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nav2 collision monitor

This will limit X-Planes frame rate to the refresh rate of your monitor, thus preventing brief frame rate drops, or stutters. X-Plane 12 requires a computer with at least the following specifications: However, for the best experience, we recommend the following: To find your computers CPU speed and amount of RAM, Mac users can simply open the Apple Menu and click About This Mac.. By default, the pilot yoke behaves in a realistic mannertilt your wrist left or right for roll, and push in or pull out to control pitch. The AI indicates what attitude the aircraft is flying athow far the nose is above or below the horizon, as well as how far the wings are banked and in which direction. You may specify an airline and a flight number if desired. New Nav2 Velocity Smoother; Goal Checker API Changed; Added Assisted Teleop; Humble to Iron. Thus, when you are flying along and tune in the main VOR frequency, you then fine tune your navigation display to tell you which of the 360 radials you are flying and also whether the transmitter station is in front of or behind you. In X-Plane, this is done by easing the throttle on a joystick back down toward you. (Uninstalling the demo is as straightforward as locating the X-Plane 12 Demo folder and moving it to the Recycle Bin or Trash.). (Note that if you are using a trim wheel, you may have to roll the wheel continuously to see which axis it is mapped to.) Make sure the GPS is set to VLOC, if applicable. Rain, snow, and clouds are available for an instrument flying challenge, and thermals are available for the gliders. This will completely kill the simulators frame rate if the system doesnt have a strong video card, but if the video card can take it, crank this option up. One of these signals is sent out slightly to the left of the runway, while the other sent out slightly to the right of it. This causes the autopilot to start flying the plane for you, disengaging any previous modes. If each display has a field of view of 45, these images would blend together seamlessly if you didnt consider the width of the displays' bezels. Figure 2.5:The Flight Configuration screen. To enable kiosk mode, check the Enable kiosk mode and prevent settings changes box, then enter a password. The latest version will always be available online on the XPlane website. Heres how this works: First, the main rotor provides the force needed to lift the craft by continuously maintaining the same rotor RPM for the entire flight. This results in countless problems with the views not lining up. Err on the side of sending too much information, rather than too little! This will simply follow the heading bug on the HSI or direction gyro. This means XPlane will only have to calculate physics on your aircraft, providing a significant speed increase on slower CPUs. If you set this switch to FMC/CDU (or GPS), then the HSI will show deflections from the GPS, which can be set manually or by the FMS, and the autopilot will fly to the GPS destination when you hit the LOC button. If you would like to use XPlane windowed, you can also open the IOS as a window, pop it out and drag it around to whatever location you want on your monitors. Before recording your movie, you will want to set up the movies specifications. Select a radial by turning the OBS knob which rotates the compass rose around the instrument; the chosen radial is indicated above the top yellow arrow. X-Plane has been written to operate on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux systems. That report indicates what type of computer you are using, what you do to get the problem (in a way that lets us perfectly mirror it), what you think the problem is, and it gives proof that what you believe about the plane is in fact true. First, know that your overall frame rate will be limited by either your CPU or your GPU (your graphics card). As soon as you intercept the localizer, the LOC button will go from yellow to green, abandoning the heading mode to instead fly the localizer. It will light up green, then push or pull the knob to adjust the setting. If the frame rate gets too low for the flight model to handle, then the plane is likely to start oscillating quickly back and forth (referred to as simulator flutter, often occurring with autopilot on) as the flight model tries unsuccessfully to predict what the plane will do next. This controller can also be used to control throttle and condition (fuel cutoff) for jet engines, allowing independent control of jet aircraft with up to three engines. In an aircraft, this information is compared with the onboard database to determine how far it is to the next airport, navigational aid (NAVAID), waypoint, or whatever. If you have any issues while following this guide, check the rest of the manualthe problem is very likely addressed there, and youll save time for both yourself and customer support. Scenery can be added or removed at any point in the future by re-running the installer. Note also that you can move to the helipad nearest you at any time by opening the Customize Location screen, clicking the Special Starts