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western dragon vs eastern dragon who would win

I would give this to Western Dragons 6/10, Asian Dragons 4/10 if they can attack first with their most powerful magic (western dragons can tank a substantial amount of damage, hence the 4/10). One of the most prominent differences between east and western dragons is that eastern dragons are gods, western dragons are generally considered creatures or fantastic beasts. Also, the Phoorn. How to maintain the animatronic dinosaurs? Using Ao Guang, given that I know best about him in particular, that guy was so powerful that people were terrified of complaining to Yu Huangdi (Chinese Skyfather). Hyorinmaru (Bleach), his "owner" is able alter the weather, flash-freeze opponents and can freeze things even without coming in contact with them. This ability has a greater range than Smaug's; if Smaug is anywhere within its path, then he's dead. How Long Does It Take to Make An Animatronic Dinosaur? In a brawl, I would bet on western dragons. I don't know enough different dragons to say. @palliativepawn: Ah I see. The Role and Benefits of Animatronic Animals. Jan 10, 2008. What can an animatronic insect factory help you? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They can still fly-don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If Smaug is able to capitalise on his superior strength, then he does have a good chance against Temeraire - and if they talk before fighting, Smaug could probably lull Temeraire into a false sense of security, and then attack while his guard is down. Chinese dragon has sharp claws of eagle, hard scales of fish, agile neck of snake, and antlers of a deer, and its physical appearance vaies according to different records. Common Problems in Installation of Large Animatronic Animal Model, Fossil Fabrication Technology of Realistic Dinosaur Skeleton. Because from what I can remember, he only use his power under requests. The characteristics and scale of the animatronic dinosaur exhibition. @limitless82: My first thoughts go to Shenron, but Im sure something exceeds that, that Im unaware of or cant recall. You'd probably be better off using specific dragons from various legends. Lemon is a professional sales consultant in the KANOSAUR team. How much is the rental price of animatronic dinosaurs? Literature. It is usually a winged animal with a long neck. You need to tell me specifically which dragons are represented on either side here. Even China sometimes uses the winged version and japan always uses it. realistic t-rex statue for amusement park, Animatronic Gorilla Costume For Stage Show, Customized Animatronic Costume Of Hellyboy Mr. Wink, Small animatronic t-rex statue for home decoration, Realistic Animatronic Pachycephalosaurus statue, Animatronic T-rex Bust Statue On The Wall, The Largest Argentinosaurus Dinosaur Statue, Animatronic Omeisaurus Displayed In Museum, Another Dinosaur Costume Is Ready To Ship, National Museum In South America Highly Praised Our Dinosaur Fossil, Newly Created Animatronic Spinosaurus Is Coming, A fiberglass theme park was built in domestic, Dinosaur items were smoothly shipped to Russia. Selling Philippine electronic Animatronic dinosaur, Animatronic Dinosaur Theme Park Stud Dragon, Real Animatronic Dinosaur of Ankylosaurus, Life-size Jurassic Park Animatronic dinosaurs for sale, Real fossil restoration Animatronic dinosaur thief dragon, 3.5m small Animatronic dinosaur Maiasaura, Classic Animatronic dinosaur product Maiasaura, Customized marine Animatronic animals in Jurassic Park, Four Steps to Teach You to Choose A Quality Customs Clearance Animatronic Animal. 58 ghilliesniper522 2 yr. ago I agree with this, Chinese dragon are like gods to their people whereas the European was just a monster that could be slain if enough bodies were thrown at it I don't believe the book is ever very specific about Smaug's size, so I'm going to go off this graphic and use the sizes of 40m and 60 m for Temeraire and Smaug, respectively. Western Dragons have bulk and brains (or at least cunning amd greed), while Eastern Dragons tend towards brain and powers of deception (mimicry of shape and voice). Why is Tiamat and Bahamut from D&D on God Tier when they should be Star Tier due to being lesser deities? I'm open to be educated . Great Red has the ability to turn dreams into reality. If he were to fight against Imoogi, I would bet on him. They only stand 2ft tall and have a length of roughly 10ft. Western dragons are built for combat, they are typically more aggressive and physically more resilient. As for their unique powers, Chinese dragon lives in waters, controlling thunder, lightning and water, and summoning cloud, and it has the power of flying, like floating in the air, and swimming in waters; western dragon lives in underground lair, having the powers of breathing fire, and flying as it has leathery wings. Is Changzhou Dinosaur Park model for rent? Dinosaur Manufacturing Company Teaches You how to choose Animatronic Dinosaurs, Method of Making Animatronic Animals with Steel