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statistics on distractions

The absolute deviation is associated with the mean is given by: The expected value of the Poisson distribution is decomposed by underlying the product of intensity and exposure. The range of student distribution from to (infinity). That should come as a surprise, as 660,000 drivers use their phones while driving at any given moment. A lot of people have lost their lives due to a driver becoming distracted on the road. Find a comfortable spot: If youre struggling to focus in your office chair, try working at a standing desk or sitting on a yoga ball. 4. You might think you have time to send a quick email at a stoplight, but any sort of distraction can compromise your safety, as well as the safety of your passengers and other drivers on the road. Clutter: A messy desk or work area can be a big distraction. Besides, other kinds of distractions such as talking to a colleague about irrelevant stuff can lead to you losing concentration. Besides, the binomial distributions assumptions must have a single result with the same probability of success. We cannot guarantee that our content is entirely accurate but we try our best. The above statistics and facts are the best insights into understanding the real deal behind this pervasive societal problem. While the effects can have far-reaching consequences, there are ways that we can maintain our levels of productivity. What percentage of people are distracted at work? 75% of professionals say they are more productive following these plans, while 49% say they are happier at work, and 57% report they are more motivated. More than 50 percent acknowledge stress impacts their relationship with colleagues. This figure rose to 25% of Black American teens and 24% of teens whose families have an income of less than $30,000 per year. Todays cell phone distraction statistics show just how important it is for drivers to keep their cell phones out of reach. 86% of people report that they would feel very unsafe in a car with a driver who was texting or emailing while driving. 36% of Millennials and Gen Z admit to spending two hours or more checking their smartphones at work. Teenage vs. Distracted driving is the act of doing anything that takes your attention away from the road while operating a vehicle. Yaqub Mohammad is the founder of Renolon, a company that helps businesses and individuals create financial freedom. Cell phones are fast becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. However, a driver with a ticket is sure to see their insurance rates escalate. As per Massachusetts distracted driving statistics, the five-year average of traffic fatalities for 20162020 in this state was 353. These teenage distracted driving statistics from 2020 verify the danger of driving while distracted among this particular US age demographic. Workplace distractions statistics have shown us that there is a lot of work to be done, but luckily, we also have the solutions we need to work better. Multitasking or daydreaming behind the wheel can have deadly consequences. The Recovery Time for Being Distracted Can Be as Costly as the Distraction Itself. In schools, we study statistics as a part of mathematics, but it becomes a separate subject when we take it at an advanced level. Distractions can wreak havoc on our professional lives without us even realizing it. For the value of n = 1, the beta-binomial distribution is the same value as that of Bernoulli distribution. Distracted driving is the leading cause of car crashes. CDC. Multiply that by the number of employees in a company, and it becomes a lot of money too. Between July 1-2, 2021, we surveyed 1,241 Americans to learn about their daily work routines. Smartphones (55%), the internet (41%), office gossip (37%), checking social media (37%), and coworkers (37%) are just some of the biggest. If you are involved in a distracted driving accident, consider speaking to an attorney to learn about your rights. I enjoy playing badminton and spending time with my wife and young son. It is vital to ensure the attendees influence the outcome and also bestow value. 4 And thus, youll enhance your productivity. Its no wonder then that d. point to your coworkers as a significant factor. Social media distraction statistics say 75% of Americans cite digital notifications as the reason for an inability to focus at work, with 8 out of 10 admitting to going for a social media distraction in the workplace. Retinopathy of Prematurity Birth Injury Lawsuit, Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Settlements, Symptoms of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination, Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Presumptive Conditions, What to do if your lawyer is not helping you, 90% of car crashes on U.S. roadways involve human error, children are four times more likely to distract drivers, Staged Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them, Feeling Stiff or Disoriented after a Car Accident? Drivers are known for always exhibiting high levels of concentration whenever theyre behind the wheel. If you want to know if the gathering is worth it, you need to set a clear goal. So if youre looking for ways to increase your productivity, start by eliminating or reducing distractions in your work environment. With the statistics, much needs to be done to deal with distractions at work. Petersburg, FL 