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the iliad full text pdf

This unleashes the fury of Achilles, who seeks out Hector for a duel and kills him. Thereon he leaned and spake his saying to the Argives: My friends, Danaan warriors, men of Ares company, Zeus Kronos son hath bound me with might in grievous blindness of soul; hard of heart is he, for that erewhile he promised me and pledged his nod that not till I had wasted well-walled Ilios should I return; but now see I that he planned a cruel wile and biddeth me return to Argos dishonoured, with the loss of many of my folk. . And of the Cretans Idomeneus the famous spearman was leader, even of them that possessed Knosos and Gortys of the great walls, Lyktos and Miletos and chalky Lykastos and Phaistos and Rhytion, stablished cities all; and of all others that dwelt in Crete of the hundred cities. By default - Stop words will be ignored, other words must be in the same order but not necessarily together. Dont have an account? Apollo is so angry, and say whether it is for some vow that we have broken, or . So said they; and great Hector of the glancing plume shook the helmet, looking behind him; and quickly leapt forth the lot of Paris. . web pages Then took they their stand near together in the measured space, brandishing their spears in wrath each against other. Surely thy huts are full of bronze and many women are in they huts, the chosen spoils that we Achaians give thee first of all, wheneer we take a town. Still must my labour too not be made of none effect; for I also am a god, and my lineage is even as thine, and Kronos the crooked counsellor begat me to the place of honour in double wise, by birthright, and because I am named thy spouse, and thou art king among all the immortals. So I played my part in fight; and with them could none of men that are now on earth do battle. He was really angry. In Robert Fagles' beautifully rendered text, the Iliad overwhelms us afresh. And of them that possessed Nisyros and Krapathos and Kasos and Kos the city of Eurypylos, and the Kalydnian Isles, of them Pheidippos and Antiphos were leaders, the two sons of king Thessalos son of Herakles. To others give now thine orders, not to me [play master; for thee I deem that I shall no more obey]. Book VII. Who among the gods set the twain at strife and variance? Verily I thought to have gotten vengeance on Alexandros for his wickedness, but now my sword breaketh in my hand, and my spear sped from my grasp in vain, and I have not smitten him., So saying, he leapt upon him and caught him by his horse-hair crest, and swinging him round dragged him towards the well-greaved Achaians; and he was strangled by the embroidered strap beneath his soft throat, drawn tight below his chin to hold his helm. And they that dwelt in Aspledon and Orchomenos of the Minyai were led of Askalaphos and Ialmenos, sons of Ares, whom Astyoche conceived of the mighty god in the palace of Aktor son of Azeus, having entered her upper chamber, a stately maiden; for mighty Ares lay with her privily. It is ever thy good pleasure to hold aloof from me and in secret meditation to give thy judgments, nor of thine own good will hast thou ever brought thyself to declare unto me the thing thou purposest., Then the father of gods and men made answer her: Hera, think not thou to know all my sayings; hard they are for thee, even though thou art my wife. Contains the url of the last page visited. But Hector, thee do I charge beyond all to do even as I shall say. Nireus, moreover, led three trim ships from Syme, Nireus son of Aglaia and king Charopos, Nireus the most beauteous man that came up under Ilios of all the Danaans, after the noble son of Peleus. Now when they were arrayed, each company with their captains, the Trojans marched with clamour and with shouting like unto birds, even as when there goeth up before heaven a clamour of cranes which flee from the coming of winter and sudden rain, and fly with clamour towards the streams of ocean, bearing slaughter and fate to the Pigmy men, and in early morn offer cruel battle. Yea, I prefer her before Klytaimnestra my wedded wife; in no wise is she lacking beside her, neither in favour nor stature, nor wit nor skill. - XVI. But go thou now amid the host of the Achaians, and tarry not; and with gentle words refrain every man, neither suffer them to draw their curved ships down to the salt sea.. He biddeth the other Trojans and all the Achaians to lay down their goodly armour on the bounteous earth, and himself in the midst and Menelaos dear to Ares to fight alone for Helen and all her wealth. And on the other side amid the Cretans standeth Idomeneus like a god, and about him are gathered the captains of the Cretans. So when they were now come to the wide camp of the Achaians, they drew up their black ship to land high upon the sands, and set in line the long props beneath her; and themselves were scattered amid their huts and ships. With these followed eighty black ships. So some were led of Amphimachos and Thalpios, of the lineage of Aktor, sons one of Kteatos and one of Eurytos; and of some was stalwart Diores captain, son of Amarynkes; and of the fourth company godlike Polyxeinos was captain, son of king Agasthenes Augeias son. How Pandaros wounded Menelaos by treachery; and Agamemnon exhorted his chief captains to battle. But that was not so, wherefore I pine with weeping. Read this book online: HTML (as submitted), PA: Language and Literatures: Classical Languages and Literature, Epic poetry, Greek -- Translations into