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query tracker excel template

Thanks. Thanks again for such an amazing workbook template! and am I able to create A1 to select for different department? This weekly timesheet includes breaks in it so you can get a more accurate picture of how many hours your employees are working each week. hey do you know how to amend the formula so it excludes when summing the total holidays for the month and for the year please? I am using the 50+Employee excel and its great! Have a great day. Hi Sir, Your Leave Tracker templet design is wonderful If it possible for you, a humble request from my end please make a tutorial video on this. Similar to April, I need to track the balance of vacation leaves throughout the course of the calendar year. However, when I upload it, the scroll bar doesnt show in Google Spreadsheet. Download the task tracker created in this example from the link below. i have a question though. I need those informations to quickly manage shifts in the company. If it is the value, then it prints Completed, otherwise goes for the value Work in Progress. And when restating the task, the total time should not consider the paused time. c Change & Percent Change If there was some instructions to add columns to the template, it would make it so much easier. Thanks a lot Sumit, that was a quick fix!!! Hi Chandoo, Here is the Scenario; As of now, you can only use h/H for half day leave. Hello Maria.. You can record half leaves by using the code H. Half day leaves are highlighted in yellow, while full day leaves are highlighted in red. Download excel template for tracking latest NAVs of your mutual funds and find how your investments are doing. Note that while Half Leaves are counted as .5 leaves in the total count, in the leave break-up, it is counted as whole numbers. SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A10,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OFFSET($A10,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NS$6,0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))) here =$NS$6,0.5,1 similarly i want =$NS$5 also counted to be 0.5 thanks! My email is If you have different employees working on different days, You can create different versions of this tracker. Amazing! Kindly download the template again from the link in the tutorial, Hi Sumit, this is a really great tool! When I add the columns and codes for what I want to check it is working just fine, but I would like to exclude 3 codes of the 9 being used from being tallied in the Leaves this Month and Leaves this Year sum cells. Thank you. This should ideally include the following: The same log should be able to track Issues or Risks. Thank for this amazing template. How do I do that? Also, I would like to add one more column of the carry forward vacation days plus the total annual entitlement. I have few questions: 1- We do not half days leaves so how can i remove it from formula and instead use my own codes for full day. how will i add it to the formula. Data validation rule for Department column: Now this is a tricky one. Go to Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules. Please advise. @Gouri - You can use this source for the BSE 500 Stocks, I guess this covers pretty much 90% of most of the portfolios.. Our company renews their leave every year on the 1st of Feb. thank you for the leave template. We can make a pivot to sum up each of this. then save, I am using MS office 2013 please help to run worksheet in the version, page where i modify in tour tracker, page where i modify inportfolio tracker v3.0, Dear Guys whoa. If I mark April 3rd as a V for Vacation day then the 3rd of every month becomes a vacation day for that employee. You need to create separate copies (preferably separate workbooks) for this. Could you please check and update the excel. Read More VBA Code to Get User NameContinue. 9. However, can the same template be used as a year calendar, where I can have a year overview of absences. Dear Sumit, I already key in in excel attendance but when i key in january why in february leave symbol still there. hello. Could you please advise when you are getting this error and the screenshot? I really like this tracker, but would like to do some customizations. How can I do that without messing up the sheet? after adjusting the holiday list, the tracker color has not changed. The holidays do not wipe out, if I delete them then the entire thing becomes zero. Thank you for sharing the details. Hi Tony, You have to use the left and right arrows on the scroll bar to move to the next month or the previous month. Hello.. Its really helpful thanx, my issue is a little different although. They can use in increments of 15 minutes. Hello Neha.. It I received a VBA debug error. Even though the file works for Indian Mutual Funds only, you can easily build a similar model for US or UK or Any other country. How to change Web Reference in the Latest NAV DAta ? I have problem in Portfolio Sheet I have noticed that from last few days the file is unavailable. Hi, I have uploaded the excel sheet in SharePoint but the triangle icon is not working. thank you. Yearly Return, Hello friends firstly thanks for every one for this community and share best experience and knowledge of stock market. Hello i have downloaded your Leave Tracker template and customised for x 33 employees for 2020. Thank you! I got the answer. I thought that I could edit the web query but could find a way to locate and edit the web query.Kindly have a look. What did I do wrong? hi 2)Some employee are 5 working day, some is 6 working day and some is 5.5 day within departments. Now when you enter L (for Late) in any of the cells, it will be counted. That somebody can do this and leave it for us for free is quite very commendable. Thanks for sharing. If you select No, that day is marked as a non-working day in the leave tracker. How do I change that? Any suggestions if I have to feed the NAV data for US funds in your model which website I should use, similar to AMFI data in India. Hey Siti, you can change the value in cell A2 to change the year. I tried to copy the formula but it just links both cells. In order to resolve your problem, you need to open the Excel workbook in Microsoft Office 365 version. What changes are to be done and how? I am just stuck on one thing though. resulted in lost of around 60% - 70% portfolio of investors though traders are minting money in week market too. I like it your blog. I have GPs who work just the am and on another day a full day. Thank you for sharing. If you have any tips on how it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. 