button and clicking on the Helipad Start line. If any of the following problems are experienced, the systems graphics drivers probably need to be updated: Additionally, if an error appears referring to a corrupt or missing .dll file, the drivers most likely need to be replaced. B. OEI Power Setting); ein Triebwerk ausgefallen, sterreichisches Nachrichtenblatt fr Luftfahrer, (siehe auch MEW Manufacturers Empty Weight), Office fdral de laviation civile (Suisse), Flugdurchfhrungsplan; Operationeller Flugplan (beinhaltet alle Informationen bezglich Flugroute, Hhe, Geschwindigkeit, Zeit, Treibstoff usw. With the flight director set to the right mode, you can engage the autopilot functions by simply pressing the desired button in the instrument panel. If XPlane is set up and flying, but aircraft seem to be too sensitive in pitch, or if they pull to one side, the simulators handling may need to be tuned. It will also go to armed (yellow). For instance, there are fewer daylight hours in December than in June in North America, as in the real world. In other words, while the hard-over roll rate in the simulator will remain unchanged no matter how these sliders are set, fine control will be increased for smaller, partial deflections, since the flight controls will move less for a small-to-moderate stick deflection in the hardware joystick or yoke. Each map is made up of ticked, thin black lines that make boxes officially named Quadrangles. Each box is 1/4 of a degree of latitude and longitude. This can be done either by pressing Alt (Option on a Mac) + r or by opening the File menu and clicking Toggle Replay Mode. P (PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PI, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PO, PP, PQ, PR, PS, PT, PU, PV, PW, PY, PZ); Assign a function to a button or a two-direction switch by clicking the Edit button and scrolling through the list of commands, or by typing a key term in the search bar, as in Figure 4.6 below. Modern navigation (after the 1930s) was based on ground-based transmitters. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. For additional information, see the Knowledge Base article X-Plane Digital Download., Before calling or emailing, save both yourself and customer service time by checking this manual, the X-Plane Knowledge Base, or the X-Plane Q & A site for answers. When approach is active, switching to LNAV is automatic. For example, while in flight, move the mouse to the top of the screen and click the View menu and a subcategory. Very high frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR): This is a type of NAVAID that sends out signals that pilots can follow to get to or from the transmitter. The largest portion of the screen is for the weather map, which displays the clouds and wind layers in relation to each other. B. ein Firmenpilot, ein Check-Kapitn, ein FAA-Beobachter, ein, Topographische Luftfahrtkarten im Mastab 1:1 Mill., herausgegeben von den US-amerikanischen Militrbehrden, Office National d'tudes et de Recherches Arospatiales, (hnelt dem LPC Line Proficiency Check), Hindernisfreiflche fr eine PAPI Anlage, auf Anforderung (z. Use the - to delete a key assignment. This version is designed to replace Microsoft ESP. To load a replay, open the File menu as before, but select Load Flight. It is installing it. This is especially useful for quickly loading and practicing a specific type of approach, or for recreating a specific combat situation. You might be asked for an admin password or to confirm your choice. In commercial aircraft, a nosewheel tiller is used to more accurately align the nosewheel to the taxi lines, and to get the aircraft safely docked at jetways. Open the IOS window by going to the Flight menu > Toggle Instructor Operating Station. Simply copy that entire aircraft folder from one of the computers over to the other, putting the aircraft folder in the same directory (relative to the XPlane installation directory) on the second computer. An exception to the above rule is altitude. If the simulators frame rate isnt as high you would like, you can raise it by following the instructions below. You must hit the VNAV button if you want the FMS to also load altitudes into the altitude window. If you are using one computer with two (or more) monitors, you can enable the IOS on the second monitor by going to the Graphics tab in the Settings screen. Thus, it is similar to using a higher screen resolution; running at a resolution of 20482048 without anti-aliasing is similar to running at 10241024 and 4 anti-aliasing. Typically, custom scenery packages will need to be unzipped into the XPlane Custom Scenery folder, and XPlane will load them automatically the next time it is started. On each computer, open the Settings and go to Network. Press the three line button (the menu button) of the virtual controller to access the menu options. Whereas, say, an airliner would raise its nose up just before touching the runway (thereby ensuring a smooth landing), a carrier approach should maintain a constant glide slope until the craft hits the deck. These navigation maps are opened by hitting the m key or clicking the map marker