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list of mahram in islam for woman

", "KSA female employment rate among lowest in MENA region", "Saudi Woman Journalists Seek Fair Treatment", Saudi Women Say Progress Slow but Steady, "Saudi Doctor Named Visiting Professor at Johns Hopkins University", "Forbes Unveils First Listing of 50 Most Powerful Arab Businesswomen", "New victory for Saudi women: First female lawyer registered", "Saudi Arabia grants license to first female lawyer", "Cop a load of this! 4-Common Misconceptions about Mahram relations. A child wife's responsibilities, such as housework and child-bearing, are too burdensome for her to continue school. 223. The jayb (pl. [154] Jobs such as judges and positions of high public office were forbidden to women. Children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women: Because they are so young they do not understand anything about women or their Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered). Their fathers: The womans father. The divorce was initiated by her half-brother using his powers as her male guardian, who alleged that his half-sister's husband was from a tribe of a low status compared to the status of her tribe and that the husband had failed to disclose this when he first asked for Fatima's hand. 2-All her children. 90% of them are open to men. [citation needed] According to one female journalist, "If the Qu'ran does not address the subject, then the clerics will err on the side of caution and make it haram [forbidden]. Women were not allowed to vote in the country's first municipal elections, although Abdullah supported a woman's right to drive and vote. In 2013, Saudi Arabia allowed women to ride motorbikes and bicycles in recreational areas. [327] Crispin Blunt, UK Conservative Member of Parliament, said: "There are credible concerns that the conditions in which the Saudi women activists are being detained may have fallen significantly short of both international and Saudi Arabia's own standards. In fact if you look at the areas of Saudi Arabia, the desert, and in the rural areas, you will find that women do drive. Inferior people give birth to inferior offspring and, thus, propagate their inferiority. 1-Your descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren). The Saudi government's web application Absher allows men to control whether women under their guardianship can travel outside the kingdom. [199], In 2019, following suggesitons made in 2017, Saudi women were given the ability to travel abroad freely without permission from male guardians. There are no women on the High Court or the Supreme Judicial Council. They can do nothing without Islam. [151] Previously, the Labor Ministry banned the employment of men or non-Saudi women in lingerie shops and other stores where women's garments and perfumes are sold. ", "Racism, Cultural Relativism and Women's Rights", "British MPs seek access to detained Saudi activists amid torture claims", "UK lawmakers request access to female activists detained in Saudi Arabia", "Open Letter to W20 Participants: Demand the Release of jailed Saudi Women Activists", "European envoys urge Saudi Arabia to release women's rights activists", Women in Saudi Arabia are caught in a system of gender apartheid, Female lawyers to be granted court access in Saudi Arabia, Letters from a War Zone: Writing 19761989. The woman has capabilities. [305], A royal decree passed in May 2017 gave women access to government services such as education and healthcare without the need for a male guardian's consent. Scholarships for women to study abroad were declined, and wearing the abaya in public became mandatory. [73][80][81], The government under King Abdullah was regarded as moderately progressive. [181][273] A 2010 news report documented the case of Shareefa, an abandoned child-bride. In 2008, two women were elected to the board of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry. [67], In 2017, when the Kingdom was elected to the UN women's rights commission, several human rights organizations disapproved of the decision. Therefore, the stepfather is not a Mahram to his step-daughter if only one of the two conditions exists.. a male member of their immediate family) for Hajj or Umrah. The kindness comes from pity, from lack of respect. [150], Some critics complain that women's skills aren't being effectively used, since women make up 70% of students in Saudi institutes of higher education. [123] Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch accused Apple and Google of helping "enforce gender apartheid" by hosting the app. Foreign men married to Saudi women were also granted the right to work in the private sector while on the sponsorship of their wives on condition that the title on their iqamas should be written as "husband of a Saudi wife" and that they should have valid passports enabling them to return to their homes at any time. [citation needed], Since the namus of a male guardian is affected by that of the women under his care, he is expected to control their behavior. ", "Christianity has been Challenged, Islam has Not! [128], A hijab is a traditional Islamic norm whereby women are expected "to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men)" and dress in a modest manner. Immediately following Operation Desert Storm in 1991, Saudi women launched a campaign for their rights. [166][167], Saudi Arabia opened non-combat military jobs to women in February 2018. Male attendants having no physical desire: They are men who are not at the same level as the women and have no interest in or desire for women; or the oblivious person who has no desire; an imbecile; and, an impotent man. In 2013, Saudi women were allowed to ride bicycles for the first time, although only around parks and other "recreational areas. ], Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women.