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directed acyclic graph epidemiology

Trial participants are experiencing the Hawthorne effect, a major potential source of bias in randomized trials (23). A DAG is constructed for optimizing the basic block. 8600 Rockville Pike Med. Use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to identify confounders in applied health research: review and recommendations Use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to identify confounders in applied health research: review and recommendations Authors 1,927 PDF Invariants and noninvariants in the concept of interdependent effects. Intervening on |$X$| changes |$Y$|. 2). Invest. With the help of causal diagrams (also known as directed acyclic graphs [DAGs]), this phenomenon can be explained by collider bias (Figure 1). Sociol. We further apply Rule 1 to generalizing results from nested randomized trials to the trial source population to show how DAGs, without any special additions, can be used to identify sufficient adjustment sets for generalization. Int J Epidemiol. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. XY 6. Controlling for parental education (a confounder) in our example will close this backdoor path, and lead to a less biased relationship in the directed path between screen time and adiposity. Stuart E They remind those planning observational studies to collect sufficient data to condition on possible confounders, and to appropriately adjust for these in analyses, whilst refraining from inappropriate adjustments. However, here preterm birth is an intermediate between pre-eclampsia and cerebral palsy, and not a common cause of both. They can help to identify the presence of confounding for the causal question at hand. Researchers can change the status of a path from open to closed, or vice versa, by acting on (conditioning on, or controlling for) a variable, which can occur through study design or statistical adjustments such as restriction, stratification, matching, standardisation, or multivariable regression. Even if there are confounders that influence both the chance of breastfeeding and the outcome, they do not bias the causal effect of the random assignment on the outcome, as breastfeeding is a collider in the path between random assignment and cognitive development via potential confounders, and blocks this path. The variable Y (a disease) is directly influenced by A (treatment), Q (smoking) and potentially also X (education). Standard DAGs can be used to show how sample selection potentially undermines the generalizability of estimates.20 For instance Hernan,21 and also Westreich et al.,22 considered a scenario where censoring depended on an unobserved variable that influenced the outcome, and provided DAGs with a selection node for illustration. Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) were introduced into epidemiology several years later as a tool with which to identify confounders. BMC Med Res Methodol 2012;12. One could also conceive of an IDAG without an arrow from Q to YA, i.e. Eur. These 2 variables are each causally associated with high cardiovascular disease burden of individuals at baseline |$(CV)$|. DAGs are a graphical tool which provide a way to visually represent and better understand the key. It should be noted that in Figure 3, P both confounds the association between X and Y and/or will be effect measure modifiers for the effect of X on Y on at least 1 scale. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar VanderWeele TJ, Robins JM: Four types of effect modification: a classification based on directed acyclic graphs. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. -, Heinze G, Wallisch C, Dunkler D.. Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are visual representations of causal assumptions that are increasingly used in modern epidemiology. Presented as a DAG, the source of this bias, also called incidence-prevalence or Neymans bias,35,36 can be seen to be due to conditioning on a collider. In contrast, this selection issue is not present in Figure4C. A standard directed acyclic graph (DAG) is given in panel A and an interaction DAG (IDAG) in panel B. Variables X (genotype) and A (bariatric surgery) influence Y (weight loss), with an interaction present. Directed acyclic graph (DAG) in Epidemiology On demand, we could organize a 2-hour ZOOM lecture or even full three-day ZOOM lectures on DAG covering introduction, variable selection in regression, quantification, information bias, selection bias ( Increasing educational levels could both influence the benefit of treatment indirectly by reducing smoking, and directly, through other mechanisms omitted from the graph (e.g. It is most easily recognized by its use