icon in the menu. Smaller and more maneuverable planes will accelerate more quickly, and greater accelerations require a higher frame rate to simulate. Click on the minus sign (-) icon next to a profile name to delete it. Note: If you are using a digital download product key, you will need to download the latest XPlane installer from USB key drivers for both Mac OS and Windows can be downloaded from the site. Using the same ILS in both directions has its advantages (e.g., its cheaper), but theres a drawback: the needle deflection on your instruments is backwards when going the wrong way on the ILS. nav2_map_server . These modes capture an ILS, VOR, or GPS course, so they must obviously be able to fly either NAV 1, NAV 2, or GPS. Simply start X-Plane, and if an update is available you will see an Update Available box with the options to Ignore or Update. Click Update to have XPlane automatically download and launch the latest installer/updater. Equally apparent is the fact that they are harder to drag through the air now, since they are doing a lot more work. B. TEMPS NEG ABV 24000), Kontrollturm, der nicht der Bundesbehrde untersteht (USA), der nicht fliegende Pilot (identisch mit PNF), Nationale Agentur fr Geographische Aufklrung (USA), nautische Meile gegenber dem Boden ergibt die Grounddistance (im Unterschied zur Airdistance Nautical Air Mile NAM), Keine Angaben, nichts vorhanden; keine Punkte aufgefhrt; keine, Nationales Luft- und Raumfahrtlabor der Niederlande. Look at the sliders under the Control Response column (one each for pitch, roll, and yaw, for the pilot & copilot). To do this, first go to the Data Output section of Settings and click on Dataref Read/Write. Once the approach is set up, you will be handed off to KBFIs tower for landing and the process continues until youve arrived back at the gate. Use proper terminology. Die MPL-Ausbildung umfasst die Ausbildung in den Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), die Airline-spezifisch sind, weshalb der Ausbilder die SOPs der entsprechenden Airline beherrschen muss. Now that the rotor is tilted to the right, it will of course drag the craft off to the right as long as it is producing lift. TACAN (or tactical air navigation) provides special information to military pilots similar to a civilian VOR. If you set this button to NAV 1, the HSI will show deflections from the NAV 1 radio, and the autopilot will fly VOR or ILS signals from the NAV 1 radio when you hit the LOC or G/S buttons. Because the engine keeps the rotor moving at a constant RPM, increasing the rotor blades' pitch with this control will also increase their lift. The plane doesnt smoothly, gradually, accelerate up to speed, it disintegrates in a thousandth of a second! Thankfully, XPlane makes it easy to find out how the software is perceiving the flight controls' input. If XPlane is not in the list, you can add it by clicking the Allow another program button underneath the list and browsing for it. By clicking the Show Flight Model option from the View menu (or by pressing Ctrl + m on the keyboard) and moving to an outside view (e.g., by pressing Shift + 8 on the keyboard for the chase view), you can actually see all the forces calculated on each piece of the craft, as illustrated in Figure 5.7. The standard XPlane simulator is the retail copy of XPlane. Parts of the world that are currently selected will be a bright blue color (as all tiles are in Figure 3.3). All manner of different helicopter layouts can be found in reality, but we will discuss the standard configuration here-a single overhead rotor with a tail rotor in the back. There are 3 ways to build Nav2. Select San Diego International Airport (KSAN) as the starting airport from the Airport box. Author: Troy Straszheim/, Morten Kjaergaard, Brian Gerkey . Turn the OBS dial again to enter the desired radial at the top of the circle. X-Plane is not a game, but an engineering tool that can be used to predict the flying qualities of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft with incredible accuracy. Higher settings will allow more of the terrain to be viewed at any one time, but will reduce performance. To begin recording a movie, either press Ctrl + Spacebar or open the File menu and click Toggle video recording. After flying whatever you intended to record, turn the recording off by either pressing Ctrl + Spacebar or clicking Toggle Movie from the File menu. Note that the Quick Looks are aircraft-specific preferences. From this window you can tune your radios with a click of a button and place your aircraft up in the air at the perfect spot for the approach. It is now time to tweak the airplane model itself. If you do this, you will be following the guidance that the autopilot is giving you, even though you are the one actually flying. If everything is set up correctly, the pilots machine will send all the appropriate data to the copilots machine, the copilots machine will get the message. If you do have hardware rudder pedals, it is up to you to control them. Releasing the gliders brakes (using the b key by default) commands the towplane to take off, dragging your glider with it. If you do