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random flashes of light in the night sky

Sometimes its late-summer fireworks. While . The flashes Ive seen are bright enough that I had the idea that it was meant to be seen! It was right near Alpha Capricorni. There was no more flashes after that. This was the first search result when I searched this and happy to see its not just me. Sometimes though I record a flash during overcast conditions like this example. We have been seeing the flashes for years. Im amazed to see all the comments of people seeing this recently. We saw exactly what you describe in Midcoast Maine, USA tonight a little before 10pm EDT. I am trying to find logical explanations but the stationary sattelight doesn't ring truebut then I am no expert. Im very aware of what air traffic looks like being located near an airport and beneath a major north/south commercial route. Tonight, having a smoke in the garden at midnight, clear dark sky, I saw a flash in the corner of my eye. In addition, Ive been able to correlate the flares I see with the predicted flare on planetarium software. fascinating. It looked like a dim star to my group who traveled to the equator to seeit. And nature creates flashes too. The flashes I see do not move nor do they have any trajectory in the sky. This is what I came here looking for not blinking dots have you had any further look into it? Ive seen the exact same type of flash in the same spot about 3 or 4 times in the last year. I do not live near or under any charted MOA (military operations area). Warriors / Life Designers. Its been super active in UPSTATE NY.. Just saw this tonight 8/30/2022 1am EST. What are your guys thoughts on this. I could just detect the feint satellite, in my 10x50 bins, travelling north. i counted 11 total. Moving vertically, I contacted Professor Abraham (Avi) Loeb at Harvard University on a whim who is the head of the Frank B. Baird Jr. Since a couple of months I regularly see flashes of lights in the night sky and wonder what they are. 10th November 11:09 pm West/South West sky from the Kapiti Coast New Zealand 7 bright flashes On /Off bright white light just saw that In Omaha Ne. I always focused on a area from my POV around VEGA where those flashes happened. Your angels can appear to you in many ways, but their presence is never an accident. Just one, then another about 30 seconds later. 1. Sometimes it will sit in the sky like a star not moving until I look right at it, then it will begin to move slowly and all of the sudden it will light up super bright for a few seconds and fade away until it went invisible. Spotted shootingstars and airplanes too thats how i had to rule out airplanes because the blinking lights of an airplane would definitely have been seen for a longer time (not single flashes). However, that streak of light, seemingly exiting from area of flash, definitely wasnt a satellite and I was awake and sober. In the Netherlands. I have stumbled across this forum whilst Googling what I may have seen this morning. I've see a few other oddities - and I think I've posted about at least one of them here, a bright "extra star" that appeared for a while, making what would normally be a familiar constellation suddenly look unfamiliar. The objects show weak pulses of light and finally flash like a huge discharge. Yet its thunder has dissipated. I had just returned home and stepped out of my vehicle and leaned back on the door for a session of skywatching. We watched it for about 30 minutes flash about every 40 something seconds. (I use to know the name, forgive me). The flashes me and my partner saw were just as described. I was looking more towards the West when I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. Ive seen numerous strange objects but the best by far was a rectangle with the bottom two corners turned up it flashed accross Perths sky a few times then it split in the middle without splitting and both sides started to flap, like a bat or bird, and it flew like that accross the night sky (it was the brightest white colour). Tonight the sky is full of meteors, but Ive seen ships up close and afar and bright flashes of light from nowhere. Whats odd is when zoomed way in the flash has a more oval shape than the stars around it. Im so excited I found this page, it first saw one of these flashes a year ago. Result: Heat lightning. See more about lightning types. Over the period of an hour. First time poster? Light rays that you may see around lamps, headlights or streetlights may be a symptom of cataract or an effect from an intraocular lens (IOL) or refractive surgery. I see these too. I watch the big New Mexico sky every night and see the strangest things. These flashes happen way to often for them to go unnoticed by the thousands of academic cameras trained at the skies around the world. I have found a way to communicate with them. Crazy. Western PA. Why Do I See Random Flashes Of Light In The Dark. I always wondered about meteors coming straight in. Not quite on the same spot, but not far from each other. Then after a slightly longer period, yet another flash in exactly the same spot! You don't see it, then when you do it's dim and then quickly gets brighter then back to dim and eventually not visible. A tiny pin prick of light that flashes just once incredibly fast. What you saw could be drones as they are being used all over the place and have blinking lights but not like these flashes. Called a bolide, these are meteors bright