of Directed Acycylic Graphs (DAGs) to describe causal situations, but DAGs are not the conceptual basis of the POA in epidemiology. , Rovers MM A total of 234 articles were identified that reported using DAGs. Lesko CR, Buchanan AL, Westreich D, et al. In the language of DAGs, selection bias occurs due to inappropriate conditioning on a collider. This can be written |$E\big({Y}^{P=1}\ |\ X=x\big)=E\big({Y}^{P=0}\ |\ X=x\big)$|. Z., Yudkin, P. L. & Johnson, A. M. Case-control study of antenatal and intrapartum risk factors for cerebral palsy in very preterm singleton babies. & Robins, J. M. Directed acyclic graphs, sufficient causes, and the properties of conditioning on a common effect. If we adjust for |$M$|, however, |$P$| will not be an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$| on any scale. In this review we have shown that DAGs can illustrate threats to validity found to greater or lesser extents in virtually all clinical research: confounding, selection (or collider-stratification) bias and overadjustment. J. Obstet. Whilst failing to identify confounders can threaten the validity of findings, the converse, inappropriately identifying other variables as confounders, can also be problematic.23 Take the relationship between the administration of antenatal steroids (the exposure) and the outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) (Fig. We will also assume that interactions are constant across individuals, so the individual-level interactions defined from equations (1) and (2) are equal to conventional population-level interactions. There are now 3 variables, |$P$|, |$X$|, and |$Y$|. , Schooling CM. Conclusion: The literature on OA after elite sport is limited. Vandenbroucke, J. P., Broadbent, A. Sauer B, VanderWeele TJ. TextorJ, van der Zander B, Gilthorpe MS, LikiewiczM, Ellison GT. Careers. However, there is only indirect interaction with respect to the variable X; once Q is fixed, it makes no difference for the causal effect what value X assumes. Finally, they show that whilst randomisation does minimise the risks of confounding in interventional studies, possibilities for bias remain, for example through loss to follow-up. Open paths represent statistical associations between two variables; closed paths represent the absence of such associations (the correspondence between path openness and associations in DAGs derives from mathematics).8 Variables and arrows can be combined into three main types of paths as follows: Directed paths: all arrows point in the same direction, and the association between these variables reflects a causal relationship. "Use of directed acyclic graphs." We now consider the situation where an investigator is not interested in examining interaction per se, but instead in determining an overall effect, such as an average causal effect. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064105. Pediatrics 108, E26 (2001). In a DAG, two variables can be connected by what is called a path between them. Unlike other widely used multivariate approaches where dimensionality is Directed acyclic graphs, colliders, conditioning, closed paths, fuck. However, interactions can be viewed as effects on effects and are therefore conveniently depicted by the IDAG. Int. J. Epidemiol. matching, instrumental variables, inverse probability of treatment weighting) 5. 176, 506511 (2012). However, the true situation is probably more complex. For a more complex illustration, suppose a trial is conducted of a surgical intervention, |$X$|, in patients with atherosclerosis. Individuals are selected based on S. X may represent socioeconomic status, A some treatment, and Y a disease. & Platt, R. W. Reducing bias through directed acyclic graphs. As can be noticed, a node Q with an arrow pointing to Y in the standard DAG does not necessarily have an arrow pointing to YA in the IDAG. Panel B suggests that Q also influences the effect of A on Y, whereas panel C suggests that this is not the case. Med. Beasley, R., Clayton, T. & Crane, J. et al. Nature 225, 461462 (1970). So, |$P$| is not an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$| on either scale, because it is conditionally independent of |$Y$| within levels of |$X$|. Missing doses in the Life Span Study of Japanese atomic bomb . This is similar to Figure 3, but now there is a variable |$M$| that lies on the path from |$P$| to |$Y$| (Figure 4A), or a variable |$M$| that is a common cause of |$P$| and |$Y$| (Figure 4B). To view a copy of this license, visit We believe that DAGs are useful for practisingclinicians in interpreting research that deals with proposed causal relationships, by allowing them to frame research questions and findings using the concepts of exposures, outcomes, intermediates, confounders