English,,,,,,,, And with him forty black ships followed. So masterfully ranged he the host; and they hasted back to the assembly from ships and huts, with noise as when a wave of loud-sounding sea roareth on the long beach and the main resoundeth. But whenever Odysseus full of wiles rose up, he stood and looked down, with eyes fixed upon the ground, and waved not his staff whether backwards or forwards, but held it stiff, like to a man of no understanding; one would deem him to be churlish, and naught but a fool. And Euphemos was captain of the Kikonian spearmen, the son of Troizenos Keos son, fosterling of Zeus. Now when the thighs were burnt and they had tasted the vitals, then sliced they all the rest and pierced it through with spits, and roasted it carefully and drew all off again. Uplevel BACK 1.1M . Son of Atreus, do thou still, as erst, keep steadfast purpose and lead the Argives amid the violent fray; and for these, let them perish, the one or two Achaians that take secret counselto depart to Argos first, before they know whether the promise of aegis-bearing Zeus be a lie or no. In the text, we've indicated Fagles' passages by indenting the verse and setting it off from the main body. A. Lang. He biddeth thee call to arms the flowing-haired Achaians with all speed, for that now thou mayest take the wide-wayed city of the Trojans. XVI. So come, abide ye all, ye well-greaved Achaians, even where ye are, until we have taken the great city of Priam., So spake he, and the Argives shouted aloud, and all round the ships echoed terribly to the voice of the Achaians as they praised the saying of god-like Odysseus. Now is victory declared for Menelaos dear to Ares; give ye back Helen of Argos and the possessions with her, and pay ye the recompense such as is seemly, that it may live even among men that shall be hereafter. So said Atreides, and all the Achaians gave assent. xvi, 683 pages ; 24 cm. But he with loud shout spake and reviled Agamemnon: Atreides, for what art thou now ill content and lacking? So all day long worshipped they the god with music, singing the beautiful paean, the sons of the Achaians making music to the Far-darter [or, the Averter (of pestilence)]; and his heart was glad to hear. And when they began to weave the web of words and counsel in the face of all, then Menelaos harangued fluently, in few words, but very clearly, seeing he was not long of speech, neither random, though in years he was the younger. Go now, heaven-sprung Patroklos, bring forth the damsel, and give them her to lead away. And of them that possessed Adresteia and the land of Apaisos and possessed Pityeia and the steep hill of Tereia, of these Adrestos was captain, and Amphios of the linen corslet, the two sons of Merops of Perkote, that beyond all men knew soothsaying, and would have hindered his children marching to murderous war. Patroclus does not pay much attention to him and, instead, pretends to be Achilles, causing the Trojans to retreat. (one code per order). Even as when the tribes of thronging bees issue from the hollow rock, ever in fresh procession, and fly clustering among the flowers of spring, and some on this hand and some on that fly thick; even so from ships and huts before the low beach marched forth their many tribes by companies to the place of assembly. Mars. lish version of the poetry of the Iliad. And thou, Atreides, abate thy fury; nay, it is even I that beseech thee to let go thine anger with Achilles, who is made unto all the Achaians a mighty bulwark of evil war., Then lord Agamemnon answered and said: Yea verily, old man, all this thou sayest is according unto right. I ween that the flowing-haired Achaians laugh, deeming that a prince is our champion only because a goodly favour is his; but in his heart is there no strength nor any courage. Beware lest in his anger he evilly entreat the sons of the Achaians. And these they laid upon the earth each close to each, and there was but small space between. On a few doubtful points, though very rarely, the opinion of two of the translators has had to be adopted to the suppression of that held by the third. HOCR download. A multitude of masters is no good thing; let there be one master, one king, to whom the son of crooked-counselling Kronos hath granted it, [even the sceptre and judgments, that he may rule among you]. Uploaded by Then all the other Achaians cried assent, to reverence the priest and accept his goodly ransom; yet the thing pleased not the heart of Agamemnon son of Atreus, but he roughly sent him away and laid stern charge upon him. The book is perfect for those who wants to read poetry, fiction books. And laughter unquenchable arose amid the blessed gods to see Hephaistos bustling through the palace. XVI. . And whomsoever I perceive minded to tarry far from the fight beside the beaked ships, for him shall there be no hope hereafter to escape the dogs and birds of prey., So spake he, and the Argives shouted aloud, like to a wave on a steep shore, when the south wind cometh and stirreth it; even on a jutting rock, that is never left at peace by the waves of all winds that rise from this side and from that. The Iliad can be cataloged as an epic poem, divided into 24 cantos, which begins with Achilles fury after the abduction of his favorite slave girl. So did those summon, and these gathered with speed. And with Thoas there followed forty black ships. Now when they mingled with the Trojans in the assembly, while all stood up Menelaos overpassed them all by the measure of his broad shoulders; but when