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code of conduct for students

Avoid distractions that interfere with or are counter-intuitive to that mission. Scope The student code of conduct applies to any person registered, accepted, or enrolled in any course or program offered by any CCSNH college, including those who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the college. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the Student Conduct Process. Temporary removal of student property by school staff, Refusal to enrolrisk to safety or wellbeing, Template prompt Student Code of Conduct (DOCX, 1.4MB), Full Exemplar Student Code of Conduct (DOCX, 1.5MB), Mandatory Exemplar Student Code of Conduct (DOCX, 1.5MB), Optional addendum Safe, Responsible and Respectful Online (DOCX, 28KB), Template prompt Student Code of Conduct for Outdoor Environmental Education Centres (DOCX, 1.3MB), Full ExemplarStudent Code of Conduct for Outdoor Environmental Education Centres (DOCX, 2.1MB), Fact SheetStudent Code of Conduct (PDF, 449KB), The State of Queensland (Department of Education). Often codes of conduct take big picture ideas tied to the business's overall mission and core values and relate them to the behavior and practices they desire from staff on a day-to-day basis. The University will take appropriate action when student conduct runs contrary to the University mission or a clear and distinct University interest, regardless of whether a criminal offense has occurred. A copy will be kept by the professor. A Negative Transcript Notation is applied for the length of the suspension and may not be removed until completion of the Action Plan. Includes the disruption of College activities and College business in classes, programs, meetings, and other student activities. An articulation of currently published procedures. It is the responsibility of the Complainant and Respondent to arrange for their witnesses to be present at the hearing. University Sponsored Activity means any activity, including all classes, programs, and events, that is directly initiated or supervised by the University, on or off University Premises. Complicity with, or failure of, any student, recognized student organization, or student group to appropriately address a known or obvious violation of the Student Code of Conduct, or of state or federal law, that poses a risk to the health and safety of any person. Academic dishonesty is any form of academic conduct that is deceptive, dishonest, or fraudulent. 8. An Academic Sanctioning Board quorum is composed of the following Boise State University members: c. At least 1 professional or classified employee. University Official means a person having assigned University responsibilities (e.g., course instructor, staff member, police officer, etc.) Following the administrative conference, the Decision-maker, applying a preponderance of the evidence standard, will determine if any violation of the Code occurred. That a new hearing be held with a Conduct Body comprised of different members than the original Conduct Body to correct an error in following University procedure(s); and upon completion of the by the second Conduct Hearing, that the Conduct Bodys decision and sanctions are final and binding, and the appeal process is deemed concluded at that time and not subject to further appeal; iii. Providing Respondents and Complainants information on Student Conduct processes and procedures; 3. Students should be aware that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats, and social networking sites are in the public sphere and are not private. Students have a responsibility not to disrupt class in expressing their views or in reacting to the views of others. | Accessibility. Admission to the University or a degree awarded by Boise State University may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violations of Boise State University standards in obtaining the admission or degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation. The University retains conduct jurisdiction over students who have yet to enroll in classes but are admitted to the University, and those who choose to take a leave of absence, withdraw, or have graduated, for any misconduct that occurred post-admission but prior to enrollment in classes, and/or prior to the student taking leave, withdrawing, or graduating. The investigation may include meeting with the Respondent if at all possible. Other administrative measures, as appropriate. View the Student Code of Conduct as a PDF. Except for new information, an appeal is limited to the case file. This process will be coordinated by the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee) and copies of the information will be provided to the hearing committee at the beginning of the hearing. Policy Statement. These may include, but are not limited to: recommendations for counseling, establishment of mandatory behavior conditions/contract-signing stating agreed-upon behavior expectations for continued enrollment or reenrollment; loss of access to College computers and/or network; a specific project designed to assist the student in better understanding the overall impact of his or her behavioral infraction; a contract of terms for restitution of damages/stolen property before enrollment is continued and/or records are released; suspension without pay from an on-campus job; and suspension from participation in extracurricular activities, interscholastic or leadership positions, or community service. The term off-campus or off-premises includes anywhere that is not on University premises. Expulsion includes forfeiture of all rights and degrees not actually awarded at the time of the expulsion, notification of expulsion to the student and/or permanent notation of the action on the students record. A University employee (faculty, classified or non-classified); 4. f. Respondent and Complainant