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Debuff The anti-debuff, Adrenaline Rush cancels out part of the debuff effect that the super moves inflict; boosting the character's damage by 20% and increasing her accuracy, her dodge, however, will remain unchanged. The Hellion has plenty of mid-to-high-damage attacks, and almost all of her offensive skills deal at least a little bit of damage in addition to their primary effects. It also removes any stacks of Bleed that the Hellion is suffering from, which is especially useful if your party contains an Occultist using Wyrd Reconstruction. Offense: To get to a low HP state and maximize her damage, the Hellion can focus on using Toe to Toe to draw enemies' attacks to her. 169. Trinkets you already have will stop dropping, so there's value in not selling the ones you don't like until you get the ones you want. Affected by and consumes tokens like a regular attack. Be on the lookout for the Empty Stein and the Rotten Tomato; these Trinkets can only be equipped by the Hellion and increase the damage she deals significantly. Character Concept . Unlike other games, equipment upgrades in Darkest Dungeon are linear, all bought at the Blacksmith. The Hellion is a hard-hitting frontline fighter in Darkest Dungeon 2. Each Hero has Trinkets unique to them that only they can equip. Note: New Hellions will always come with the Wicked Hack skill. Her aggressive suite of skills keeps her in the front of the party's formation where she can carve a path through her enemies. So it would be cool if someone could make a mod that adds these insane heroes as random encounters, and an event where a boss rally up all these discarded heroes to overthrow your estate. The Hellion is the first unlockable hero in Darkest Dungeon 2. Fourth visit to a Shrine (battle) - Shame and Exile. Front Rank High Dmg Bleed Bloodlust The Hellion will always start each run equipped with Wicked Hack, Iron Swan, Barbaric Yawp, If It Bleeds, and Toe to Toe. 188K subscribers in the darkestdungeon community. The following Paths are unique to the Hellion. Wicked Hack - Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills. If you find these combat items, equip them to her immediately. The skill effectively works like the Crusader's Holy Lance, only, Breakthrough hits the front three opposing ranks simultaneously, along with moving the Hellion forward. In terms of game design, she's comparable to the Beserker class from many RPGs like Final Fantasy; capable of tons of damage but being vulnerable to a counterattack. All Companions:If not religious: +7 StressIf religious: +15 Stress. However, many of her most powerful abilities can't be used at will since they cause her to suffer a debilitating debuff. Doing so will increase its power so as to guarantee double-digit damage before modifiers, boost the critical hit rate, and cause the skill to ignore Guarded as well as Blocked. They will allow her to inflict Bleed on enemies without using her action, reducing the number of setup rounds needed to take advantage of Bloodlust. Each installment focuses on a character class, discusses each of their skills, and gives you a general build or two to try out. The first of the Hellion's super moves, Barbaric YAWP! Bring along Crusaders and Man-at-Arms if you want front line stun-users. This article or section may contain spoilers about the final boss. More than any other character in the game, she wants to be in the front rank, right up in the enemy's face, ready to deal damage. Adrenaline Rush finishes off the build by giving the Hellion some independence with a self-healing ability. 10 A regular attack that there's not much to say about other than this should always be equipped to your Hellion. Spd The Hellion is a battle-crazed berserker who thrills at the spilling of blood. Just unzip the folder and copy it to Darkest Dungeon\heroes\Hellion-----3.Known Issues-----Effects Don't Match, yep I know. Again, be careful how often you use this skill. It deals 8-14 damage before any modifiers are applied and ignores Block, making it ideal for taking armored foes down a peg. Most heroes have three shared camping skills and all heroes have 4 unique camping skills (with the Flagellant being the exception, having only unique camping skills). The second "super" move in the Hellion's arsenal. If you're expecting to face an enemy that needs to be quickly rooted out from the rear of the enemy's formation, Wicked Hack can be replaced with Iron Swan. As for every hero, the Hellion has four different colour palettes to choose from: white, red, green, and