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united airlines crash

Continental merged with UAL Corporation (the parent company of United Airlines) via a stock swap in 2010, and the integration was completed in 2012. Na 2,5 seconden begon de top te dalen en verdween in een enorme stofwolk. Le Cleveland Center envoie un message d'alerte: Quelqu'un a appel Cleveland? [8] The first officer was 26-year-old Lee Bruecher, hired by Continental four months earlier; he had previously flown for Rio Airways[8] and passed his initial proficiency check in the DC-9 in mid-September. [16], Nine months after the crash of Flight 1713, Delta Air Lines Flight 1141 crashed in Dallas. United is a founding member of the Star Alliance. Alors asseyez-vous. Hold from the inside. Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. The Boeing 737 crashed into several homes near 70th Place and Lawndale Avenue as well as neighboring streets. He had been upgraded to captain less than three weeks earlier. It was on its side. [1]:5 The first officer had accumulated over 4,000 flight hours (including 1,077 hours on the Boeing 737), and she was considered by Captain Green to be a very competent pilot. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Dit liet ATC toe het vliegtuig te volgen en vluchtgegevens te verzamelen (onder andere de vlieghoogte). 9 h 46, un employ de United Airlines San Francisco envoie un message au vol 93: Nous avons t prvenus d'un rapport d'incident. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. The crash site is 130 kilometres (70nmi) south west of Kabul, and near the village of Sado Khelo. L'enregistreur de cabine (CVR) a t retrouv, d'apparence normale. Vers 10 h 00, Bill Wright, qui pilotait un petit monomoteur Piper, se trouve en vue du vol 93, une distance de 5km environ. As the DC-9 skidded, the left side was tilted over and the tail was inverted; this action caused the middle part of the DC-9 to compress and crush many of the passengers on board. Dois-je finir maintenant? However, these reports remain unconfirmed. Zestien minuten eerder was reeds een ander gekaapt toestel, American Airlines-vlucht 11, in de North Tower gevlogen. , Ne vous dirigez pas en direction de [Washington,] D.C.. C'est un ordre. United Air Lines Flight 629, registration N37559, was a Douglas DC-6B aircraft also known as "Mainliner Denver", that was blown up on November 1, 1955, by a dynamite bomb placed in the checked luggage. [3][4] Voice of America stated that all five people on board were killed. Il est probable que Jarrah ait pens que les attaques contre le World Trade Center avaient russi; il aurait notamment pu lire le message d'alerte de Ballinger. Les partisans des thories du complot propos des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 citent souvent les propos du secrtaire de la Dfense Donald Rumsfeld, qui, dans un entretien avec le gnral de brigade James Marks le 24 dcembre 2004 ralis par CNN, stigmatisait les gens qui ont attaqu les tats-Unis New York, ont abattu l'avion au-dessus de la Pennsylvanie et attaqu le Pentagone[14]. Mayday! [1]:20. Nous avons une bombe bord. L'appareil s'crase prs de Shanksville en Pennsylvanie 10 h 03 locales. ncessaire] (Dieu est grand). [1]:12, At 13:51, Flight 1713 contacted the clearance delivery controller for permission to "taxi from the ice pad." Om 8.41 uur hoorden de piloten het bevel "stay in your seats" (blijf op uw plaats) en meldden dat aan de vluchtleiding. [trad 5]. [1]:7 The 737 was originally manufactured for the "old" Frontier Airlines in 1982 and was acquired by United Airlines in 1986 when the former went out of business (a new airline company with the same name formed eight years later). La compagnie est dj au courant. Hij vertelde haar dat zij van plan waren de cockpit te bestormen en de besturing over te nemen. L'appel dure 95 secondes, mais n'est pas reu car la ligne est sature. La famille de Jarrah continue toujours dclarer qu'il est un passager innocent bord du vol 93. Heard report of incident. Mais selon Newsweek[12], qui se rfre la transcription partielle transmise par une source officielle anonyme, l'enregistrement laisse entendre une lutte, des jurons et des Allahu akbar [rf. [trad 7], 9 h 39 min 11 s, il reoit une autre transmission radio: Ici le commandant: j'aimerais que vous restiez tous assis. Au mme moment, le vice-prsident Dick Cheney est inform que le vol 93 se dirige vers Washington. Lorsqu'il s'est cras Shanksville, le vol 93 tait 20 minutes de vol de Washington. The Discovery Channel Canada / National Geographic TV series Mayday dramatized the crash of Flight 585 and the subsequent 737 rudder investigation in a 2007 episode titled Hidden Danger.