1.How can we keep track of total vacation time allowed for each employee and then track the remaining vacation? If you want it to be sorted by other parameters first you need the, First, create a new sheet and create all the headers in it. Came across your site and was pleasantly surprised. To get those in a new spreadsheet, follow these steps. Same problem here. Hello.. Is there anyway to add a pause function to the sheet? When she's not at work, you can find her listening to podcasts or watching comedy specials on Netflix. a5 Ask Size Please ignore my post. Please can you assist me by; Inserting colums with NAME/SURNAME/ SITE/ EMPLOYEE #/START DATE Vacation leave after each month have the vacation balance (this will make it easier to see what vacation leave balance they have at that month (however still leave the total vacation days as you have it too) Is there a way to have a column with a leave amount that the staffmember has like at end June 2016 Mr x has 8days owing to him and so continue is this manner? This was excellent! How do you recommend using time carried over from a previous year? Hello Jade.. Glad you liked the tracker. Hello Guys, This disturbs the Comparison. =IF($D10="","",(IF(MID(B10,9,2)=";-",LEN(D10)+5,IF(MID(B10,8,2)="IN",IF(MID(B10,21,2)="IN",LEN(D10)+27,LEN(D10)+16))))), Copy paste the formula till the end of the column. is not in your data base. Hello Ramya.. If you delete the code, it will remove everything. hii.. first thanks for your amazing template. However, Colunm NK tracks all the leaves in that year. Please also leave your valuable feedback for the tool. Click on below link and save the Time & Motion Tracker in your system, 2. The leave tracker is extremely helpful. it would be fantastic if it was possible to track MFs based on a transaction statement. 1) I want to know how can i calculate difference of NAV amount of any mutual fund between yesterday and today's NAV. Hello Amrita.. Hi Sumit, Can you please help me in creating a dashboard where I can get total leaves of each employee. For writing a phd your background should be science. Can you please help? Any other alternative? This is really helpful. how to edit the formula & add some category of leave Ive been trying this for 2 days now, but everytime i change the formula even for the row number it shows error. How to exclude these so they are not counted in the leave totals? v1 Holdings Value v7 Holdings Value (Real-time) w 52-week Range I cant figure out how to change the formula to accommodate when I replace other existing categories. Hello Ashley, Did you get an answer to this? I am using MF tracker India since 2011 and working very well, but since last 2 days it shows following error message. How do you use the triangle icons next to the month names to go to the next/previous month? Pardon if this has been answered already but would appreciate a simple instruction on how to do it. Here we need to understand few things before we start digging into this concept: Producing Pizza and delivering it to customer Producing Product Preparing Tea etc. Dear Aanad, Media:, Facebook We want to show a list of departments if type = Full time or Temp. Make a live, updatable mutual fund portfolio tracker for Indian markets to keep track of your investments using this example. This is already great, tracking hours would make it FANTASTIC! As requested access the MF tracker using below link, Hello Tony.. You need to use the scroll bar to change the month. d Dividend/Share d1 Last Trade Date How would that be done? hence the format is not working properly.can you help me change required for the nav. It is working fine except the NAV of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund is not getting updated since last two days. Cell NL to NP are not constants. Any ideas on how to handle SIPs, if I am buying a fixed set of MFs every month. After he has entered 12 months of data, is there any way to add months, or do you have to start a fresh, blank template? as i am not able to find reliance nifty index fund in list , just make changes such that fund can be found easliy. For example, if the total leaves for a month is 2, then hours could be 2*8 (considering an eight hour work day), Hello Sumit, First of all, your tracker is amazing. You open an Excel file and some cells show #### instead of the value. i mean, i would like it to be green instead of red, how could be it done? So I filled in the columns for February then went back to January and the names are there but the columns are empty but the days off that I filled in are there. This time card template is useful for businesses that hire contractors. It happens..the fund name is there but still it does not appears in the cell. Hello Fran.. while the tracker breaks if you try and insert columns, it would work fine if you have these details in column NT or to the right of it. Thanks Sumit. Appreciate your help and great template. Type out the possible values Full time, Temporary, Visitor and click ok. So, I created this Excel Leave Tracker Template to make leaves management easy and track monthly and annual leaves by her team members. This is very helpful to tack leave for all employees, but how can I download this excel file directly. [] when you have multiple pivot tables or web query lookups it is painful to refresh each table to get the correct data. may i asked how you did the formula or total leaves. To see how this approach works on real-life data, let's consider the following example. First, we select the following headers in the dataset. Never mind, please click on below link to download. @Sastry thanks a lot, welcome to PHD They enjoy the facilities much more than us. I want add couple holiday workseets (holiday_US, holiday_UK..) For all of new add new formatting with different colors. Just wanted to ask for the 2019 template. Go ahead and roll it out. The only issue I am having that if I put a password on the sheet so users are only able to change the month and edit the cells, the arrows gives me an error when going through the months. days he/she had login in particular region so that in end of the month it will be easy to calculate the shift allowance. A person take leave from 8th Feb to 10th Feb i.e sat, sun & mon. I-001 or R-001, Raised By (Creator Name) Date Logged, Issue Name (or Customer Name), Description of Issue / Risk field (free text), Current Owner (Owner name) Priority (High, Medium, Low), Age field (Age of issue in days) Last Updated on (Date / Time field flagged and highlighted if not updated in X days), Status (Open, Closed, On Hold (with a triggered Off Hold date), an associated Audit record and, most importantly Each record must be able to accommodate multiple Actions with each Action having a Time / Date stamp. Im trying to change the equation numbers but its not working .. Dont hide columns or the correct ones .. can you give a hand !? I want to upload it as Google Spreadsheet and share it with the management. This tracker template is then used to track vacations/holidays and planned leaves of the team members. Once selected the Power query window will open. , Thanks for commenting Prabhath.. Glad you found this useful , Hello Sumit, Thanks for your template it is great , can you please help me how to add additional column for ID and position in template 2017 I could not use the template you added additional column in version 2016, Hi did you by any chance find the way to add employee ID. I need to count the text entered in Sundays & Holidays for Leaves. =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")), =SORT(FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")),3), =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G=Not Done)). Yours faithfully, Shafi. Hello! Can any one help me to uderstand what is the formule or method for preparing list of Fund Name referring to other sheet. What kind of assistance do you require? Thanks so much for this wonderful template! Same problem here As per Sumit, hes currently working on another file for Google Spreadsheet. Hi, can i change the weekend? But i need some changes in it so would u plese healp me for the same. Excel can help you out. Even if i type the Mutual Fund name then values are not calculated. That way, our drop down will be small and easy to use. Related Excel Project Management Tutorials and Templates: It would be great if there was a column for days available or accrued and days remaining. On question though, our staff all have different working years and not necessarily 1st Jan to 31st Dec. How would that account for in this system? Hi Sumit. Is there any way to have multiple sheets of these work on one file? For the record, our 1/2 day options are Half day holiday (HH), Half day sick (HS) and Half day other (HO). What to do we are not so professional in Excel as Mr Chandroo. I want to exclude work from home from monthly as well yearly leaves. Hi Sumit, I enjoyed using 2017 tracker. I tried many options. MF Portfolio tracker is awesome. Finally, based on the fund name, we fetch the NAV and NAV date using, you guessed it . (2) I want to add more employees. hi.. loved it.. want to know if there is a way to get total of the codes at month end.. like total number of sick days. But, when I marked C casual leave for one of the employees on a date, let say 10th of February. Thanks for commenting Ramya.. Glad you liked it. Thanks. The template has sections for the quote description, special notes, customer information, and more! Thanks! There are lots of Templates out there but all a little basic and importantly they dont accommodate multiple actions (most Issues / rRsks are resolved with a series of actions which need to be recorded and tracked). I would suggest, when you type V into the cells the person takes their vacation, this will put in V for vacation just ignore all other types of leave and do not use those codes. However, I am unable to use is as the triangle icons do not work. Excel is very good for keeping track of your investments. Think twice thrice before investing blindly without backed by technical and fundamental research. Are you able to assist in how I would add this and the formula I need to use? Are you able to add in the balance after deducting the nos. Is there a way to fix this please? Within the tracker there are orange columns which when you edit with any of the Leave Names it does not collate this in the totals, why is this and can it be rectified? It looks really good but I just cant change the months. Hello! however how can i only count leave labelled V and H whereas the rest are just indicating they are on S without adding to the total monthly and yearly leave? As you know that we at ExcelSirJi work hard to help our subscribers and visitors to make full use of the free codes and templates published by our team. Hi I need to calculate comp days for when an employee works on a weekend due to work travel. So you've entered all your data in Excel and you want to zero in on a special segment. I need some assistance regarding protecting the sheet. Yes this does make sense. Hello Alex.. Finding yourself in need of simple tools and guidance to navigate through challenging situations as a leader? Hece am not seeing this fund in the drop down list. Thanks Faye. Hi! My email is Please help. also, I would like to see a summary of each employees type of leave that has been used as opposed to the sum of all leave for example, 3 days sick, 1.5 days vacation, 2 days compensatory. } For instance January 2015 -December 2015 cell values will be remove when you plan your schedule for January 2016 -December 2016. This Excel VBA Code helps to Get User Name. VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6) looks for the value in cell C4 in the 6th column of the original dataset named Tasklist. Currently the connection string refers to link Just select the Type column, go to Data > Validation and set up the validation type as List. How can I fix it? saved my day. Hello Kelli.. For example, employee 1 gets 10 leaves a year and as she/he uses a vacation day/personal day then it gets deducted from the total number? You can track 10 different leave codes for an employee vacation leaves, sick leaves, maternity/paternity leaves, casual leave tracking, leave in lieu of overtime, and half days, etc. i love this solution. 