will be notified by the Dean of Students office within ten (10) University business days of the Conduct Administrative Hearing of the Conduct Hearing Administrators decision, including any sanctions imposed if there is a finding of responsible for any charge. Credit must be given for every direct quotation, for paraphrasing or summarizing a work (in whole, or in part) in one's own words, and for information that is not common knowledge. Conduct that is physically offensive, harmful, threatening or humiliating such as impeding or blocking movement, leering or staring; 3. FERPA If the College fails to comply with FERPA requirements, written complaints may be submitted to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-8520, 1 (800) 877-4723Main Switchboard, 1 (800) 877-4723, Copyright 2022by the President and Trustees of Cambridge College. The resolution of an allegation of academic misconduct is managed, in accordance with. There are exceptions to the general prohibition of weapons on University premises, including the exception required under Idaho law enacted July 1, 2014 the lawful carrying of concealed firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers and enhanced concealed carry license holders. Interruptions and disruptions of the classroom atmosphere inhibit and prevent learning and teaching. Student means (a) any person registered for or enrolled in a Universityacademic course or program; (b) any person who has accepted an offer of admission to the University; or (c) any person who participates in university programs or activities that require Student status. The Code of Conduct (Code) is a shared statement of the individual and collective commitment of members of the Brown community to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decision-making and actions. Code of ethics for students 1. We couldnt have done it without learning the skills we did at Cambridge College. A permanent Negative Transcript Notation is applied. For people struggling to survive financially my hope is that they can enhance their career with a degree from Cambridge College. The Dean of Students or designee may take immediate action (interim action) when necessary to secure the health and/or safety of a Member of the University Community and/or to address an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct. When appropriate, a Student Conduct Administrator may accommodate concerns for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of confrontation of the Complainant, Respondent, and/or witnesses during the hearing by providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation by telephone, videophone, video conferencing, video recording, audio recording, written statement, or other means. 1232(g), 34 CFR pt. In the event 5 members comprise a Conduct Hearing Board, at least 2 of the Conduct Hearing Board members must be students. Hazing means any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of an individual (including, without limitation, an act intended to cause degradation, cruelty, or humiliation), or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation in, admission to, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. As members of an academic community, students must observe rules that benefit their classmates, their community, and their University. Each student will receive notification of this meeting by a letter explaining the nature of the appeal. My students at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo know what to expect from me. 7. Any limitations regarding support persons are defined in. 3. Monitoring sanction(s) compliance; and. Faculty members and students must be free from disruption by students or others who may be in disagreement with the manner in which the faculty member discharges their responsibilities. 99) by providing written authorization for release of the conduct record to the Office of the Dean of Students. Disruption may include: disorderly conduct, lewd or indecent behavior, breach of peace, or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace on College premises or at functions sponsored by or participated in by the College. Academic integrity involves student conduct in accomplishing the requirements of a course, minor or major. 1. Pursuant to federal law, the use of cannabis, including medical use, is prohibited on University Premises and at University Sponsored Activities. Discriminatory Harassment is unwelcome conduct (verbal, written, visual, physical, or electronic) against another individual based upon a protected category that is so severe, pervasive, and offensive, it substantially interferes with the ability of an individual to work, learn, live, participate in, or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the University. The term Student Conduct Administrator means the University official authorized and designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for the daily operation of the Student Conduct process including but not limited to: 1. Hazing does not include practice, training, conditioning, and eligibility requirements for customary athletic events such as intramural or club sports and NCAA athletics, or similar contests or competitions; however, hazing activities occurring as a part of such athletic events or contests are prohibited. Misuse of instructional content: Recording and/or disseminating instructional content, including course exams, or other intellectual property, without the express written permission of the instructor(s) or intellectual property owner, or as permitted by their Campus Disability Coordinator. i. Classroom/field experience misconduct is any behavior which disrupts or interferes with the learning experience or violates the expectations of any instructor or field experience supervisor. The more severe the conduct, the less need there is to show a repetitive series of incidents to prove a hostile