33712(727) 472-3909HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 13513 Prestige Pl. take us out of this productive state and ensure that we spend too much time performing below par. A distribution in statistics is a function that shows the possible values for a variable and how often they occur. With the sole aim of helping readers understand practically everything there is to know about this danger, well be taking a look at some of its most useful and noteworthy statistics and facts. Below, we walk through distracted driving statistics, covering everything from texting and driving laws to annual distracted driving fatalities. The distribution in statistics is also necessary to write an assignment during their academic studies.But if you find any difficulty regarding the statistics assignments. It becomes downright scary. Statistics has its own importance, and many students make their career in it. The watercooler has long been a great place to converse with your peers or staff about company goings-on and gossip. When you put that across an entire year, you get a total of 720 hours. A massive 40 million Americans deal with anxiety in the workplace almost every day, and many things can trigger it. Obviously, it is impossible to get a 7 while rolling a die. But if you work remotely or your company hasnt done so, then the onus lies on you to take responsibility and clear those tabs. show that in addition to these forward leaps in efficiency, tech has also created countless ways to distract us. But as its measure includes a fair amount of calculus, the description can be brief. Almost every job in the world requires a little multitasking, but managing the time given to each task can be just as tricky as. Hence sharing vital information between colleagues is easier. Here are some additional facts about teens and distracted driving. Distractions can lead to committing twice as many errors as usual. Statistics prove distractions among employees cause many workplace injuries and fatalities. Workplace distractions statistics put smartphones right at the top of the list of things that make us less productive, and its something that we all know we can handle better. Distractions in the workplace statistics show that replying to emails, scanning documents, and other repetitive actions dont add immediate value to productivity. But which types of distractions are the main culprits? That means that over an 8-hour work day, more than 25% of the time is lost to distractions. Inattentive drivers or those trying to multitask endanger the lives of fellow passengers, other drivers, and nearby pedestrians. 2,841 people were killed and an estimated 400,000 were injured by distracted driving in 2018. 4 This is what happens when technology is used in the classroom. Being in a state of recovery for half a day pushes back the completion of both your short and longer-term goals and the companys by extension. Give yourself the space to complete work at home and on your own time, so that you can do it without distraction. Heres what to know about texting and driving. If your workspace is a mess, then chances are your thinking is all over the place too. It, however, has become a productivity killer, with 7 out of 10 employees saying that emails have a detrimental effect on their work quality. Its estimated that the average worker is interrupted or distracted 11 times, which leads to a loss of 2.1 hours per work day according report publish in WorkPlaceTrends. Added to this is the high risk of interaction between substances. Employees can take roughly 24 minutes and fifteen seconds to refocus after getting distracted while working, Over a third of Gen Z and millennials report spending at least two hours checking their phones on a working day, 75 percent of employers report losing not less than two hours of productivity daily due to the employees getting distracted, 67 percent of employees confess that spending a lot of time in meetings always distracts them from accomplishing their job, Cell phones are the major cause of distraction and can reduce productivity at work by 55%, A 5-minute email interruption can lead to a task taking one-third more time than when you dont receive a mail, Striving to concentrate on a variety of stuff at the same time lowers productivity by 40 percent. If youre struggling to concentrate, try wearing headphones or working in a quiet area. are far less productive and need to focus without being disturbed by their colleagues. Link Staffing,Statista,Booqed,Calendar,SAP Concur,National Institute of Mental Health,Lifehacker,Business Daily,Inc.,re Markable,Rescuetime,MSU,Talkbox,Timely,Restore Your Health,ADSAA,Business News Daily,Talkbox,UC Irvine,UC Irvine,Talkbo, The Effects of Distractions on Workplace Productivity. The most common distractions are email (26%), phone calls/texts (55%), co-workers (27%), and The Internet (41%). 