black. If It Bleeds is her only way to strike position 3, and in exchange for bleed damage it does a little less raw damage. When the time comes for an all-out attack, Howling End is the Hellion's ace in the hole. 6-12 Today. She's a frontliner who excels in position 1 and can never retreat to the back ranks on her own. Therefore, whilst these guides will strive to be as accurate as possible, by the time you are reading them, all of the information may not be 100% correct. Once you've completed the Hellion's backstory at the Shrine of Reflection, you'll be able to equip all the skills necessary to try this build on your own. If It Bleeds is a fantastic skill for the Hellion, not only is it a good bleeding skill, but, when taken alongside Iron Swan and Wicked Hack, the Hellion now has access to every enemy rank available, giving her tremendous flexibility when it comes to picking her targets, and not just saddled with hitting the front two ranks. Each Hero has access to 3 shared Paths (Wanderer, Apprentice, Master) and 3 unique Paths available only to them. Hellion 40% Disney Princess. It utilizes the class's penchant for Bleed to maximize the damage she deals and even allows her to passively manage her own health if necessary. A weak attack, but it hits the first three targets in the enemy row; ignores and removes guard tokens; makes the Hellion winded. Wild, unpredictable, and utterly ruthless, the Hellion thrills to the spilling of blood! Dodge Simply work out what's causing you the most trouble and point the Hellion at it, she'll have it covered. One of the big reasons that you want the Hellion at the front of your party. Note: New Hellions will always come with the Wicked Hack skill. The downside to this is that many of her skills come with crippling debuffs, meaning, if the enemy isn't dead soon after, the Hellion quickly finds herself on the back foot. The skill effectively works like the Crusader's Holy Lance, only, Breakthrough hits the front three opposing ranks simultaneously, along with moving the Hellion forward. can stun the enemy frontlines, Breakthrough lets her advance from the back ranks on top of cleaving through a large group of enemies, and Bleed Out is her strongest move, doing great bleed damage on top of a very good DMG and CRT bonus. If that was all the Adrenaline Rush did it would be a neat little move for those that rely on her debuff-causing moves often. Her critical hit rate is moderate compared to other heroes, so an enhancement to that stat would be well-justified. LudoLogic is passionate about games. Each Winded Token reduces damage by 33% and SPD by 3, and can stack up to 3 times. Resistances Requires the two heroes to have a positive Relationship with each other. Keep her from wearing herself out and she'll dish out plenty of damage! 40% It also grants the user a buff that causes her to deal twenty percent more damage against Bleeding enemies. Self-healing if below 33% HP; heal 25% of your HP; remove burn, bleed, blight, and winded; heal 20% of the damage dealt with an . Had an art assignment so I drew a basilica in Amsterdam in the style of darkest dungeon. Each Hero has their own 3 unique Trinkets, exclusive only to them. Adrenaline Rush. Iron Swan is functionally identical, save that it can only target the enemy in the rearmost position. BringingMan-at-Arms as insurance is recommended, since he can protect Hellion with Defender or draw enemy attacks to himself with Retribution if her HP is critically low. Hellion has several skills that add or remove Winded, a special Token exclusive to her. If Bleed damage is a cornerstone of your team's strategy, upgrade Bloodlust right away upon reaching the first Inn and use it often. It is best used in the middle of a fight to shake off those problematic damage ailments, but opening the fight with it can lead to amazing results. However, due to her lack of defensive skills, she is typically prone to dying prematurely if she receives damage too recklessly and does not have access to her self-heal skills. Related: Darkest Dungeon 2 - How To Make An Overpowered Occultist. The Hellion is primarily a front-line attacker with an ability to deal greater damage the lower her HP gets. Leave the Hellion doing what she does best; hitting things. This skill also causes the Hellion to become Winded, so always follow it up with Bloodlust or Adrenaline Rush. Lowering your Hellion's attack power runs counter to everything she's good at doing, and, in many cases, she'd be better off simply hitting the enemy to remove them, rather than locking them in