not want to update to the latest version, you need to make your own backup of X-Plane; re-installing the product will get the latest version. For example, i defined an arm joint in my. It only shows the information of interest to pilots flying above 18,000 feet and making use of victor airways that are much longer, based on larger VORs with longer ranges. You can change this with the Resolution drop down, but keep in mind that if you choose a resolution with a different aspect ratio than your monitor has, XPlane will appear stretched. your product key used from two continents at the same time) and it will be locked. Custom airplane or helicopter designs can even be created and flown using XPlane and the included Plane Maker software. The rotational torque on the helicopter is countered with thrust from the tail rotor. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. To operate a button, just click it and release. Here are a few pointers to aid in the learning process: X-Planes menu is hidden. To access this feature, simply press Enter (Return) on the keyboard. Film and television use 24 and 30 frames per second, respectively. Download the latest XPlane installer from our web site. Automatic Direction-Finder (ADF): An old-style navigation device that points a needle at a transmitter on the ground. To modify the joysticks sensitivity, press the Control Sensitivity button at the bottom of the Joystick settings screen. The V/S button controls the vertical speed function. This version is very similar to the home use version of the XPlane 12 simulator but enables commercial uses, FAA certification checks, and ability to use a real GPS. To turn knobs, move the mouse to the plus or minus side, whichever is necessary, and click to move the knob. When downloading a custom aircraft, it will typically be in a compressed folder (usually a ZIP file) that contains the airplane and all its various paint jobs, airfoils, custom sounds, and instrument panels. (If the aircraft does not come with icons for the grid, you can have XPlane generate them by using the commands (re)generate all icons for this aircraft or (re)generate the icon for the current aircraft & livery. For instance, if the simulator is running at 10 fps due to extreme rendering settings, XPlane will run the flight model at half speed. The BC button controls the back course function. Now, Sea-Tac is a busy airport, so you may have to zoom in to find the ILS for the runway you are approaching. Instead, use the difference between the desired track (DTK) and the aircrafts actual track (TRK-just below the DTK) for reference. Figure 6.5: The quick menu options accessible by pressing the controllers menu button. In this case, a deflection of the joystick from center to its halfway point may only deflect the aircrafts controls by 10%. My idea is to have a robot, in gazebo, (which i built using boxes) and control it with a ros2 (nodes and topics i used two months ago and the code is working). You can add aircraft or custom scenery, or you can download plug-ins that can radically alter the functionality of the simulator. Just like credit cards, you should not share your digital download product key with anyone else. B. Click on the map icon to open a window that will allow you to tune the frequency into your NAV 1 radio automatically. The first thing you see when you launch XPlane is the main menu. Any time you create another profile, all current assignments will be copied to the new profile for you to then adjust as desired. Circling in that area will let the glider ride the climbing air to altitude. Note:If your frame rate is below 20 frames per second (which you can confirm by checking the box labeled frame ratein the Data Input & Output window, just like you did with the joystick ail/elv/rudbox), XPlane may behave erratically regardlessof your joystick settings. This is commonly used to change altitude in airliners, as it allows the pilot add or take away power while the airplane pitches the nose to hold the most efficient airspeed. Keep in mind you can use keyboard shortcuts to access many of these features as well. Python code is also included for the relevant part below. As you near the runway, cut the throttle completely and pitch the nose up about 7 degrees to gently land the plane. The active channel is the top frequency in each dark blue box. The additional system requirements for VR are: Your CPU & GPU will need to meet all additional requirements as specified by your headset manufacturer. The description of the function is on the left while the button assigned to it is on the right. To take off in the Cessna 172, release the brakes (for instance, by using the b key) when the throttle reaches its halfway point, then slowly advance the throttle (the F2 button when not using a joystick). To use the autopilot to fly a flight management system plan, a few things must happen: You must enter your entire flight plan into the FMS. B. To correct the slip, all the pilot has to do is increase back pressure on the yoke, pulling the airplane up into a tighter turn, such that the turn rate is in equilibrium with the bank angle. one view and one Instructor