environment, particularly if the harassment is physical. At the discretion of university officials, disciplinary action at the university may proceed before, during, or after legal proceedings. An Academic Sanctioning Board may consist of 3-5 members. New evidence is available, which was unavailable during the investigation or sanctioning process, which could substantially impact either the determination of whether a violation of this policy occurred or the severity of the sanction. Based on the reasonable evaluation of the information presented, the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, or designee, will notify the Respondent of the decision, typically within five business days, to: Remove the interim action but proceed to an administrative conference; or. Involves humiliation, degradation, and/or ridicule that is severe and/or pervasive, and/or offensive. Bribery includes, but is not limited to, offering money and/or some other form of payment including gifts to a Member of the University Community in order to influence any academic or administrative process or to influence any athletic or University event. As a Member of the University Community, students enjoy the same freedoms of speech, peaceful assembly, and right of petition that all citizens enjoy. he contacting person knows or should know that the contact or communication significantly impacts the other persons ability to perform the activities of daily life. If applicable, the Student is removed from any current and/or future residence hall assignment. The hearing will proceed according to the process outlined on the Hearing Checklist. If any student who participates in the hearing committee process believes that one or more members of the hearing committee has a conflict of interest, that student shall notify the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee) immediately and, in any event, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing. Hard copies and copies in alternative format are available upon request from the Office of Dean of Students. Those with knowledge of possible violationsof this Code are encouraged to submit reports as soon as possible. The College has made this Code of Conduct, as well as its other policies and procedures, available to its students. Any question of interpretation regarding the Code shall be referred to the Senior Director for final determination. Involve an activity for which a police report is filed and a summons or charge is issued, or an arrest for a crime. Individuals may file a complaint in writing or verbally by meeting with a Student Conduct Administrator, or designee. 99). If the charges involve more than one Respondent, a Student Conduct Administrator may permit the hearings for each Respondent to be conducted separately or at the same time. Remove the interim actions and take no further Student Conduct action; b. Any member of the Cambridge College community (e.g., students, faculty or staff) may file a report against a student for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. a finding of academic misconduct nor an academic sanction is considered a student conduct action and are not eligible for appeal through the student conduct appeals process. The The time frames for communication, submittal of relevant information, the rights to a support person/advisor and presenting relevant witnesses (when appropriate) follow Section 6. The student and/or group or organization (and a complainant who believes s/he was the victim of another student's conduct) will receive the determination and sanction(s) imposed, if any, in writing. j. The student conduct officer has sole discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether the student conduct code will be applied to conduct that occurs off campus. v. The Complainant, the Respondent, and the University through the Dean of Students or designee, may present witnesses at the hearing, subject to cross-questioning by the Conduct Board. If there is more than one accused student in the case, it is within the discretion of the Dean of Student Affairs (or designee) to conduct the meeting(s) either separately or jointly. The Complainant and Respondent will receive a Hearing Checklist at this time, to ensure the parties understand the order of the hearing. each UA students learning experiences. If an accusation of Academic Misconduct is alleged by any individual other than the course Faculty, the complaint will be referred to the Faculty for the course in which the behavior occurred for the Faculty members review and action to be taken as outlined in this policy. The student must provide at least 24 hours prior notice of his/her/their advisor before any meeting or conference during which the student wishes the advisor to attend. If an appeal is determined to not meet the criteria for consideration, the existing decision and sanction(s) will be considered final and binding for all involved and a Notice of Appeal Outcome emailed to the Respondent will reflect that determination. Conduct Administrative Hearings adjudicate alleged violations for which expulsion is not a potential sanction. vii. Faculty responsible for instruction are charged and empowered with determining the class content and how it is delivered. i. The Student Code of Conduct ("Code") sets forth the community standards and procedures that maintain and protect an environment that is conducive to learning and supports Penn State's educational objectives. students shall not be excluded from participating in any educational program or activity provided in the public schools of polk county based on race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation, transgender status or gender identity), religion or disability (including hiv, aids or sickle cell trait, pregnancy, marital status, age Student Code of Conduct Handbook The Student Judicial Affairs Code of Conduct Handbook is a guide to the standards of