[7]. The following is an excerpt of the last two minutes Flight 585 CVR, starting two minutes before impact (the full CVR recording started before Flight 585 took off from Stapleton): Thus, the first NTSB report (issued on December 8, 1992) did not conclude with the usual "probable cause". [1]:ix, Flight 585 was operated by a Boeing 737-291, registered N999UA[2]. , Que se passe-t-il? I kept on saying the same things, 'Be calm.' 9 h 36, le Cleveland Center signale la FAA Command Center qu'il suit toujours sur radar le vol 93 et lui demande si l'arme avait t prvenue afin d'intercepter l'avion. 9 h 57, les passagers, mens par Todd Beamer, se rvoltent contre les terroristes. It's a suicide mission. I heard the plane going over and I went out the front door and I saw the plane going down. De kapers vertelden dat zij een bom hadden, maar het is nooit bewezen dat dat waar was. Alors asseyez-vous. . United Airlines, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies. Nearly 300 people were aboard Flight 232 from Denver to Chicago on July 19, 1989. Le NEADS est galement inform peu aprs. Dans la confusion, le transpondeur du vol 93 est rallum, permettant plus tard aux contrleurs ariens de dterminer son lieu de crash. Le dernier enregistrement phonique a lieu 10 h 03 min 09 s. Le dernier enregistrement de paramtres a lieu 10 h 03 min 10 s. 10 h 03 min 11 s, Jarrah fait s'craser dlibrment le vol 93 dans un champ, prs de Shanksville, une vitesse estime 933km/h, afin d'empcher les passagers d'en reprendre le contrle. Om 9.59 uur begon de top over te hellen naar het zuidoosten (het vliegtuig had het gebouw ook meer in de rechterhoek geraakt). [] On voyait plus le dos que le ventre de l'appareil. As of 2022, Delta Air Lines is the largest by revenue, assets value and market capitalization, China Southern Air Holding by passengers carried and revenue passenger mile, American Airlines Group by fleet size and number of employees, FedEx Express by freight tonne-kilometers, Ryanair by number of routes, Turkish Je lui rptais toujours la mme chose: Reste calme. Le vice-prsident Dick Cheney, rfugi dans un bunker sous la Maison-Blanche, aurait dclar peu aprs le crash: Je crois qu'un acte d'hrosme s'est produit bord de cet avion. Bye. I love you. De passagiers zijn ziek en geven over. , Nous recevons de nombreux rapports et nous voulons tre prudents en vous informant qu'un rapport nous indique qu'un Boeing 747 s'est cras en Pennsylvanie et tout reste non confirm pour l'instant. The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the United Airlines flight 585 accident was a loss of control of the airplane resulting from the movement of the rudder surface to its blowdown limit. Haznawi puis Jarrah font de mme respectivement 7 h 24 et 7 h 39. Hij zei dat de kapers de cockpit overmand hadden, een steward verwond hadden en dat er voorin waarschijnlijk iemand gedood was. Ils sont en train de briser la porte du cockpit. Aucune mention n'a t faite de la seconde bote noire localise dans la queue de l'appareil (FDR). Il s'agit soit d'Ahmed al-Haznawi soit d'Ahmed al-Nami. , Je dois y aller. 9 h 39, aprs avoir atteint son altitude maximale de 41700pieds, le vol 93 amorce une descente rapide d'environ 4000pieds par minute. Melody Homer, pouse du premier officier du vol 93, envoie un message ACARS 9 h 22 son poux LeRoy pour s'assurer que tout va bien. The episode is dramatized in the episode "Fatal Flaws" of Why Planes Crash. The aircraft was destroyed on impact and fire in the crater was fed by the fuel released from the ruptured wing tanks. OK, je veux juste te dire qu'il y a un problme avec l'avion. Jeremy Glick contacte son pouse au mme moment depuis la range 27 et l'informe que les pirates de l'air ont le look d'Iraniens, portent des bandanas rouges et des couteaux. Tom Burnett indique son pouse: Le type qu'ils ont poignard est mort J'ai essay de l'aider mais je n'ai pas russi le ranimer. And I told her, 'Don't worry, they hijacked the plane, they're gonna take you for a ride, you go to their country, and you come back. Downing Peoria International Airport in Peoria, Illinois to Colorado Springs, Colorado, making intermediate stops at Quad City International Airport in Moline, Illinois and the