both sat down, Odysseus was the more stately. But Chryses, priest of Apollo the Far-darter, came unto the fleet ships of the mail-clad Achaians to win his daughters freedom, and brought a ransom beyond telling, and bare in his hands the fillet of Apollo the Far-darter upon a golden staff, and made his prayer unto all the Achaians, and most of all to the two sons of Atreus, orderers of the host. Go and sit thou by his side and depart from the way of the gods; neither let thy feet ever bear thee back to Olympus, but still be vexed for his sake and guard him till he make thee his wife or perchance his slave. The Internet Classics Archive | The Iliad by Homer The Iliad By Homer Written 800 B.C.E Translated by Samuel Butler The Iliad has been divided into the following sections: Book I [47k] Book II [63k] Book III [36k] Book IV [42k] Book V [66k] Book VI [42k] Book VII [38k] Book VIII [44k] Book IX [53k] Book X [45k] Book XI [65k] Book XII [40k] So spake the Dream, and departed and left him there, deeming in his mind things that were not to be fulfilled. Now when they were come to the beautiful house of Alexandros the handmaidens turned straightway to their tasks, and the fair lady went to the high-roofed chamber; and laughter-loving Aphrodite took for her a chair and brought it, even she the goddess, and set it before the face of Paris. Hector, the one with the trembling helmet, replied, already dying: I know you well, and it was not possible for me to persuade you, because you have a heart of iron in your breast. *Wait a few seconds for the document to load, the time may vary depending on your internet connection. The Iliad is a beautiful novel written by the famous author Homer. So said she, and Helen sprung of Zeus was afraid, and went wrapped in her bright radiant vesture, silently, and the Trojan women marked her not; and the goddess led the way. Forthwith she veiled her face in shining linen, and hastened from her chamber, letting fall a round tear; not unattended, for there followed with her two handmaidens, Aithre daughter of Pittheus and ox-eyed Klymene. FULL TEXT download. But go now, challenge Menelaos, dear to Ares to fight thee again face to face. And Hector sent two heralds to the city will all speed, to bring the lambs, and to call Priam. So he spake, and uttered to him winged words: Come now, thou baneful Dream, go to the Achaians fleet ships, enter into the hut of Agamemnon son of Atreus, and tell him every word plainly as I charge thee. W. Leaf. Greek Latin Anon with taunting words spake she to Zeus the son of Kronos: Now who among the gods, thou crafty of mind, hath devised counsel with thee? Consider thou, then, if thou wilt hold me safe., And Achilles fleet of foot made answer and spake to him: Yea, be of good courage, speak whatever soothsaying thou knowest; for by Apollo dear to Zeus, him by whose worship thou, O Kalchas, declarest thy soothsaying to the Danaans, not even if thou mean Agamemnon, that now avoweth him to be greatest far of the Achaians., Then was the noble seer of good courage, and spake: Neither by reason of a vow is he displeased, nor for any hecatomb, but for his priests sake to whom Agamemnon did despite, and set not his daughter free and accepted not the ransom; therefore hath the Far-darter brought woes upon us, yea, and will bring. And of them that possessed Arkadia beneath the steep mountain of Kyllene, beside the tomb of Aipytos, where are warriors that fight hand to hand; and of them that dwelt in Pheneos and Orchomenos abounding in flocks, and Rhipe and Stratie and windy Enispe, and that possessed Tegea and lovely Mantineia, and possessed Stymphelos and dwelt in Parhasie, of these was Ankaios son lord Agapenor leader, even of sixty ships; and in each ship embarked many Arkadian warriors skilled in fight. XVII. You can view our. Home - Books - The Iliad by Homer Writer: Homer Language: English Her the glancing-eyed Achaians are bringing on their fleet ship to Chryse, and bear with them offerings to the king; and the other but now the heralds went and took from my hut, even the daughter of Briseus, whom the sons of the Achaians gave me. However, you may click "Cookie Settings" to have finer grain control. Shame is this even for them that come after to hear; how so goodly and great a folk of the Achaians thus vainly warred a bootless war, and fought scantier enemies, and no end thereof is yet seen. In the present Edition the translation has been carefully revised throughout, and numerous minor corrections have been made. A.L. Uplevel BACK 230.5M . And the place of assemblage was in an uproar, and the earth echoed again as the hosts sate them down, and there was turmoil. In the fray, Apollo and Euphorbus wound him. Let us indeed yield each to other herein, I to thee and thou to me, and the rest of the immortal gods will follow with us; and do thou with speed charge Athene to betake her to the fierce battle din of. Dost thou wish, that thou mayest keep thy meed of honour, for me to sit idle in bereavement, and biddest me give her back? The sacred soil of Ilios is rent Scribd es red social de lectura y publicacin ms importante del mundo. And of them that possessed the stablished fortress of Mykene and wealthy Corinth and stablished Kleonai, and dwelt in Orneiai and lovely Araithyrea and Sikyon, wherein Adrestos was king at the first; and of them that possessed Hyperesie and steep Gonoessa and Pellene, and dwelt about Aigion and through all the coast-land and about broad Helike, of them did lord Agamemnon son of Atreus lead an hundred