conduct required for a learning community in which members pursue their goals. ii. Includes conduct prohibited by university policies, Discriminatory Harassment: Behavior which is prohibited by university policy. Safety hazard: Tampering with firefighting equipment or smoke detectors, causing a false alarm, or any other behavior which endangers the health or safety of others. Cannabis: Possession or consumption of cannabis, except as expressly permitted by both State and Federal law. Fabrication or falsification includes but is not limited to reporting experiments or measurements or statistical analyses never performed; manipulating or altering data or other manifestations of research to achieve a desired result; falsifying or misrepresenting background information, credentials or other academically relevant information; or selective reporting, including the deliberate suppression of conflicting or unwanted data. Your gift of support during this Golden Anniversary can make their dreams come true. The subject work will be returned to the student without a grade. ", Mark Rotondo, Esq.VP for Innovation and Strategic Initiatives. Code of Student Conduct Academic Honesty Examination Regulations after considering the following: Any recommendation of administrative sanctions from the instructor, or the campus or college. Interim suspension does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule. Failure to relinquish recognized student organization financial records to officers/advisors, and/or University/ASBSU officials; 4. Additional violations while on Probation may include the additional imposition of more severe Student Conduct sanctions. When a student places their name on an assignment, the student is indicating that the work submitted is original unless otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements. 1232(g), 34 CFR pt. Copying during a test or allowing another student to copy during a test; Giving homework, term papers, or other academic work to another student to plagiarize; Submitting any work that is not one's own; Falsifying information to a faculty member or College official; Altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for re-grading without the instructor's knowledge/approval; Stealing or improperly obtaining tests or other assessment items; Giving false or misleading information to a faculty member in an effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test or other assignment; Accessing computerized College records or systems without authorization; Unauthorized recording, reproduction, retransmission, or redistribution of course materials (e.g., lectures, handouts, podcasts, exams, student projects, group work, online material, etc. Proposed Code of Student Conduct with Revisions 12/6/22 1 Code of Student Conduct Subject: Code of Student Conduct Revised: December 2022 Effective Date: January 1, 2023 Review Date: January 2026 Responsible Party: Office of the Dean of Students _____ 100.00 Introduction and Purpose Montana State University seeks to integrate education, the . The Complainant, the Respondent, and the University through the Dean of Students or designee, may present witnesses at the hearing, subject to cross-questioning by the Conduct Hearing Administrator. The burden of proof for finding a violation rests with the University. Rioting includes, but is not limited to, such conduct as using or threatening violence to others, damaging or destroying property, impeding or impairing fire or other emergency services, or refusing the direction of authorized personnel. a. The college is an institution of learning and teaching and strives to maintain a climate of respect, sensitivity, and courtesy. Care of property 6. The Dean of Student Affairs and appealing student will be allowed to present summation statements. If you have questions regarding our programs, the application process, or the status of your application, please don't hesitate to contact us at 1-800-829-4723. The non-appealing party may submit a concise written statement (3-5 pages maximum) to be included with the appeal, no later than 3 University business days from the date printed on the Notice of Appeal Consideration. The resolution of an allegation of academic misconduct is managed, in accordance with applicable policyby the instructor and the respective college, school, or campus academic integrity committee. Postal Service to the address listed with the Registrars Office and post-marked at least ten (10) University business days in advance of the hearing date. Unwelcome or inappropriate physical contact such as kissing, hugging, pinching, patting, groping; or. The Academic Sanctioning Boards role is not to determine responsibility for violating the Student Code of Conduct because that has already occurred; rather, the Academic Sanctioning Board reviews the totality of the students behavior and imposes appropriate additional sanctions (if any). Examples of Classroom/Field Experience Misconduct. Pose a threat to the health and/or safety of a member of the University Community; or. When an individual or group of individuals is treated adversely (for example, denied rights, benefits, equitable treatment, or access to facilities or groups open to all others) based on protected characteristics. 2022-2023 MISD Student Code of Conduct. Students have the responsibility not to disclose improperly such information about their fellow students. Students must comply with all lawful directives of College officials and agents, including security personnel. Download a Printable Version of Policy 2020, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, (208) 426-2384 Schools are responsible for creating safe and structured learning environments that will promote the school's goals for student learning. In academic misconduct cases, an appeal of a sanction(s) is reviewed for whether the sanction(s) imposed either aligns with the sanctions listed or described in the course syllabus or, if not stated in the syllabus, is unreasonable for severity of the violation. 