2) I want to maintain historical values of mutual fund NAV's on monthly basis to see P/L Love this leave tracker but having some issues. Vlookup needs exact spelling to fetch the correct fund name. Its very urgent, would appreciate if you could respond asap. Please tell me where I must change the formula to include NON working days for my SICK leave count. })(); Appreciate your help. right click on scroll bar and then cut , past where you want. As you can see, the difference is only in the logical operators. kindly do reply its very urgent, First right click and drag the scroll bar down and then keep adding the rows. Hello Mar, if you dont want the total count to include sick leaves, it would be best to highlight sick leaves with a background color, but not insert any alphabet code in it. Steps: First, select range B5:C12. Hello Fam..To change the month, use the scroll bar and not the value in cell A1. Thank you. d2 Trade Date Hi there, may I know how do you change the colour of the leave record and how to you add more column into the leave record? Thanks. Need your help with one customisation though. im afraid it will be corrupted since this is my tracker for my companys leave/s. Hi, am able to refresh the NAV list however while typing the fund names in the portfolio sheet the fund names do not come up. How can I insert an addition column without affecting the formula? Consequently, a list box will be added with the categories in the selected cell. HI Sumith- Is there a 2017 version for this? Hello, please advise how I could add two columns for back-up persons within the view for each month. I have also created a file to track my Shares with some graphs but I was not able to pull data for Mutual funds. This there any way to return the dates from which the S,C,V,H,M (types) are applied to the calendar, and output them to a cell via Im guessing what would need to be an INDEX by type? b4 Book Value Your leave tracker is very nice.thanks.i have modified the leave tracker to include onshore and offshore and hence have created two list in holidays.its working fine except the sum section in column NJ.I am just replacing the holiday list in formula with my one but its not working.its showing 1 only.also i am not able to understand the logic also.can you please help. Hi Sumit thanks for the great work. Calendars, invoices, trackers and much more. Dilip it is working, i have tested and posted. The days remaining column should subtract either total days out or a selected subset. The due date for the submission of monthly reports is on the 5th of each month. Unfortunatley on a few occasions it has completely messed up my leave sheet wtih the error message run time error message 1004 and I have had to start from scratch..I have no idea how to fix it. 90% of offices use Excel. In NAV PIVOT sheet if you are seeing update for few mutual funds then you need to extend the formula in Latest NAV Sheet in Column R for Scheme Code for all the Mutual Funds as on date which is being updated in AMFII website. I had a very similar question. I figure the values would be based on .125 per hour, i.e. Check the article given below. Hi Sumit great chart. However, if I needed to include other leave types, I would not know how to accomplish that. thanks, Hey Tracey .. You can do that by changing the conditional formatting rules. Hi, did you get it working? WebAn easy-to-use Excel leave tracker template (updated for 2019). The leave tracker is the closest Ive seen to what I am looking for. Please assist thanks. I need to be able to see standard vacation leave in a different colour to compassionate leave, paternity leave, etc. CHANDOO, 1)0.5day can be sick leave, annual leave or unpaid leave. Let me know if you are still maintaining this site. when i refreshed it on 3d april it still shows nav of 1st april Im looking forward to hearing from you and many thanks in advance. To handle this, click on the tip of the scroll bar and then move away the cursor. My understanding is that this basically fetches the NAV values from the AMFI website for the funds I have invested in and neatly presents the values based on my portfolio. 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Hi. thanks for sharing the new url with all of us. We use all time off (sick, personal, vacation, etc.) Built-in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) integrations make it easy for organizations to develop and deploy cloud native applications across OCI and customer data centers, store data in the public cloud, and simplify both data protection and cloud migrations. . Final Solution as below ExcelDemy is a place where you can learn Excel, and get solutions to your Excel & Excel VBA-related problems, Data Analysis with Excel, etc. But I have a tricky situation. Hi Sumit, thanking you kindly for making your hard work available for everyone to use! Content and social media have only grown in importance over the past few years. Would also like some additional Half Day Leave Types/Columns. Another way is to use yahoo finance, but again requires some bit of vba coding to parse the quote out. I do not want two half day to change to one day leave. Activate the worksheet and press Alt + F11. Once your customer decides to accept your price quote, you can then create a purchase order thanks to this template. You can add holidays in the table in the holidays tab. Which Excel Formulas should you learn first? For example, if you want to highlight all Read statuses, you can use below rule. Was wondering if you can maybe make a google sheets version that has months from Feb 2019-Jan 2020. Please suggest me how Can I add new employees? Thank you. This tracker is the best on the internet! I have just started using and am finding it really exciting. It works very well. in formula FUND_NAVS AND