stun. Without further ado, let's get into the Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List. Dmg (All buffs and debuffs last for 3 rounds unless otherwise specified.). Combined with other damage-over-time heroes like the Plague Doctor and the Runaway, she can deal plenty of damage this way even when it isn't her turn. Hellion begins each run with a unique, permanent Condition that gives her a +25% damage Buff when below 50% HP, and another same Buff when below 25% HP. Overall, this is arguably better than Barbaric YAWP! The Hellion excels at dealing raw damage and bleed to single targets, and can also strike large swathes of the battlefield with breakthrough or stun the entire front line with barbaric YAWP. Since these skills apply Winded to Hellion, it will be necessary to use Bloodlust, Adrenaline Rush, or upgraded Toe to Toe to remove Winded and maintain her damage output. The best way to make use of Breakthrough is to use it as an insurance policy. If you are in need of a character for harassing the last row in the enemy lines, Hellion is your best choice. Typically, the Hellion will be able to wipe out that fourth rank attacker much faster than your long range support ever could, saving time and keeping the party safe. The Hellion's main drawback is that many of her skills cause her to gain stacks of Winded. Darkest Dungeon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Subreddit dedicated to games Darkest Dungeon 1 & 2 by Red Hook Studios. Contents hide. The Hellion also has a few moves that exhaust her, imposing a DMG and SPD drawback. - Fixed a ton of floating artifacts, black-outline issues, and some shadow-tweaks. 1. Has a chance to occur in response to a hero getting attacked, or as a team-up attack when a hero makes an attack. They confer powerful bonuses to the hero equipped with them, and having both equipped at once yields an additional bonus, which is shown greyed out at the bottom. The Hellion is one of the playable Character Classes in Darkest Dungeon. Our favorite build for the Hellion takes advantage of the many boosts this frenzied fury can give herself, keeping her active until the time comes to unleash her ultimate attack. However, many of her most powerful abilities can't be used at will since they cause her to suffer a debilitating debuff. All these little effects mean that Adrenaline Rush is a neat skill to have access to. Bleed Out can only be used from the front of the party and only attacks the frontmost enemy. The Hellion is a frontline hero class who is highly recommended to be in rank position 1, she is weak if she is pushed back to the back ranks or if you purposely place . It does cause the Hellion to become Winded after use, so follow it with an Adrenaline Rush or save it until the fight is winding down. Once enhanced, the damage boost it confers against Bleeding targets increases to thirty percent. Therefore, her playstyle revolves around taunting enemies and losing HP in the process to achieve the highest possible damage output. Needless to say, having a bleed skill also increases the characters versatility, something that the Hellion definitely needs. The origin dungeon for all Trinket Sets is the Courtyard and they all have the rarity Crimson Court. Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Make an Overpowered Hellion, Darkest Dungeon 2 - How To Make An Overpowered Occultist, Darkest Dungeon 2 Complete Character Guide, Darkest Dungeon 2 - How To Make An Overpowered Runaway. Position: Any. Crude leather and furs may offer little protection, but the Hellion lives to bear the scars of battle proudly. +0 Despite her main function as a front-liner, she is capable of dealing damage to the back Ranks. This basic attack gives the Hellion a moderate damage-dealing option without having to become Winded. Breakthrough. The Crimson Court DLC added special Trinket Sets, two for each hero. Any Buffs or lasting effects given from a camping skill lasts for 4 battles. It is best used when most of her buffs are in place but the time isn't quite right to swing for the fences. -Dark Souls is property of From Software and everything Darkest Dungeon related is entirely the property of Red Hook Studios. Always double check with your game in case skill properties have been altered in some way. 6 days ago. (All buffs and debuffs last for 3 rounds unless otherwise . This extremely efficient recovery skill only gets better once upgraded; doing so increases the potency of its recurring heal and causes it to remove Blight and Burn as well.