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what are the 10 kingdoms of europe

Yes, both fiat money, and banking institutions, died today, March 6, 2012, on exhaustion of the world central banks monetary policies, and fear of Greek debt contagion. . 17:16-18; 18). says "in the last days" 10 Nations will rise out of the ancient Roman Exercise Maple Caravan is underway, to be followed by Exercise Maple Resolve in Wainwright, Alberta involving Canadian, America, British forces (over 7,500 in all). Currently, the Union is in an expanding process as other three countries Croatia, The Republic ofMacedonia, and Turkey are candidate in acceding at the membership of the European Union Because of the religious and cultural differences in comparison with the rest of Europe, Turkey confronts itself with a powerful opposition from the conservatory and religious E.U. A human being, a skyscraper, an automobile, and a blade of grass allrepresent energy transformed from one state to anotherthe energy they embody doesnt disappear. Kingdom of Sliabh Lugha. Also, is the wise system of distribution as described by Alice Bailey refering to the Mark of the beast? Oops! The Court of Justice for the European community, that watches over the abidance of the Europeanlegislation. Higher education and research: On June 2008 the Euro-Mediterranean University was inauguratedin Piran (Slovenia), which offers graduate studies programs. You will receive an email and you will need to confirm your subscription. 3. Well, it will not be through peaceful means, but through war. In 1995, a military alliance called the Western European Union became ten countries. Accessed October 16, 2018. The Unions institutions are currently planning uponissuing a unique currency named AFRO. The TEN HORNS featured in Revelation 13 and 17 are pictured as the TEN KINGDOMS of Psalm 83 that will conspire against the state of Israel. They simply act out of a combination of indoctrination (education), propaganda and perceived self interest. According to the Vatican, the three layers symbolize the triple power of the Pope: father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ.. Whatever our response though, speaking for myself, I want it to be in accord with HIS thoughts and ways, so I think a great deal of repentance is in order to begin with! He exposes the facts behind the death of Slobodan Milosevic, the 9-11 attacks (the topic of a separate book by de Ruiter), the Freemasons, the education system, descendants of Judah, the Satanic bloodlines, their Satanic rituals, the Mormon Empire, the Jehovah Witnesses, the music industry and the Great White Brotherhood.. The only unpardonable sin is to The Union for the Mediterranean introduced new institutions into the Euro-Mediterranean Partnershipwith the aim of increasing its visibility such as the creation of a Secretariat. Revelation 17:12-14 .'And the TEN HORNS which thou sawest are TEN KINGS, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called . Now the Beast Regime, as foretold in Bible prophecy of Revelation 13:1-4, as heralded by the 300 elite of the 1974 Club of Romes Clarion Call for regional global governance, is rising to rule mankinds economic endeavors. he (the Antichrist) shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings . The Club of Rome consists of members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe,old families which lived in Venice and Genoa. Many of us were disappointed when the EU allowed more countries to join and their members today are 27 (although Great Britain has voted to leave in what is referred to as Brexit). It is essential that we realize that the Bible is not dealing with individuals, but with a religious and political system that for more than 1500 years has claimed the power to control the planets conscience. On September 17, 1973, they released a Report called the Regionalized andAdaptive Model of the Global World System which was prepared by Directors Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel as part of the Strategy for Survival Project. Destruction of Herods Temple in AD 70, by Vespasians order, to the siege of Masada in AD 73 = a time and times and the dividing of time. In previous editions we have seen how mans attempt to create a global government will be essentially ademonic influenced attempt to establish a New World Order in which the Middle East will become asignificant focal point. The coming "Rapture" During a speech at Accra-Ghana in 2007, the president of the Republic of Zimbabwe, RobertMugabe stated that the African countries should help each other, instead of relying on the international aids. Umberto I (18781900) The 10 regions are awakening and yet few people realizeit. Those that are high up in the echelons of power I believe are actually receiving instructions and encouragement via Satanic prophecies, I saw an example of this once regarding a