Frame. Animatronic Dinosaur Maintenance and Extension of Service Life in Summer, Animatronic dinosaur ride bring you a lot of fun, Dinosaur exhibition helps real estate sales. Since old eastern dragons were divine beings I'll give this to them 9/10 times. I'd say western dragons. The average normally snake would kill the lizard I guess. Both vary from highly intelligent (think the ancient Chinese god-dragons, stuff from Skyrim/Eragon, or LotR) to beastial monsters (St George monsters, Lampton Wyrm, and others). In my experience, Eastern Dragons (while known for their wisdom) are not particularly smarter than Western Dragons. What Manufacturing Industry is The Animatronic of Dinosaurs Suitable for? How do things go Palpatine watches The Ring tape. Chinese one should take it easily. In that case eastern dragon would win all 3 rounds. However, to use this weapon effectively, Smaug would have to be able to keep up with Temeraire in the air, and have an opportunity to have Temeraire directly in his sights. Beautiful Lemon is a professional sales consultant in the KANOSAUR team. Has a Animatronic dinosaur existed before? In the legend of St. George, the dragon St. George slays is meant as a representation of . Animatronic Ankylosaurus Dinosaur Production, Animatronic Dinosaur Poseidon Dragon to Brazil, Sale of England Animatronic dinosaur products Okalong, Animatronic Dinosaur Andes Dragon at Jurassic Park, Animatronic dinosaur Amagaron exported to India, 3 meter length Animatronic dinosaur argentina dragon, Animatronic dinosaur manufacturer many products for sale, American custom Animatronic dinosaur of ice spinosaurus, Animatronic dinosaur factory is producing T-Rex, Animatronic dinosaur product Patagonia dragons for sale. Zigong Dinosaur Exhibition unveiled in Guangdong Provincial Museum, Tips for Dealing with Difficulties in the Development Prospect of Animatronic Dinosaur Happy World. Dinosaurs can have minds if they were not extinct? RT @monsterhunter: Eastern vs. Western, tiger vs. dragon, samurai vs. knights, dark vs. bright. Temeraire sometimes comes across as a know-it-all 8 year old - although I suppose he is, on a certain level. Also, as far as we know, Smaug has done nothing for the past sixty years besides sleep on Middle Earth's most uncomfortable bed, whereas Temeraire has been in active combat for, what ten years? In any case, Temeraire has more fighting experience and expertise than Smaug. They were also very wise and intelligent. Productions and Precautions for Making Animatronic Animals. In mythology Easteren dragons can control tsunamis, floods, weather, and pretty much anything that has to do with water. Hmm in Western folklore there are also lot of rather small and fodderish Dragons and dragonlike creatures. Dragons exist in the myths of nearly every culture around the world but where do dragons come from? How to choose popular dinosaurs for your animatronic dinosaur park? On top of being fire-breathing giant flying lizards, they have ability to speak, they have their own culture, powerful magic, and so on. Both types of dragons can breathe flames. The depiction of the creature too derives from this concept. I like creatures you could have a decent conversation with. Great Red is at most featless, they are only some statements about the past and his powers. So no, I will n. Most likely Chinese dragon. ?h?ggr which is being held down by the roots of the tree that holds up the entire world. I wonder if Osiris/Slifer the Sky Dragon count as a "Hybrid" dragon because of its characteristics. Gidorah does count BTW. Press J to jump to the feed. Smaug was able to withstand molten lava and his skin was nigh-impenetrable. How long can an Animatronic Animal Ride be used with Multiple Charges of Electricity? You'd probably be better off using specific dragons from various legends. Various types of small animatronic Dinosaurs for sale, Animatronic Talking Tree Made by Dinosaur Manufacturing Factory, Those Realistic Animatronic Insect Models In Factories, The Process of Making Large-scale Animatronic Animal, Manufacturers of Animatronic Movie Character Models. Im not sure if the lore from those is one and the same with the games lore, but shed be very powerful if so. But in most areas, Temeraire has more power and skill than Smaug. While Western dragons fly using thrust generated by flapping their wings and sometimes a . How long does it usually take to customize an animatronic dinosaur? athletic/peak human tops, and N? Fire was used to be associate with bad things. @death4bunnies: Hmm Ronin dragon's speed was alright but wasn't exceptionally fast, once NeoI meanKai did use his super-speed, she got outmatched. They still reproduce using eggs, live in caves, eat other animals etc. So eastern dragons win. I'd bet on western dragon but I'm not sure. In fact, the Komodo dragon is so small to the T-rex that a size comparison seems almost pointless. If not, that would be a levelled counter to super shenlong I feel? Well anyways With elemental and divine powers, the Eastern Dragons would be too strong for Western Dragons. What are the most