44.3% of Koreans surveyed said their smartphone use increased as a result of COVID-19, and trend that is expected to increase into 2022. Tell your staff or colleagues about your plan so that you are extra motivated and they can help check in on your progress. come from employees receiving training from their companies or introducing policies that help them focus. Hopefully, the high number of fatalities due to distracted driving will incentivize people to educate themselves about its dangers. We classify them as low-value as they usually require little cognitive application. ( In 2019, there were a total of 6,756,000 traffic crashes in the US, 986,000 of which were caused by some form of distracted driving. As much as we would like to think our skills and experience are enough to do this effectively. Thats no surprise, as the US is the third leading country in the world for drinking alcohol and driving. If theyre going 55 miles per hour, theyre essentially driving the length of an entire football field blindfolded. Here are some tips: Take breaks: If youre struggling to concentrate, take a five-minute break. NHTSA leads the national effort to save lives by preventing this dangerous behavior. Anxiety disorders can be incredibly detrimental and damaging to a persons career and can make it next to impossible to complete even the most basic tasks. Remember, breaks are very healthy and can even make you extra productive. Below, you have the most critical and informative data on distracted driving: Every year, there are 2.5 million car crashes involving distracted drivers globally. Eight people die every day due to car crashes involving a distracted driver in the United States. Distracted driving statistics reveal that it takes three seconds for a car crash to happen after the driver has been distracted. It is one out of six, thus one-sixth, right? Which has an equal probability of occurrence. From 2010-2018, an average of 3,000 were killed every year by distracted driving. 34% of employees admit to liking their jobs less because of work distractions, but only 66% try to resolve the situation. Wasting time at work statistics cite meetings as a major reason for staff becoming distracted and unproductive. With the number of substances on the market, it is conceivable that mistakes can be made when practitioners prescribe or dispense drugs. Take a walk: Sometimes the best way to get your mind off of work is to take a break and go for a walk. Office noise is the second most cited. Internet distractions statistics in the workplace. Distractions can lead to committing twice as many errors as usual. Distractions and Interruptions: Impact on Nursing. The relationship between the exponential distribution and Poisson distribution. Distractions can wreak havoc on our professional lives without us even realizing it. In fact, 16% of distracted driving crashes include a driver younger than 20. Furthermore, you wont have the space to think and work creatively as you make more errors. 86% of employees believe they are more productive when working alone, and even if thats only for an hour or two, it will still improve productivity. For example, you can turn off your email notifications, screen notifications on your phone, and set office hours during which youre available to talk to co-workers. According to the book The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World, students become distracted when they are pursuing a goal that really matters and something blocks their efforts to achieve it. In January 2020, The Zebra conducted a survey to observe the driving behaviors and attitudes of 2,000 Americans. In 2019, 39% of high school students texted or emailed while driving at least once over a 30 day period. CDC. So while you think you are getting more done by trying to manage multiple tasks, what you are doing reduces your ability to think creatively while making more mistakes. And remember, its not just about avoiding distractions yourself talk to your coworkers about creating a distraction-free zone too! Three hours worth of distractions a day totals around 60 hours a month. Knowing how to use social media as a business tool effectively requires the discipline to keep casual browsing to a minimum. By comparison, a September 2009 Pew Internet survey found that 75% of all American teens ages 12-17 own a . At 76 percent email came in second, closely followed by "checking the time" at 75 percent. Multiply that by the number of employees in a company, and it becomes a lot of money too. Published by Statista Research Department , Sep 30, 2022 In a June 2020 survey, participants that worked from home during the coronavirus pandemic were asked what they thought were the greatest. Feeling a little stiff ordisoriented after a car accidentmay be a sign of something more 800 N Belcher RDClearwater, FL 33765(727) 451-6900HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 1663 1st Ave SSt. Still, an employees safety is very important and should not be underrated in any way. Now lets see the percentage of distracted driving compared to all accidents, not just the fatal ones.That year, there were 36,096 motor vehicle crashes, with 2,895 of them involving distractions. NHTSA's U Drive. Email has become one of the most integral parts of business communication and is vital in sharing important information with our peers. Moreover, 71 percent of the workers mismanage time every single week. Each of its input functions has equal weightage. As we have more than 1000 experts who can provide you with instant help. Companies lose out on substantial profit and 720 hours a year per person working. Should you find an error within any of our website content, please feel free to contact us to let us know. While these technological advancements have made traveling more convenient, theyve also made it more dangerous by adding distractions for drivers. Put your phone down, turn your notifications off, and forget about it for as long as you need to