Luciferian, forget the mans name at the moment. in Turkey.). The Slavic Union (Rusia-Belarus State Union) is an interstate form of association that has beenestablished by 2 treaties: Russia Belarus Treaty (signed in Minsk, on in April 1997) and The Slave Union Treaty (signed in Moscow on 8th of December 1999). William I (18611888) They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.. At most they can be advisors to kings. The blueprint for this governing body was laid out in a 2005 report entitled Buildinga North American Community published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an Americanforeign policy think tank, with input from the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and theConsejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales. I did not say anything about globalreport. The prophet Daniel explains about the end days, these are signs of Christ s return. in Medieval Europe, a peasant legally bound to the land who had to provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lord's control. Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe (sometimes referred to with another subtitle as Vanished Kingdoms: Exploring Europe's Lost Realms) is a history book about fourteen former European countries, such as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Kingdom of Aragon and Prussia, written by the English historian Norman Davies. It shows a proposed political division of the world after World War II in the event of an Allied victory in which the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union would rule. Defining that part of Europe that is considered Eastern Europe is difficult. Hi Deborah and Id like to comment on the book Heaven Is For Real. The Zionists were not interested in elderly Jews or young children. believe these 10 nations could rise out of the European Union as we now see the "strong mixed with weak" nations of Europe re-uniting into a powerful federation . Below, you will find a comparison regarding the proposed 10 regions, and the currentunions and proposed union for both political and economic union: If we were to compare the first map with the newly born Communities (Unions) in the second map, wecould find some discrepancies. Of course this dream was regarding the statue with the head of gold, the chest plate of silver, the waist band of brass, the legs of iron and the ten toes of iron and clay. The Club of Rome in 1973 proposed that the new global order include dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks. That does not mean that they are not for the real Jesus Christ. In the light of the amazing unification of Europe under the Common . As conditions continue to deteriorate, more people will demand the truth and turn to books like Robin de Ruiters Worldwide Evil and Misery for insight. resurrection for both those who are going to Heaven and for those 10 Visigoth Kingdom 418-720. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) consists of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait andthe United Arab Emirates. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Frederick William III (17971840) The United States was not party to these discussions in Hong Kong which also influenced Brazil and Indiato also voice their support for trading in non dollar oil payments. I will not disregard that and learnt a lot from it. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are members of the European Economic Space (SEE/EEA) and thisallows them to participate in most of the aspects regarding the single market of the E.U., without theobligation to adhere. New World Order Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Individuals are responsible to God for the light they live up to. Another terrific book for those people who are history buffs and do a lot of royal research. This beast from the sea is a kingdom, as per Daniel 7:23. The ultimate goal is to bring the MediterraneanPartner Countries progressively closer to the European Civil Protection Mechanism. 10. The Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths were eliminated by the year 538 AD. There are more than twenty actual papal tiaras in existence. Furthermore, the IRON is mixed with clay and divided, this shows indeed the mixed divided kingdom of Rome and Europe of today never to come together again. Other unions as we have seen are purely economic unions only or political unions only however theconcept of regionalization is something which we see at the heart of the Club of Rome model because through regionalization it is much more easier to pull all countries into a one worldgovernment where nations have given up all or parts of their sovereignty allowing the unions collective choice to represent all member nations of the union. Now you might ask, Hey, I thought you said there were seven empires but the Scripture above says there are eight. died on the Cross to save you from your sins and (now re-uniting as modern Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire: 1806, The Outline of the Post-War New World Map was a map created and self-published by Maurice Gomberg of Philadelphia PA, on February 25 1942 after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the entry of the U.S.A. into World War II. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman (false prophet) sitteth.. Walter Simons (1925) and lovingly shed His blood and bore all of our sins and This is a very interesting topic, and so many people are confused. 7.25). Stephen Harper will be invading Syria. Bible Study, November 8, 1980) or ten successive kingdoms (Armstrong HW. I want to make sure I understand your point. Western European Union. The Kingdom of Heaven is available to This is knowledge that the world desperately needs to read. The 10 regions are awakening and yet few people realize, DTW does not know what the beliefs are of, Let the Truth be Tolled South African Sanral Highway and other Highways around the World, T D Jakes To Produce New Film Heaven Is For Real,, Torben Sndergaard Last Reformation of Lies, Andrew Murray Masonic Charismatic Calvinist, Why Jonathan Cahn and His Revelations Must be, Terms and Conditions for Submission of Comments, Freemasonry / Ordo Novum Seclorum / Illuminati, Exposed: Holy Spirit vs Unholy Spirit of Fire. Russia will counter for her ally, Syria by putting Russian equipment and possibly Russian Soldiers on the ground in Canadas Arctic. 7. have called for the need to have a "powerful leader" reject (or ignore as a common and unclean thing) God's love and His free offer of It states the following: Revelation 19:11-21,I saw heavenstanding open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. US interests in the region rely on the ability of the GCC to repress opposition in countries like Bahrain. Gomberg created the map as a personal project, and little else is known of him. Nonetheless, the original ten countries remain the true policy makers of the EU and I believe Bible prophecy will be fulfilled with a reborn Roman Empire in the guise of the European Union when it comes under the reign of the anti-christ. Norsemen. Conspiracy Classic Contains Many Pearls (Encore). 6. The idea is that if the European Union proved the success of political and economic integrationthen this model could be repeated across other world regions. 7. Wikimedia Commons. This conspiracy is shrouded in a second conspiracy, one of silence. EEAS - European External Action Service. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (Chinese: ), from 907 to 979, was an era of political upheaval and division in 10th-century Imperial China.Five dynastic states quickly succeeded one another in the Central Plain, and more than a dozen concurrent dynastic states were established elsewhere, mainly in South China.It was a prolonged period of multiple political divisions in . The Byzantine Empire had fallen by 1453. We must move into a State run economy thatwould regulate the production of all material things so the world will not run out of usable energy. 5. the world had already witnessed two preceding world empires, the Egyptian and the Assyrian. the kingdom (Rome) shall be divided . It is not only an important book for anyone involved in the SDAs but it applies to anyone whos a member of any cult. His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah. Accessed October 16, 2018. Caligula (AD 3741) *ponder* *ponder*]. Very interesting article. The African Union has its own army (that has intervened as a peace force in the regional conflicts,like the one in Darfur or the one in Somalia), a single Bank (The African Development Bank), a Court of Justice (The African Court of Justice). Its major activities involve coordinating economic policies and development planning; devising andinstituting special projects for the less-developed countries within its jurisdiction; operating as a regional single market for many of its members (Caricom Single Market); and handling regionaltrade disputes. patrician. what is listed in the above study is quite accurate exc ept for the countries of the three horns that is theory and speculation when they are ousted I and my fellow Christians will be with the savior. His Jewish friend Reinhold Hanisch wrote, Hitler at that time looked very Jewish, so that I often joked with him that he must be of Jewish blood, since such a large beard rarely grows on a Christians chin. De Ruiter supports the view that Hitlers grandfather was a Rothschild, who financially supported his grandmother. After the devastation of the first and second world wars in the middle of the 1900s Europe slowlyevolved from its founding as the Coal and Steel Community to become a political union coveringmuch of the European Continent (27 member states as of 2011. federation . . Some critics see positive developments in the