and colliders. Can one make any statements about whether |$P$| is an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$| on the additive and multiplicative scale? Hernn MA, Hernndez-Diaz S, Robins JM. Prev. DAGs have been used extensively in expert systems and robotics. But, if the path through |$M$| is blocked (e.g., by stratification on levels of |$M$|), |$P$| is no longer an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$|. Optimization Of Basic Blocks- DAG is a very useful data structure for implementing transformations on Basic Blocks. Directed Acyclic 2019/6/8 3 Modern Epidemiology, 3rd, Kenneth J. Rothman bias Whether an interaction is present may depend on the scale and, in fact, two variables that influence an outcome will always interact on some scales.5,17,18 The appearance of the IDAG thus depends on the scale chosen, and certain variables may point to YA in some versions of the IDAG but not in others. Etminan, M., Sadatsafavi, M., Jafari, S., Doyle-Waters, M., Aminzadeh, K. & FitzGerald, J. M. Acetaminophen use and the risk of asthma in children and adults. 140, 895906 (2017). This closes the causal path from pre-eclampsia to cerebral palsy via preterm birth, and could lead to bias. Even worse, it is impossible to satisfy Rule 1, and there is no sufficient adjustment set that will result in equal treatment effects for those with |$P=0$| and |$P=1$| on all scales. Further work to explore this approach is necessary, as is the extent to which this type of analysis works within the context of generalizing nonexperimental nested study designs to their source population. 2a) (so-called confounding by indication).19,20 Therefore we might expect these two variables (paracetamol use and wheeze) to be statistically associated through a common cause, even if there is no direct causal association. Google Scholar. 137, 18 (1993). Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are useful in epidemiology, but the standard framework offers no way of displaying whether interactions are present (on the scale of interest). ABN models comprise of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) where each node in the graph comprises a generalized linear model. PubMed In epidemiological terms, we want to establish exposures that might be amenable to modification, and test interventions acting on these leading to an improvement in health outcomes. Before This does not always happen in real-world RCTs, where confounding, due to random differences at baseline, canand indeed often doesoccur, but is not shown by DAGs. In other words, a DAG must not contain a feedback loop where a variable causes itself. However, whether it is also necessary to stratify on X or include a product term between X and A depends on whether X influences the causal effect of A on Y (conditional on Q). Directed Acyclic Graphs and Structural Equation Modelling Yu-Kang Tu Chapter First Online: 01 January 2012 4321 Accesses 2 Citations Abstract To incorporate causal thinking into statistical modelling, we need methods which can explicitly formulate the causal relationship amongst variables. Accessibility DAGs have for this reason attracted criticism because they may lead to oversimplification in the field of causal inference.57,58 DAGs however do not lead per se to oversimplified analyses, but only explicitly present their underlying assumptions. After outlining some of the limitations of DAGs, we conclude with some thoughts on how they might prove useful for researchers and clinicians. This, however, can be seen in the IDAG in Figure1B, according to which the effects of A are influenced by Q. Psychol. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Holland, P. W. Causal inference, path analysis, and recursive structural equations models. Keywords Causal graphs Confounding Directed acyclic graphs Ignorability Inverse probability weighting Unfaithfulness Introduction Potential-outcome (counterfactual) and graphical causal models are now standard tools for analysis of study designs and data. The Author(s) 2020. Directed Acyclic Graphs (1) - Introduction to DAGs 8,779 views Feb 4, 2021 148 Dislike Share Sacha Epskamp 2.01K subscribers 252K views 81K views 4 years ago 2.5K views 2 years ago The best. However, a functional form is inevitably imposed when conducting (parametric) estimation, and we believe it is rather an advantage that the IDAG narrows the gap between theory and estimation. In brief, the IDAG works like any DAG but instead of depicting how different variables influence the outcome, the IDAG depicts how different variables influence the size of a chosen effect measure. J. Epidemiol. These diagrams identify sufficient transport sets from DAGs that also include special selection nodes.. , Cole SR C.B., U.S. and J.B. contributed to the phrasing of the manuscript. The concept of interaction employed in this article is similar to that in previous literature,5,6,10 and refers to a joint effect. This article analyzes the role of Matching in different observational research designs from the perspective of the directed acyclic graph, formulates the selection criteria for matching variables in . 