finish the task at hand. These kinds of driver distractions, the statistics show, can happen even when a driver looks at their device for just a second. Each year, in the United States alone, 7,000 to 9,000 people die due to a medication error. In some states, penalties for a distracted driving ticket can raise insurance rates from $87 to as high as $762. This statistic is based on self-reports from nearly 2,000 full-time office workers in the UK. A massive 40 million Americans deal with anxiety in the workplace almost every day, and many things can trigger it. Lets take an example of a dice. Parents Spend 6.7 Hours Per Week on their Children's Homework. This change can be as simple as closing your door or finding a quiet room or section of the office to work in for a couple of hours. Moreover, inviting the wrong individuals to the meetings is one of the popular factors that affect productivity. It is also known as Students t- distribution, which is the probability distribution. An exponential random variables expected value is given by: An exponential random variables variance value is given by: The exponential random variables moment generating function is given by: An exponential random variables characteristic function is given by: A distribution can approach a binomial distribution for the larger value of and . Decluttering your environment will set the tone for a more productive mindset and allow you to work better. Distraction Contributes to Feelings of Stress and Anxiety in the Workplace. If youve been injured in a crash where distracted driving was a factor, consider speaking with legal representation to decide what to do next. Also, most crashes involving distracted driving are completely avoidable. How much is an average neck and back injury settlement? When an experiment has independent trails, each of them has two results: success and failure. 31% of smartphone users in the US never turn off their phones. On average, 84.4% of people are distracted at work according to data we collected from Clockify, Teamstage, Inc, Businessnewsdaily, and Flexjobs. Heres what to know about texting and driving laws across the U.S. Teen drivers aged 15 to 19 were most likely to be involved in fatal distracted driving crashes. The distributions mode is a value with the highest probability of occurring. NHTSA. Distracted driving is a major concern on U.S. roadways as taking your eyes or mind off the road for just a few seconds can cause a collision. However, when you continuously check your inbox for new emails, this habit becomes a distraction at work. Now, what is the probability of obtaining a 7? This doesnt imply you can not take a break while at work. If you know that you suffer from a short attention span, prioritize your two main distractions and prepare to deal with them swiftly when they arise. No matter where we work, the interconnectivity of the modern world exposes us to a multitude of equally modern distractions. Modern technology makes traveling more convenient, but not safer. Learning to deal with the danger of distracted driving can turn out to be a bit of a marathon, and distracted driving statistics signify that the issue is rising. Firms do spend more than thirty hours per month in meetings that have no substantial value. In this blog, you will find out all the useful information on different types of distribution in statistics with examples. When analyzing the. Moreover, somewhere around 78% of parents report giving their toddlers a snack while behind the wheel, according to statistics for distracted driving. Furthermore, they are also social media addicts. Thats a whole months worth of productivity. 37.1% of respondents completely agree that distractions on your mobile device impair your ability to drive safely, yet 28.6% of all respondents admitted to texting and driving as their number one . Whether its replying to texts, answering calls, or catching up on social media, notifications are always telling us to do something. Currently, 48 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers. They are;WholesalersRetailersDirect-to-consumer sales,
, Copyright 2012 - 2022 StatAnalytica - Instant Help With Assignments, Homework, Programming, Projects, Thesis & Research Papers, For Contribution, Please email us at: editor [at], Must Have Business Analyst Skills To Become Successful, Top 5 Tips on How to Learn Statistics More Effectively, 10 Useful Data Science Techniques That a Data Scientist use. Get up and stretch, grab a cup of coffee, or step outside for some fresh air. Our goal is to provide greater insight into what getting distracted while driving actually means. People usually do this innocuous act unthinkingly. Moreover, in the era of smartphones, it implies when you get an email or a call, you wont have to reply. Sending or reading text messages while driving takes a drivers mind, eyes, and hands away from vehicle operation, making this an especially dangerous activity to do behind the wheel. Tell your staff or colleagues about your plan so that you are extra motivated and they can help check in on your progress. Moreover, when they encounter reduced productivity, they can feel so down. Suite 102, Tampa, FL 33635(813) 303-0916HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 3715 W. Horatio Street Suite G, Tampa, FL 33609(813) 212-8509HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 5924 Main StNew Port Richey, FL 34652(727) 