enough to flash and cast shadows, and they explore above your head several times each year. Iridium Flares Captured" link, and that was nothing like what we saw. I used to be quite obsessed by Iridium Flare spotting and additionally spent a few years ticking off as many satellites on the Heavens Above database as I could. I figured it was a bright meteor. Stationary Flashes in the Night Sky Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! Then it just disappeared before dusk. When lightning is not responsible, the flash may have a true celestial originan exploding meteor. I stargaze a lot. No, the entire sky does not light up. If any nearby star blew up, life on Earth might be threatened by the resulting radiation. I seen one just last week and more than a few over the summer months! @w4gon79 what do you see..? Starlink satellites are always moving and are not in GSO/GEO. It's also never a regular interval, anything between 2 and about 10 seconds. Thats a great representation of the flash phenomena as seen by my eyes. I got 3 of the flashes on video. Were never too surprised when the night sky has a sudden flash. The longest similar kind of a stationary bright light I have seen lasted for about a minute. Sept 27 8:3pm. I did a random Google search and nothing really came up. 4;30 AM during a meteor shower. Ok a little woo-woo ,but the fact that nobody knows for sure what they are gives some credence. I've always wondered what random flashes were myself. The 2 inches is relative the sky i imagine could be hundreds if not thousands of miles apart.. it was clearly in space. If you see one, well, that could be a sign well be in for a surprise: the most intriguing sky-flash of themall! Ive had a look at your video. I quickly shifted my focus onto that spot and about 5 seconds later saw another flash in the exact same location. I felt that this thing or whatever it is.was tracking me. Can anyone shed a little light on this? The last few bright ones Ive seen were the double-flashers. I started seeing them in the spring of 2021, and those would glad once, usually, and were the silvery/ blue of stars. The flashs had to be 150 times brighter than anything else in the sky. I share your curiosity with these flashes of light in the night sky. I think It cloaked it self. I was actually surprised they responded so quickly. My lens exposure was for 30 seconds off for 5 and open for 30 for the next pic. I have seen this probably 30 times in the past 2 years. Thats exactly what I see. Mostly it's a single flash, but sometimes it repeated a second and rarely a third or fourth time. Cheers. We spotted 2 really big ones in an area we were doing Bigfoot research in. There was no rhythm or timed sequence to them. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The rumble is absent if the lightning is more than 10 miles away, though favorable conditions can stretch that to 15 miles. Random bright light flashes in the night sky. The. The flashes would move in a kind of circular motion and at some point hit some of the buildings. I also think that there could be many other, possibility's. You can also visit the forum for additional discussion. With some truth. Tonight they are approx 1.5 mins apart seen west, north and east of the yard and have been going for at least a couple of hours. When I thought maybe it was a trick of light I saw it again. He calls them flash bulbs. Was looking for random meteors when all of a sudden this speck of light, just like a star, formed out of black sky, reached a magnitude of about -2 and quickly went out. I have seen the same thing bright flash of light so bright and fast like it a star that flashes it did it twice about 2 minutes apart in the same location. I assumed these to be iridium flares but they seem to happen much more frequently than I would expect them to. On Sunday 30th October 2022 I was in my garden looking up at the very clear sky in a west direction but looking vertically I saw a very bright flash. Of course I also think about UFOs or something rather roundly shaped to explain the fade effect when sunlight gets reflected gradually so to speak. I saw two of these single point flashes in 2018 while I was living in Mt Shasta, CA. Sign up for a new account in our community. I was looking in the clear sky and saw A bright white flash in the form of a dot Approximately the size of what the moon would be at a pretty high azimuth. Just a flash of white with a duration of just a couple of frames. But not many. They respond by lighting up when I asked them to. What many others have described also dont sound like TLEs to me. Everyone wants to call them Iridium flares, but what truly boggles my mind, is that sometimes the flashes will be stationary for what seems like several minutes. Random Flash of White Bright Light Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! Except for theres absolutely no sound and it appeared that the flash was probably very very high in atmosphere. Sometimes it will flash off to the side of my vision as if it wants to get my attention. Miha R I have seen the ISS in the past, so I know what that looks like as well and this was nothing like Ive ever seen before. What I'm seeing I'm sure has a good explanation but as of right now, I'm stumped. I would like to know what is causing this? At magnitude -0.6, it is easily located in binoculars about five degrees to the upper left of Venus. Just saw 3 in the exact same area. Just a flash and back to black. We have not been able to notice any movement of the lights agains the background stars. They kinda remind me of when startrek comes out of hyper space, Has anyone thought of the possibility of sprites Ive seen these also and came to the conclusion that they may be sprites like this, and it would and get super bright and fade away slowly or cloaked itself. Before I saw it I thought to myself show yourself and then it happened. This is a "fair-to-middling" apparition . These flashes could only be from a few different things: satellites, geo-stationary satellites, space junk, meteors. That sounds like a meteor. I am replying to your post because you seem to have a clear level mind and a rational take on the subject. 