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Note: New Hellions will always come with the Wicked Hack skill. She's not as bulky as the Crusader or Man-at-Arms, but she makes up for that with her much more diverse attack ranges. 67% 3. She complements her great base DMG with a good HP base, above-average DODGE, and good SPD. The Hellion lives for battle, and this is reflected in her skill set and movement range. Acc Mod (All buffs and debuffs last for 3 rounds unless otherwise . Death Blow "Exhaustion" debuffs (From Barbaric Yawp, Breakthrough, and Bleed Out) cannot be cleared by Medicinal Herbs, but can easily be made up by using Adrenaline Rush to recharge the Hellion's stats. These guides are designed to help with that. If the player wants to avoid the penalties of, Hellion can reach Rank 3 and Rank 4 targets by switching between, There are some differences between the Hellion's. There's definitely potential here if you have a dedicated mover character like an Occultist or Bounty Hunter to keep pulling in the best target. Bear in mind that the debuffs imposed on the Hellion make these moves not ideal in a prolonged fight or when used in succession, as medicinal herbs are unable to cleanse them. That's the core of the Hellion character in Darkest Dungeon. Darkest Dungeon is a pretty tough game the first time you jump into it. The price in Radiant mode is shown in parentheses. Winded is a special Token, and as such, is not affected by skills or combat items that affect Positive or Negative Tokens, such as thePlague Doctor's Indiscriminate Science or Holy Water. Note: New Hellions will always come with the Wicked Hack skill. A super bleed skill. The bloodier it gets, the better she fights. Any Trinkets that increase the Hellion's melee damage should be a priority when distributing equipment. 20%. Deviantart. 30% Additional Hellion skins. When you reach the second Inn, consider investing a Mastery Point in this skill. Steam Workshop: Darkest Dungeon. Scrap Grenades and Spike Balls are the Hellion's best friends. P R I C E S B U S T / P O R T R A I T : $ 4 5 additional people : $25 W A I S T - U P : $ 6 0 additional people : $35 Commission: Piper Marrow by HalChromaCommission: Agara by HalChromaCommission: Nyrithiya by HalChromaCommission: Serana and William by HalChromaCommission . All unique Trinkets for Heroes have Indelible rarity, Bauble cost of 70 and stack limit of 1. All Heroes start the expedition with a random Hero Path. At camp, the Hellion mutters blasphemies and sharpens her blade, eager to put it to use against the enemy hordes. Mod concept: we all have discarded afflicted heroes who we can't be bothered to treat. Hellion has reliable attacks that deal decent . Only 4 of these can be equipped at one time. All other skills must be unlocked through the Shrine of Reflection, after which they are permanently available for subsequent playthroughs. Hellion. Support your local game store! Plague Doctor - Grave Robber - Highwayman - Man at Arms. Darkest Dungeon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In case you didn't already see, there are backstory comics of every hero of Darkest Dungeon. This can save the Hellion some turns in the long run since she won't need to apply Bleed herself to maximize her damage. Her priority is wreaking havoc with her massive glaive and bathing in the blood of her adversaries. Description New Commission Type! To alleviate the danger of her risky playstyle, the Hellion possesses a couple of highly useful self-heals. There will be instances where enemies will have high protection and the Hellion's attacks simply won't pack the required punch. The Hellion has seven; 2 common, 2 Crimson Court and 1 uncommon, rare and very rare. 1 / 2. Disease Prot Raucous and untamed, she is a study in contrasts - sitting stoically preparing for battle, or peels with the unhinged laughter of the damned. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Based on her quotes while irrational, it is likely that her or the people from her tribe practice cannibalism. Between Wicked Hack, Iron Swan and If It Bleeds you have a character that can control every rank of the opposing forces. Move They take a certain number of "respite" points to use, and can only be used once per camp (unless the skill says otherwise). If It Bleeds is great in this kind of situation, giving the character a new angle of attack. Wicked Hack is your standard melee attack, and Iron Swan also gives the Hellion a great damage option to pick off problem targets hiding out back. Please leave a comment if you feel anything has been left out so that we can all benefit from it. r/darkestdungeon. Her massive glaive affords her impressive reach in combat, while its razor sharp edge leaves lasting wounds on enemies. She excels at inflicting Bleed on enemies, causing them to take damage every time their turn begins. Darkest Dungeon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This is a full playthrough of the first chapter (and only available current chapter) of Darkest Dungeon 2. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, deals no damage, but inflicts stun on both of the two front rank opposing units. Bleed Out starts with solid damage over time and even hits with a positive damage modifier (+15%). Skills that remove Winded, such as Bloodlust, will remove all stacks of Winded currently on the Hellion. Hellion - Runaway - Jester - Leper - Occultist. The Hellion is a battle-crazed . As always, make upgrading this a priority, as doing so improves the damage over time effect. Characters will die, you'll struggle to keep your party sane, and it can be overwhelming at first glance to choose who to take on your next quest. This is early access footage and everything is lia. 2. However, the skill still is incredibly limited simply because it can only hit the front rank. "Exhaustion" debuffs (From Barbaric Yawp, Breakthrough, and Bleed Out) cannot be cleared by Medicinal Herbs, but can easily be made up by using Adrenaline Rush to recharge the Hellions stats. The Shieldbreaker Trinket Set, however, is only obtainable through her final 6th and 7th nightmare encounters and won't be dropped or given as a reward in the Courtyard. The Crimson Court DLC adds Districts to the Hamlet, some of which confer passive benefits to heroes. Base Stats Between Bloodlust and any other damage bonuses you can bring to bear, Howling End has the potential to be one of your party's mightiest attacks. It's also worth noting that Darkest Dungeon has undergone repeated alterations and tweaks to class skills as it has been developed. This is a critical skill for the Hellion, since it is one of the ways that Winded can be removed. The Hellion is a Hero in Darkest Dungeon II. This can be a major deal in many encounters. She longs for battle and it is highly indicated in her skills and positon ranking. . Thankfully, she has the tools to do that too, the twist with the Hellion class is that, along with very high damage output, many of her attacks are overpowered, not in a game-breaking sense but in that many possess positive damage modifiers and allow her to do more damage in one turn that most of the cast simply aren't capable of. Her massive glaive affords her impressive reach in combat, while its razor . New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Note these aren't intended to be perfect guides, but more of a roadmap for the newer player who wants some help getting their head around things. Comic Character. Matt Arnold is an actor and writer based in New York. They are published every month and still few of them missing, but still - they're cool and explain heroes genesis, motivations and fears.. 4. Watch. The downside is that the Hellion then suffers a significant -20% damage reduction debuff and a big drop in her dodge stat as well. Blight This Hellion build only takes stacks of Winded when absolutely necessary and has plenty of ways to get rid of it. 5. r/darkestdungeon. Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #darkest dungeon hellion with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumpik As with all of the super moves the debuff is the samemeaning a hefty cut to the character's damage output and ability to defend herself. 40% Her attacking skills all give her a surprising amount of flexibility that very few other combat-oriented characters have in this game. 2 This goes over her abilities, trinkets, and possible line ups.Thanks for watching like and subscribe below!Like and Subscribe below!Streaming (on twitch):htt. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The predetermined name for the Hellion is Boudica, an allusion to the British Celtic Iceni tribe's queen who led an uprising against the invading roman army during the reign of Nero in AD 60 or 61, she died shortly after its failure and is regarded as a British folk hero. Trap And, the resulting damage buff means that she has a stronger attack next turn, partly making up for the round where she didn't deal damage. The Hellion is the first unlockable hero in Darkest Dungeon 2. The Hellion hero class in Darkest Dungeon 2 acts as a primary DPS and Berserker of the team. The Hellion is a Hero in Darkest Dungeon II. "Exhaustion" debuffs (From Barbaric Yawp, Breakthrough, and Bleed Out) cannot be cleared by Medicinal Herbs, but can easily be made up by using Adrenaline Rush to recharge the Hellion's stats. Her aggressive suite of skills keeps her in the front of the party's formation where she can carve a path through her enemies. While deployed in the front row, she gains access to Iron Swan, an ability that deals massive damage to the enemy in the 4th row. 26 Still, it's a lot of work just to have a slightly above average bleed skill when the Hellion has altogether much better options. I decided to draw it sinking to mesh with the atmosphere of the artstyle. 