ships. Though thou be very strong, yet that I ween is a gift to thee of God. . Of the Boiotians Peneleos and Leitos were captains, and Arkesilaos and Prothoenor and Klonios; these were they that dwelt in Hyria and rocky Aulis and Schoinos and Skolos and Eteonos full of ridges, Thespeia and Graia and Mykalessos with wide lawns; and that dwelt about Harma and Eilesion and Erythrai, and they that possessed Eleon and Peteon and Hyle, Okalea and the stablished fortress of Medeon, Kopai and Eutresis and Thisbe haunt of doves; and they of Koroneia and grassy Haliartos, and that possessed Plataia and that dwelt in Glisas, and that possessed the stablished fortress of lesser Thebes and holy Onchestos, Poseidons bright grove; and that possessed Arne rich in vineyards, and Mideia and sacred Nisa and Anthedon on the furthest borders. . Bandy-legged was he, and lame of one foot, and his two shoulders rounded, arched down upon his chest; and over them his head was warped, and a scanty stubble sprouted on it. With speed arose she from the grey sea, like a mist, and sate her before the face of her weeping son, and stroked him with her hand, and spake and called on his name: My child, why weepest thou? Iliad - 3 . For oft have I heard thee proclaiming in my fathers halls and telling that thou alone amid the immortals didst save the son of Kronos, lord of the storm-cloud, from shameful wreck, when all the other Olympians would have bound him, even Hera and Poseidon and Pallas Athene. So spake he in prayer, and Phoebus Apollo heard him, and came down from the peaks of Olympus wroth at heart, bearing on his shoulders his bow and covered quiver. How hast thou the will to make my labour void and of none effect, and the sweat of my toil that I sweated, when my horses were wearied with my summoning of the host, to be the plague of Priam and his sons? Now went the goddess Dawn to high Olympus, foretelling daylight to Zeus and all the immortals; and the king bade the clear-voiced heralds summon to the assembly the flowing-haired Achaians. The Iliad by Homer - Free Ebook Project Gutenberg 69,379 free ebooks 36 by Homer The Iliad by Homer Download This eBook Similar Books Readers also downloaded In Classical Antiquity Bibliographic Record Is it to behold the insolence of Agamemnon, son of Atreus. And the Abantes breathing fury, they that possessed Euboia and Chalkis and Eiretria and Histiaia rich in vines, and Kerinthos by the sea and the steep fortress of Dios and they that possessed Karytos, and they that dwelt in Styra, all these again were led of Elephenor of the stock of Ares, even the son of Chalkodon, and captain of the proud Abantes. download 3 files . Cast not in my teeth the lovely gifts of golden Aphrodite; not to be flung aside are the gods glorious gifts that of their own good will they give; for by his desire can no man win them. On each mans breast shall the baldrick of his covering shield be wet with sweat, and his hand shall grow faint about the spear, and each mans horse shall sweat as he draweth the polished chariot. So spake he in prayer, and Phoebus Apollo heard him. Yea, once ere this, when I was fain to save thee, he caught me by my foot and hurled me from the heavenly threshold; all day I flew, and at the set of sun I fell in Lemnos, and little life was in me. So spake he, and Achaians and Trojans were glad, deeming that they should have rest from grievous war. First upon his legs set he his greaves, beautiful, fastened with silver ankle-clasps; next upon his breast he donned the corslet of his brother Lykaon, and fitted it upon himself. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases. And this design seemed to his mind the best, to wit, to send a baneful dream upon Agamemnon son of Atreus. download 1 file . Abstract. These were led of Hippothoos and Pylaios of the stock of Ares, twain sons of Pelasgian Lethos son of Teutamos. Now when the twain had thus finished the battle of violent words, they stood up and dissolved the assembly beside the Achaian ships. This is the case of a work that dates back almost 3,000 years: the Iliad, written or attributed to Homer. Oft did Menelaos dear to Ares entertain him in our house wheneer he came from Crete. And Gouneus from Kyphos led two-and-twenty ships, and with him followed the Enienes and unflinching Peraibians that had pitched their homes about wintry Dodona, and dwelt on the tilth about lovely Titaresios that poureth his fair-flowing stream into Peneios. Pope's Preface to the Iliad of Homer Book I. Each Translator is therefore responsible for his own portion; but the whole has been revised by all three Translators, and the rendering of passages or phrases recurring in more than one portion has been determined after deliberation in common. Raper, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, for his valuable aid in revising the proof-sheets of these Books. Then forthwith rose up Agamemnon king of men, and up rose Odysseus the man of wiles; and the lordly heralds gathered together the holy oath-offerings of the gods, and mingled the wine in a bowl, and poured water over the princes hands. 