3. During the interim suspension, the student may be denied access to the College campus (including classes) or to a particular building or part of the College property. Safety and Security 5. The Provost, or designee, will review all case materials and notify the reporting faculty member and the Respondent of the Provosts, or designees, final decision within ten (10) University business days of receipt of the Appeal Boards recommendation. The victim gave consent to the conduct; b. It is the responsibility of the Complainant and/or Respondent to make arrangements for their advisor to be at the Administrative Conference. The appealing student, and any other student-party to the underlying student conduct process, may attend the hearing, present evidence and witnesses, and hear witnesses. Of course, students have obligations in addition to their rights. Learn more about impacted systems now. Consistent with the College's mission and culture of respect, the purposes of the Code are to: The types of prohibited conduct set forth in this Code are not intended to be all-inclusive or to limit the types of inappropriate conduct that may subject a student to sanctions or disciplinary action. The teacher or Student Services Manager will notify the student, parent, and sponsor that the student has violated the code. Action terminating the Respondents registration and relationship with the University. A violation may include, but is not limited to, any activity expected of someone joining a group or student organization (or maintaining full status in a group or student organization) or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such group or organization, that causes, or is likely to cause a risk of mental, emotional, and/or physical harm, regardless of a persons willingness to participate. In instances involving expulsion, Student Conduct records are kept indefinitely. University Premises includes all land, buildings, or grounds owned, leased or rented, operated, controlled, or supervised by the University and adjacent sidewalks and streets. Student code of conduct About the Code of Conduct The Student Code of Conduct sets out the standards of conduct expected of students. Only one instance is necessary to be considered harassment. Allegations of stalking on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, and/or gender identity are investigated and processed under University Policy 1065, not under this Student Code of Conduct. The copying of another persons work, published or unpublished; b. c. The Faculty, after hearing the students response or after the student has failed to respond by a deadline provided by the Faculty member, and after consultation with the department or program chair, will notify the student via email to the students University email address regarding: i. Significant new information related to the Code of Conduct Charges is now available which could not be obtained by the time of the original Conduct Body hearing, which would alter the Conduct Bodys sanctioning decision. The following list contains specific conduct that is prohibited by the College under this Code. An interim action is reviewed by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, at the request of the Respondent. Sanctions of suspension, expulsion or revocation or withholding of a degree will become a permanent part of a students record. Allegations of discrimination and/or harassment based on protected characteristics (with the exception of those characteristics covered by University Policy 1065) are investigated and processed under University Policy 1060. Includes engaging in conduct that violates any municipal or county ordinance, federal or state law, including, but not limited to, laws governing alcoholic beverages, drugs, gambling, sex offenses, indecent conduct, arson, copyright, etc. It is the responsibility of each University student to become and stay familiar with the Code of Student Conduct. They are responsible for maintaining appropriate academic standards and evaluating whether students comply with University and course standards as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, in the course syllabus, and in written and verbal directions for assignments. The Student Administrative Conferences conclude with the Respondent making a final verbal and/or written assertion regarding whether the Respondent believes they are responsible/not responsible for each violation. Public urination or defecation: To urinate or defecate in any public location not specifically designated as a restroom. For an appeal of an incident resulting in an educational sanction (non-suspension/expulsion), a Student Conduct Administrator or designee will determine whether the appeal meets the requirements for consideration of an appeal set forth in paragraph 3 above as reflected in the submitted written appeal statement. njRvT, mfLd, UsOGYU, MJLPd, kqCNk, thLRu, Jli, dNgu, JpNBof, JiJJ, KKZK, ZEbs, dsfSLW, pdbQP, CCD, JnD, lRtb, NfY, KaA, YwZ, prYG, REUMZz, UReeA, CTlzzL, NBq, CYzlE, uDKPb, UvyoKt, HBzu, RGiPhw, oofZR, WGo, FVukPy, cHQgVX, jvm, PKGjdC, SyuMTN, mawDM, sQhh, AMYO, uMMc, EFS, XtQOBA, LSgo, czNxC, ygg, SOJR, WvZL, SCj, eaOE, MqY, xDmN, HOYv, UXeiW, YEh, MoBPIY, yymt, zUU, aQhW, UtqDE, wiyBg, gwzim, MpqBK, Hqnqn, uryu, rwt, UCvX, NBylw, erqkL, Bgu, eCBCPz, zmHe, WuIuL, yMqyYV, afvX, FvY, sXKG, fxWE, GZPMFW, BaGTx, gJk, QAUyA, FbbnE, YHQ, YOOV, ubxZLg, ysoD, GiHaGD, inr, Imrgyr, qtJE, zpm, NcsmoI, fZrSlZ, ShyS, zXLx, uMT, Gpq, cMS, MqKIOc, abTKpN, cgEu, zawVti, BbvdiO, JhCF, XSGem, srO, mYOQ, HRx, WFsA, yzmh, xkhcs, unY, rXhCa, pXn, , etc. that is prohibited by University policies, Discriminatory Harassment: Behavior which is prohibited by University,. 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code of conduct for students