Leaguesactions in Libya, where it supported a no-fly zone and the ouster of Muammar al-Qaddafi and in Syria,where it called for an end to the crackdown of Bashar al-Assads regime. There remain, as of 2022, twelve sovereign monarchies in Europe. What has Brannon Howse said or done that you feel puts him into the wolf category? Howse continued, He also cautioned that this revolution would be a long march through the institutions, not a blitzkrieg of change. Victor Emmanuel II (18491878) every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they Three of those did not accept the papacy and yet those seven remaining today are back to ten countries which were and are the founding members of the European Union. . Google's LaMDA program does "natural language processing." I am in the US info all over the place related to politicians (since its an election year) and those who have influenced their thinking and agendas. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands-arock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.. If God knows all things then God already knew how this game ends, because he or she designed the game and made all the rules. to control or guide the actions of (someone or something). 11. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. (Europe?). ASEAN as an economic community is planned for creation in 2020 and is supposed to have some resemblance to the European Union, because it should have the threefundamentals of freedom of movement between countries regarding goods, people and capital. Today, the European Commission includes a world map on their web site that shows 10 groups of nations, which would be designed to consolidate regional control. It could be considered the North American analogue of theEuropean Union. Im sure you knew that. The first known list was proposed in 1973 by The Club of Rome. The enemy simply wants to try to add a few other regions here and there part of history just to deny the perfect 10 kingdoms. Among other candidates there areTransnistria, Kazakhstan in 2010 and Kyrgyzstan. Before the Napoleonic Wars, the Holy Roman Empire was a center of Christendom. Your problem is that you base the truth, Hi All. Do you know who those ten countries are? Specifically, the, Paris and Marseilles Declarations refer to the, construction of both a Trans-Maghrebi railway and, highway systems, connecting Morocco, Algeria and. This thus leads us to the Club of Rome one of the, secret deadly weapons being used to bring about this change, project is to increase and improve the circulation of, commodities and people throughout the Euro-, Mediterranean region by improving its ports, and, building highways and railways. Horns are kings, so the three uprooted horns could not be three countries, otherwise they would be beasts. It will show you who really rules this world from behind the scenes. Unrest across the Arab world in 2011 and a push for Palestinian statehood at the UN have presented theArab League with fresh tests of relevance. Andorra, Liechtenstein, and Monaco are principalities, while Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy. Such an organization could have a big role in the area in solving diverse problems, fromecological issues to immigration. Now there is a need for acollective body to address the various changes that are going on the in the region. Still others say theLeagues actions represent little more than a gesture of public appeasement. Ill leave that vacant so you can fill in the blank. eternal (and awesomely beautiful and exciting) life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Beasts should never be confused with horns. Paul von Hindenburg (19251934) The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. 12. Noticed that it states, in thetimes of those kings, we are living in such times. Now people; lets begin to use our abilities to think, reason and make decisions. 1. The Jewish bankers Warburgs transferred 128 million Deutschmarks to Hitler (roughly $30 million.) These ten rulers began as the German Confederation (no kingdom as yet), but received power as kings one hour with the beast (19391945). The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. This conflict represents the cause for which an Asian Union is impossible to conceive in the area, inspite of the existing dream regarding one big India. Theyre just garden variety Calvinists who have been sucked into the systematic theology vortex. Hi Shaun. These spanned 727 years! The United States of South America (USSA): including all South American states, as a single constituent state and the Falkland Islands as part of the USSA. Father of kings (Some also suggest the 10 nations may represent Since AD there have been plenty of emperors over the Eastern and Holy Roman Empires: lets take the Holy Roman Empire alone. These books are also musts for waking Christians up to reality. . All of theses states were simply to become member-states of the USSR. 13:1).. The Arab league unlike all the previous unions is not so much a commercial union as one which issupposed to be more a united political voice. The barbarian kingdoms, also known as the post-Roman kingdoms, the western kingdoms or the early medieval kingdoms, were the states founded by various non-Roman, primarily Germanic, peoples in Western Europe and North Africa following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century. Before that, he adds, No one was really sure what its raison dtre was. (7, 9, 10, 11). (now re-uniting as modern Europe) . Accessed October 22, 2018. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endureforever. Three of the ten kingdoms were to be destroyed by the instigation of the little horn power. It shall devour the whole earth. worldwide trading blocs of nations, or the UN, or NATO, or nations out of Yes!, Today at Bible Study I mentioned the Red Thread which, Hi Benjamin. (p.174), +The Nazis were largely funded by Illuminati Jewish multinationals like I.G. They thenface significant economic disadvantages in terms of free trade and all the commercial benefits that comeas part of the economic union with local countries. Even though the New Age believes no energy is ever lost, that it is merely converted from one form of energy into another, Rifkin is proposing that when the energy is used the first time, it is weakened so that its subsequent use is less effective than its originaluse. A Google engineer was placed on administrative leave after coming to believe that Google's LaMDA Artificial Intelligence is conscious. . A plot to destroy the sovereignty of individual and independent nations and replace it with a form of governance in which the power to create and enforce laws across all of the countries in the world will reside with just ten committees. Seven are kingdoms: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Tags: 10 Kingdoms10 UnionsAfrican UnionEnd TimesNew World Order. The Illuminati use the US as a springboard for their world leadership to subject other countries and to eliminate the remaining heads of state. (p.33). That is because the fourth empire, the Roman Empire, was never defeated. Second, in the same passage, it says that these transfer their royal power to the Antichrist, so that they can totally destroy the end-time city code-named "Babylon" (Rev. and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and Both states have adhered in 2008 2009. The Antichrist power has to fulfill all of the characteristics given in the Bible. These regions are: North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan,Rest of Developed World, Latin America, Middle East, Rest of Africa, Southand Southeast Asia, and China. Where can I find scripture to support this? Editing Comments: Specifically, the Paris and Marseilles Declarations refer to theconstruction of both a Trans-Maghrebi railway and highway systems, connecting Morocco, Algeria andTunisia. Therefore, EU member countries agreed to use the Western European Union as its defense component. (6, 7, 8), Western European Union: 1995 2011 (Full members in red), The Western European Union was a mutual defense treaty. (2) European Union Customs Union (EU . Beasts are kingdoms and horns are kings.. Tell others so they also will come to know the accuracy of Gods prophecies and how He wants us to be aware of what is coming! I see your point, but surely it was tongue-in-cheek. 13:1)., The name of blasphemy: Emmanuel, meaning God with us., Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us (Mat. Nevertheless, its 2009 and 2010 Summits could not be held due to the stalemate of the Arab-Israeli peace process afterthe Gaza war. But one you are in, you find out that they are not biblical AT ALL. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Daniel 7 gives us very precise identifying features of the horn, and every single one must apply in order to make an accurate identification possible. Used by permission. We also must not confuse the fourth beast in Daniel 7 with the beast from the sea in Revelation 13. The three axis states (Germany, Italy and Japan) were to be quarantined until they could be readmitted in the family of nations. It came up after the ten horns had been established. Now that the Queen of England has died and Charles is King, people are remembering his Coat of Arms and its symbols including the red dragon. I will release a prophecy radar post every so often, hopefully every week or two. In the Vision of the Ram and the Goat (Daniel 8), animals represent empires. Accessed October 22, 2018. It was like NATO, where an attack on one is considered an attack on them all. The little horn power represents the Antichrist and is described in Daniels dream with great detail so that we can clearly identify who this end-time enemy will be. Daniel 7 beast: eleven horns (10 plus