477-9660HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 1820 NE 163rd St #306North Miami Beach, FL 33162(305) 676-8154HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 8400 NW 36th St. Suite 450Doral, FL 33166(305) 930-7688HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 1701 Park Center Drive, Suite #240-GOrlando, FL 32835(407) 759-4565HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 20803 Biscayne Blvd Suite 101Aventura, FL 33180(954) 302-7068HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 3200 N Federal Hwy Suite 206-2Boca Raton, FL 33431(561) 220-4963HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 150 E Davie Blvd Suite 201-2Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394(754) 208-1130HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 6703 14th St W Suite 207Bradenton, FL 34207(941) 613-5747HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 12574 Flagler Center Blvd Suite 101Jacksonville, FL 32258(904) 441-6903HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 10225 Ulmerton Rd, Building 6A-2, Largo, FL 33771(866) 826-1298HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 2707 Killarney Way Suite 205, Tallahassee, FL 32309(850) 790-5830HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 1980 N Atlantic Ave, STE 218, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931(321) 456-9379HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 2385 Tampa Road Suite 4Palm Harbor, FL 34684(727) 677-5558HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 10485 Heley St.Spring Hill, FL 34609(352) 612-3437HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 9220 Bonita Beach Rd SE suite 200-12, Bonita Springs, FL 34135(239) 307-2634HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 76 Canal Street, Suite 302Boston, MA 02114(857) 407-4182HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 6330 Gulf Fwy Suite 110Houston, TX 77023(281) 524-4370HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 921 S. St. Marys Suite 2San Antonio, TX 78205(210) 361-2039HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 3250 Westchester Ave, suite 200A/B, Bronx, NY, 10461(718) 550-3471HoursMon - Fri 24 Hours, 2022 Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA. All Rights Reserved. It has six surfaces that are numbered from 1 to 6. When youre able to focus on the task at hand, youre able to work more quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, this model is used for the model that has an uncertainty of the success probability of a random experiment. With cell phones and other electronic devices playing such a vital role in our lives, its inevitable to have one beside you while on the road. 45% of American children aged 10-12 have a smartphone. The trick is to make sure that you dont buckle and get something quick and unhealthy if hunger strikes at work. Texting and driving death stats find that the youngest drivers are most at risk of these fatal crashes. A focused mind is more productive, efficient, and effective. cite meetings as a major reason for staff becoming distracted and unproductive. Yet a lot of interruptions come from checking emails, text messages, and social media posts. Renolon and its authors are not responsible for the manner in which tips are used or for the content or services offered by third-party websites. can be costly in both time and money and are proven responsible for millions of dollars worth of losses. No matter what, the result is the same. Distracting activities include: Texting or messaging Checking social media Workplace distractions and productivity go hand-in-hand. Its difficult to put a dollar value on the. Set limits: Whether its setting a time limit for checking social media or limiting the number of times you check your email, setting limits can help you stay focused. We limited our scope to people who work 35 - 50 hours a week, primarily at a desk, on a computer. A Comprehensive Guide On What Is Statistics In Math, Misuse of Statistics- What Leads to The Misuse of Statistics, How to Find the Best Online Statistics Homework Help. According to the most relevant distracted driving statistics, there are typically three distinct types of distracted driving: manual, visual, and cognitive. This is because it encourages you to focus. After analyzing dash-cam videos, the AAA Foundation found that distraction was involved in 58% of teen crashes approximately four times as many as federal estimates. A distribution in statistics is a parameterized mathematical function. (Driver Electronic Usage, NHTSA) Distracted driving among teens . Employees cannot do their jobs well enough when they continuously look at their devices for social media feeds and texts. What are some distractions in the workplace? One Chinese study found 33.37% of users to have problematic internet use habits. From a research carried out by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of injured people in motor vehicle crashes including distracted drivers reached 424,000 in 2019. Today, more and more people are being educated on how to avoid driving while distracted safely. Distracted Driving 3,142 Number of people killed by distracted driving in 2020 Source U Drive. Even though when you talk to a colleague over a wall you can have a lot more to discuss, this can still result in distractions. White students (44%) are more likely to drive distracted than black (30%) or Hispanic students (35%). More than 90% of car crashes on U.S. roadways involve human error, and the likelihood of error multiplies when drivers divert their attention from the road. Distractions in the workplace statistics further show that 50% of employees think that stress or anxiety prevents them from doing their jobs to the required standard, while 51% agree that it affects their relationships with coworkers. To reduce workplace distractions, we need to be vigilant of all the ways a person can be affected. A distribution is said to be beta-binomial if the probability of success is p, and the shape of the beat binomial parameter is > 0 and > 0. 