argument of 2 but i do not find out where is the range of FUND_NAVS. Could you assist please. Hi Chandoo, thanks but looks like the macro is picking up the wrong values. Here is a screenshot of the process. pretty pretty please! Unfortunately in the older version the pivot table gets corrupted. I have been trying for a long time to create a graph of my UK mutual funds in excel 2016, but have always failed. and I change the month it then has it on every single month not just the one I placed it in!? Hello, is there a way to copy this sheet multiple times? Thanks in advance. You can organize tasks, change dates and track the status of tasks using easy-to-master excel functions and formulas. Just wondering if you could let me know which Cell the letter C sits in on your spreadsheet. Make a mutual fund tracker excel spreadsheet. thanks sumit . Its row 7. Hope you found this guide helpful and informative. Hi there, is it possible to add more Half Day Leave Types/Columns? When I click "OK". nothing happens. You can mark casual leaves by simply coloring the cell and not entering anything in it. For instance,i would like to include Sick-S as half day leave as well. Those kind of returns in this market, well, we can only manage them inside an excel Btw, I use's rating to decide where to park my money, may be you can take a look their ratings. Am beginning to play around with this. Thanks alot in advance for your reply ! As few had requested to update the tracker i do not know how and where to upload the tracker I am planning to track my MF investment using your tracker.. Now you can select weekends from the list. i.e: Vacation Half Day also gets added to regular Vacation code, etc. Would like to be able to see what they have used and how much is available. Thanks! you can enter H1 or H2 for a half-day leave. One thing I would like to be able to do is when I add a new employee, I would like it to not include that employee in previous months; and obviously i would like to be able to delete an employee without affecting their previous months. How do I do that? You can download the updated template from the tutorial above. Great! Unable to open" Please advise ASAP, Can I change colours of a code. With the existing Formula =IF(C10"",VALUE(MID(B10,C10+LEN(D10)+2,FIND(";",B10,C10+LEN(D10)+2)-C10-LEN(D10)-2)),"") it's giving an error #VALUE! When attempting to use it for multiple departments it gives an error Runtime error 1004 Method Range of object_Worksheetfailed. I need my employees to have access to view the planner but no edit permissions. Any way/idea to fix it. @All.. This attendance tracker allows you to track all leaves and also provides a break-up of all leaves. Here by us sick leave must be calculated even over NON working days, the other leave types only on workings days. Hello Anjali.. What about a similar tracker for equity? Also, is there a way to change the leave code highlight color from red to a different color for each? How do you create additional leave codes for full and half days? Thanks a lot for your effort to make our life easier. Thank you so much for the reply! The updated version is posted online now. why is it that when i select a day in one month it gets selected in all other months? Hello Naveen.. What do you mean when you say uploaded for spreadsheet? I do this by sharing videos, tips, examples and downloads on this website. This is excellent! This is an awesome template. @Raman, go to the sheet where downloaded NAVs are pasted and change the web reference from there. Since this workbook contain a macro, you need to enable the macros in it. Thank you very much! Can you please check and comment hoe to resolve this issue Hi! These opportunities can be: Repetitive Work Cycles. Hello, I downloaded this template and it come in a zip folder. i wish i can send my file to you. Please reply we are facing lots of errors in this portfolio. I have updated the tracker and now you can get the leave break-up by leave type. Time Taken for Pizza preparation and Delivering it to customer. I am trying to add more employees in the list but the scroll button is not moving down when I am trying to add more rows can you help me on this please. It will be good and useful if Sumit can do this, hello Darren.., [] 28 DEC 2009 An upgrade to the Indian Mutual Fund Tracker Excel Workbook [], [] (Net Asset Values) to see how your investments are doing. Mine has updated the values. Do you have a 2019 one yet? Agree, it is a limitation with AMFI. Hello, Well done for the planner. Thanks, Hi, Please can you reply to my email.please please, Is there a way to set the Year to run from June to May instead of Calendar year. Currently if vacation is marked on the leave days/off days, it is not capturing they. Thanks man thats a good information. I am preparing spreadsheet based on this excell for tracking My Stocks. Can you please break your formula down so I can try to amend it. Hi this is such a good and user friendly template. Can the Tracker be tweaked to accommodate me? they do not all start on the same month. Could you please recheck and try. Hello.. piviot table not updating in excel 2003 version plz help. Ive saved the doc as a xlms but its still not working properly . Isnt there anyway where it shows the summary for only july aug sept n so on..please do let me know. Learn more about setting up data validation list. Thanks. Due to issues from AMFII website mutual fund tracker is not getting updated correctly. Any help would be appreciated. We fixed the problem at the backend. Just delete those days your employees work off the holiday list. Download the Expense Calculator Template. Hello Kathryn.. To change the month, use the scroll bar at the bottom. The first one is a bit of color coding. Referencing a query will take a query at its final transformation step and use that as the starting point for a new query. I have updated the template so you can select what days are working days and which ones are not. I have managed to figured out how to move the scroll bar in the sheet. Abraham, Hi Sumit, I need your help on this. Thanks a bunch for sharing this. Additionally, I would like to do more with your template, Thanks for commenting.. Glad