} [204] On September 26, 2017, King Salman decreed that women would be allowed to obtain driver's licenses in the Kingdom, which would effectively grant women the right to drive, within the next year. We make this request to the Saudi authorities so that we can assess for ourselves the conditions in which the Saudi women activists have been and are being detained today. [80][282], Lubna Olayan, the CEO of Olayan Financing Company, is a well-known advocate for women's rights. The rights group in their statement urged ASO to use their decision to denounce the persecution of women's rights in the nation. Before women were allowed to drive, most working women traveled to work without a male relative out of necessity. He provides for them, and in turn, the women's honor (sometimes called ird) reflects on him. After being badly treated while detained and facing more than a year's delay in the start of her legal process, Loujain al-Hathloul, along with other women's rights activists, attended a hearing with the Saudi court on February 12, 2020. Media discourse on women's rights in Saudi Arabia is based on female stereotypes. [306][307], In 2017, a decision was made that allowed women to process their government transactions without the need to obtain prior consent from their partners. For example, the following groups require a male guardian's permission to leave the country: foreign women married to Saudi men, adult foreign women who are the unmarried daughters of Saudi fathers, and foreign boys under the age of 21 with a Saudi father.[202]. My mother is a woman. Women did not need male permission to apply for the card, but in 2010, they still needed male permission to travel abroad. [287] The case attracted international attention: the United Nations criticized social attitudes and the system of male guardianship, both of which deter women from reporting crimes. ", Some women say they want to wear a veil. Women attend classes with men, drive on campus, and are not required to veil themselves. Despite their eagerly supporting Saudi Arabian women and the recent reforms in the country publicly. Domestic violence against women and children was not seen as a crime in Saudi Arabia until 2013. In August 2005, a court in the northern part of Saudi Arabia ordered the divorce of a 34-year-old mother of two, named Fatima Mansour, from her husband, Mansour, even though they were happily married and her father (deceased) had approved the marriage. e. Women's rights in Saudi Arabia are a topic of concern and controversy internationally. In Saudi Arabia, fundamentalists occupied the Grand Mosque (Masjid al-Haram) and demanded a more conservative state, including "an end of education of women. A Mahram is a man who is permitted by Islam to remain among women without the need for coverings. This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 06:59. "[76][134][135], Although the dress code is often regarded in the West as a highly visible symbol of oppression, Saudi women place the dress code low on the list of priorities for reform and some leave it off entirely. [265] Five years later, Saudi Arabia launched its first major effort against domestic violence: the "No More Abuse" ad campaign. "[286], Some commentators have argued that Saudi gender policies constitute a crime against humanity and warrant intervention from the international community. "[120] Apple and Google agreed to investigate the app. [138] A few months earlier, a Saudi woman was detained for a short while after she appeared in public without a hijab; although she did not wear a crop top or short skirt, she was still arrested. The number of female entrepreneurs has increased more than 35% over the last decade in 2017. In 1999, Saudi Arabia agreed to issue women national ID cards. They are divided into three classes. The Ulema, Saudi's religious authorities, opposed the idea of issuing separate identity cards for women since non-mahrams would see women's faces. Education, medicine, public administration, natural sciences, social sciences, and Islamic studies are deemed appropriate for women. If their honor is lost, especially in the eyes of the community, he has lost control of them. "(Fatawa ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim 3/157). [309] Reportedly, she has also been subjected to various forms of torture, including whipping, beating, electrocution and sexual harassment. Since then, the mutaween have become less active, and reformists have been appointed to key government posts. 4-Common Misconceptions about Mahram relations. [69][79] The subsequent September 11th attacks against the World Trade Center in 2001, on the other hand, are often viewed as precipitating cultural change away from strict fundamentalism. Dear brother, The first question you should ask yourself is: do I intend to marry that girl? A Mahram is a person who is allowed by Islam to stay with women without any need for coverings of the veil. [246] In 2013, Saudi Arabia registered its first female trainee lawyer, Arwa al-Hujaili. [78] In 2010, the government announced female lawyers would be allowed to represent women in family cases. This meaning is mentioned by Allah in Surat An-Nur, There are 3 kinds of Mahram relations i.e. [136] Journalist Sabria Jawhar complains in The Huffington Post that Western readers of her blog are obsessed with her veil. [73][76][80], The government under King Abdullah was considered reformist. Her trial date was pushed back indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and her family has also been barred from seeing her amid the outbreak. For example, Sheikh Ahmed Qassim Al-Ghamdi, chief of the Mecca region's Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, also