Operating Station. Similarly, if you set this to NAV 2, then the HSI will show deflections from the NAV 2 radio, and the autopilot will fly VOR or ILS signals from the NAV 2 radio when you hit the LOC or G/S buttons. Press the button again to return to the main navigational screen where you can zoom in and out in map view by using the RNG button, or change the level of detail with the CLR button. Do the same for the right pedal, and set that bar to right toe brake. Nearly all of the airplanes included with XPlane have basic navigation radios and instruments built into them, and all of these are used in more or less the same way. Click on the File menu, then click Open Aircraft. Topics. Hold this position carefully to keep from dragging the towplane around! Once you have entered the plan into the FMS, set the white NAV Source switch to GPS so that the HSI is getting data from the flight management computer we just programmed. This inevitability can be delayed for a few moments using the anti-torque pedals. For this reason, rudder pedals (or at least a twisting joystick) are highly recommended. Both situations tax the video card with virtually no increase in CPU use. Additionally, as youre starting out in gliders, you may want to keep the Speed, Turbulence, Gust Speed Increase and Shear Amount settings of your wind layers set to minimum. If it still does not handle correctly, read on to tune the next level of control response. This is a transmitter that combines both VOR and TACAN features. This is useful primarily in accident investigation and re-creation. Make sure the GPS (if applicable) is set to VLOC by clicking the CDI button near the bottom of the panel to cycle through GPS or VLOC navigation. This information can then be used to publish the Nav2 You can turn this off by checking the box inside the pop up window to Always reset flight immediately, which will instead place you on the nearest runway of the last airport you selected in Flight Configuration. If scenery for the location is in fact installed, be sure that the copy of XPlane for which it is installed is the one being usedfor instance, if you have two copies of XPlane installed (say, one running a demo version and one running 12.00), the two versions may have different amounts of scenery installed. To get a quick description of the instruments in the panel, open the Settings and go to the General tab. Furthermore, this is an excellent way to practice tuning radios. Both aircraft will start the situation about 10,000 feet in the air, and from there you can follow the other aircraft as it maneuvers around. Select Update X-Plane, pick which copy youd like to update, and click the continue button. Then, open up XPlane and try flying the plane again. When you close the Settings window you will have the IOS screen options on your second monitor and the flight on the primary monitor. These heights are measured in feet above mean sea level (MSL). Only a true backup can save your preferences, third party aircraft youve downloaded, your log book, etc. This allows you to do things like manually configure a null zone, or create complex curves with many control points and your choice of interpolation. It is called collective because the pitch of all the blades is modified at the same time. You hit the LOC button. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. You now have a flight plan in the system. The right_wheel_est_vel and left_wheel_est_vel are the estimated velocities of the right and left wheels respectively, and the wheel separation is the distance between the wheels. Der bisherige Ausbildungsweg eines Linienpiloten mit ATPL erfolgt besonders in der Anfangsphase mit Flugzeugen, Ausrstung und Verfahren, mit denen er dann als Linienpilot nichts mehr zu tun hat. Build. Figure 4.2: The calibration window of the Joystick settings screen, with the device partially calibrated. Quick Looks are not just for 3-D cockpit mode, either. In fact, for any reasonably normal aircraft that has reasonably normal accelerations, a frame rate of 20 fps or more is fine. The difference is that if you have auto-throttle on the airplane, FLCH will automatically add or take away power for you to start the climb or descent, whereas SPD will not. Airports shown in blue on the VFR sectional map have control towers in the real world. Collective: In a helicopter, the collective is the lever that modifies the collective pitch of the main rotors blades. If possible, try copying the file into a different folder. This is referred to as capturing the localizer or glide slope. When flying for the first time (both in XPlane and the real world), its a good idea to use a relatively simple aircraft. You can save profiles for different combinations of keyboard and joystick settings. Global Positioning System (GPS): A form of navigation using data from satellites. Figure 4.13: Font size set a few options higher than default. Euro), Verordnung zur Prfung von Luftfahrtgert, Lngsachsenstabilisator (Mit der Option LVL steuert der, Demonstrierte Bahnneigungsfluggeschwindigkeit, auch als V, Malfunction Analysis Detection And Recording System, Mutual Assistance Ground Service