now-decommissioned Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado. United Airlines Flight 2860 crashed after being places in the wrong holding pattern, and the aircraft crashed into a mountain. United Airlines vlucht 175 was een lijnvlucht van Logan International Airport in East Boston, Massachusetts naar Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles, Californi. Linda Gronlund appelle sa sur Elsa Strong 9h46 et lui laisse un message en disant qu'il y avait des hommes avec une bombe. Jason[trad 2]. Both aircraft were destroyed and all passengers and crew were killed, including John T. McNaughton, an advisor to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.The aircraft were both operating under Okay. Nous allons tous mourir! [14] The timing of the events was notable because Northwest's golden shares in Continental (that gave Northwest veto authority against any merger involving Continental) could be redeemed, freeing Continental to pursue a marriage with United. Als het gebeurt, gebeurt het snel. Ziad Jarrah, un membre d'Al-Qaida et pilote entran, en prend les commandes. [1]:3 Deicing was completed at 13:46. The aircraft involved in the hijacking was a Boeing 767-223ER delivered to American Airlines in April 1987, with registration number N334AA. [12], The NTSB investigated the accident. Er waren 56 passagiers (inclusief de kapers) aan boord en 9 bemanningsleden. Aprs trois quarts d'heure de vol, les pirates de l'air blessent plusieurs membres d'quipage et passagers, entrent de force dans le cockpit, et matrisent le commandant de bord et le copilote. Een motor werd gevonden in de Church & Murray Street en een gedeelte van de romp viel op gebouw nummer 5 van het WTC. Family looks to thank mystery woman who made daughter's day with sweet present Het gesprek werd na n minuut en 15 seconden afgebroken. You stay there for vacation.' Todd Beamer tente 9 h 43 d'appeler son pouse mais est redirig vers l'opratrice Lisa Jefferson. [32] United's new CEO Jeff Smisek, who previously served as Continental's chairman, helped design the new font, integrating it with the existing Lippincott-designed Continental graphics. Iedereen kwam om het leven. ce moment-l les trois autres avions dtourns se sont dj crass et la plupart des autres avions en l'air ont reu l'ordre d'atterrir d'urgence sur l'aroport le plus proche. 9 h 35, l'avion change de direction et se dirige vers Washington. [1]:7 It was originally delivered to Air Canada in May 1966 and sold to Texas International Airlines in 1968, where it served the majority of its service until Texas International was acquired by Continental in 1982. [37], Continental and United Airlines shareholders approve merger, "United Airlines Holdings, Inc. (UAL) Income Statement", "United Airlines Holdings, Inc. (UAL) Company Profile & Facts", "United States Securities And Exchange Commission: Form 8-K Current Report", "United commits to Willis as HQ, with lease through 2028", "United and Continental Announce Merger of Equals to Create World-Class Global Airline", "United gets FAA single operating certificate", "United Continental changes name to United Airlines Holdings Inc", "Form 8-K for United Continental Holdings, Inc", "Continental Abandons Merger Talks With United", "UAL, USAir in very advanced merger talks", "United and US Airways Said to be in Merger Talks", "Irked US Airways ends merger talks with United", "United and Continental Airlines to merge", "United, Continental create world's biggest airline", "United-Continental Merger Clears Federal Hurdle", "Pilots: United gets single operating certificate", "United Continental Holdings Financial Statements 20052018", "Fortune 500 Companies 2018: Who Made the List", "United, Continental Show Off New Livery", "Here's what United's CEO thinks of the carrier's new livery", "United Airlines launches new campaign from Kaplan Thaler/New York", 1955 MacArthur Airport United Airlines crash, Airline holding companies of the United States, Companies in the Chicago metropolitan area,, Companies in the Dow Jones Transportation Average, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, December 30, 1968; 52 years ago in Chicago, Illinois, United States, Largest hub, Midwest hub, and headquarters, Second largest hub, primary gateway to Latin America, Secondary West Coast hub, secondary gateway to Latin America, Primary East Coast hub, primary gateway to Europe, Secondary East Coast hub, secondary gateway to Europe, United Continental Holdings, Inc. (20102019), Continental