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interface control document template nasa

RDs are detailed requirements allocated from the project to the next lower level of the project. The final document should be delivered in an electronically NASA Software Engineering Handbook - A service of the. 0000028528 00000 n A high-quality IDD document fulfills these needs for the software development team. OAs are even lower level, more detailed interface documents that are created to help define the operations use of the interfaces, including such things as addresses, phone numbers, and names of responsible personnel. ICDs provide a means to evaluate and control all mutually interdependent and/or interacting design parameters of the interface. 0000013829 00000 n ! It also explores the vulnerability of human communities to natural disasters and hazards. Historic ICDs. Schedules and Milestones The IV&V activities associated with this MOA are tied to the development schedules of the [Project Name]. Data elements in the assembly and their structure (number, order, grouping, and bit-level descriptions). The Sun influences a variety of physical and chemical processes in Earths atmosphere. SIRs evaluate the readiness of the program, including its projects and supporting infrastructure, to begin system AI&T with acceptable risk and within cost and schedule constraints. PRRs also evaluate the degree to which the production plans meet the system's operational support requirements. Typical NASA development projects are complex, multi-disciplined activities that consist of systems and systems of systems. > S T R h W e zG zD j j j j j j j R f v 1 . WebInterface Control Document NASA 932 C-9B Date: August 2005 Page 5 of 25 Verify that this is the correct version before use. Smaller projects may benefit by using standard interface designs or Interface Design Description (IDD) templates previously developed and cataloged in software reuse repositories or by using personnel with previous experience on identical or similar interfaces. An ATBD describes the physical and mathematical description of the algorithms to be used in the generation of data products. HSI_SYS_016E. Interface Control Documents (ICD) are a key element of systems engineering as they define and control the interface(s) of a system, and thereby bound its requirements. Interface Control Document Template: Benefits. Use this template to: Describe the interface to a system or subsystem. 0000001145 00000 n WebFollow these simple actions to get Interface Control Document (ICD). A general process flow for documenting software requirements is shown below: Guidance for the content of the documents which capture software requirements, the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and the Data Dictionary document are found in other sections of this Handbook.Additionally, software interface ! The software interface tests are specified in the Software Test Plan. Legality checks, error control, and recovery procedures. As shown in the text above, the software IDD document is recommended to contain specific information. > - { OK bjbjzz m A f $ ( ( ( P x l 4 ( | L : & & & Z p! NASA-specificinterface designdescription information and resources are available in Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN), accessible to NASA users from the SPAN tab in this Handbook. DRs evaluate the readiness of the program and its projects to conduct closeout activities, including final delivery of all remaining program/project deliverables and safe decommissioning/disposal of space flight systems and other program/project assets. LRRs evaluate a program/project and its ground, hardware, and software systems for readiness for launch. What are Interface Requirements Specifications, Interface Design Descriptions, Interface Control Documents, and how do they relate?. 6.2 Development Project The [Project] Office will facilitate the tasks to be performed with the IV&V Project. HESSI Spacecraft to Imager Interface Control Document. Flow control, i.e., sequence numbering and buffer allocation. For the IV&V efforts, the IV&V Team anticipates that the artifacts such as those defined in Table 3-1 are necessary to support validation-related analysis. The IV&V PM coordinates the creation and maintenance of this document with affected individuals and organizations (within the NASA IV&V Program as well as with the [Project Name]. The [Project] primary interface with IV&V shall be the [POC] manager or the appointed delegate. Safety-related interface specifications and design features. The IDD document includes characteristics about interface types, such as real-time data transfer, storage-and-retrieval of data, remote programming interface, etc., SSP 54019_54020, INCREMENT DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT FOR WebThe IDD document includes characteristics about interface types, such as real-time data transfer, storage-and-retrieval of data, remote programming interface, etc., that will be WebThis document is a template for creating an Interface Control Document