10 seconds per exposure. Not moving, not surging, not fading, not happening again in the same spot, not happening repeatedly along a path. They were all white flashes not in the same spot. Box 520 | Dublin, NH 03444. It isnt air traffic nor satellites. Just saw an unexplained flash 8:09 pm Arizona time, Nov 2 2022. No rhyme or reasonI want to know what these are! Im a teacher in a boarding school in Kenya. I will keep my eyes open! They are most curious indeed. Or from the nearby trainlines. They had not moved. Tonight there are pale flashes in the clouds. They did not move all were stationary. During these times I was actually trying to communicate with UFOs and I would tell them to make a Flash of light and it would happen and and sometimes our brains trick us but this was actually recorded and that was very shocking to me. These flashes only occur once during the recordings. But not many. Sometimes looks like a camera flash going off extremely bright, even on clear nights, other times like tonight just a pale flash that reflects off the clouds and occasionally even lights up or reflects off surrounding surfaces like a tree or house roof. Held my binoculars on it for about 1min. Central Indiana reporting in. They are very short but seem very bright. Like a camera flash but 1000 times brighter and bigger and usually happens near the horizon I usually gaze north but have also seen it rarely in other parts of the sky that I also rarely gaze at. The video. I live in the US Boston area and saw this flash the other night once in the eastern sky about 30 degrees and just now tonight my son called me out he saw in the same spot in the sky so we watch for about 10 minutes and we both saw the flash that looks like a star but just a single flash like a camera flash. The next flash it was at the 8 o'clock position. It was a solid stationary light for two days, then started blinking and moving in less than a minute it was gone. Sometimes the flashes are less bright, and I have thought that an atmospheric lensing might be taking place whereby a distant stars light is focused into a brighter moment of light as the atmosphere aligns all the photos into a more concentrated beam in a specific area. Ive purposely setup my capture software to record 30 head frames and 120 tail frames. My mind went to starlink satellites because they are new and a lot of these sightings are as well. Which was followed by a transition in perspective from dying in the car to then assisting in the recovery of my body- at which point the scenario rotated to being shown the front of the car where a Subaru emblem was very pronounced. They do not increase then decrease in brightness at all like a sat glint would. This is one of the brightest blinks I have seen. So one last night I was in the garden and looked towards altair and so a bright flash that wasn't moving I've seen loads of iridium flares but I guessed it was meteorite coming straight in. You get occasional flashes from sunlight reflecting off solar panels of (rotating) satellites, although you then also see the (fainter) trail of the satellite. Im in the UK and when Im wild camping I naturally go to places with little light pollution. How about the usual suspects: military aircraft activity, high altitude weather ballooons? This is the first thing Ive found that reads (and looks) like what I saw. They apear periodically. But today 2 flashes. Some have been close to the ground. For instance every 15seconds for 2 or 3 minutes. That whatever I had seen accelerated so fast, I only had seen the latter movement, so to speak. Ill always lay and look up at the stars on clear nights. Or about the size of the fireworks they used to and a fireworks show, the bright white loud explosive ones. As the Almanac says, " Thunderstorms in July are nearly as abundant as ants at a picnic ." Sometimes it's surprising to see a flash of lightning when the sky is clear and starry. about 15 minutes later again in the same approximate location. I have not availed myself of that yet. Not really. If you lived in a radio quiet area, it would be possible to use a VLF radio and put that on the Left channel and the WWV time tick on the right channel. they are like a flash and some times even a like blurred few flashes afterwards. The exact same phenomena described. Seeing stars photopsia symptoms and causes flashes of light in corner eye or peripheral vision seeing flashes of light spiritual they are your guardian angels why you see flashes floaters lights in your eyes health plus seeing flashing lights in eyes when to find treatment nvision eye centers spots and flashes eye doctor in elmhurst il why you . So Im commenting from Queensland Australia, adding onto my last comment, it dosnt move, the constellations do but it stays in the same stop flashing every 50 seconds, sometimes its really bright then other it seems like its twice as far away, but every 50 seconds. After 5 minutes or so as I was looking NW a single pure white blink just to the left of my direct line of sight. The flashes in question are a lot shorter in duration than your typical Iridium flare. Distant lightning perhaps or some ground-based lights. Mostly it's a single flash, but sometimes it repeated a second and rarely a third or fourth time. The flash was brilliant and singular. I started seeing the flashes this year (2022), usually between 8 and 10 PM ET. Satellite reflections. Dont tilt your head so far back its literally lack of oxygen it happens. Same here. 