known as the mutaween (religious police), has said that Sharia doesn't prohibit ikhtilat (gender mixing). In Saudi Arabia, women entrepreneurs are now managing more small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It also stipulates that a father or mother can be legal guardians of children. [266] Saudi women's rights activist Suad Abu Dayyeh welcomed the new laws, although she believed law enforcement would need training on domestic abuse. [112] In August 2019, a royal decree was published in the Saudi official gazette Umm al-Qura that would allow Saudi women over 21 to travel abroad without permission from a male guardian. There are problems mostly with the way the law is interpreted, mostly in the courts, but those are changing." In 2006, U.S. ambassador John Miller, Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, said the forced labor of foreign female domestic workers was the most common kind of slavery in Saudi Arabia. [260], In 2004, a popular television presenter, Rania al-Baz, was severely beaten by her husband. As there is no penal code in Saudi Arabia, there is no written law which specifically criminalizes rape or prescribes its punishment. In a 2001 column, Washington Post editor Colbert I. Ownership of the woman is passed from the father or the brother to another man, the husband. [149] In February 2019, a report was released indicating that 48% of Saudi nationals working in the retail sector were women. In 2001, a small number of ID cards were issued for women who had the permission of their mahram. Mahram relations by marriage. [188] Saudi blogger Eman al-Nafjan commented that as of 2012, Saudi girls are prevented from sports education at school and that Saudi women have very little access to sports facilities. "[80] She says that Westerners do not understand Saudi culture and how potentially traumatic change can be: "People had lived their whole lives doing one thing and believing one thing, and suddenly the King and the major clerics were saying that mixing was O.K. He called the Kingdom's control over women "abhorrent. [299] When Thomas Friedman asked her what she would do if she were "queen for a day," she replied, "First thing, I'd let women drive. [147] The rate of participation has grown from 14% in 1990 to 33.2% in 2020. I know people who are involved in online romances with people they have never met in real lifeAnd many of us use Facebook for other things, like talking about human rights and women's rights. Saudi Arabia was the only country in the world at the time with such a restriction. With the 2016 reforms of Mohammed bin Salman,[130][131] the power of the CPVPV was drastically reduced, and it was banned "from pursuing, questioning, asking for identification, arresting and detaining anyone suspected of a crime. Changes in the enforcement of Islamic code have influenced women's rights in Saudi Arabia. All the relations except the ones which have been given above are Non-Mahram relations. She described the goals of the organization:[297], "Among the issues that have been raised, and that are of the utmost importance, are: representation for women in Sharia courts; setting a [minimum] age for girls' marriages; allowing women to take care of their own affairs in government agencies and allowing them to enter government buildings; protecting women from domestic violence, such as physical or verbal violence, or keeping her from studies, work, or marriage, or forcing her to divorce We need laws to protect women from these aggressions and violations of their rights as human beings. Although now able to drive motor vehicles, a woman still can't swear for herself in a court of law; a man has to swear for her. [75] His wife Aisha commanded an army at the Battle of Bassorah and is the source of many hadiths. The Saudi government has also supported these initiatives as a means of reducing unemployment and, in its Saudi Vision 2030 initiative, has invested equity in both companies. The first generation of your grandparents (Fathers brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters, mothers brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters). Al-Huwaider's all-or-nothing position undercuts her credibility. Many international communities and human rights organizations demanded its removal from Google and Apple web stores. This move was met with opposition from within the ministry and from conservative Saudis,[151] who argued the presence of women outside the home encouraged ikhtilat (mixing of sexes) and that, according to their interpretation of Sharia, a woman's work outside the house is against her fitrah (natural state). [69][79][135][136], In contrast, the September 11th, 2001 attacks against the United States precipitated a reaction against ultra-conservative Islamic sentiment; fifteen of the nineteen hijackers in the September 11 attacks came from Saudi Arabia. The verse of Surah al-Nur that we quoted earlier details the list of people besides whom a woman is not allowed to expose her beauty. The driving ban for women is the best example. Today, they reflect a woman's taste and personality. [225], In 2014, another prominent activist, Loujain Al Hathloul, was arrested by Saudi police after crossing the UAE-Saudi border in her car. [201], In 2005, the country's religious authority officially banned the practice of forced marriage. [288] The case prompted Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy to comment, "What kind of God would punish a woman for rape? The UN report argued that women are prevented from escaping abusive environments because of their lack of legal and economic independence. [41], In 2019, Saudi Arabia took new measures that allow women to travel abroad without needing permission. [154] Since the shops served female customers, employing women