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professional ethics assignment

All ethical standards which apply to lawyers of that country shall also be observed. In the law arena, there is in fact a code of conduct which is laid out so that there is no disparity between what is right and wrong for lawyers to do. This particularly prevalent in instances where investigative reporting takes place and contrived methods make the information-gathering exercise more tedious than it normally is. They relate to our deep-rooted principles, and how religiously we follow them determines the kind of person we are. Assignment 2: Ethical Dilemmas Paper (25 points) Professional ethics are at the foundation of nursing practice. When dealing with defendants on trial or an accused, they are treated as allegedly having committed a crime, until conviction, when their crimes are then considered facts at that point. The balance between maintaining court's decorum and permitting freedom in individual's lifestyle is the most well defined in a lawyer's dress code. It is responsible for defining the code of ethics that governs the work environment. As mentioned before, this paper aims to deliver a comprehensive view of the ethical issues faced in the professional areas of education, management and accounting, law, and medicine, and psychology. Write a 750-word essay on the topic provided by your learning facilitator Please refer to the Assessment Rubric to ensure you address all the assessment criteria. Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague. Physicians must avoid discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion and national origin. He examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II, Nuremberg War Criminal trials. A lawyer also has to meet certain expectations in terms of obligations to others ??? They are aware of their professional and scientific responsibilities to society and to the specific communities in which they work. The justice/caring dispute grows out of a critique of Lawrence Kohlbergs views of moral development by feminist scholars, principally Carol Gilligan. In these activities psychologists do not steal, cheat, or engage in fraud, subterfuge, or intentional misrepresentation of fact. It is therefore essential that the code of ethics of this field be examined in the presentation of a professional ethics paper The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Code of Ethics A Code of Ethics enables us to: ? What is Professional Ethics? This is a side to your future work as a teacher that you may hope you will never experience. The future of the country depends upon the maintenance of the shrine of the justice, pure and, unrolled by the advocates. They are instilled generally, during childhood, by our parents, family, and friends. Same purpose as other standards, namely: Ethical practice in learning through participation: showcasing and evaluating the PACE Ethical Practice Module. Professional Ethics behaviour - Assignment. Improve the profile of the profession ? The implications of unethical decision making in the medical profession are apparent. The unethical decisions made by the CEO of one company not only affected his reputation but also had far reaching effects on the employees of the company and the shareholders who had invested large amounts of resources into the company. There are two standards that are applied in order to help protect the privacy of research participants. Abstract: Ethics in information system involves of principle, standard and guideline of the moral and value that cover all aspect of life. Duties of Advocates in the Administration of Justice and the, Initiates the various duties of an advocate to other entities and persons. Enron finally declared bankruptcy on December 2, 2001, leaving employees with out jobs or money. The right of the clients interests should be put first rather than the lawyers right to compensation for their services. Upload WORD doc in Blackboard Use [] Part 1 - ACS Code of Professional Conduct Analysis. Many times participants willingly consent to these therapies which rid the client of unwanted or destructive behaviour. 1-762-208-5709; Live Chat ; Contact us; Top Special Offer! It is improper for lawyers to converse about a particular case directly with persons whom they know to be represented in that case by another lawyer without his/her consent. Ethics is a study of the meaning and application of judgments of Good, bad, right, wrong, etc. itself; and to secure that lawyers discharge their responsibilities to the community generally. Ethical decisions in business are handled everyday, and most organizations have some sort of established code of conduct to help guide management to make the correct decision. Clearly, the anonymity standard is a stronger guarantee of privacy, but it is sometimes difficult to accomplish, especially in situations where participants have to be measured at multiple time points (e. g. , a pre-post study). There are a number of rules in this international code, some of which are: 1. Take for instance, a wrong judgement such as if an innocent person was found guilty in the case of murder ??? Here a particularly contentious matter is whether being a role model is part of the job of teachers, because this expectation can expand public authority over the lives of teachers. Judge foreclosing on a widow. Personal Ethics - These involve our morals and values. The difficulty of providing universal guidance given the heterogeneous nature of the profession ? Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favour that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or action. In the analysis section of the professional ethics assignment, critical examination and discussion on the current significant issue and its analysis according to social, legal, ethical and professional modalities are going to be analyzed by using Doing Ethics Technique framework. The employees need to see a clear chain of command, especially in cases where the person who is the first link is the one violating the rules. controlled by craft, greed or gain or other unworthy motive, sooner or later the arch must fall. International Code of Ethics. Assignment Prime. Also, if lawyers fail to comply with these rules of ethics, they can be subjected to discipline ranging from private (non-pubic) reprimand to disbarment (the taking away of their license to practice law). These codes not only seek to protect the client but also aim to preserve the integrity profession. Another ethically controversial psychological study which inflicted stress on participants was conducted by Phlllip Zimbardo. There