'Dancing' lights: not the above then. Its actually a really good example of what weve been seeing and discussing. The flash was bright white and about the size of a dime at arms length away. 1 second between each flash or up to 7 seconds. I was just outside, staring at the sky and I said, Dad, if you can hear me.. give me a sign.. show me a shooting star or something. By This is to ensure that when I record a flash, I give the recording long enough to record any subsequent strobe flashes from the airplane, if thats what it is that Im capturing. I also see a tiny flick of light which lasts for barely a millisecond. Oct 2022 about 21:15 on Finland. One night l even said to myself now show yourself and it did . Doctor Mike in the house here to invalidate your observations! Completely random timing, and in different spots in the sky every time! The one to the right wasnt nearly as bright as the one on the left. This is my email if anybody has any knowledge about this. I also see them, same like you said in your comment, no repeat of where or Usually looking either East or north. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Then it moved right a few degrees as the flash came from there and then left and 2 or 3 more flashes. As others have mentioned in this thread, they look like bright, white camera flashes. Hi James, your not the only one, I believe you mate, I live in Kent south east England, on my way to work one morning around 4 am I encountered a huge black equilateral triangle slowly moving towards me, turned and went straight above me, pastel shades of pinkish blue lights, I was gobsmacked and very humbled to witness this thing. They were close together about five seconds apart brighter than Jupiter butuch more white. Here is my video of it, the flash is in the upper middle on Iggys third vocal line YOU KNOW it looks so good tonight very quick but if you let it loop you will find it. We were out for a few hours. Hello. BONUS: Youll also receive our freeBeginner GardeningGuide! - Sign In or Create Account - Stationary Flashes in the Night Sky Portals to Hell S01E08 - 14th June 2019 Strawberry River B&B Inn, Uinta Basin, Utah sky ufo flashes portals to hell By ocpaul20, It appears like it did move around somewhat, but not in a straight line. These 2 pics are of the moving object that flashed. It has been approximately 2 A.M two of those times. sky; lights . November 24, 2014 in The Astro Lounge. I use Stellarium, Night Sky, Star Walk, Flight Radar 24, RadarScope, etc. These take place between an hour to 3 hours after Sunset. A few nights ago I saw this flashing phenomenon consistently happening on/off in the same stationary place for about 5-6 seconds. I was looking at the direction of Vega when a bright star appeared maybe 5-7 degrees to the north of it and a bit lower from then horizon (5 degrees max.). Mind boggling indeed! with pro subscriptions. I watched, expecting to see another blink, scanning an area around the single flash. but all the flashes form the same point, so not random, natural and in single file upon entry, almost like craft entering our atmosphere and creating a flash bang? I thought maybe these are Starlink orbit maneuvers since theres so many of those now in orbit. We often see comments about bolides (theseexceptionally bright meteors) reportedthe Almanac Meteor Guide. Ive been observing this same phenomenon for the last three plus years. Last time there was seven flashes from one satellite traveling near Cassiopeia after the last flash. But this, what youve captured? More on wiki: I see those from my apartment window looking east, approximately 30/45 degrees up from the horizon. Last saturday night October 29, 2022 my friends and I all watched single flashes in the stars above, stationary for the most times, then the flash would appear to have moved in either direction. Rightly or wrongly, Silver, Blue and Car [KA] dream symbols have been interpreted as Cassiopaean / Pleiadian prompts? They are very bright. Oftentimes when I observe these very very brief and bright flashes, theyll stay in same position, but dim out, almost as though theyre travelling away from view, its not high cloud or anything such, as this happens on the absolute clearest of night skys, as Ive said, very strange, and I cant fathom the source. We just hypothesizedthey were shooting stars we were seeing burn up in the atmosphere coming at us head on, so no trail or tail. I had such a weird experience with a single flash just now which lead me to finding this. Primarily because the statistical chance of three coming in like that is vanishingly negligible. Saw just a few of these camera flashes in the night sky too. I saw something on the security cameras went outside and knew it was a plane. I think like others we have just assumed that geo-stationary satellites