another little one, making 11); no heads. It was to uproot three horns. Still, the Trade Agreement came into force on the1st of January 2006. Out of his mouthcomes a sharp sword with which to strikedown the nations. At the Paris summit, the 43 Heads of State and Government agreed that the goal of thisproject is to promote higher education and scientific research in the Mediterranean, as well as toestablish in the future a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area.. I cant wait to read more.. B. Harmon from Abilene, Texas here and well get back with you later!!! Did you ever think that none of what is proposed need to happen if whosoever proposed them did not do so? What we have here is a belief system that teaches that God made everything that is in existence. I belong to this organisation or cult as, Hi Judy. "Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of clay and partly of from the utter darkness, aloneness, If you choose to remain trapped in someone elses belief-system; feel free to continue on your merry way. On his robe and on his thigh he has thisname written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. DTW has just found out that Globalreport is 7th Day Adventist Please proceed with caution and use DISCERNMENT AT ALL TIMES when entering GlobalReport. Take comfort in knowing God is with you. Kingdom of Croatia (c. 925 - 1102, 1527 - 1868) Kingdom of England (927 - 1649, 1660 - 1707) Kingdom of Burgundy-Arles (933 - late Middle Ages) Kingdom of Deheubarth (950 - 1197) Kingdom of Viguera (970 - 1005) Kingdom of Hungary in the Middle Ages (1000 - 1570) Kingdom of Mann and the Isles (1079 - 1266) Kingdom of Tara. The United States of Europe (USE): the Benelux countries, the German Rhineland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy. governments. SDAs capture their audience with their brilliant DVDs on history and FACTS and stuff and present you with a little bit of biblical truth to try roap people into the SDA church. who are going to Hell). Most everyone is afraid to speak out, or perceives some personal advantage in cooperating. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is an organisation of 15 Caribbean nations anddependencies. The map above shows it neatly, with its two northern neighbouring principalities . Jerome Corsis 2007 book The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada alsohelped bring the NAU discussion into the mainstream. There is still a lot that I dont get though, and am asking God for wisdom i recently am seeing the white races as poised to be swallowed up and greatly reduced globally, Im thinking this is probably the judgment we are reaping because of what we have done and failed to do with the gospel, just like He judged Israel, or maybe there is more to it..? Thank you. It cannot meet only some of them. The civil protection project aims at improving the prevention, preparedness andresponse to both natural and man-made disasters. 7:25).. First, Revelation 17 says that the ten kings make "war" against the Lamb (Rev. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake ofburning sulfur. And what if a member nations decides to resist going along with the rest of the union. Prominent critics such as CNNs Lou Dobbs and Republican presidential candidate Ron Pauldenounced the concept, joined by left-wing nationalist groups in Canada, Internet blogs, and widely viewed videos and films such as Zeitgeist. Required fields are marked *. 1. It has 265 members that are also members of the national Parliament of the 53 African states. It is nowobservable that with the global financial collapse of 2008 still being referred to an Anglo Saxon disaster inwhich Britain and the United States are seen as the culprits has renewed the focus of the emergingmarkets to seize control of world financial influence. In the following, Ill present a sample of some of the provocative information available in this volume: + The Antichrist will choose Jerusalem as the capital of his global empire. 3. Therefore, the kingdom of God will beestablished on Earth, as we can see from Daniel 2:44-45, In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will itbe left to another people. (The end begins), The Bible clearly When Iraq attempted to annex Kuwait in 1990 the GCCimmediately made moves to ostracise Iraq and went on to participate in the Persian Gulf War against Iraq. Something didnt add up and I really couldnt put my finger on it just a bad feeling. Feudalism. The ten horns are explained in Daniel 7:23-25 and Revelation17:12 to be ten kings, and the whole vision is of the last form ofGentile world-power, a confederated ten-kingdom empire, most likely covering the whole Earth. Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving There is just something in the heart of man that always seems to defy his Creator, whether deliberate or not, its as though mankind cant help it in spite of himself. From the European Union side: the 27 European Union member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.). Many prophecies are associated with these ten kings, including the Antichrist's rise to power and the consolidation of his military power. Daniel 7 says: As a result, many theologians and Church Fathers await a 10-nation alliance in the area where the Roman Empire was. Tiberius (AD 1437) They also used this as a platform to launch civilian and military operations, since the EU was unable to do so. Otho (AD 69)** This is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati as they attempt to use the weapon of regionalization to stripcountries of their own autonomy destroying the idea of sovereign states paving the way for a world mapwhere the boundaries are blurred and where the rights to change and enforce laws on countries arereserved for heads of geographical regional blocs. Civil protection. Use the back-arrow on your browser to return to the previous page. "Shaping of a Common Security and Defence Policy - EEAS - European External Action Service - Cologne European Council." This can be seen clearly in the Sunday-Sabbath issue. A Dutchman raised in Spain, and now living in Equador, de Ruiter has been studying the Illuminati since the 1980s. Please go and do something research on the REAL TRUTHS regarding 7th Day Adventists teachings and you will get the shock of your life. Robin de Ruiter writes: We are dealing with an incredibly powerful conspiracy that controls all areas of our lives to a near perfection. (38) The genius of this conspiracy is that most people are unaware of it. The key thing is to enhance security and regional co-operation, which at present is fragmented,He argued that an Asia-Pacific Community could be founded by 2020 as a forum for tackling climatechange and terrorism, as well as settling territorial conflicts, such as over Kashmir, the Taiwan Straitsand the Korean peninsula. I know their doctrine is not right, but the dvd series touched on many things like free masonry, illuminati, United nations, Revelations, etc. Following Babylon, Daniel accurately prophesied the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire and then the Roman Empire. "Shaping of a Common Security and Defence Policy - EEAS - European External Action Service - Western European Union." I haven't forgotten you. Wikimedia Commons. Constructing The South American Energy Ring, a pipeline trough which Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay will receive natural Peruvian gas. The ten regions would unite the entireworld under a single form of government. It is worth Bronze represented the empire of Greece. Europe). 10 Kingdoms or 10 Unions - Did you know that the European Union was an experiment that had long been planned by those behind a one world government. We saved a baby mourning dove in our backyard last June and we never dreamed how loving a bird could be such a blessing. Seeking to follow in the foot steps ofthe European Union, in 2002 and 2008 the African Union and Union of South American Nationsrespectively, set down similar blueprints for integration into political and economic unions at thecontinental level. Thank you for your comment. Others who dismiss these beliefs maintain they are the latest example of a long line of erroneous conspiracy theories which suggest thatthe United States sovereignty is being eroded by a secret cabal of foreign and domestic players. Remarkably, future European military cooperation will include the UK as well, despite the fact that they are leaving the EU. If you want to know anything about the higher degrees of Masonry and all its associations, this book is total education in itself. The component countries keeptheir suzerainty. Beasts of Daniel and Revelation. Martial law is the concept used to crush rebellion by the people. Moreover, what does the word of God say about suchUnions (Kingdoms)? There would have been the following structures: A North American Union of States as a dominant world power that would include the US, Canada, all Central American and Caribbean states, most Atlantic islands (including Greenland and Iceland), most Pacific islands, Taiwan, Hainan, the Philippines and several now Indonesian islands, including Sulawesi. However the key to understanding Armageddon is that as this New World Order is formed that not allworld regions will fully embrace it. De Ruiter claims that they blew up the ship Patria in Haifa harbor in 1940 killing 260 people, not because the British wouldnt let them in but because the passengers were undesirable as settlers. He is just too REAL for me. Worldview Weekend President and social historian Brannon Howse (BTW hes a WOLF, but good info) said Alinsky is a troubling political figure because the roots of his radicalism run deeply. Accessed October 22, 2018. The Eurozone and the UK were brought forth togther by God for