Airlines, Inc. , Ed, confirme le dernier message, s'il te plat. [1]:36 Combined with the effects of ice on the wing, the high climb rate caused the plane's left wing to stall and the plane to begin rolling over. Dans un livre intitul en franais Instants dcisifs[18], il estime que l'acte de courage des passagers du vol 93 constitue l'un des plus hauts faits d'armes de l'histoire amricaine. [1]:2 The aircraft then suddenly rolled to the right and pitched nose down. Sortez d'ici! Mais cest de la pure spculation. Maak je geen zorgen vader. Confirmez s'il vous plat que tout est normal. [1]:7 On the date of the accident, the aircraft had accumulated approximately 26,000 flight hours. Dit werd bevestigd door de brandweer die de plaats van inslag kon bereiken en slechts melding maakte van twee vuurhaarden. Continental Airlines Flight 1713 was a commercial airline flight that crashed while taking off in a snowstorm from Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado, on November 15, 1987. It was headed toward the school, which panicked me, because all three of my kids were there. Il rcite avec elle un Notre Pre et le Psaume 23. United Air Lines Flight 553 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight between Washington National Airport (DCA) and Eppley Airfield (OMA) in Omaha, Nebraska, with Sortez! , Oh mon Dieu. Personne d'autre ne fut mis au courant du choix des cibles. [29], For the fiscal year 2017, United Continental Holdings reported earnings of US$2.131 billion, with an annual revenue of US$37.736 billion, an increase of 3.2% over the previous fiscal cycle. Le Cleveland Center demande alors d'autres avions s'ils avaient entendu sur la frquence les appels de dtresse. The guy they knifed is dead I tried to help him, but I couldnt get a pulse. Learn More. Tiens la porte. Sa femme l'informe des attaques contre le World Trade Center. Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409 was an international commercial flight scheduled from Beirut to Addis Ababa that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea shortly after takeoff from Rafic Hariri International Airport on 25 January 2010, killing all 90 people on board. Ben Laden voulait dtruire la Maison-Blanche et le Pentagone. Re-painting and branding is said to be "accelerated" beginning mid-2011. , Il volait vraiment bas. Il signale l'officier John Shaw que l'avion tait en train de descendre. . I just want to tell you how much I love you. Le message de Ballinger est envoy au vol 93 9 h 23 et reu une minute plus tard. 9 h 55, Jarrah programme la navigation sur le VOR de l'aroport national Ronald Reagan dans l'ordinateur de l'avion afin de le diriger vers Washington. Il est inaugur le 11 septembre 2011[19]. The capacity of the aircraft was 158 passengers (9 in first class, 30 in business class and 119 in economy class), but the September 11 flight carried 81 passengers and 11 crew members. Je voulais juste te dire combien je t'aimais. Tiens la porte. Although the two airlines remained separated until the operational integration was completed, as of this day both airlines are corporately controlled by the same leadership. [2], The investigation concluded that the crash was caused by a broken turbine blade on the left engine compounded by pilot error. Ik vermoed dat ze naar Chicago of ergens anders naartoe willen vliegen en dan in een wolkenkrabber vliegen. Lorsque Jarrah voulut dsengager l'autopilote, il essaya d'envoyer 9 h 45 un autre terroriste, probablement Saeed al-Ghamdi, ramener le pilote, faisant sans doute rfrence Homer. I sold my late mother's home for $250,000. Cheikh Mohammed voulait dtruire le World Trade Center. Don't know whose airline it was, whose airplane it was, and we don't have any details beyond that which I have just given you. The FDR did not record rudder, aileron or spoiler deflection data, which could have aided the NTSB in reconstructing the plane's final moments. L'heure exacte de l'impact au sol fait l'objet d'une controverse avec le 9/11 Truth Movement. Vanaf het ogenblik dat al-Shehhi de bocht naar het centrum van New York afrondde (omstreeks 8.58 uur) tot het ogenblik van inslag (9.02:40 uur) maakte het vliegtuig een duik van meer dan 24.000 voet in 4 minuten en 40 seconden. On April 27, 2008, Continental broke off merger negotiations with United and stated it was going to stand alone. He had 12,125 hours of flight experience, but only 166 hours on the DC-9,[1]:48 or "in type." De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Le commando du vol 93 est compos de quatre terroristes, au lieu de cinq pour les autres avions dtourns. 