30% If rearranging the party, take care not to accidentally move in ways that push her back. 3 color variants. Note that Toe to Toe should be used in moderation, otherwise the Hellion could end up reaching Death's Door too early and receiving Weak Tokens, which offsets the low-HP damage bonuses. Here's a sample build for the Hellion that you can try: This is definitely what I'd call the dependable Hellion build, sacrificing her burst damage potential from all of those overpowered skills in order for her to have better staying power and more reliability. Bleed Celtic warriors were known for painting their faces, a practice reflected in the Hellion's appearance. As with the Crusader's Holy Lance, don't expect to use the skill all of the time, but instead, you can rest easy knowing if the Hellion is pushed out of that all-important front rank, she can use her turns effectively to push her way back into position. Since the Hellion will be up to her ankles in blood most of the time, Quirks like Squeamish should be removed at the first opportunity. That's the key point to remember with the Hellion. Certain skills leave her exhausted, however, and she may occasionally need to take a turn to recharge her adrenaline before entering the fray once again. They enjoy sharing their gaming expertise with the community. It'll never replace a dedicated healing skill, but curing damage over time effects is a great thing to have and will potentially be a life saver in protracted fights. Overall, this is arguably better than Barbaric YAWP! Wild, unpredictable, and utterly ruthless, the Hellion thrills to the spilling of blood! Normally, stun skills are something you want, however, the downside to this particular skill can in be too much to handle. As with all attacks, its efficiency can be boosted with Strength and Crit tokens. Each stack reduces the Hellion's damage output by a third and also severely reduces her speed, causing her to act later in the round than she otherwise would. Each hero has their own unique crystalline trinket which can be bought from Jeweler inside the Nomad Wagon with Crystal Shards found within the Farmstead. Nevertheless, she is still fairly capable of staying alive. Max HP Hellion begins each run with a unique . The Hellion is one of the playable Character Classes in Darkest Dungeon. Certain skills leave her exhausted, however, and she may occasionally need to take a turn to recharge her adrenaline before entering the fray once again. Heroes Backstory Comics [SPOILERS] By Yaroslav1987. Often, one attack is enough to make the enemy bite the dust. Once her HP is low enough (optimally 25% of HP), she can follow up with devastating attacks, particularly by using Bleed Out and Howling End. Related: Darkest Dungeon 2 Complete Character Guide. The gold cost of most Districts in Radiant mode is significantly reduced. Self: +20% MDG, +5 ACC, Cure Blight/Bleed base 100%, One Companion: Heal 20%, (15% chance) Remove Target Bleeding, Self Only: +10 ACC, (Monster Size:2) +20% DMG, Self Only: -10 ACC, -4 SPD, Reduce Stress by 20, Heal 15%. With her great damage-dealing potential this gives her good control of the first two opposing ranks. Medium HP, medium speed, good dodge and all-out attacking. Unlike many other close combat units, Iron Swan enables to hit the back rank of the enemy. 399. Currently uses spots "hellion_Y" "hellion_X" and "hellion_Z", if overlaps with another additional skin you are using, rename. -Small white pixel inside the walking, idle and combat animated sprites. It also has quite a decent base critical hit bonus that only gets higher as the skill is upgraded. 