are already established laws regarding employment, accounting, and regulatory rules when it comes to conducting business. When our personal code is violated, we must decide what needs to be done in order to remain ethical. Journalists are strongly urged from including bias in the preparation of their reports and to distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. An increased emphasis is being placed on ethics in Information Systems. It should be apparent to the employees how following the code of ethics will aid in accomplishing the companys vision and the employees must see a tie that following the code aids in their personal success within the company (Hawkins 1). Sr. No Name of the Students Roll No 1 Vishal Veer 52 2 Khyati Bhatodkar 54 3 Surya Rose Thomas 55 4 Shital Thorat 56 5 Shiv Kumar Rao 58 6 Aditya Joshi 60 7 Mahesh Waghmare . In these instances, they take into account the publics right to know, potential threats, reprisals, threats and intimidations of all kinds, personal integrity, conflict between editors, reporters and publishers or management, and many other such peculiar circumstances that define their predicament. Managers must not only uphold the companys code of ethics by example, they must also make a point to discuss the code with their employees regularly. It should provide clear action statements that indicate what should and should not be done. Some of the ethical issues involved in these various professions shall be highlighted and the possible consequences of using these codes to make decisions shall be evaluated. The educator therefore works to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals. If managers are creating the right ethical environment, the company has a better chance of being an ethical minded company. These guiding principles are toward the universal values that human beings possess. No doubt, many factors influence our understanding of ethics. The Society of Professional Journalists recognizes that gathering and reporting the news may cause harm or discomfort to some and urge that the pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance. Methods Taught In Public Policy Programs: Are Quantitative Methods Still Prevalent? Show Less It can include the rules for governing the company in cases of employees being caught lying, cheating, or stealing. they would lose their life. The purpose of this assignment is to identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas in the workplace using professional ethics as a basis for your discussion and analysis. ? He has said that he, went to the house on behalf of its landlord, a man named Rachman. Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage. Look for alternative that does the least harm. A member should strive to meet the professions ethical standards, with their primary concern being whatever is in the best interest of the public. Personal interests must be set aside in pursuit of the greater public interest. It stated that the code of ethics should promote compliance with governmental rules and that periodic reports be full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable (United 406). Within two days participants had to be released since they were exhibiting signs of severe emotional and psychological disorders(uncontrollable crying and screaming) and one even developed a nervous rash. And they are also responsible to uphold the honour and dignity of the profession. They promote integrity, honesty and work to improve one's professional practice significantly, among other benefits. These principles illustrate the ways in which moral conceptions can inform policy and practice. the cases supported by relevant case law and acts. Motivate and inspire practitioners, by attempting to define their raison detre ? Professional ethics is referring to the concept of what professional should and should not do in completing their job that related to the society. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyones privacy. Professional Ethics is a professionally accepted specifications of personal as well as business behavior, ideals and guiding principles. Corporate Governance Assignment 1 USA Support +1-213-438-9854 +1-408-580-7732 Connect Us facebook linkedin instagram Australia Support +61-2-84172057 +61-4-03958100 UK Support +44 (203) 286 8649 +44(746)9343875 USA HQ Office 2800 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98131 USA Branch Office Researchers are obligated at all times to employ the least stressful research operations wherever possible. APA. As soon as an employee sees an upper level manager break the companys code of ethics, they can potentially feel that the managers action opens up the doorway for their unethical behaviour. This paper identifies and discusses three components of graduate student training through the following conceptual framework: data integrity; responsible assignment of authorship and publication practices; and compliance. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. This portion of the paper shall examine some the role professional ethics plays in psychological research and some unique cases where in the absence of these codes research has resulted in psychological harm. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Study Objectives: To investigate the broad topic of professional ethics. Zimbardo conducted an experiment on authority and obedience and because of the severe mental stress it caused the students, the study had to be shortened from fourteen days to six. Failure to do this may result in the psychological harm of the client and a lack of confidence in the practice of the profession. For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following: Research Question Based on Professional . professional practices and scholarly ethics Assignment: Academic General Questions professional practices and scholarly ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. It is this failure that the client argues resulted to, his conviction. The teacher was not aware that the learner in the study was actually an actor merely indicating discomfort as the teacher increased the electric shocks. How is the code intended to be implemented? The rationale for classifying methods courses as quantitative and qualitative and the results of the past research on methods courses are discussed. Therefore, a company should use a good amount of time and effort in creating a corporate code of ethics that is unique and representational of them. Johnson & Johnson regularly surveys its employees to see how well the company is adhering to the credo. A corporate code of ethics can be a very valuable and integral