were far too far away to appear so bright. I dont think it was an aircraft as it was way to high to be a plane (I think, rather uneducated) and the light itself was not coloured like an aircraft and as you can see, there is no rhythm to the flashing. What's more I have seen this twice now this week in the same or similar area of sky. A straight down vector meteorite obviously wont repeat, and my cam doesnt pick up the typical meteoric greenish glow of IR heat from these. We checked radar and found no lightning flashes for 200 miles. Id love to know what they are. They could be satellites or space junk however, the satellite tracking apps tell me they should be visible for around 11 minutes! Im not saying its aliens because they wouldnt need a fill flash or take a photo at high altitude like that, but comically it fits that description. I am in Washington state and see flashes almost nightly. This was about 10pm. eventually my husband seen some erratic flashing off to the right with binoculars and we didnt get the flashes any further. Last night November 26, 2022 around 7:00 PM New Jersey I glanced into night sky while outside with my daughter. Then the other two about 5 seconds apart. Im in SE QLD saw it tonight 2 flashes caught my eye see last flash seem to fad as an orb like flash. These are very poor videos for reference. Not the first time, either. Maybe 5 or so. I never managed to have it focused with my eyes, it's always off by some degrees, so i also can't tell if it is moving. My theories are all pretty out there. Neighbour has watched them and commented on them several times too. It is possible that some of what people are seeing could be TLEs though, I do agree with that. Then I saw another flash higher up, about a magnitude of -2. Mostly it's a single flash, but sometimes it repeated a second and rarely a third or fourth time. This was likely a form of lightning, but still, for the whole sky to light up and there be no thunder, it's definitely cool to see I was just outside and observed the flash. I live in Milford, Illinois (central Illinois)and have seen these single bright flashes around 10:45 pm for past few years (2020 2022) usually overhead. I often see these flashes of light, i recorded the time and postion of a flashing object i saw once and with the help of a satellite observer on SeeSat was able to identify it as a satellite, I didn't want to ask this on a UFO website where every single person said it was Aliens. I just saw 5 flashes of light simultaneously all from the same point. Id love to know what it is if someone has a definitive answer, I see these too! Theyre always stationary in the sky. Maybe a transformer blowing?,, BBC Sky at Night Observing Masterclass Series. I am so glad that I am not alone in this for the past couple weeks I have been saying really bright flashes of light in the sky and Ive recorded them too so I know its not my eyes theyes they are very fast really really bright huge huge flashes that light up the sky really fast I really fast but there are different types sometimes there was one right behind me in my car I was just turning on my car and it looked like someone was behind me and took a picture Really close to me but there was nobody there. In some cases I find a match (usually an Iridium satellite) for the flash confirming that it was a satellite that caused it. Q: (A) I am suspicious (L) Where do you transmit through or from? Its 09/13/2021 and I have been seeing these lights since 2014 and have no clue as to what they could be. It seemed to me to have come directly from the area I was watching. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I thought this mightve been the answer, however on the official LightCube website under FAQ it says the satellite only has the capacity to produce one flash every 30 seconds. No motion. Occasionally one has pulsed across the sky for a minute or two, changing course a few times before blinking out. I went out from my house to look for Jupiter. It was fascinating, no explanation for statiinary light flashes among the stars, something none of us have ever seen before. Doesnt freak me out anymore but even after 8 years seeing these I am no closer to a answer. Aug 9, 2018 #1 Since a couple of months I regularly see flashes of lights in the night sky and wonder what they are. I see something like that quite often, and it has increased over the years as space debris and sattelites has increased in numbers. Using two identical setups spaced by say a kilometer and carefully aimed at the same patch of sky (with really deep lens shades) could help eliminate glitches-or record them if they prove useful. Wtf was that we saw? My brother is in AZ and reported the exact same phenomena to me yesterday. It isnt lightening, Ive checked the radars and weather satellites and there is no storm action or lightning around anywhere near here. Random bright flashes - General Observing and Astronomy - Cloudy Nights Posts: 100 Joined: 09 May 2021 Loc: Cleveland, Tennessee, USA Posted 11 September 2021 - 09:35 AM Hi, thank you all. Or maybe something leaving the planet and used a thrust to leave the Earths pull. I think I saw something similar about three years back when camping just outside of Newcastle in Aus as well. Im glad I found this, as I was starting to doubt my sanity for a split second there. It was followed a few seconds later by a short, single boom. I just have no idea. satelites (flashes directly over my head 90deg. I was doing a star lapse in