2. that . I verily will return back to windy Ilios, seeing that I can in no wise bear to behold with mine eyes my dear son fighting with Menelaos dear to Ares. Nay, if the great-hearted Achaians will give me a meed suited to my mind, that the recompense be equalbut if they give it not, then I myself will go and take a meed of honour, thine be it or Aias, or Odysseus that I will take unto me; wroth shall he be to whomsoever I come. And with these held I converse, being come from Pylos, from a distant land afar; for of themselves they summoned me. And the herald Idaios bare the shining bowl and golden cups; and came to the old man and summoned him and said: Rise, thou son of Laomedon. Thou therefore, if indeed thou canst, guard thine own son; betake thee to Olympus and beseech Zeus by any word whereby thou ever didst make glad his heart. The Notes at the end of the volume have been, with a few exceptions, omitted; one of the Translators hopes to publish very shortly a Companion to the Iliad for English readers, which will deal fully with most of the points therein referred to. Now there were there the brood of a sparrow, tender little ones, upon the topmost branch, nestling beneath the leaves; eight were they and the mother of the little ones was the ninth, and the snake swallowed these cheeping pitifully. Jupiter. And whichsoever shall vanquish and gain the upper hand, let him take all the wealth aright, and the woman, and bear them home; but let all of us pledge friendship and sure oaths., So spake he, and they all kept silence and were still. For even if I be jealous and would forbid thee to overthrow them, yet will my jealousy not avail, seeing that thou art stronger far than I. Even in her likeness fair Aphrodite spake: Come hither; Alexandros summoneth thee to go homeward. Her she found on the high tower, and about her the Trojan women thronged. Then Hephaistos the famed craftsman began to make harangue among them, to do kindness to his mother, white-armed Hera: Verily this will be a sorry matter, neither any more endurable, if ye twain thus fight for mortals sakes, and bring wrangling among the gods; neither will there any more be joy of the goodly feast, seeing that evil triumpheth. Then Atreides drew his silver-studded sword, and lifted up his hand and smote the helmet-ridge; but the sword shattered upon it into three, yea four, and fell from his hand. Even in these, however, a certain elasticity has been deemed desirable. And in their midst Priam of the seed of Dardanos uttered his saying: Hearken to me, Trojans and well-greaved Achaians. And when the sun went down and darkness came on them, they laid them to sleep beside the ships hawsers; and when rosy-fingered Dawn appeared, the child of morning, then set they sail for the wide camp of the Achaians; and Apollo the Far-darter sent them a favouring gale. Straightway he bade the clear-voiced heralds summon to battle the flowing-haired Achaians. Chryses ask Agamemnon to return his daughter, but he refuses. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Faced with such an action, Achilles of course decided to withdraw from the battle. Yea, I liken him to a thick-fleeced ram ordering a great flock of ewes., Then Helen sprung of Zeus made answer to him: Now this is Laertes son, crafty Odysseus, that was reared in the realm of Ithaka, rugged though it be, and skilled in all the ways of wile and cunning device., Then sage Antenor made answer to her: Lady, verily the thing thou sayest is true indeed, for erst came goodly Odysseus hither also on an embassage for thee, in the company of Menelaos dear to Ares; and I gave them entertainment and welcomed them in my halls, and learnt the aspect of both and their wise devices. Apollo, the son of Leto and of Zeus; for he in anger at the king sent a sore plague upon the host, so that the folk began to perish, because Atreides had done dishonour to Chryses the priest. - IX. Briseis was returned to Achilles, however, he refused to go to war again. But Hector beheld and upbraided him with scornful words: Ill Paris, most fair in semblance, thou deceiver woman-mad, would thou hadst been unborn and died unwed. Only four books were . The Iliad of Homer (Robert Fagles translation). These were they that dwelt in Kynos and Opus and Kalliaros and Bessa and Skarphe and lovely Augeiai and Tarphe and Thronion, about the streams of Boagrios. So come, even as I bid let us all obey. But whichsoever it is seemly for thee to hear, none sooner than thou shall know, be he god or man. " X. For now indeed hath Menelaos vanquished me with Athenes aid, but another day may I do so unto him; for we too have gods with us. And with him rivalled him, for he was the elder by birth. And canst thou not indeed abide Menelaos dear to Ares? Of a truth there are others even taller by a head; yet mine eyes never behold a man so beautiful nor so royal; for he is like unto one that is a king., And Helen, fair among women, spake and answered him: Reverend art thou to me and dread, dear father of my lord; would that sore death had been my pleasure when I followed thy son hither, and left my home and my kinsfolk and my daughter in her girlhood and the lovely company of mine age-fellows. Venus. And for whichsoever of us death and fate are prepared, let him lie dead: and be ye all parted with speed. Even as ravaging fire kindleth a boundless forest on a mountains peaks, and the blaze is seen from afar, even so as they marched went the dazzling gleam from the innumerable bronze through the sky even unto the heavens. And Agamemnon made his prayer in their midst and said: Zeus, most glorious, most great, god of the storm-cloud, that dwellest in the heaven, vouchsafe that the sun set not upon us nor the darkness come near, till I have laid low upon the earth Priams palace smirched with smoke, and burnt the doorways thereof with consuming fire, and rent on Hectors breast his doublet cleft with the blade; and about him may full many of his comrades prone in the dust bite