75% of staff say they are more productive after attending training for. Get Medical Help. #4 Interruptions Increase Mistakes Your work suffers in quality as well as quantity. While the effects can have far-reaching consequences, there are ways that we can maintain our levels of productivity. Companies spend up to 31 hours a month in unproductive meetings. This can't be used for any kind of advice such as personal, financial, commercial or business. Turn off your phone when you dont need it, and hold off on checking emails until you finish what youre doing. have shown us that there is a lot of work to be done, but luckily, we also have the solutions we need to work better. Distracted driving claims thousands of lives in the U.S. each year. On the other hand, if you are sharing a room with others whether families or partners, you are likely to get distracted. Meetings, background noise, checking emails, and smoking or snack breaks also feature on the list. Moreover, half of the workers believe anxiety or stress deter them from performing their duties as required. Whether you experience internet distractions, electronic distractions, or physical distractions, the best way to avoid them all is to put them out of sight and out of mind. 82% of employees put their smartphones where they can see them while working. Moreover, if you stay alone, youll not need to be concerned about being distracted by roommates. . They affect so many people in so many different ways, not only mentally but also physically. Heres what we do know about distracted driving. In doing so, you lose your train of thought and, in most cases, need to start from scratch. Thats almost half an hour every single time you get a notification or a tap on the shoulder from a colleague. Sometimes distractions are out of your control, but your response can make all the difference. According to a study by the University of California, Irvine, employees who are interrupted every three minutes are less productive than those who are uninterrupted. Our content is fact checked and approved by our team of editors and practicing attorneys. Luckily, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has taken great leaps toward fighting against the many risks it poses. On average, drivers take their eyes off the road for 5 seconds when sending a text message. And if an interruption is related to the task you are undertaking, it can be advantageous. So while you think you are getting more done by trying to manage multiple tasks, what you are doing reduces your ability to think creatively while making more mistakes. Namely, cell phone driving statistics have shown that drivers who text and drive are six times more likely to crash than drivers who drive drunk. Copyright Carsurance 2022 - All Rights Reserved, What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident, What Happens if You Have an Accident in a Rental Car, What Happens if You Crash a Leased Car: Overview, Odds of Dying in a Car Crash: Know the Risk, Every year, distracted drivers account for about 2.5 million car crashes worldwide, In 2019, distracted driving was responsible for 9% of the fatal motor vehicle accidents, After using a cell phone, the brain needs 13 seconds to refocus, A whopping 80% of parents admit to giving their toddler a drink when driving, Drinking and eating while driving accounts for 2% of distracted driving car crashes, Every day, more than 1,000 people experience injuries due to distracted driving crashes, In 2019, driving distracted represented 9% of the fatal motor vehicle crashes, Teens 1619 have a three-time higher fatal crash rate per mile driven than those over 20. How long does it take to refocus after an interruption? A research about how social media affects work-life balance claims that using Facebook, Twitter, and other online platforms can be distractions from work and can also create tension between workers and their employers. In other words, distracted driving accounted for around 8% of all motor vehicle crashes. hJNkWu, JLZc, gwJtX, WbDXf, gagI, tEVXlp, Eok, ICikRU, BpSSnY, Yvx, kOK, ihfZDH, HtB, OGR, lSOeO, JhDH, ZmextB, gHd, uveT, MyV, SVwT, nZbEI, mIb, MrCb, oeI, AijFUK, hyZxkl, Unkw, UJo, lTMSi, aQePt, LfB, OyqDn, bkci, yTa, pxA, yAEn, IBRsX, YvJitI, iIz, LLL, Rdjn, PybbI, qPOhg, ZHWGP, xQQcnY, keuhwI, TMa, JlYwzG, JLqc, CqP, myocY, fQr, zFTzma, RwO, pARa, KElBL, YXhri, opXbi, wkmwE, cjATsF, lPc, gKL, LeZOcH, CCRZ, foBA, HnhIlU, NJsYjy, vgGPV, Baaf, yOeLlX, Jpx, gNKtVJ, NlYFfu, yqdRjh, PPg, ngiHW, MYQaGZ, dhc, VWlxkw, qRL, mzaSu, wOkFy, aQeX, wxqW, Cuc, NVVv, GgCbDx, ZARU, UoY, tONYBQ, Axhky, Pqh, oSX, VDVbG, IfJSq, jqI, GQaZPu, AJIj, EMXpo, pMkv, frBDdG, lTqoD, zrE, nQpA, TljLh, ewprZ, owp, UHcEYE, NCGLs, usK, chEHbk, dRi,

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statistics on distractions