New York in the country where I go fishing, and I captured two of these flashes one very bright like a star and one much smaller. If you watch long enough you will see it flash several times in a fairly straight direction. Very strange indeed. So the next time you stroll on your lawn, look for a four-leaf clover. We havent had any in ourgalaxy since 1604. I have been seeing bright single flashes with no trail all summer , I have never seen them before . AJS84 Im still mind-boggled. It reminded me of someone clicking an LED flashlight on across the yard at 30 yds. Like others who commented, I tried to find if there was anything special going on tonight, but couldnt and ended up here. It's free and setting up an account only takes a moment. (UR-MAH, "great warrior", also "lion" in Gina'abul-Sumerian). I dont know what is going on in the world today but something definitely is and Im not going to ignore this fact. I have been seeing these star flashes for months now. You don't see it, then when you do it's dim and then quickly gets brighter then back to dim and eventually not visible. On the first clipthere is a cosmic ray detected by the CCD as well. The first flash was about 20 feet away directly over my car near the woods. They appear in the sky when I asked them to. Last night around 1 AM in Switzerland. Ive seen these quick, bright almost like a camera flash many times before. It lasted 10-15 seconds and no movement or light rail could be detected by eye. A few nights later I walked around the side of my house just to Skywatch and it was a 3/4 clear night. Some flashes can be very bright, and some seems to tumble along, leaving periodic flashes. What Im seeing matches exactly whats reported all down this page. In my opinion this should be investigated more rigorously as it is a most curious phenomena. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Very odd? I saw the flashes tonight. It looked like a camera flash effect, reflecting across the sky. The white dot appears to move in a straight line, at constant velocity you will have a better idea of that than I, given it is your footage), and does not change shape, size, etc. meteoroids I have now seen them frequently over the past few months. Just been browsing re my recent experience. I watched for hours after that and saw nothing but a couple more meteors. They were randomly flashing in different spots and at random intervals of times. No one I talk to has ever seen it. For years Ive been witnessing single flashes, grouped flashes that seem almost communication like flashes, very close up beach ball sized illuminated things that just suddenly disappear, theres definitely something going on. Iridium flares last much longer and the satellite can usually be seen moving across the sky. In that time, my husband and I both witnessed three instances of these single flashes. Ive been watching just near Orions belt for about 3 hours now, its a consistent single flash every 50 seconds. After staring the phenomenon for some time (maybe 10 seconds or so) I decided to determine if I could see any movement. I do not believe in UFO s as in alien visitation but my God this has got me thinking. Each time the flash happened out came one of these orbs? So .. again unlikely for a propulsion system. Short, bright flashes like a camera flash. I have absolutely no comprehension of what may have caused what I had seen. I seen it a couple of times.. now for some days not anymore. A cirrostratus veneer acts like a mirror and can reflect a lightning bolt from 50 miles away. Looking for an explanation of what I saw in the night sky when I let the dogs out about an hour ago in Western Downs, Qld, Australia led me here. I have never seen so much sky activity in my life and Im old , Minnesota here, just saw 3 last night and thought I was going crazy and then I saw one this morning on the way to work, I went googling to find the same thing, Regional Victoria, Australia a very bright quick flash (like a camera) seemed to be from a tiny star? Tonight I came searching because I just saw an extremely bright white flash that lit up the visible night sky of the porch Im sleeping on. Now I see them nearly anytime the sky is clear, but they are now the color of candle light instead of the silver/blue. Not very original, I know 3. I just dont believe that TLEs explain the phenomena. This is new and very notable. Not in same spot or linear, more like a triangle formation each time. I made another time-lapse which caught a bout 5 or more flashes in a two hour period over 500 photos at Other times though, there is no known satellite near the location of the flash. At first they seemed to be coming from stars but then a flash appeared where their seemed to be no stars..or maybe there was a star but too dim to see until the flash. Came looking for similar experiences hoping for an explanation. I though maybe it was a meteor coming in at such a direct angle to where I was that there was no tail. Always wondered what they were which is why Im here. We also saw a fire ball toward the East around 3Am. I have seen flashes at times at all hours after Sunset to Sun rise. Some of them light up the countryside with enough brilliance to awaken sleepers, who cannot be faulted for believing yet another alien mothership has decided to give them a free medicalexam. Started to try to look into it and gave up. Ive always tended to watch the sky over the years & dont remember seeing these before. stat. Again black sky, all of sudden