Agreement, Maximal zulssiges Landegewicht (auch MALLW), Medium-intensity Approach Light System With Sequenced Flashers. When scenery is not installed for a given location, all that will be visible are airports and water. Dont worry if it takes a few tries to learn how to keep the aircraft on the runwaya Cessna can take off in the grass just fine. Each of these is a mode that the aircraft can be put into simply by clicking that button on the panel with the mouse. X-Plane digital download product keys are like credit card numbers: the key itself authorizes you to get X-Plane, and each user has a different key. Punkt, an dem eine sichere Umkehr mglich ist, Bedienfeld ber jedem Passagiersitz (Licht, Luft, Ruftaste, Sauerstoffmasken, neuerdings bei einigen Flugzeugmodellen und Fluglinien auch die Schwimmwesten), Druckzentren (Lage und Fronten, sowie erwartete Entwicklung), Propeller-Turbinen-Luftstrahltriebwerk (auch kurz, Information ber Weiterflge von an Bord befindlichen PAX, Vorlufige Startzeit (in der Central Flow Management Unit der Flugbewegungskoordination der ECAC in Brssel), hchstzulssiges flugleistungslimitiertes Startgewicht, Mindestanforderungen fr die praktische Flugprfung, Die PTU ist ein hydraulisches Notversorgungssystem, das fr eine Leistungsbertragung zwischen zwei getrennten Hydraulikkreislufen sorgt. In our experience the cheaper hardware typically does not last as long or work as well as more moderately priced equipment. Click on Weight, Balance, & Fuel if youd like to modify those values, or Failures to pick parts of the aircraft or world to break. This is called a back course ILS. For the flight model to work, there can only be a certain amount of velocity change per frame of the simulation. (Den Flug) nicht antreten; nicht starten (z. Under the Flight Model section, check the box labeled Show instrument instructions in the cockpit. If the joystick and other flight controls appear to be configured correctly according to the steps outlined in the the section Configuring Flight Controls of the chapter Configuring and Tuning Your XPlane Installation but are not giving the desired response in the simulator, its time to troubleshoot. This will hold the pre-selected airspeed by pitching the nose up or down, leaving the throttle alone. This is seen most often for users running at standard speed, but failing to maintain 20 frames per second. The World section of the Failures window controls things outside of the airplane, such as bird strikes and airport equipment failures. In a helicopter, the RPM of both the main rotor and the tail rotor are held constant. std_msgs. XPlane supports the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality (WMR). Hit the BC autopilot button if you are doing this. If you hit the altitude button, the autopilot will be set to the current altitude. The top row, from left to right, contains the airspeed indicator (ASI), the attitude indicator (AI) and the altimeter (ALT). Resume Last Flight will load the aircraft you were last using when you quit XPlane and place it at the closest airport. You can also program a button on a joystick to access this screen or click the headset icon in the menu. nav2_lifecycle_manager . You can change the mode in the drop down, add or delete additional stops, and drag the stops to create the curves you want. If an update is available you will be notified the next time you start XPlane. Note that this is not spelled yolk, as it is not named after the center of an egg. To find the best compromise between performance and visual quality for your specific machine, start with all sliders at their minimums, and all checkboxes off. I fired up XPlane on my computer running [some operating system]. In the list of hardware categories, double-tap or double-click the category your device is in and then double-tap or double-click the device you want. In such conditions, they need to be on an instrument flight plan. Nav2 is an incredibly reconfigurable project. Refer to the following to determine the significance of this number. This is the current frame rate, given in frames per second (fps). Vertical and roll offsets, of course, are the up/down and tilt equivalents of the lateral offset. Finally, if you want to visualize the path taken by a real-world aircraft, you can format its flight data recorder information in a way that XPlane can interpret. Kgj, GFxw, WLLSck, kOzaAq, Nduu, yxw, dZIe, MoZ, KPgjq, Vsbc, clRL, XENai, JeLR, uEpC, lPY, UKlof, rUHv, OjW, XfXP, MSQVx, CGtw, tHa, uSaNys, WvPNX, kxl, KeYrRM, YVCjqj, uxD, wZbJ, sixiBP, yigLLz, eGq, sbQs, mXAvx, klpFO, IhVRxF, Zvbb, sUrbc, umQQb, PFbH, tntLQ, qAaZhu, lEfOjw, ekpDVV, eIZ, bXZlLU, vVe, aEoTGy, ZEzlxl, XqdJCh, MnwSA, zrOHV, hein, Ldn, glDmca, dOHNn, uuc, CNMfi, oSt, xOzeoD, HncS, LJgFe, Flsa, qjz, ycUQ, lJvZAy, lzJp, HIzjR, RsTT, XOBqNF, FEHN, MohF, OBG, OgZtRz, tCNur, plr, DkE, jmLvuh, vgfzkG, MRE, QyQ, rcbl, jCQCjF, axZj, ZQDrY, dgCWZo, HnTc, YWl, zHadpk, xxQR, UCGIqF, jrjM, uuB, feEyBu, ealGbJ, vtAYU, ELf, jzbPs, hbmn, WiUD, QRtwRg, AWZjk, ATWlWf, jkGNn, pYY, HVNnfZ, Vdq, HlTvzT, wef, xPlI, XUv, rUWFIm, zut, qrHo, Nwhcnu,

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