0% Basically mashup of Arbalest and hellion, in-game assets used to put together, more armored look. All other skills must be unlocked through the Shrine of Reflection, after which they are permanently available for subsequent playthroughs. The Crimson Court DLC adds war paint and the clasp around her waist, while the Color of Madness adds a halberd blade that's been half-way melted off by some celestial substance. Iron Swan - Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Hellion is one of the playable Character Classes in Darkest Dungeon. You might want to avoid reading further if you don't want to spoil the surprise for yourself! If your party contains other Bleed-heavy heroes like the Jester or the Highwayman, consider using Bloodlust at the beginning of the fight, even if you don't yet need to remove Winded. The Hellion is one of the playable Character Classes in Darkest Dungeon. Login Store Community Support Change language View desktop website . The Hellion gains access to 6 skills over 5 Chapters through accessing memories in the Shrine of Reflection. Explore. Lista de reproduccin con todos los cmics animados Podes seguirme en las redes sociales para tener novedades sobre horarios de stream . The Hellion does not take kindly to being nudged out of position 1, and her low movement range means it might take a while to get her back to the front lines if shuffled away. Objective: Prove Yourself!Unlocks Bloodlust, Objective: Apologize to 10 WidowsUnlocks Breakthrough, Unlocks Adrenaline Rush and Howling End. However, the skill also cure blight and bleed effects and restores a minor bit of health. The fact that the Hellion is able to cure damage over time effects on herself can potentially free up support units to help other characters. Target: 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank. 40% The second super move in the Hellion's arsenal. The Hellion will always start each run equipped with Wicked Hack, Iron Swan, Barbaric Yawp, If It Bleeds, and Toe to Toe. Camping skills are special skills heroes can use while they are camping. . Some of Hellion's skills, while effective, can severely reduce her SPD and damage via Winded Tokens if used copiously. "Wild, unpredictable, and utterly ruthless, the Hellion thrills to the spilling of blood! 16. r/darkestdungeon. Adrenaline Rush is another skill used to remove Winded. Few enemies will be safe from the Hellion's rage once she has mastered Howling End. A lifelong gamer, he draws on a decade of experience in the tabletop industry. Her massive glaive affords her impressive reach in combat, while its razor sharp edge leaves lasting wounds on enemies. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Overall, the Hellion is a very linear character; she's capable of doing one thing and doing it very, very well. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Additionally, after using Adrenaline Rush the Hellion will heal herself every time she attacks. Crit Its damage is comparable to Wicked Hack, but it also inflicts Bleed. Bloodlust is a strong candidate for upgrading early with a Mastery Point. Stun Next: Darkest Dungeon 2 - How To Make An Overpowered Runaway. People. The Empty Stein increases the damage of all her attacks by one-fourth as long as she is in the frontmost position, and the Rottem Tomato has a chance to guarantee a critical hit at the start of each of the Hellion's turns. 2% If It Bleeds allows you to hit two different ranks, and doesn't come saddled with a resulting debuff. May 29, 2018 - Hellion and Crusader in Darkest Dungeon :) May 29, 2018 - Hellion and Crusader in Darkest Dungeon :) Pinterest. updated Jan 21, 2016. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. "Exhaustion" debuffs (From Barbaric Yawp, Breakthrough, and Bleed Out) cannot be cleared by Medicinal Herbs, but can easily be made up by using Adrenaline Rush to recharge the Hellion's stats. The Color of Madness DLC added trinkets with a new rarity, Crystalline. Upgrading Wicked Hack with a Mastery Point slightly increases its damage and critical hit rate, but this is best saved until the late game when all your priority upgrades have been taken. She's a strong character to have around and sums up the term a good offence is the best defence. Survivability: The Hellion has no way of applying defensive Tokens via her skills. Barbaric YAWP! The key to utilizing the Hellion effectively is knowing which skills cause Winded and which ones can remove it, using them in tandem to ensure that she is able to return to full strength quickly. Adrenaline Rush is a very good skill to take into a prolonged battle. In the base game, her lower level trinkets are pendants and her high level trinkets are hairpins. It slightly heals the Hellion, cures Bleed and Blight on her, and provides a significant DMG and ACC buff. Join. 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