it's as if someone in Space has a huge camera flash and flashes it. This evening, Mercury stands at greatest elongation, 20 degrees east of the Sun. I cannot find out what these are. Thats exactl how i would decribe it a camera flash.. but the one i witnessed flashed then flashed 2 inches from the first Flash literally withing the same second as if i couldnr see the travel inbetween the 2 points. Again black sky, all of sudden it's as if someone in Space has a huge camera flash and flashes it. No crap? I saw this thread tonight after witnessing more tonight 31/8/22 and this came up on Google. Yet to see any pattern though. And Im very well versed in aviation and plane spotting. The camera picks up the bugs and its harder to filter through all the videos, but the flashes are still there. I have also studied the UFO phenomenon fairly extensively and these fit the unidentified qualifier, but theres likely a very scientific explanation. Weve ruled out the regular possibilities such as satellites and high flying planes. I thought it was very strange but hopefully my experience can help out in any way. I also saw one single flash today in Switzerland and one about 2 weeks ago in Poland. I found this just looking online for an answer to the mystery! Exiled to sunniest and darkest, rural Denmark! Ive noticed several flashes exactly like your video tonight in Iowa. They surely cant be cosmic rays since they linger too long, and many of them repeat in a slightly different position with a period of close to a minute, as others have noted. Flashes remained in roughly same spot for about 30 minutes then appeared to move some distance and remain stationary again. I am on a Oahu right now. this set stayed near a pair of stars but was under or over the same spot. timespan of a minute. I though maybe they could be meteors hitting this atmosphere head on but what trows me off about that is when they happen two or three times in the same spot.. Exactly! The other weird thing ive seen in the night sky at home is the shape of this ==>>, like low intensity bright blue. You can verify by checking satellite predictions for your location from Ive just sent an email to MUFON to see if they have an explanation. Like if I were to hold up, say, a Pringles can with the bottom out of it, theyd happen roughly in that space. Some described it as a. Logo: the lion. I didn't want to tell the story without someone else seeing these flashes. This would imply that they are most likely satellites or space junk. and is very dim and difficult to see. Bright flashes followed by dim flashes. I have been going mad searching for what I may have seen Monday, 9/26/22. Occasionally in a 30 minute sitting I will see a few of them in different parts of the sky. When tumbling around multiple axes it would explain the irregular interval. Just a bright flash, like a very distant camera flash, then darknessno trail, no dim satellite moseying along, also the bright flash does not move like those in the link. I think what most people are talking about here are quick, bright pulsesnot really a ball, and no streak. May 28, 2021 in The Astro Lounge, Does anyone know what are those random flashes we often see in the night sky ? Last I saw was just briiight white light and then it was gone. Seeing the flashes for two nights now. I thought I was going mad. These are not drones, you would not use a flash to take pictures of the earth from space or even at 300 feet it would do nothing, and they the ones Ive seen dont seem to be moving. I saw 5 intermittent flashes in exactly the same spot, a few seconds between each flash, and then another two flashes in exactly the same spot about 30 seconds later. Had this same experience Kaz. Not moving satellites. I live in Cornwall and have seen them as well. Unknown Bright Flashes of Light in the Night Sky | Sony A7s 4K AQUPAZ 5.37K subscribers 202 Dislike Share 18,534 views May 12, 2017 While looking out for meteor's on the night of May 12,. Is this something normal? I have seen this probably 30 times in the past 2 years. Very cool!! Exact same thing here kimberly! I am neither joking nor crazy. So, I'm reasonably familiar with 'observing stuff' in the night sky. but ever since then Ive always been searching the internet for similar sightings and even find myself waiting at night staring at the sky hoping to see another UFO. When it flashes, though, its hard to miss. They have flown extremely close over my head and I have been able to see the outline of the bulk of The Craft when they strobe off. Single flashes a couple of them happening in a approx. It was a very clear beautiful starry night, and we were on the highest mountain in the Gold Coast Hinterland with no light pollution, at Binna Burra, Lamington National Park, Qld Australia. So strange. I have never seen them before. So, any explanation on this would be a big thumbs up! No warning, no starting out dim. High altitude recon drones maybe, but not airplanes or helicopters of any kind. One with a Canon SX130 IS, the other with a Canon SX 510HS. That makes some sense with what is observed, but Im not sure the really bright flashes could be explained with concentrated photons. Sometimes they flash once, sometimes three to five times in a few seconds but rarely inexactly the same spot and not following a trajectory either more like camera flashes in a stadium. still not sure what these things are? My personal email is Then again a few days later but this time 2 flashes??? In fact, almost every night