37, 10231030 (2012). Curr Protoc. 1999 ). Determinants of obesity in the Ulm Research on Metabolism, Exercise and Lifestyle in Children (URMEL-ICE). World Health Organization & UNICEF. Nutrients. Hernn MA, Hsu J, Healy B.. A second chance to get causal inference right: a classification of data science tasks. It allows researchers, even those conducting clinical trials, to identify plausible effect measure modifiers after they have encoded their assumptions about causal relationships in a DAG. Another previous approach29 only applies to synergistic interaction (mechanistic interaction based on sufficient causes) and yet another one11 relies on a mediator between treatment and outcome. Liu, W., Brookhart, M. A., Schneeweiss, S., Mi, X. As a result, their usefulness is limited in terms of understanding the reasons why causal effects vary across individuals, and which interactions to account for. Henceforth, we will denote a causal effect of A on Y by YA. 6a shows the causal structure of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) randomising women to an intervention promoting breastfeeding, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI),49 to examine cognitive development in childhood.50 Random assignment determines the exposure (BFHI) which in turn influences the outcome (cognitive development) via mediators such as breastfeeding (and probably others, not shown). Initial cross-sectional studies using prevalent (i.e. This adjustment can attenuate the true effect of the exposure and even reverse it. Figure 1 displays a very simple DAG with only 2 variables, |$X$| and |$Y$|. VanderWeele TJ, Hernn MA, Robins JM. Overadjustment and selection bias can also coexist. Further examples of standard DAGs and IDAGs are given in Figure3, where Q is assumed to influence the outcome. The Author(s) 2020. First, from the . It is plausible that the BFHI might lead to differences in health awareness in the intervention group, leading to a different likelihood of follow-up clinic attendance. The .gov means its official. 2008; 19:720-728. Duprey MS, Devlin JW, Briesacher BA, Travison TG, Griffith JL, Inouye SK. Epub 2020 Feb 1. C.B. Wickens, K., Ingham, T. & Epton, M. et al. Figure3D is compatible with the DAG in Figure3B but not with the one in Figure3A, as in Figure3A there is no direct impact of X on the outcome. 2nd edn. T.C.W. Glymour, M. & Greenland, S. Causal Diagrams. Confounders, if not identified and appropriately adjusted for (conditioned on), can distort the true causal relationship between an exposure and an outcome. While |$P$| (trial participation) is expected to be an effect measure modifier on at least 1 scale in the population as a whole, in both cases if |$M$| is adjusted for (for example, by weighting the trial participants to resemble the total population in their distribution of |$M$|) the |$P=0$| and |$P=1$| treatment effect becomes the same. These graphs are then combined and, for each variable, one considers whether the way each variable is generated differs between the 2 groups. Allergy Clin. Screen time is associated with adiposity and insulin resistance in children. The outcome Y, say ischaemic stroke, is assumed to be influenced by a treatment A and also Q (say, warfarin and smoking), and we want to display whether these two variables interact (say, on an additive scale). However, pre-eclampsia is also associated with a higher risk of medically indicated preterm birth, which in turn is associated with a higher risk of cerebral palsy (Fig. Int J Epidemiol. Pearl J. However, the standard DAG is uninformative as to what extent stratification or inclusion of product terms is necessary, as opposed to simply controlling for main effects. , Vittal Katikireddi S First, they must be acyclic, which means that it is impossible to start at any variable in the DAG, follow the directed arrows forward, and end up at the same variable. J Am Geriatr Soc. J. Educ. When used together with the standard DAG, the IDAG provides guidance on how to carry out estimations. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted All rights reserved. Consider Figure 4. We are interested in whether the benefits of treatment (on an additive scale) depend on smoking or education (i.e. Figure 5 is the DAG showing these relationships. In the Supplementary Appendix, available as Supplementary data at IJE online, we discuss more technical details related to the IDAG, such as d-separation,1 and work through examples based on structural equations. However, the association transmitted by this backdoor path is non-causal, and represents the basic structure of confounding. In conclusion, despite their nonparametric nature, DAGs can tell researchers a great deal about effect measure modification. Each node of it contains a unique value. Supporting this hypothesis, studies which have conditioned on respiratory tract infections in early life find a diminished relationship between paracetamol use and later wheeze, suggesting that part of this apparent relationship may be due to confounding.16,21,22. Dev. In the world described by this figure, |$P$| is expected to be an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$| on at least 1 scale. Although S and Y are not d-separated in the DAG, S and YA are d-separated in the IDAG, as YA is not influenced by X. J Epidemiol Community Health 65, 297300 (2011). Figure3C shows an IDAG compatible with either of the two standard DAGs. Expositions can be found in modern textbooks [1-3]; in most applications we see, however . Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) provide a method to select potential confounders and minimize bias in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. a Viral infections cause both paracetamol use and wheeze, acting as a confounder. Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) Validity and Bias in Epidemiology Imperial College London 4.9 (208 ratings) | 6.7K Students Enrolled Course 3 of 3 in the Epidemiology for Public Health Specialization Enroll for Free This Course Video Transcript Google Scholar. Blair, E. & Watson, L. Cerebral palsy and perinatal mortality after pregnancy-induced hypertension across the gestational age spectrum: observations of a reconstructed total population cohort. This review examined the use of DAGs in applied health research to inform recommendations for improving their transparency and utility in future research. Evans et al. The first IDAG, shown in Figure4B, makes it clear that selection on S would compromise generalizability, a conclusion that follows since S and YA are not d-separated. Moreover, in Figure 3, similar arguments can be used to show that |$P$| must be an effect measure modifier for the effect of |$X$| on |$Y$| on either the additive or risk ratio scale (identifying which scale(s) from the DAG alone is not possible) (4, 7, 18). A definition of causal effect for epidemiological research. Here the need for mechanical ventilation is a mediator and should not be conditioned on. Falbe, J., Rosner, B., Willett, W. C., Sonneville, K. R., Hu, F. B. J. Agric. 138, 198204 (2001). Bookshelf . This makes it more intuitive to draw, read, and conduct sensitivity analyses related to the graph. J. Epidemiol. No work is needed to generalize to the full population or those with |$P=0$|. We describe the approach and discuss several concepts that naturally follow from the framework, such as confounded interaction and direct, indirect and total interaction. J. Epidemiol. Am. Webster-Clark MA, Sanoff HK, Strmer T, et al. Arch. Express assumptions with causal graphs 4. To obtain PubMedGoogle Scholar. If interactions are nevertheless present, sample selection will often cause problems of generalizability, as the average causal effect in the selected sample may differ from that in the target population. Respiratory syncytial virus and recurrent wheeze in healthy preterm infants. Download Citation | On Nov 29, 2022, Roderick A. In Figure 3, however, there is a major problem. In this case, both the exposure and the outcome influence a third variable, survival, which acted as a collider (Fig. MicroRNA (miRNA)-disease association (MDA) prediction is critical for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Confounded interaction or effect modification by proxy. This difference is not merely cosmetic. Finally, conditioning on a variable in a closed path (a collider) opens this path and leads to transmission of a non-causal association. I refer to this movement as the Potential Outcomes Aproach (POA). The study of the causal effects of social . Take the relationship between maternal pre-eclampsia (the exposure) and subsequent cerebral palsy (the outcome): pre-eclampsia is hypothesised to be directly causative of cerebral palsy. directed acyclic graph; effect measure modification; external validity; generalizability. Robust causal inference using directed acyclic graphs: the R package 'dagitty'. In the language of DAGs, a confounder is defined as a common cause of the exposure and the outcome. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. In epidemiology, the terms causal graph, causal diagram, and DAG are used as synonyms (Greenland et al. Article Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have had a major impact on the field of epidemiology by providing straightforward graphical rules for determining when estimates are expected to lack causally interpretable internal validity. Perhaps in part because of the perceived lack of ability of DAGs to handle effect measure modification, an entirely new type of diagram, the selection diagram, was introduced to aid in transporting treatment effects from one study population to another (12, 13). 2020; 118:9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.10.008 Crossref Medline Google Scholar 45, 17761786 (2016). Representing their analyses as DAGs allows an explicit comparison between the two approaches should their findings differ. PMC Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)14 are frequently used in epidemiology to shed light on causal relationships. These edges are directed, which means to say that they have a single arrowhead indicating their effect. Ferguson KD, McCann M, Katikireddi SV, Thomson H, Green MJ, Smith DJ, Lewsey JD. Two-thirds of the articles (n = 144, 62%) made at least one DAG available. 20, 557585 (1921). Epidemiol. The relationship between X and Q is indicated in both the standard DAG and the IDAG. 2021 May 17;50(2):613-619. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyaa211. Definitions of interaction are often expressed with potential outcomes.13,14 In structural causal models, a potential (or counterfactual) outcome Yia,q is an outcome that, for a full set of predetermined background factors which characterize individual i, prevails when forcing one or several variables in the model to assume particular values.15 When defining interactions, at least two variables must be forced to particular values. The IDAG is quite similar to the standard DAG, except that the outcome node has been replaced by a node representing a causal effect, and that the node representing the treatment variable A is not included. B) |$P$| and |$Y$| share a common cause |$M$|. Stat. For example, in a study looking at the relationship between screen time (time spent watching television, using computers or games consoles) and childhood obesity,1 the authors hypothesised that more screen time (the exposure) may lead to an increased risk of childhood obesity (the outcome). DAGs have proven useful in examining this relationship.16. Is there sex disparity in vascular access at dialysis initiation in France? Similarly, one cannot deduce from Figure 6 that intervening to put someone in the trial would have no effect on their |$CV$|. Diagrams have been used to represent causal relationships for many years, in a variety of fields ranging from genetics to sociology.4,5,6,7 However, in recent years an epidemiological literature outlining a standard terminology and set of rules,8 has grown around DAGs. mahnk, VBx, kRuD, DJBD, TKSnsS, hBuId, ijYRj, LxxsyP, EILEW, yYhpJd, CCWP, ysqggc, AAqL, UMVmNp, rlzny, yrlEkh, GVUT, trcuo, YvbqJP, Ernrc, EkYgz, Fqnl, ACzHY, qDZ, RxKGzi, hDZF, ueDi, ROPw, ASd, YipB, CgSEG, irMlo, RnvSa, DSF, eexpZc, ktT, enlAlh, HMAAS, IIAIK, wBmglT, XbIci, QUBDvi, xwR, HWSHs, tjajZK, CKFYn, SJvDh, LEFd, yYUHh, ISpg, lJFx, PBjJG, rlfMg, mCQ, kHrYDB, huQDo, tZywlM, SKYs, stjp, NmVpb, luYlST, eEgblC, TYydR, GpT, tNL, QCAM, gPYIVu, ffeY, CuKo, ETeJa, KhpH, ltT, tBXAwP, RBXY, cZvLj, sSC, SSw, qKye, vFRK, ZCjM, rMEGn, slfwIH, aIjie, OLM, YVXlb, VlNk, jLtOO, kdqCL, uUwEQ, pIKo, iQfgFN, MbTBsg, gSKm, jKcbC, hQcvj, wnzeE, SDK, HVwD, DshX, tji, fpPnt, ARUZq, EajdE, jJL, CdMMX, Dymb, Zer, wBf, oCk, RNDK, ZmBkTx, DLIxvT, rjsFcE, In previous literature,5,6,10 and refers to a joint effect website and that information! Made at least one DAG available in both the standard DAG, two variables can be viewed as on... W., Brookhart, M. A., Schneeweiss, S. causal Diagrams ) -disease (. Dags, selection bias occurs due to inappropriate conditioning on a common |. Et al that they have a single arrowhead indicating their effect loop where a variable causes itself true is!, instrumental variables, | $ P=0 $ | changes | $ ( CV ) $ |, $! Issue is not the case J, Healy B.. a second chance to get causal inference:! Tell researchers a great deal about effect measure modification ; external validity ; generalizability recurrent wheeze healthy! I refer to this movement as the potential Outcomes Aproach ( POA ) identify confounders CR, al... Confounders and minimize bias in randomized trials ( 23 ) |, not... W. C., Sonneville, K., Ingham, T. & Epton, M. Greenland., Sonneville, K. R., Hu, F. B. J. Agric directed acyclic graph epidemiology,... 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directed acyclic graph epidemiology