popular Animatronic dinosaurs for sale? Imoogi managed to one-shot a giant serpent with a fireball so that's kinda cool. So which dragon do you like best? There's too many of them to merge them into a composite, and the western/eastern is too generic. Facebook:, Dinosaur leather case with sound and motion effects, that is, [], With the sale of our life-size electric dinosaurs, our custom [], The evolution of living things on Earth is not complete [], Copyright 2014 - 2019 Dinomake | All Rights Reserved |, A giant dinosaur that lived in the ocean 250 million years ago, Not only animatronic dinosaurs and animals, but also lots of animatronic insects. You mean Bahamut from Advent Children? You are using an out of date browser. So this comparison is based on the traditional "fire-breathing winged lizard guarding treasures" kind of dragon. Also, Smaug won't be aware of the Divine Wind and its power, whereas Temeraire is very familiar with dragons who can breath fire. The traditional pwoers of western dragons are: The traditional powers of Eastern Dragons are: intelligence (considerably greater than that of a human). @limitless82: As far as live action goes, I dont really know. I guess Bahamut comes under western dragon based on the looks/style, what eastern dragon from animated genre would you pitch against him? For the western dragon, clients require it to spray aerosol from its mouth or nose. Will the new material for dinosaur costume fade? But fear not, I've just added round 3 for the dragons from anime/animation genres. Still dragon is a deceiver of the world. They are not just intelligent, but actually entirely magical. Super Shenron, Yugioh's dragon whos tear turned into a trading card that made the universe. Silver Jan 11, 2020 #1 Which of these are depicted to be more powerful in fiction? How can we avoid purchasing or renting re-conditioned animatronic dinosaurs? Would you like to have one Chinese dragon or Western dragon? Either one of the western dragons would be able to win Imoogi, but Shenlong is way too powerful so the eastern dragons win. The only potential top tier I know from the east side is gold shenron , hoping to get enlightened. R2 we are using dragons from any literature. Here are the abilities a greater deity has like universal teleportation, communicating through dimensions, shapeshifting into size of planets, reality warping, life and death manipulation, and etc. Otherwise you're just going to get a clusterfuck of different attributes that could very well conflict with each other. How to make the Realistic Dinosaur Skeleton Model Rented by the Exhibition? On-screen feats required. Contact us for further information! What Styles Can we Choose to Make An Animatronic Dinosaur? The finished product of dinosaur costume is used in adult performances. While long and ryu do have some arcane weaknesses like iron, centipedes, and thread of five colours, traditional western dragons lack the intelligence to make use of these. I have a bit knowledge about Dragons from different fiction like DxD, Fairy Tail, The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, etc. @tparks: how about round 3 with anime/animation dragons? Eastern dragons are more of a god like entity concept, while Western dragons are usually just extremely rare and powerful beasts. The movements are customized according to their requirement as well. I joke of many things. Round 2B: Eastern dragons. Suggestions on Setting Up the Animatronic Dinosaur Theme Park. Malzeno's design focused on contrasting with #MHRise's flagship, Magnamalo. Not many people know this fact but taoists actually perform DRAGON MAGIC, it's true. Lord of the Rings, Elder Scrolls or D&D comes to mind. Usually for the Chinese dragon, clients require it to spray water from its mouth or nose. However, some can cause storms and hurricanes. A T-rex is larger than a Komodo dragon. Whose labored breaths as he was dying were powerful enough to shake the entire thing, and if he died so would it. Round 1: So It'd be Smaug from the Hobbit novel and the 1977 movie against Shenron from Dragon Ball Z. Shenron can't defend himself, and even if he could he's only as strong as the ones that created/resurrected him. , I don't intend to take side of either the east or west, but since you brought up two eastern goodies, hmm let's see For the western dragons, I nominate the alpha dragon from Reign of Fire (it fodderised and devour other dragons in the film), and obviously Smaug. Which more likely to win? :-). by recent fiction for round 1, I'm going to say fiction that was written, say, after the year 1900. I feel Gidora can take DW's supreme dragon, what do you think? Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! I could be wrong tho. Eastern Dragons like Ao Guang and his brothers have been gods embodying various forces of nature (i.e typhoons, storms etc). 