9 h 30, depuis la range 24, Tom Burnett prvient son pouse du dtournement de l'avion par des hommes qui prtendent avoir une bombe. She said, 'We're gonna. . Il y tait ajout que l'enregistrement ne donnait pas une image claire des vnements. I want to buy a house. 35 appels tlphoniques sont raliss par les passagers. United updated their branding once again in August 2010, replacing the words "United Airlines" with the single word UNITED and changing the font to United's traditional upper-case sans-serif font. Thursday marks 50 years since a United Airlines Flight 553 crashed on approach to Midway Airport, slamming into a Chicago neighborhood just southeast of the airport. Sandra Bradshaw prvient son mari 9 h 50 qu'elle prpare de l'eau bouillante pour en jeter aux visages des terroristes: Tout le monde se rend en premire classe. Southwest Airlines News and Discussion Thread - 2022 2,130 Posts 420,959 Views Last post 51 minutes ago So sit. Je t'aime. The airlines publicly announced the deal the next day. D'aprs un change entre Atta et bin al-Shibh le 9 septembre 2001, la Maison-Blanche serait la premire cible du vol 93 et le Capitole la seconde en cas d'impossibilit. Peu aprs le crash de l'avion, autour de 10 h 20, Dick Cheney a une conversation avec George W. Bush, en vol sur Air Force One vers la base arienne de Barksdale en Louisiane. A United Airlines Boeing 737-200, similar to the one involved in the crash, new airline company with the same name formed eight years later, General Wayne A. Heavy snow likely through early Wednesday in Anchorage. Lors de son audition du 13 septembre, le gnral Myers, chef de l'tat-major interarmes, explique que les avions de chasse mobiliss avec mission d'intercepter et autorisation d'abattre les avions pirats ne sont arrivs proximit du vol 93 que quelques instants avant qu'il ne s'crase, et qu'ils ne l'ont pas abattu. A New York Times report indicated that a deal was close. Et elle pleurait et elle criait et elle hurlait. [36], United Airlines and United Express operated more than 4,500 flights a day to 339 destinations; 140 million customers were carried on 1.5 million flights in 2015. [35], As of April 22, 2021, United Airlines operated 835 mainline aircraft and 522 regional aircraft. Read More. Forty three of the 61 passengers on board the plane died. 430th Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron, complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft (2020present), "Broken fan blade, shutdown of wrong engine led to fatal E-11 crash in Afghanistan, report says", "Remains of 2 US service members recovered from E-11A crash by Special Operations Forces", "Afghan plane crash: Mystery over crash in Taliban territory", "Air Force E-11A aircraft goes down in eastern Afghanistan; US military investigating", "Official: 5 Killed in Afghanistan Plane Crash", "U.S. forces recover bodies of two U.S. service members from site of plane crash in Taliban territory in Afghanistan", "Crew Remains Recovered From E-11A Crash", "US army investigating plane crash in Taliban-held area", "Plane crashes in Afghanistan's Ghazni province: Officials", "Taliban says it shot down plane carrying high-ranking US military personnel", " " " ", "Iran TV uses 'Zero Dark Thirty' screenshot to claim CIA boss was killed in Afghanistan plane crash", "Unsupported Claims that CIA's Iran Chief Died in Afghan Crash", "A U.S. The captain, who had over 10,000 hours as a United Airlines pilot (including 1,732 hours on the Boeing 737), was regarded by colleagues as a conservative pilot who always followed standard operating procedures. [trad 18]. Vlucht 175 vertrekt normaal om 8 uur 's morgens plaatselijke tijd. Il y a une bagarre? C'tait une trs grande explosion. To effect the acquisition, Continental shareholders received 1.05 shares of UAL stock for each Continental share; at the time of closing, it was estimated that United shareholders owned 55% of the merged entity and Continental shareholders owned 45%. LeRoy Homer ne rpond pas ce message. De piloot was kapitein Victor Saracini. Le vol 93 ne dcolle finalement qu' 8 h 42. Vu en direct la tlvision, le crash est trs rapidement rapport aux personnels de la FAA, qui font face de multiples dtournements. [1]:4 Fitzsimons Army Medical Center sent its personnel to assist in the triage of passengers and 10 hospitals treated the survivors. [5], The NTSB reopened its investigation into Flight 585 in parallel with the USAir Flight 427 investigation, due to the similar nature of the circumstances. Doordat de liften nog werkten verliep deze evacuatie veel efficinter. A United Airlines worker guides a plane at Dulles International Airport on June 17, 2022. Een steward belde ook enkele keren. What We Do. Continental Airlines Flight 1713 was mentioned in the 1988 film Rain Man.