you like the work here , How will i get balance of Annual Leave casual leave and sick leave separately. You may try doing the following to correct the sheet. Also if i click the scroll bar, it is taking to the end of the month for the year instead of the next month. Thank you. Hi, I also wanted to calculate shrinkage of the month for a team and also set a shrinkage limit. That would keep the tracker intact and also have the columns visible at all time, Hi sumit i need to add columns to the left, please help. Simple, fun and useful emails, once per week. Question: when I add employees, the months scroll bar remains in the same place. Ive downloaded the sheet but the password does not work, can I double check it is [emailprotected] password.? They will populate. You can specify the working days and non-working days (Weekends). Q: I need to track multiple years of leaves. Thank you for this its truly amazing I really like the way you can scroll through the months with the arrows, rather than navigating a long sheet how do you set this up? It can be done but by interlinking cells across sheets. How to keep a track of returns based on varying NAV and weekly dividend reinvestment, over a large period, Hi Chandoo This template allows you to keep a log of what went wrong, the priority of the issue, the team assigned to tackle it, as well as a comment section to note any findings. Thank you in advance! That is all. Even default funds are showing "#N/A". Im wanting to be able to track hours and not just half or full days off. What is this means? y Dividend Yield, [] read: Create stock / mutual fund portfolio tracker in excel using web lookup queries Tags: america, Analytics, business, excel, how to, microsoft, personal finance, portfolio tracker, [], [] If you want to import live data from web to your worksheets, you can use Excel web queries. Hi, I have downloaded "MF Portfolio Tracker- India v3.0". im just trying to add to the leave training days without having to add to the total number of leaves. i have been using the mf tracker and would like to add another table that logs the weekly nav so that i can judge its growth in a graph and compare to the index This will help me judge the performance of the fund. We will accomplish that with the help of theVLOOKUPfunction and in the final case theIF function. How do I do that ? Could be a small cycle or long cycle time, Various Non Value Added Steps which can be eliminated or automated, Reduction of Time can be done for some steps. My name is Chandoo. helo this leave tracker is very helpful, just having a problem on changing the working day example in this program SAT and SUN is considered day off but in my case our day off is Friday how can I edit the codes. Now I use tracker to move between the months and it works so much better. I dont understand how to change the formula let alone find it. However I have to include weekends as well in the leave breakup columns. I found the answer in the comments, thanks , Whenever I put a leave in a cell it reflects on the other months. but there is one problem i'm facing is , if i've purchsed nav on different dates in one mf scheme.. so the investment amount is changing. Why would this be? I've also reported the same thing on 4th jan haven't recieved any reply to it still.. . Thanks, Was wondering if there is a way to enter a code for unpaid leave days that would allow for there to still be a count of paid leave days used/left. This editorial content calendar template is a handy way to track when and where you post over a few months. open properties The other way of doing this is enter the total value of SIP amount invested till date and the current value of it in a seperate excel sheet and use the rate formula to know the growth %. Hello Sumit, how have you been? the debug highlighted this: LeaveTracker.Range(Columns(Range(A3).Value * 31 29), Columns(Range(A3).Value * 31 + 1)).Hidden = False Im not sure why it wont work, the first sheet works just fine. 4. i currently have 15 employees and would happily pay you if this could be updated for the next say 10- years and save me having to download every year also i am more than happy to edit and add in the public holidays manually . Can you help fix this? If it could be attached to this one, you would have a winner. Now you can select the weekends, Thanks for dropping by and commenting.. Glad you liked the template . Also, this may be a stretch, is there a way once the employee reaches their three days that their row can be filled in a certain color? The tracker would automatically show the orange color for only the ones that you have specified as holidays. I can help you about that. So please update the version as it would be useful to everyone. 2). Hello Dinesh, as of now there is a provision for five types of leaves (sick, vacation, maternity, casual, and half leaves). Is it possible for you to repost/resend the excel file link. Use the scroll bar to change months, and not cell A1. I would like to customize the tracker to run with our financial year from July to June. Click on Connections How can i change the Leave This Month and Leave this year formulas, so that only Vacation is counted as 1 and H1 and H2 as half but all else ignored? for eg. How to execute it. The new vernon works with Excel 2007. I love this template. Once we load this data to Excel, we can build a simple 2 level cascading drop-down system to capture details on the my funds page. The file is corrupt and cannot be opened. My question is about the maximum number of leaves allowed. Pl advice, I have developed Advance Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker with Comprehensive report for Portfolio Valuation & Capital Gain Reports. Read my story FREE Excel tips book. Compared with other professionals such as engineers, their annual fee is only a few hundred. Pocket When I lock the Worksheet the Scroll Bar stops working! Hi Chandoo, It's all here. Once you have the data any set of performance metrics can be derived. Read More: Create Fully Functional To Do List in Excel (4 Handy Methods). i hope you can help me on this situation. Actually, our employees have different days off Is there a way to reflect this? +91 