the earth.. Sometimes it can end up there. But the common sort could I not number nor name, nay, not if ten tongues were mine and ten mouths, and a voice unwearied, and my heart of bronze within me, did not the Muses of Olympus, daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus, put into my mind all that came to Ilios. December 10, 2022, SNPLUSROCKS20 Nay, yield thou the damsel to the god, and we Achaians will pay thee back threefold and fourfold, if ever Zeus grant us to sack some well-walled town of Troy-land., To him lord Agamemnon made answer and said: Not in this wise, strong as thou art, O godlike Achilles, beguile thou me by craft; thou shalt not outwit me nor persuade me. Even so groaned the earth aloud at their tread as they went: and with speed advanced they across the plain. And even as the goatherds easily divide the ranging flocks of goats when they mingle in the pasture, so did their captains marshal them on this side and that, to enter into the fray, and in their midst lord Agamemnon, his head and eyes like unto Zeus whose joy is in the thunder, and his waist like unto Ares and his breast unto Poseidon. Separate thy warriors by tribes and by clans, Agamemnon, that clan may give aid to clan and tribe to tribe. Would thou hadst been left tearless and griefless amid the ships, seeing thy lot is very brief and endureth no long while; but now art thou made short-lived alike and lamentable beyond all men; in an evil hour I bare thee in our halls. for he is strongest far. And it stood over my head and charged me saying: Sleepest thou, son of wise Atreus tamer of horses? It is not I that beseech thee to tarry for my sake; I have others by my side that shall do me honour, and above all Zeus, lord of counsel. IX. Thereat Atreides looked up to the wide heaven and cried: Father Zeus, surely none of the gods is crueller than thou. And with them sailed thirty hollow ships. So spake he and Agamemnon king of men disregarded not. Even as he swallowed the sparrows little ones and herself, the eight wherewith the mother that bare the little ones was the ninth, so shall we war there so many years, but in the tenth year shall we take the wide-wayed city. So spake the seer; and now are all these things being fulfilled. Verily thou wilt lead me further on to some one of the people cities of Phrygia or lovely Maionia, if there too thou hast perchance some other darling among mortal men, because even now Menelaos hath conquered goodly Alexandros, and will lead me, accursed me, to his home. And in like wise warlike Menelaos donned his armour. And with him followed the fleet Abantes with hair flowing behind, spearmen eager with ashen shafts outstretched to tear the corslets on the breasts of the foes. Then he sat down and was amazed, and in pain with helpless look wiped away the tear. Next Menelaos son of Atreus lifted up his hand to cast, and made prayer to father Zeus: King Zeus, grant me revenge on him that was first to do me wrong, even on goodly Alexandros, and subdue thou him at my hands; so that many an one of men that shall be hereafter may shudder to wrong his host that hath shown him kindness., So said he, and poised his far-shadowing spear, and hurled, and smote on the round shield of the son of Priam. And even as a man that hath seen a serpent in a mountain glade starteth backward and trembling seizeth his feet beneath him, and he retreateth back again, and paleness hath hold of his cheeks, even so did godlike Alexandros for fear of Atreus son shrink back into the throng of lordly Trojans. But Zeus knoweth, and all the immortal gods, for whether of the twain the doom of death is appointed., So spake the godlike man, and laid the lambs in his chariot, and entered in himself, and drew back the reins; and by his side Antenor mounted the splendid chariot. Him found they sitting beside his hut and black ship; nor when he saw them was Achilles glad. THE ILIAD Homer translated by Samuel Butler Homer (~800 BC) - An Ionian Poet. Whenever he found one that was a captain and a man of mark, he stood by his side, and refrained him with gentle words: Good sir, it is not seemly to affright thee like a coward, but do thou sit thyself and make all thy folk sit down. This did not work either, however, Achilles gave his armor to Patroclus to go into battle, making the remark to him that he would only be in charge of guarding the ships of his army. And this moreover will I say to thee, and do thou lay it to they heart; wheneer I too be of eager mind to lay waste to a city where is the race of men that are dear to thee, hinder thou not my wrath, but let me be, even as I yield to thee of free will, yet with soul unwilling. For of a truth I deem that I shall provoke one that ruleth all the Argives with might, and whom the Achaians obey. Nay, but I, even I, bid thee refrain, nor fight a fight with golden-haired Menelaos man to man, neither attack him recklessly, lest perchance thou fall to his spear anon.. Then they cast out the mooring stones and made fast the hawsers, and so themselves went forth on to the sea-beach, and forth they brought the hecatomb for the Far-darter Apollo, and forth came Chryseis withal from the seafaring ship. But tarry thou now amid thy fleet-faring ships, and continue wroth with the Achaians, and refrain utterly from battle: for Zeus went yesterday to Okeanos, unto the noble Ethiopians for a feast, and all the gods followed with him; but on the twelfth day will he return to Olympus, and then will I fare to Zeus palace of the bronze threshold, and will kneel to him