part of a companys culture but it is not strong enough to stand alone. Failure to abide by the Hippocratic Oath can lead to physical harm and death. When the teacher asked whether increased shocks should be given he/she was verbally encouraged to continue. Almost all research guarantees the participants confidentiality they are assured that identifying information will not be made available to anyone who is not directly involved in the study. In other words, all professionals in the field off computing have from time immemorial guided by a code of ethics . Also, we have suggested some key tips for you to follow during the ethics research paper topics selection. Journalists must remember this at all times while trying to avoid conflicts of interest and taking bribes. . It requires that if there is any change or waiver in the code, the company must also disclose that immediately. Postmodernists often argue that all such grand stories represent the perspectives of groups or eras and, when viewed as the single truth of the matter, are oppressive. Most countries also forbid particular forms of misconduct, such as child abuse, sexual harassment, and drug abuse, and their violation may be grounds for dismissal. For a company with such an extensive code of ethics and a CEO who seemed to want the company to be respected for that, there are still so many unanswered questions of what exactly went wrong. Findings: Students of the Masters in Public Administration Program at Texas State University reported they were adequately prepared in virtually all of the key areas of graduate training identified in the conceptual framework, with the exception of two sub-categories: writing data management plans and assigning co-authorship. In certain cases, we may even discuss organizations that are established to ensure the ethical rules are enforced in the various professions. Events with two or more eyewitnesses are reported as fact. ANALYTICAL TOOLS TO BE EMPLOYED: We have used a number of different means to acquire the information presented in the analysis. Adopted by the National Education Association (NEA) 1975 Representative Assembly) Ethical concerns about teachers and teaching occur in a variety of contexts and can be thought of in several ways: how ethical issues are represented in the law; how ethical issues are represented in the National Education Associations (NEAs) code of ethics as already discussed above in the codes of ethics of the education profession; ethically based comprehensive views of education; the role of ethics in educational policy; and meta-ethical disputes relevant to education. BUAD 4101: Business Ethics JagTracks IV Professional Ethics Assignment Instructions: Length: 2-3 pages minimum, no maximum Format: WORD doc (no pdf), grammar and spell checked, careful proof-reading APA format: Cover sheet, report, References page Save As: Lastname Firstname Professional Association for _____ (Finance, Marketing, Accounting, etc.) Code of Ethics in the Accounting Profession On April 24, 2002 in the wake of scandals like Enron and WorldCom, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was passed. Option 1: The first option is to name Oral or written communication between lawyers shall be in principle be accorded a confidential character as far as the court is concerned. . Professional ethics encompasses an ethical code governing the conduct of persons engaged in the practice of law as well as persons engaged in the legal sector. Step 1: Analyze - The Consequences. A man, named Manning was a doorkeeper at the house. Body (450-550 words) Reflective Paper On Personal Code Of Ethics Download : 0 | Pages : 7. Any discrepancies are noted and addressed immediately. Link: viewer!The Idea beh. ? It is quite understandable that the people we look up to in an organization provide the foundation for the building blocks of our professional ethics and values. The desire for the respect and confidence of ones colleagues, of students, of parents, and of the members of the community provides the incentive to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct. Exploring ethical and legal issues that commonly arise in the practice of the health care professional provides student nurses with the knowledge they need to understand their role in providing ethical care to their patients. e.g. Members of the AICPA must adhere to 6 basic principles. At the conclusion of a violent altercation, between the Appellant and Manning the latter had the lobe of an ear bitten off and his, hand very severely damaged. 2. Ethics has a long history of theories about determining right from wrong and identifying the principles of living a good life. Some forms of deception used are relatively innocent e. g. being told that a baby is male when it really is female. However the degree deception may be necessary so as to not stunt the progress of psychological research. Their defense often was based on obedience that they were just following orders of their superiors. Conscientious journalism entails gathering, reporting and interpreting information in a fair and honest manner. It is very important for a nurse to maintain a balance between both professional and personal ethics so as to achieve success in life. Most individual print, broadcast and online organisations have their own singular code of ethical conduct that they adhere to. Accounting. All these fall under the broader category of accuracy with regards to the ethical implications in journalism. The code must be written in a practical and understandable manner. Relationships with clients ? A survey was electronically administered to current graduate students and former students who graduated from the Masters in Public Administration program at Texas State University. Subscribe Now. Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications. In certain cases, as when teachers discuss controversial matters in class or employ controversial teaching methods, they may be protected by the First Amendment. Interference in the reporting process by external entities should also be reported. Professional Ethics in Medicine. Accounting questions and answers. The code itself states its purpose: ? In a perfect world the ethical message in both codes are the same. Journalists are encouraged to seek the truth and report it, ensure that it is accurate and objective, minimize harm in the process of reporting the news and act independently avoiding conflicts of interest. It was not until whistleblower Sherron S. Watkins stepped forward that the deceit began to unravel. The credo outlines the four responsibilities of the company. They form the backbone of the legal system and as such they have a special responsibility to be principled in their jobs ??? They include: ? Methodology: This study utilizes survey research to describe graduate student preparedness in each area identified in the conceptual framework. However, these principles are far from reality. Press, 1953), refers to the conduct itself, while ethics or ethical suggests the study of moral conduct or the, Legal profession is necessarily the keystone of the arch of Government. An investigation of: the relevant literature which highlighted the growth of, and importance in understanding the moral philosophies which underlie Computer Ethics; and the official curricula recommendations that have increasingly and consistently recommended inclusion of courses describing the Social, Professional and Ethical responsibilities of Information Systems Professionals; and informed by the observations from two empirical Studies that showed the extent of unethical behaviour, and how this behaviour is diminished in those who have received formal tertiary level education resulted in a proposed new course module on Ethics in Information Systems. Some of these may still be clouded; however, in recent years, courts have been inclined to insist that actionable immoral conduct be job-related, providing some protection for the private lives of teachers. for the Promotion of Research in IT at New Universities and at University Colleges in Sweden. There is. Harm limitation deals with the questions of whether everything learned should be reported and, if so, how? Meta-Ethical Issues The term meta-ethics concerns the general nature of ethics instead of specific ethical prescriptions. Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted a study focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. From the case above we see that Milgrams study involved the use of deception but many question the extent to which the emotional distress caused by the study was justified. Obligations to others, and ? A professional code of ethics is designed to ensure employees are behaving in a manner that is socially acceptable and respectful of one another. Some participants experienced deterioration of their self-image and the strain of feeling guilty or responsible for their actions. It is simply not enough to have a code of ethics if there is not a solid, fear free path to follow to report violations. Regarding conflicts of interest- instructions should not be accepted by a lawyer to act for two or more clients where there is a conflict or even the likelihood of a conflict between the interests of those clients; if a lawyer has acquired relevant knowledge concerning a past client during the course of acting for that client, the lawyer cannot accept instructions to act against that client; an advocate must not continue to act for two or more clients where there is a conflict of interest existing between those clients; the lawyer should not act if his or her interests conflicts with the interests of the client; any lawyer who holds a power of attorney from a client must not use that power to gain a benefit. It is therefore extremely important that in cases where harm seems inevitable that this harm is managed and minimized. In past decades teachers might have been dismissed not only for drunkenness, homosexuality, unwed pregnancy, or cohabitation, but also for innumerable other offences against the moral code of their community. There are numerous accounts of employees looking the other way and not coming forward with their knowledge of unethical behaviour. Also, the researcher recognizes a duty to report general findings to participants in terms appropriate to their understanding. In their professional actions, psychologists seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons, and the welfare of animal subjects of research. Such work may include consulting, researching, teaching and writing. Physical Discomfort-As the APA principle of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence states, psychologists should strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm(physical or psychological). Additionally there must be the maintenance of medical competence through the study, application, and enhancement of medical skills and knowledge is an obligation of practicing physicians. The company, KSoft Technologies is trying to open new offices in different country to expand their business. Special sensitivity should be employed for inexperienced subjects and especially if children are involved. 8. Ethics as a Context of Professional Work (and identifying ethical issues in what you teach) Ethics and other professional standards: some similarities. Physicians have to respect the rights of their patients, colleagues, and other health professionals. Who should be involved in creating this code? For example, compassion should be shown to those adversely affected by news coverage. from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. "Ethics", in an organizational context, comprises a set of behavioral standards, expressed as norms, principles, procedural guides, or rules of behavior, defining what is appropriate (right) and inappropriate (wrong). Dismissal for immoral conduct is most likely when the teacher has committed a felony, in cases of inappropriate sexual advances toward students, or in cases of child abuse. The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct ("the Code") expresses the conscience of the profession. The educator recognizes the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process. Step 3: Make A Decision. The companys code of ethics must also make sense to its employees. No subject stopped before reaching 300 volts! People believe in you and don't mind conducting business with you because they trust you. others meaning certain third parties and also other advocates. We must make the choice of what is right and wrong and if put in a situation that is against our code we must stand up for what is right. Legal ethics refers to the ethical code that governs the conduct of people who are engaged in the practice of law. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Lawyers must never act fraudulently, participate in deceitful activities, and certainly must never use their profession to take advantage of others; if an advocate realizes that their opposition is not in fact a qualified attorney ??? Raise awareness and consciousness of issues ? Stress and Discomfort-Most psychologists agree that procedures used in psychological research should not harm participants physically or psychologically. 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professional ethics assignment