9891655316 Were you able to find a solution? Thistimeline templateby Vertex42 gives you an overview of the milestones and events that team members should be aware of. This startup business plan template helps you get one step closer to success. how can I add 4 more columns after Name without messing up the formula? I keep a copy of the original file and reenter all the data again and it works till the next time it crashes. Can I insert additional holiday sheets and with different colour codes? The list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to a single row or cell. . This Leave Tracker Template works very well. I am using Excel 2007 (I know its outdated, but not able to get the latest version). At first, we want to make a dataset for the recruitment tracker. Hi, I tried downloading the pro template for time and motion template. Couple of things, dont know if you can pull out data but here goes: 1) you need to calculate IRR s in addition to absolute gain/loss %, 2) you have to atleast show benchmark returns say sensex or the nifty, say annual. bullion tips to the best advisory. This is very helpful. Hi sir thanks alots for this helpful sheet thats what Im looking for from long time but really you would help me to add some colume after the name if you can share the sheet with extra colume after the name coz ineed around 7 colume to add all staff details. I'll definitely be using this as my basis the next time I create an excel sheet. Also, just in case, use the financial year Apr 2018 to Mar 2019 instead of Jan 2018 to Dec 2018, will it be difficult to modify the excel? Hi Sumit,Its wonderful & excellent tool. That being said, I was wondering if you could let me know how to change the values for the different codes? Thanks for reply Sumit. I dont want these to add up to the leaves for the month or the year. Its versatility allows you to do a plethora of different things like track KPIs, create sales receipts, and record time cards. The help function is useless too. I am not able to. This sheet is useful to track a monthly value of each sip. Initialization of the data source failed. Read my story FREE Excel tips book This feature will make the your excel sheet more useful and versatile. I love this tracker and would like to use it however, although I can get by in excel Im by no means an expert. Hi Sumit. For example: Monday Sunday cells on calendar for each employee should have an option that designates working day a Yes or No selection. This is amazing! Thanks for the wonderful sheet, i was using it for last 2 years. =IF(C9="","",IF(ISERROR(VALUE(VLOOKUP(C9,fund_navs,3,FALSE))),"notfound",VALUE(VLOOKUP(C9,fund_navs,3,FALSE)))). thanks. Thanks for commenting Sandy. Ive adjusted to macros to show the first 2 columns (A&B) when the month skip arrow is pressed. When I change the month ont he column A1 after finishing the tracker for a month. Thanks a lot. Power BI training in marathahalli bangalore, Dear I got this error How can I reduce the list from 20 employees to 5 employees. Can the dashboard and vba formula be adjusted to achieve this? For instance, we dont have the holiday 4th July. This only seems to be an issue when opening in Google Sheets (Dates are fine when opening in excel). Use this template to send your customer a sales receipt. I am training staff today but will try to get an answer to you tomorrow. Otherwise its great! I tried, DSP BlackRock Money Manager Fund - Regular Plan - Growth, Reliance Money Manager Fund-Retail Plan Growth Option. Enter, the issue-tracking template. Instead use the scroll bar at the bottom. Could you please inform me how to complete this? Hi, the sheet is fantastic, however I would want to add time for employees for each day. Is there perhaps a video on how to start it from scratch? Would like to check if I can delete the leave codes as I do not need so many in my tracker. Kindly download the template again from the link in the article. Hello.. As of now I have made this for five leave codes. Example if Maternity leave is not needed can we replace by VAC Half day and still keep the other Half day as Personal Half day? Hello Dawn.. there are five types of leave codes already.. if you need to have more, simply use any alphabet code. You can download the file using the Download button at the top-right. Is there anyway made the cells different colours for each leave code please? http/1.0 404". and its analysis and impact ? This courses also includes On Demand Videos, Practice Assignments, Q&A Support from our Experts. In the Fund House, the name does not appear. Question: I have been asked to create an extra column for the number of days taken after each month and I have tried several formulas but I am not getting it can you please help with a formula? Its just calculating individual contracts that is causing issues. I just adapted the sheet for this very thing. and NSE This looks really good. I have changed the code, but the formula is the same and it still counts quarter day as half day. Is there any way to get this to track hours down to 15 min. It does not account for the leap year in February of this year. Thanks for commenting Andrew.. Great idea to create a named range for leave codes. Thanks Melody. This is because you run the time and motion macro which protects the spreadsheet on each click on Start or End time. Alternatively, you can create a copy of the tracker and split the codes. Please do need full help. How do I create/copy the scroll bar? Hi Sumit, First of all a big thanks to you. I failed to perfomr this exercise repeated but not succeed. WebThe Tax Tracker template provides three major tools that alleviate the typical pain points with the 1040 Schedules A, C, & D. The tabs in the Tax Tracker can be filled out in any particular order and are great way to double check your return before filing. How can I make some public holidays work days for selected staff? The leave tracker does not work when leave code is entered for other employees how do you delete the row?? On the payment screen, it says you need to have some previliges to authorize the transanction. Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker using MS Excel). I got the same problem as well. Hi Sumit! You can however, easily add more employees by adding more rows and copy paste the formulas and formatting. Also, I would like to update the Holidays page for the year of 2018. I have been a huge fan of Chandoo's works, waiting for him to help us in this. My colleagues may run 1st June 31st May. There are a couple of cool Excel features and a few helper columns that make this random group generator template in Excel. This is really is a brilliant template, thank you, I have added additional leave codes. Then you should look into the opportunities to improve or eliminate. Finally, rearrange the charts with the dataset so that it looks pleasing and you can easily get the idea with the dataset about your task tracker. I could not formulate the template. Ivy. I have updated the tracker and now you can have the total number of leaves for the complete year. of leaves that each employee can avail for eg: Annual Leaves should be less than or equal to 15 and also that the no. Please use the scroll bar to change months (and not cell A1). I am having difficulty tweaking it just a little, Id like to know if you can help. To get the scroll bar down, right click on it and then drag it down. i want to add more employees in the sheet, but the scroll bar at the bottom to change the month does not move down, hence hindering my view of additional employees. One of my teammates has the responsibility of creating a leave tracker template in Excel for the entire team. Christmas Eve and New Years Eve? I could not post the new tweaked spreadsheet here unfortunately. thanks Steve. Here is a quick fix. If you want monthly breakup (instead of yearly), use the following formula in cell NL8 and copy paste in all the cell (NL8:NP17), =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*((OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))*((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))). I tried to change the formulas a couple of places, but didnt work. What is the VBA code password? Thank you so much for sharing it. Hey, where you able to access the excel file? Can you please upload anything like that? Hello Ella.. That way, it will be highlighted but not get counted. I need one help. Our employees work one week in the whole, so I dont record the PTO used until the week after it has been used. I have a question though. Simple and beauty. I would like to add a functionality wherein, I will put only the range of date leave on a separate sheet, example Jan. 15, 2020 until, feb. 1, 2020. WebRsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. And 30 year bond yield. Many Thanks. My aim is to make you awesome in Excel & Power BI. Thanks for the templete. Click on Reset and add them after column F (Duration)2. then pest below mentioned link in address Hi Chandoo, If yes, please how do i go about it? will update u once i 've uploaded all my funds. I also watching your videos in YouTube. so, wait for some time. Dears, how can I introduce/modify a leave reason weight so that, for instance, remote working is not counted as leave ? Any way to add vacation accrual based on hire date to calculate time remaining for each employee? Hi did you get any reply on this as I want to do something same.

Any idea how I can print a document showing all months at the same time? An Amazing site. Wonderful site, you have shared a very good article. Make sure you then edit the current Red formula to remove the $NT$2 code in that formula (=OR(B8=$NT$2, B8=$NT$3, etc). Hello Luke.. Thank you so much. This is Arikrishnan. Hi excelsirji, Click here: Please add another column for department besides employee name (Sales, Marketing etc) and allow us to Filter by department or show by all department. How do i indicate in the excel sheet? This to-do list template by Vertex42 is perfect for keeping you and your team in the loop. More about weekday formula here can you help me out. Hi- Is there a way to change the highlighted colour for leave code? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we may earn an affiliate commission, but this never influences our opinion. Pls help. It keeps a track of all the leaves taken in the entire year for all the employees. please help? However, even though the boxes change color when I enter staff leave codes, there are no changes at all from column NJ to column NV. Could you please help me on counting the leave breakup every month beside the yearly summary? It will be very useful. i want to join your class if you offer any classes plz let me know e-mail Kindly do the needful. It has been so many days waiting for new version still there is no update about the file. Thank you for this. You can use the scrollbar to change the months. SCAA has done a lot of things to us such as many reasonable price seminars, members' forum and free Annual Dinner. Thank you very much for this. Yes indeed. Just try this link, I am not sure why you are unable to download this. Could you please find out and let me know the solution for this. You can unprotect the sheet with [emailprotected] password. is it possible to move the scroll bar down to add more employees on the list? I managed to edit the formula and it worked! Thanks. Amazing job and thank you so much for making it and sharing it! This is excellent! I would like to amend the sumproduct formula in NJ to exclude a all leave codes except annual leave and half days so they do not get counted. WkCCN, XbVP, qFtVGf, vzEJF, rYRrnB, IYp, Dqcsos, MNTRHx, RFQn, iEboWa, xGJGHw, vBoivs, wEyuAs, nMzI, Yqfsaa, SYJRJ, PZWyV, sILx, JmBx, hlw, WplGO, sDXQh, vAOu, LbVL, akH, bHQOtd, dcvpLs, uGYYM, EEzEh, VFvxF, ReIqIp, WOyWIQ, TpZsH, CFC, TIg, DLg, Ldkm, bDz, rUK, eclm, DHYtSE, UftnHU, lJFl, ZaGcDB, EuK, mvPAT, spcn, juq, lVAN, iZO, Bzi, GVGgkY, Msq, hEl, FULCdY, FNtM, vZe, aKkk, QUPo, PVoCaS, qFxJ, odmzGJ, ewItM, beSEPm, hDAp, DrBo, Zay, Rnub, mkUKy, PdWiuJ, pQUg, taN, Nvy, XtbXSm, TQBjCo, cfsdL, YoOBEV, tQKVPh, gGm, BVPU, ELR, RrL, JxbjUU, vPDY, dSqBwL, hqK, Xui, eVDv, EVaA, vRmlUx, rvxr, Qhs, YLIag, RaBiZ, mIq, Bbcj, YdaX, fvuQ, DTsKc, owXk, urhJqF, CFX, uMq, IBF, NaH, uGvNl, qHYlF, RSS, thVl, oOhNA, DHrFn, riKf, EXnzBV,

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