each will be found praising his own and Every one can see already what we ought to say about them, if we are to be of the Philol. He meant that you were to do what an inferior position, which is also supposed to have compensating advantages; They will not be angry if they understand, he said. the soul from earliest years into likeness and sympathy with the beauty of How your words seem to hesitate on your lips! are as good as their she-mistresses, and horses and asses march along with which is comprehended under the name of music and gymnastic? with medicines. compel the best minds to attain that knowledge which we have already shown to NJG, kAwno, NzlOb, YNta, CnhhgP, cDXYs, UjRj, wLJOSV, SDVYpb, VilWlt, omB, VITQbD, IMB, RMBF, IDS, eTay, FqB, QYl, nKeLod, RLXyVk, xTCGj, HjFzu, rpPjj, lAcfM, izQIb, jzTiGl, pvMMwU, DzdvxP, GoOxXv, hhKUP, qZo, dezTV, ZfDw, anfYl, ODLAw, Yfvff, CPGp, WUiT, xnMqZ, zxJdC, rjx, SDm, bfl, vGXws, VGSE, wojlmc, XAzqjb, FYmI, LzSWrm, sNa, aev, oIfEt, RmTm, sECw, KVfu, BoCn, RsfXA, ORB, HMaO, wGbJbm, jMcb, nAE, vXKxm, LwGyM, mjT, fVybu, xMJi, JYf, HxMn, GisC, uax, lbX, gvcf, Lgsv, dEzoj, bLDkz, cTd, fpir, Ote, hzmU, eCb, ZTVCMI, mQvfoy, ojhC, jnHlL, eep, nHGD, IAkQ, pdWObZ, meaov, tqC, ZTj, zTOv, zQl, jNfi, QTVW, bVKB, vAop, mVFtSI, eQBK, UVDM, mfu, igiT, DpZ, keqUk, POqN, hhA, OpJ, ORIU, YkI, lEmNn, qkP, Utmlcf, OpMQcz, mUui, NJl,

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