I observe at least one satellite. Hey! Last month it was a perfectly round ball, bright orange with flames at its front. They arent shooting stars. That's when i thought it's maybe some tumbling object like a satellite reflecting the sun. I kept waiting for it to come back or reappear in a different location but it never did. We were pretty shook. Ive seen a few before where the same area flashed, but also sometimes just singular flashes. Looking straight up and stretching my neck I saw what appeared to be like a camera flash? Too my uneducated space brain that what it seemed like. Very beautiful video footage if you follow the link, the satellite lightgetting so big and bright and then dimming back down. 1121 Main Street | P.O. Usually a series of flashes about 20 seconds apart and from the same general direction. There are also what look like stars that brighten and flash aswell. On to the other flashes. I see more than one in an evening. Ive been seeing these flashes for the last 2 years or so, but never before. Ive never seen a warm white or any specific color flash. Searchlights Shining Beams Light Into Sky Stock Fooe 100 Royalty 16788958 Shutterstock. Warm clear night, but around midnight till after 5: AM intermittent flashes of light lit the sky above us. If this is the wrong place for this topic I apologize. I dont study the sky, I dont., Only: I have seen the flashes years before 2022, Interesting. Thanks for your input.,, How to Collimate your Newtonian Reflector, Detecting the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Resonance. The date and time of the recording is overlaid on the video - . I'm also familiar with the usual things and I'm watching the night sky a lot; we have an airport here in Dresden, Germany, and large and small airplanes, helicopters all the time. Ive been seeing single flashes since 2021, though this year not quite as many. When I saw it, I thought wow, it looks so very bright. Not Planes. We are very curious as to what they could be. Flashes of light in the night sky Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! Like a small camera flash never in the same location. When I record a flash I always check on Stellarium (planetarium software) to see if there were any known satellites at the spot of the flash during the time recorded. They flash with purpose. Here are a number of flashes that do not fit any of the above examples. What I have learned though is that geostationary satellites cant be seen as bright objects immediately visible with naked eye. And then I constantly get huge flashes in the sky or little flashes but you can tell that they are very far away So I know that they are huge in comparison or far away in comparison to where I am. Satellites that appear to project a large light ring around them. Hi Steve, have you linked your footage anywhere? I can rule out, defenitely: planes, geo. In an hour or so each night of star gazing in the summer months I will regularly see 6 or 7 flashes in different locations. It quite startled me. Then again in the same place several seconds later. . Much like a re-entering space ship would do if it was at the wrong trajectory? Raised the binos, looked in the area of the Double Star and saw a flash at Xi2, just right of the Double Stars. When you consider the plethora of satellites, booster-stages, and just plain junk we've put up there, I'm surprised that people don't see things up there everytime they look up. Current theory is Intelsat 19. Sky Glitch - random light flashing - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: Hello I am having trouble getting skyrim to cooperate with me, as far as I can tell this is the only problem. Count satellites, as well as the ultra coveted shooting stars. I saw on 4th sept. 21 different series (~6) of flashes in different time-intervals (ranging from ~3 to ~12sec) always on the same spot in the nightsky. 2022Yankee Publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned Company I have seen several of these on a single night over about 2 hours, usually in the North but also E, W and S at about a 35-40 degree angle here in the UK. We had clear sky, i saw many satelittes also crossing that area. Magic in the Skies! Im very well versed in astronomy and satellites. They are talking to us and responding to our thoughts. They were bright and would just be one single flash, then nothing. Last few weeks Ive seen some flashes that repeat 3 or 6 flashes, 2 or 3 seconds apart in the exact same spot. Except this single flash happened exactly every 17 seconds we watched it for about 30 minutes or so. in austria) or any IR flares. They seem to respond to my thoughts; I will ask to see them, then they flash. A series of flashes so to speak in a certain time period. It was like a star turned on and off real fast, just once. Never too surprised when the night sky has a definitive answer, I 'm sure has good... Me yesterday, defenitely: planes, geo see do not live near or under any MOA. In question are a lot shorter in duration than your typical iridium flare all over the same approximate location things! The rumble is absent if the lightning is more than a minute with my.... Saw nothing but a couple of frames the yard at 30 yds turned and! Be a big thumbs up clear sky, all of sudden it 's as someone. Bright meteors ) reportedthe Almanac meteor Guide directly over my Car near the woods witnessing more tonight and. 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random flashes of light in the night sky