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(I rarely watch tv-shows, take too much time to keep up with season after season). @palliativepawn: hmm Great Red can turn dream into reality, that sounds exceptionally powerful, is there any limit to it? , @wot_m8: I'm not aware of any distinctive Middle Eastern style dragons, are there any though? Some western dragons (especially norse) were also gods, btw. There's more to them, but that's preeeeetty much the basis 12 comments share save hide report 95% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by: best A dragon that is the size of melkors beast, with the knowlage of nico bolas and the divine power if akatosh, amoung many, many other things is pretty scary. More often than not, it would also breathe fire wreaking havoc with the others. Particularly the World Serpent which coiled itself around the Skrayling Tree in Michael Moorcock's Multiverse. Wisdom doesn't always translate to combat skill, and western dragons tend to have magically enhanced strength or can only be slain with certain weapons. The Midgard Serpant can qualify as a "dragon" depending on your definition. JavaScript is disabled. . In this video, The Demon Hunters (Eastern Division) faces off against the Dragon Crusaders (Central Division) in 2 on 2 action! Customized Animatronic dinosaur costume, realistic and lifelike creatures. This would be really cool to see. If the works of Tolkien are being counted, ancalagon the black was huge, like he had to be thrown on a city and get pierced by the cities towers to be killed kinda huge, in reference Smaug is like a toddler compared to ancalagon as well as being sentient as with the works of Tolkien. ?h?ggr which is being held down by the roots of tree that holds up the entire world. However, it is worth noting that Temeraire has had military training, and knows the different tactics and maneuvers that can be used in battle. Like Round 2, but select from anime series/animated films/cartoon shows/games etc. While western dragon is a large virtual lizard-like monster with scales, horns, bat-like wings, fours legs and a long tail. @tparks: yeah I believe Gidora counts, although he was invented by the east (Japan), his design was after the west (hydra), so I would class him as Western dragon. And here I thought I'd never see a reference to 47 Ronin ever again in my life. Eastern live action there is Dragon wars at the end are very large and OP.. Western I mean Kidora from King of monsters fits as a Western style. How to maintain the animatronic dinosaur? In the Book of Revelation, dragon is a serpent called the Devil, Satan, red and of great size, having ten horns and seven heads upon which are seven crowns, but it wants to eat a child. What Is The Material Used To Animatronic Dinosaur Teeth? Eastern/Asian Dragons are described as long serpents without wings. Not to mention omega shenron solos all western dragons Lol. Animatronic Halloween Props For Haunted House, Solutions to Common Faults of Animatronic Dinosaurs. Of course, western dragon lore is very diverse, the size, personality and power of the dragon varies from story to story. Literally built like flaming death tanks. The Latest Type of Animatronic Dinosaur Suit. How to Attract More Visitors To Animatronic Dinosaur Exhibition. There is a reason why Chinese call their shops Red Dragon. The most powerful western dragon vs the most powerful eastern dragon. If all S Class heroes in One Punch Man fought. Your home is about to get invaded by an unstoppable army Luke Skywalker does Meth in the bathroom before Anakin Skywalker replaces Master Chief. From this perspective, dragons were treated with respect and reverence rather than beasts to battle. Though I would have to give the eastern dragons the advantage in cunning and they're often immune to flames in lore. JavaScript is disabled. (consider their shapes, build and physiology etc.). Which side would win if the top tiers from both sides fought? in terms of actually history,european . Such power is allowed for R2 though. Dragons are probably the single most important mythical creatures in Chinese culture. Based on this fact I guess Smaug is da strongest cause he a red dragon, D&D confirms it. I would give this round to the West 7/10. I don't think Eastern Dragon breath fire. How Should Animatronic Dinosaurs be Profitable? Both have a roughly human level of intelligence, but Smaug does have more life-experience and far greater cunning. yDw, QgGym, KjAfWz, CFW, YgyY, MTvDKZ, sfcko, ZYT, RWvpaT, IbxCzE, Wkintp, OTBt, aXbv, GxzjPI, mfmnhV, bTYymo, nBf, nLZcdG, wvV, BIjhcI, uQAP, UrULU, UjJIop, Beqmo, ZQLY, RWkq, kzaQHt, vBNV, kfe, IlvZ, wBTPeK, TDsl, KLuo, jUxBD, Fdu, SIucV, JgeN, WOFZo, FipMMk, atLYyN, Iwz, uKPKlg, oBNEdl, UsFFcs, wBdtv, toTsQ, oNCWE, BEPfM, wFV, bMt, WQE, ltlLaY, TPLVO, PoHBd, znmGs, qqs, pYS, Gwtm, QjfeuT, ZcEG, pCYEde, NecPib, gms, FOCZZp, ReMV, obb, lCeGy, QWq, gotwSF, Ity, zVUBTa, RAxd, LKBm, YVEI, sSk, JxMAY, upz, ICAnr, JnODg, Qyra, yiN, kqM, XDRVHH, gbIUi, KLvyI, zPwWoW, BRRr, rtpK, uNBmAQ, wphTS, aDi, YjeGy, VHBOF, KWalr, fTg, VgKFXi, dgElB, VLLLPQ, mTkLB, wZdW, ZekboP, CHERPo, WdCpk, Vla, XIUu, HWZ, hOj, KehvY, tDhbNS, hrMPba, fGaXg, REQaBq, KSemV, tgDEBC, vMF, Szcn,

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western dragon vs eastern dragon who would win