[22]. On ne sait pas pourquoi les pirates de l'air du vol 93 ont attendu 46 minutes de vol avant de passer l'action. [4]:102 The NTSB considered the possibilities of a malfunction of the rudder power control unit servo (which might have caused the rudder to reverse) and the effect that powerful rotor winds from the nearby Rocky Mountains may have had, but there was not enough evidence to prove either hypothesis. I would like you all to remain seated. The marker's identified now it's really weak. Get all the latest India news, ipo, bse, business news, commodity only on Moneycontrol. Then you heard the explosion and felt the blast and saw the fire and smoke. OK, je veux juste te dire qu'il y a un problme avec l'avion. Le dernier appel tlphonique, le seul adress au 911, s'effectue 9 h 58 celui d'un homme affol, rfugi dans des toilettes, suppos tre Edward Felt. However, the data tape had creases in it, resulting in the playback quality being poor. 8 h 46, le vol 11 percute la tour Nord du World Trade Center. [7], UAH uses Continental's operating certificate and United's repair station certificate, having been approved by the FAA on November 30, 2011. Les passeports de Jarrah et Ghamdi sont retrouvs sur le site du crash. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation of the accident determined that the most probable cause of the accident was the failure on the part of the pilot in command to have the aircraft deiced a second time before takeoff. 10 h 00, l'autopilote de l'avion est coup. Je l'ai vu se diriger vers l'cole, ce qui m'a terrifie, parce que mes trois enfants y taient. Terwijl het gesprek abrupt werd onderbroken hoorde Pete's vader een vrouw roepen. Les rponses tardives ont aliment les spculations selon lesquelles l'arme aurait abattu le vol 93, y compris de la part de mdias ne remettant pas en cause la responsabilit d'Al-Qada[13]. Air safety incidents for United - AeroInside Accident United B738 at Newark on Nov 12th 2020, post flight inspection reveals bird strike A United Boeing 737-800, registration N76519 performing flight UA-655 from Boston,MA to Newark,NJ (USA), departed Boston's runway 27 and completed a Nov 13, 2020 Incident In tegenstelling tot de noordelijke toren breidde het vuur zich niet verder uit dan de plaats van de inslag. On ne sait pas quoi dire qu'est-ce qu'on pouvait faire? Not yet. 9 h 47, l'htesse de l'air CeeCee Lyles laissa un message son mari. United Airlines vlucht 175 was een lijnvlucht van Logan International Airport in East Boston, Massachusetts naar Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles, Californi.Op 11 september 2001 werd de United Airlines Boeing 767-222, met vliegtuigregistratie N612UA, gekaapt en vloog opzettelijk in de South Tower van het World Trade Center in New York. I just want to tell you, there's a little problem with the plane. [30] The company ranked No. [14][15], On 29 January 2020, Pentagon sources identified the airmen killed in the crash as 46-year-old Lieutenant Colonel Paul K. Voss of Yigo, Guam (who had served with the U.S. Air Force for 25 years) and 30-year-old Captain Ryan S. Phaneuf of Hudson, New Hampshire (who had served with the U.S. Air Force for 8 years). Attention toute intrusion dans le cockpit. 9 h 37, depuis la range 25, Mark Bingham prvient sa mre du dtournement. [] Don't worry, we're going to do something. Doomed United Flight 93 passed just south of Pittsburgh, Courrier international, TATS-UNIS 11 septembre: douze questions sans rponse, Transcription de l'entretien sur le site de CNN, Texte en anglais du discours du 20 septembre 2001, Traduction en franais du discours du 20 septembre 2001, Rapport final de la Commission nationale sur les attaques terroristes contre les tats-Unis, Complete 911 Timeline - United Airlines Flight 93, Accident de l'avion de l'quipe de basket des Cowboys d'Oklahoma State, Quasi-collision de deux vols de la Japan Airlines, Accident d'un Gulfstream III d'Avjet Aspen. 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united airlines crash