for a given investment or project. The IV&V team members will interface through participation in [applicable project working groups] The IV&V team will have access to developer deliverables and resources pertinent to the IV&V tasking: The IV&V team members will participate in formal reviews including but not limited to reviews of [all applicable project reviews] The IV&V team will make available copies of all technical, issue tracking, and status reports to the [Project] POC. The Interface Design Description (IDD) describes the interface characteristics of one or more systems, subsystems, Hardware Configuration Items (HWCIs), Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCIs), manual operations, or other system components. Weboz-10-056 revision a june 2010 ii international space station program payload developers and principal investigators payload planning, integration and operations primer Below are suggestions for the type of information to consider for the named content. kd $$If s 44 0 % Input/feedback on this data from the Project is encouraged. for. Web5 Interface Control. This aerospace standard defines the common technical data sections for the Common Specification of individual data element assemblies (e.g., records, arrays, files, reports) that the interfacing entity(ies) will provide, store, send, access, and receive. ]g ! SARs evaluate whether a specific end item is sufficiently mature to be shipped from the supplier to its designated operational facility or launch site. 3.3.1 Validation Specific analysis that the IV&V team performs includes requirements validation and test design validation. Ensure the information you fill in Interface Control Document Template is up-to-date and correct. The IV&V Program will also deliver status reports via email to the [POC] manager on an as needed basis. WebFollow these simple actions to get Interface Control Document (ICD). Interface Control Document Template: Content & Format. " ! If the ICD groups The list is informational only and does not represent an approved tool list,nor does it represent an endorsement of any particular tool. ! The ASM focuses on considerations such as impacting the Agency workforce, maintaining core capabilities and make-or-buy planning, and supporting Center assignments and potential partners. The IV&V PM may request data from the Project in support of these efforts. NASA Launch Services Program: Level Dispenser CubeSat Requirements Document (LSP-REQ-317.01 B) (pdf) NanoRacks LLC: NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD) Interface Control Document; Licensing Information. .doc (Word) Pankow. ! SOFTWARE INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT PART 1. The software team also defines those interface characteristics that are existing or permanent, as well as those that are being developed or modified. FRRs evaluate the readiness of the program and its projects, ground systems, personnel, and procedures for a safe and successful launch and flight/mission. Webperformance, verification and interface requirements. g g " ! Enter Version Number Here. From the interface control viewpoint, these agreements identify the need for an interface and the scope of the interface. 6.3 General Roles and Responsibilities The following roles and interfaces are defined to ensure that the IV&V Team has adequate access to necessary deliverables and resources and that IV&V results are available to the [Project] Office. The SRB is responsible for conducting independent reviews (life cycle and special) of a program/project and providing objective, expert judgments to the convening authorities. CDRs also help meet mission requirements with appropriate margins and acceptable risk within cost and schedule constraints. {Please modify the data in this table to reflect the targeted artifacts for your Project/characteristics of your Project.} LAUNCH PAD LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM. Signatures _____________________________________________ ________________ [Project Manager] Date [Project Name] _____________________________________________ _________________ Gregory Blaney Date Director, NASA Software IV&V Program Routing Sheet for: Memorandum of Agreement between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Software Independent Verification and Validation Program at GSFC and the [Organization Name] The following signatures are REQUIRED before this agreement is sent to the Project: _____________________________________________ _________________ TBD Date NASA IV&V Office Project Lead _____________________________________________ _________________ Jarrod Petersavage Date NASA IV&V Office New Business Lead _____________________________________________ _________________ Lisa Downs Date NASA IV&V Office Business Manager _____________________________________________ _________________ Steven Raqu Date NASA IV&V Office Lead _____________________________________________ _________________ Kaci Reynolds Date NASA IV&V Program Financial Manager _____________________________________________ _________________ Donna Ozburn Date NASA IV&V Program Support Office Lead _____________________________________________ _________________ Gregory Blaney Date Director, NASA Software IV&V Program Independent Verification & Validation ProgramMOA TemplateT2101 Version: B Effective Date: April 20, 2012 This document is uncontrolled when printed - check the master list at HYPERLINK "" to verify that this is the correct revision before use PAGE 1 of NUMPAGES 11 MOA Template, T2101, Version BEffective Date: 04/20/2012 ( ) ^ w x |uhaWLB h,. The FAD is issued by the MDAA to authorize the formulation of a program whose goals will fulfill part of the Agency's Strategic Plan and Mission Directorate strategies and establish the expectations and constraints for activity in the Formulation Phase. The template pack includes the following document: Interface Control Document Template: 17 pages: Download Now for only $4.99. All interface components are to be defined by PDR. Processes occurring deep within Earth constantly are shaping landforms. m ! ! For additional information regarding validation- and verification-related analysis, see HYPERLINK ""IVV 09-1, Independent Verification and Validation Technical Framework. PDRs evaluate the completeness/consistency of the program's preliminary design, including its projects, in meeting all requirements with appropriate margins, acceptable risk, and within cost and schedule constraints, and to determine the program's readiness to proceed with the detailed design phase of the program. ORRs evaluate the readiness of the program, including its projects, ground systems, personnel, procedures, and user documentation. 3.3 IV&V Approach The IV&V approach will consist of validation- and verification-related analysis. This template contains a ! OJ QJ ^J h,. PFARs evaluate how well mission objectives were met during a human space flight mission. ! Signatures of NASA IV&V personnel reflect their understanding of the entire document. The IDD document includes characteristics about interface types, such as real-time data transfer, storage-and-retrieval of data, remote programming interface, etc., that > L bjbjqq k e e C > > $ P ]g V p : 7 7 7 Y | @ g g g g g g g i Ul g ! {any additional deliverable information should be included in this section} Resources/Budget 9.1 Project Resources The following project resources shall be made available to the IV&V team: {list required accesses to databases, development environments, artifact repositories, tools, websites, etc} 9.2 Budget The budget agreed upon for the IV&V effort described in this MOA shall not exceed $ [estimate]. ), and test plans and test cases at various levels of the testing hierarchy. Any reference document external to NODIS shall be monitored by the Process Owner for current versioning. F 7 7 g " ! For IV&V efforts, the IV&V Team anticipates that the artifacts defined in Table 3-2 are necessary to support verification analysis. COMMUNICATIONS. Verification-related analysis will allow the IV&V Team to determine whether the products of each development activity fulfill the requirements or conditions imposed by a previous development activity. Range or enumeration of possible values, i.e., 0 to 99. The IDDs are completed by CDR (Critical Design Review) and updated as needed after CDR. Units of measurement, i.e., meters, dollars, or nanoseconds. Specification of individual data elements (e.g., format and data content, including bit-level descriptions of data interface) that the interfacing entity(ies) will provide, store, send, access, and receive. APPROVAL SIGNATURESDATENatalie Alvaro (original signature on file)IMS Manager04/20/2012 VERSION HISTORYVersionDescription of ChangeAuthorEffective DateBasicInitial ReleasePaige Eckard09/18/2007ACanceledJerry Sims12/03/2010BRe-issued Jarrod Petersavage04/20/2012 REFERENCE DOCUMENTSDocument TitleIVV QMNASA IV&V Quality ManualIVV 09-1Independent Verification and Validation Technical FrameworkIf any process in this document conflicts with any document in NODIS, this document shall be superseded by the NODIS document. WebPurpose of the Template/Supporting Document Template This template is designed to provide a standard outline and format for templates and supporting documents. 0000001394 00000 n More detailed guidance for the content of the documents that capture software design, the Software Design Description (SDD) and the Interface Design Description (IDD), are found in SwDD and IDD in this Handbook. WebThrough the interface control documents, Apollo managers made sure that thousands of items, built in many different places, would fit and work together. Technical name, e.g., record or data structure name in code or database.Abbreviations or synonymous names. BASE STATION COMPUTER. d ! The software development team solicits relevant stakeholder involvement to evaluate applicable system interface(s). Routing, addressing, and naming conventions. MCRs also determine whether the maturity of the concept and associated planning are sufficient to begin Phase A. MDRs evaluate the credibility and responsiveness of the proposed mission/system architecture to the program requirements and constraints, including available resources. 