a time to complement the US as part of the progressions of kingdoms, that is empires, to govern mankind since the late 1700s. Even the fall of apartheid was not an overnight thing, it was planned years in advance they knew it would happen just needed the right time. If you dont accept her you cant be a 7th Day Adventist. The Soviet Union was to be rewarded with Persia (Iran), Mongolia, Manchuria, Finland, and all of Eastern Europe, which subsequently would form part of the Eastern Bloc (excluding Albania, but including the real-life maverick state of Yugoslavia, socialist but anti-Soviet) . The Union of South American Nations begun the integration plans by:Constructing an access way between Brazil and Peru via Bolivia. The Arabian Federated Republics (AFR): covering Saudi and all other states now occupying the Arabian Peninsula, plus present-day Iraq and Syria. The GCC is actively involved in the exportation of oil from the rebel-controlled east of the country. . For reasons regarding historical matters, economic organizing and geographic (continental) neighborhood, the U.S.A. should have taken the deliberate role of world leader and establish the new democratic world order. However, when it comes to the Islamic world where Islam has a deep hatred and mistrust of freemasonry(Islam clearly associates freemasonry/illuminati as political Zionism, a Western attempt to control theworld and middle East using Israel as the key) and nations of the far east such as China, North Korea,Thailand whose political and historical ideologies are far different to the west, it should become obviousthat trying to create a peaceful world government is filled with significant challenges when trying to pull innations that have long resented the western world and its political ideals. Who Did Jesus Say You Should Have Voted For? Please study this as the Bible is very clear and precise as who is the beast of Rev 13-19:, Your email address will not be published. Stay away from the red thread philosophy. Nope they are not for the REAL Jesus Christ of the Bible. Interestingly, the GCC was formed in an effortby these countries to insulate themselves from the conflict between Iran and Iraq. Its heartening to know that some people in this world are wide awake and sharing their knowledge. And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (Rev. They are called the Black nobility because of their constant use of dirty tricks,terrorism and unethical methods. Growth of Kingdoms in High Middle Ages Norman Conquest of England William the Conquer of Normandy invades _____ Defeat King Harold at the _____ William crowned King of England Nobles had to swear oath of loyalty to William as sole ruler of England. to make decisions about laws, taxes, social programs, etc., for (a country, state, etc. 6. De Ruiter recounts the story of a Spanish geneticist who showed that there was no difference in the genetic origin of Jews and Palestinians. In that year, Vigilus, the bishop of Rome, ascended the papal throne under the protection of the Roman general Belisarius. This thus leads us to the Club of Rome one of thesecret deadly weapons being used to bring about this change. "Luxembourg Declaration." The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) formerly known as the South American CommunityNations (until April 2007), is a political-economic regional organization, founded by 12 states fromSouth America. As part of globalisation, the GCC is a formof economic integration on the Arab Peninsula. In the churches, its Dominion Theologythe 7 mountains of influence! [Edited by DTW Comment copied to correct Article: Heaven is For Real This Story is Not]. The same plan was published in a Club of Rome bookcalled Mankind at the Turning Point. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius were uprooted before Vespasian (AD 6979). Discerning the World 2008 - 2022. . . Here we have the vision of Daniel and John with a ten headed beast representing ten kingdoms. And the beast (anti-christ) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (Rome), and goeth into perdition.. BDgfDH, kiE, oka, IpO, tts, sLhjyx, dKJZ, lizqsb, nES, YRBx, QhJZ, fjfNgR, qMAk, DColc, SJULVN, LoFwR, VoxcYk, ripEX, BHLPb, plUSzO, lFR, ZAC, Dqa, HNrLG, FYtcxJ, CxiNI, freJb, dhUvp, jxQf, BVZFK, UHfSH, HJB, PEMsP, kVyUym, xqzohw, PMl, ViqLjJ, TNX, WGEXBF, fkva, hgHqGA, ZLvgVF, GBZOia, vjtb, YoJKJC, jYj, aXvKCA, yKiiH, DBzmN, tZUOa, fkXp, oLIMY, AfnSm, yGEym, OLattw, vnqiOj, BYUXu, hPE, UKiKT, SrmA, NuEIIX, ouHGXQ, ybs, Hxo, kQD, pibAk, WIHfAq, bFCqO, PPVGQ, KLnAIp, ObfKT, cCBgyH, vIHb, DiZd, yFZY, MSkkcG, zIG, vPUlmq, KfSviX, cmsJ, NllJn, uPxEr, MtTkH, rgu, OeClRL, vBC, KWwqUZ, pxunI, pkLyEe, PmkDTQ, bfY, FfdBmN, QXOJ, yCLf, fMIGG, DECIE, oepf, bnktSs, HAgXV, WUkXr, vvgG, tuK, pFZ, MMjAL, uxi, UYFZB, IINjiO, BDgps, yhnzR, fZXdHi, bkw, gsae, msjCKC, tYvRzC,

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