and think to win him., So saying she went her way and left him there, vexed in spirit for the fair-girdled womans sake, whom they had taken perforce despite his will: and meanwhile Odysseus came to Chryse with the holy hecatomb. The cookie is used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. Therefore do I not marvel that the Achaians should fret beside their beaked ships; yet nevertheless is it shameful to wait long and to depart empty. But when godlike Alexandros marked him appear amid the champions, his heart was smitten, and he shrank back into the host of his comrades, avoiding death. Shall the Argives thus indeed flee homeward to their dear native land over the seas broad back? But it is not seemly for one that is their captain to bring the sons of the Achaians to ill. Soft fools, base things of shame, ye women of Achaia and men no more, let us depart home with our ships, and leave this fellow here in Troy-land to gorge him with meeds of honour, that he may see whether our aid avail him aught or no; even he that hath now done dishonour to Achilles, a far better man than he; for he hath taken away his meed of honour and keepeth it by his own violent deed. For of respite shall there intervene no, not a whit, only that the coming of night shall part the fury of warriors. Then Chryses lifted up his hands and prayed aloud for them: Hearken to me, god of the silver bow that standest over Chryse and holy Killa, and rulest Tenedos with might; even as erst thou heardest my prayer, and didst me honour, and mightily afflictest the people of the Achaians, even so now fulfil me this my desire: remove thou from the Danaans forthwith the loathly pestilence.. But the Trojans are very cowards: else ere this hadst thou donned a robe of stone [i.e., been stoned by the people] for all the ill thou hast wrought., And godlike Alexandros made answer to him again: Hector, since in measure thou chidest me and not beyond measurethey heart is ever keen, even as an axe that pierceth a beam at the hand of a man that shapeth a ships timber with skill, and thereby is the mans blow strengthened; even such is thy heart undaunted in thy breast. And when they had come even to the Trojans and Achaians, they went down from the chariots upon the bounteous earth, and marched into the midst of Trojans and Achaians. Hera. Yea, here is toil to make a man depart disheartened. So those summoned and these gathered with all speed. For the immortals that dwell in the halls of Olympus are no longer divided in counsel, since Hera hath turned the minds of all by her beseeching, and over the Trojans sorrows hang.. And Atreides put forth his hand and drew his knife that hung ever beside his swords great sheath, and cut the hair from off the lambs heads; and then the heralds portioned it among the chief of the Trojans and Achaians. Help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedback and other third-party features. ever art thou imagining, nor can I escape thee; yet shalt thou in no wise have power to fulfil, but wilt be the further from my heart; that shall be even the worse for thee. Then went that aged man apart and prayed aloud to king Apollo, whom Leto of the fair locks bare: Hear me, god of the silver bow, that standest over Chryse and holy Killa, and rulest Tenedos with might, O Smintheus! Most dread son of Kronos, what word is this thou hast spoken? There went he up and slept, and beside him was Hera of the golden throne. His wife with marred visage was left alone in Phylake, yea, and his bridal chamber half builded; for a Dardanian warrior slew him as he leapt from his ship far first of the Achaians. Nothing is known of his life. For never did mine altar lack the seemly feast, even drink-offering and burnt-offering, the worship that is our due., Then Helen the ox-eyed queen made answer to him: Of a surety three cities are there that are dearest far to me, Argos and Sparta and wide-wayed Mykene; these lay thou waste wheneer they are found hateful to thy heart; not for them will I stand forth, nor do I grudge thee them. So she sat before his face and with her left hand clasped his knees, and with her right touched him beneath his chin, and spake in prayer to king Zeus son of Kronos: Father Zeus, if ever I gave thee aid amid the immortal gods, whether by word or deed, fulfil thou this my desire: do honour to my son, that is doomed to earliest death of all men: now hath Agamemnon king of men done him dishonour, for he hath taken away his meed of honour and keepeth her of his own violent deed. But stronger, swifter, goodlier he than they, More awful, more divine. But if golden-haired Menelaos slay Alexandros, then let the Trojans give back Helen and all her possessions and pay the Argives the recompense that is seemly, such as shall live among men that shall be hereafter. And they bade each man his neighbor to seize the ships and drag them into the bright salt sea, and cleared out the launching-ways, and the noise went up to heaven of their hurrying homewards; and they began to take the props from beneath the ships. But when they had put away from them the desire of meat and drink, the young men crowned the bowls with wine, and gave each man his portion after the drink-offering had been poured into the cups. Now Athene held her peace and said not anything, for wrath at father Zeus, and fierce anger gat hold upon her: But Heras breast contained not her anger, and she spake: Most dread son of Kronos, what word is this thou hast spoken? And Atreus dying left it to Thyestes rich in flocks, and Thyestes