0000046142 00000 n PFARs also evaluate the status of the flight and ground systems, including the identification of any anomalies and their resolution. 0000031347 00000 n April 12, 1993. Instructions: Provide information on how the development and distribution of the Interface Control Document will be controlled and tracked. Use the table below to provide the version number, the date of the version, the author/owner of the version, and a brief description of the reason for creating the revised version. The result of this assessment is an overall rating for each capability that is mapped against a 5X5 risk matrix that is used to prioritize the IV&V efforts within the Project. Packeting, including fragmentation and reassembly, routing, and addressing. Although originating from below the surface, these processes can be analyzed from ground, air, or space-based measurements. Enter Project Name Here. PRRs evaluate the readiness of system developer(s) to produce the required number of systems within defined project constraints for projects developing multiple similar flight or ground support systems. A KDP is the event at which the Decision Authority determines the readiness of a program/project to progress to the next phase of the life cycle (or to the next KDP). ! s a f4p yt9 $$If a$gdG $$If ^a$gd. ! The Project's role is to ensure the health and safety of the missions it manages by fulfilling the primary operational requirements for each mission, and providing the scientific community with high-quality data products in a timely manner. A W/A outlines the working commitments made between ESDIS and another organization for developing, implementing and/or operating portions of the data system. The content of the IDD is defined by PDR (Preliminary Design Review). ! 0000028891 00000 n It may describe the inputs and outputs of a single NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System Project manages EOSDIS interfaces between system components through the use of interface documentation. Interface Control Document (ICD) is a document that describes the interface (s) to a system or subsystem. These services are currently being provided by the Distributed Active Archive Centers (. To perform these analyses, the IV&V Team typically needs to acquire the following Project artifacts: architecture description documentation/data, design documentation and associated models, design review materials, source code, test results (at various levels), and traceability-related data. 0000032645 00000 n The biosphere encompasses all life on Earth and extends from root systems to mountaintops and all depths of the ocean. Extra functionality that may be present, even if not planned for use. Transmission services, including priority and grade. WebInterface Control Document Template (MS Word) You can use this Interface Control Document template to describe the relationship between system components in terms of A suitably detailed diagram (showing the relationship of the interface with the overall activity) with legends and callouts will easily show the dependencies that must be controlled and satisfied in the software detailed design. Some of these efforts require the comparison of software issues (discrepancies) identified by IV&V and software issues identified by the Project, as well as ascertaining post-launch software anomalies. Table 3-2: Project Targeted Verification Artifacts Artifact NameNeed/Applicable AnalysisArchitecture Description Documentation/Architecture Diagrams/DataVerify Software ArchitectureSoftware Design DocumentationVerify Software Architecture, Verify Software DesignSoftware Design ModelsVerify Software DesignSource CodeVerify ImplementationSoftware Build delivery/release packages/Version Description documentation/dataVerify ImplementationTest results (at varying levels including build level, integration level and system level)Verify requirements implementationDiscrepancy reports from test activitiesVerify requirements implementationTraceability related data (showing traceability from requirements to design to code to test)Verify Software Design, Verify Requirements Implementation3.4 IV&V Metrics Support The NASA IV&V Program strives to ascertain the value and effectiveness of the IV&V efforts. The IV&V PM will work with the IV&V POC to identify the specific data of interest and availability of that data. This document is intended as a guide to be used by the secondary spacecraft customer in creating a Launch Service Interface Requirements Document (LSIRD) for being manifested with primary missions under the g 7 7 x g " " " ! NASA data provide key information on land surface parameters and the ecological state of our planet. The IV&V coverage data will communicate where IV&V is being performed as well as indicators of where the safety and mission critical software is present for the Project. 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interface control document template nasa