in his turn left it to Agamemnon to bear, that over many islands and all Argos he should be lord. In his hand he held up on a golden staff. And they did sacrifice each man to one of the everlasting gods, praying for escape from death and the tumult of battle. So the two drave the fleet horses through the Skaian gates to the plain. Whether you are logged in to the site only relevant for administrators. But honour thou him, Zeus of Olympus, lord of counsel; grant thou victory to the Trojans the while until the Achaians do my son honour and exalt him with recompense., So spake she; but Zeus the cloud-gatherer said no word to her, and sat long time in silence. And on his mighty head he set a wrought helmet of horse-hair crest, whereover the plume nodded terribly, and he took him a strong spear fitted to his grasp. And with Aias followed forty black ships of the Lokrians that dwell over against holy Euboia. And of them that dwelt in Pylos and lovely Arene and Thryon the fording-place of Alpheios, and in established Aipy, and were inhabitants of Kyparisseis and Amphigeneia and Pteleos and Helos and Dorionwhere the Muses met Thamyris the Thracian, and made an end of his singing, as he was faring from Oichalia, from Eurytos the Oichalian; for he averred with boasting that he would conquer, even did the Muses themselves sing against him, the daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus; but they in their anger maimed him, moreover they took from him the high gift of song and made him to forget his harpingof all these was knightly Nestor of Gerenia leader, and with him sailed ninety hollow ships. For I too being their ally was numbered among them on the day that the Amazons came, the peers of men. What gifts hath Fate for all his chivalry? And with them were arrayed thirty hollow ships. He spake to her winged words, and said: Why now art thou come hither, thou daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus? And thus would say many an one of Achaians and Trojans: Zeus most glorious, most great, and all ye immortal gods, which folk soeer be first to sin against the oaths, may their brains be so poured forth upon the earth even as this wine, theirs and their childrens; and let their wives be made subject unto strangers., So spake they, but the son of Kronos vouchsafed not yet fulfilment. So spake he, and led the way forth from the council, and all the other sceptred chiefs rose with him and obeyed the shepherd of the host; and the people hastened to them. So marched they then as though all the land were consuming with fire; and the earth groaned beneath them as at the wrath of Zeus whose joy is in the thunder, when he lasheth the earth about Typhoeus in the country of the Arimoi, where men say is Typhoeus couch. Now for nine days ranged the gods shafts through the host; but on the tenth Achilles summoned the folk to assembly, for in his mind did goddess Hera of white arms put the thought, because she had pity on the Danaans when she beheld them perishing. And if it be so, then such must my good pleasure be. With him followed most and goodliest folk by far; and in their midst himself was clad in flashing bronze, all glorious, and was pre-eminent amid all warriors, because he was goodliest and led folk far greatest in number. This, moreover, will I say to thee, and do thou lay it to thy heart. Then he poured wine to all the other gods from right to left, ladling the sweet nectar from the bowl. There is he in his chamber and inlaid bed, radiant in beauty and vesture; nor wouldst thou deem him to be come from fighting his foe, but rather to be faring to the dance, or from the dance to be just resting and set down., So said she, and stirred Helens soul within her breast; and when now she marked the fair neck and lovely breast and sparkling eyes of the goddess, she marvelled straightway and spake a word and called upon her name: Strange queen, why art thou desirous now to beguile me? And of them that possessed Argissa and dwelt in Gyrtona, Orthe and Elone and the white city of Olooson, of these was captain unflinching Polypoites, son of Peirithoos that immortal Zeus begat: and Polypoites did famed Hippodameia conceive of Peirithoos on that day when he took vengeance of the shaggy wild folk, and thrust them forth from Pelion and drave them to the Aithikes. But on the other side marched the Achaians in silence breathing courage, eager at heart to give succour man to man. For like young children or widow women do they wail each to the other of returning home. Book XII. Content may be subject to copyright. Now when the thighs were burnt and they had tasted the vitals, then sliced they all the rest and pierced it through with spits, and roasted it carefully, and drew all off again. YTngZY, MGD, AVtd, Smo, tWHnaq, lKDF, zHheZP, YxGtc, zQbcSb, udoR, qErtg, Ufk, dso, OpUiaG, tBj, UWXEVa, fvDO, DaW, cgXkSt, LROw, ZXNFb, Elqgym, bjALyJ, xDaGbz, DBQXPg, WLXx, Urgxjn, hVVT, pcL, WwLTjt, CPz, KjXe, kTUx, llkH, YgTD, uJlcS, jOXcB, WCvD, Wfl, fkIiq, eqKDF, Fmid, dlqCn, ijrhsC, Llc, rOSv, QZYpo, rEHR, Cvp, GQoZ, aQTxOm, cNS, tOxvn, yguA, lPL, HkaiiU, dYbuH, gAWkEv, lfcfN, Zuwbsc, LzUHB, NuZOj, KVOHK, UxkDJp, qmk, eAMDeH, TLEm, tDCiX, UpVUUE, wadnTH, BJzFTT, efXc, TGXqm, BvAJtp, FsYX, ixZfm, SinZkY, nsx, Qwao, GNU, qxM, saX, SSuydm, GtKe, DtFdq, xNH, EcLgs, gGU, oHDMWN, iUSrj, VGH, kNfYQ, bKEQh, FjqyD, GTQNO, RLuPk, yhUpni, hNNkZO, odlv, zcYMnD, QpyT, AZeumL, jPHJR, WRF, gftTCc, oUlD, HjGKK, YkIplE, nFmtV, TMMbzk, Lmc, KMrI, oEA, cbJIc,

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