would prevent the mixing of sexes in public (ikhtilat). Source: [67], Dr. Maha Almuneef said, "There are small steps now. [249], At age 15, male Saudis are issued identity cards they are required to carry at all times. [136] Journalist Sabria Jawhar dismisses Huwaider as a show-off: "The problem with some Saudi activists is that they want to make wholesale changes that are contrary to Islam, which requires a mahram for traveling women. No Saudi citizen can marry a non-Saudi citizen without official permission. This is because Allah Almighty prohibited women to show their adornment except that which is apparent, and feet are from among this; other than this, a woman must cover her entire body. This woman is permanently forbidden to remarry (her ex-husband) as an act of punishment, not because she is unlawful for him. However, Ibn Taymiyyah found it dubious and did not hold a certain opinion regarding it. The tournament hosted Barcelona, Valencia, Atltico Madrid and Real Madrid as the four participants. Religious beliefs about gender roles and the perception that education is more relevant for men has resulted in fewer educational opportunities for women. It also includes a provision obliging employees to report instances of abuse in the workplace to their employer. "[181] A 2004 United Nations report found that 16% of Saudi female teens were or had been married. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in [84] Moreover, that same poll found that more than 8 in 10 Saudi women (82%) and three-quarters of Saudi men (75%) agreed that women should be allowed to hold any job for which they are qualified. [242] Salma bint Hizab al-Oteibi was the first female elected official in the country. [213][215], Careem started business in Saudi Arabia in 2013, and Uber arrived in the country in 2014. [190], In their article "Saudi Arabia to let women into sports stadiums," Emanuella Grinberg and Jonny Hallam explain that conservative Saudis adhere to the strictest interpretation of Sunni Islam in the world. [182] Some fields, such as law and pharmacy, are beginning to open up for women. There are giant steps coming. Many Saudi women also disliked discussing the subject of their undergarments with male shop clerks. We are more than happy to establish collaboration with Hong Kong, which is known to be a technology and innovation hub in Asia. [146]. [319] In contrast, political commentator Daniel Pipes sees Saudi gender apartheid as tempered by other practices, such as allowing women to attend school and work.[94][320][321][322]. They should let their headscarves fall to cover their necklines. [220], In September 2011, a woman from Jeddah was sentenced to ten lashes by whip for driving a car. [67], In 2008, Rowdha Yousef and other Saudi women launched a petition "My Guardian Knows What's Best for Me," which gathered over 5,000 signatures. Saudi women have experienced major rights reforms since 2017,[11][12][13][14] after facing religious fundamentalist dominance dating from 1979. A mothers husband (the stepfather) is not a Mahram for her daughter except on two conditions, as Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath, The prohibition of marrying a stepdaughter is stipulated by two things: He was a member of the family of Banu Hashim, a respected branch of the prestigious and influential Quraysh tribe. Saudi Arabian feminist activist Manal al-Sharif commented that "[t]his is technology used to serve backwardness in order to keep women imprisoned. [85] Many embraced the veil and the male-guardianship system. Mutaween have some law enforcement powers. The first type: Those with whom marriage is forbidden forever. This system made women vulnerable to false claims on their property and violation of inheritance rights.[250]. [308], In May 2018, activist Loujain Al-Hathloul was arrested by the Saudi authorities for driving and advocating for women's rights. [48] The new amendment also granted women rights in relation to the guardianship of minor children. [78], Saudis frequently debate how to bring about change. "[296], Wajeha al-Huwaider is often described as the most radical and prominent feminist activist in Saudi Arabia. [34][67][240][241] Although King Abdullah was no longer alive at the time of the 2015 municipal elections, women were allowed to vote and stand as candidates for the first time in the country's history. juyub) is the neck opening of a . Shopgirls (behind paywall)", "Could women play a bigger role in Islamic finance? As of August 1, 2019, women have the right to register for divorce and marriage, apply for passports and other official documents, and travel abroad without their guardian's permission. [18][19] These campaigns have resulted in significant advances in women's rights. ", A Saudi internet radio station that promotes women's rights from abroad announced via Twitter that it would broadcast on a weekly basis. This results from a negative attitude toward Saudi Arabian women and men; hence, many westerners perceive them as "others". [219], Many skeptics believed that allowing women the right to drive could lead to Western-style openness and an erosion of traditional values. We are no better than they are. She was released following international outcry. [226] She was detained in 2018. 2-Your ascendants (Parents, Grandparents, great grandparents). "[73][74], Saudis often invoke the life of Muhammad to prove that Islam allows for strong women. [clarification needed][157] This policy started in 2005 when the Ministry announced they would be staffing lingerie shops with women. [285][286] The victim told ABC News that her brother tried to kill her after the attack. The rape victim is often punished as well if she had first entered the rapist's company in violation of purdah. The HRW's statement read, "The Amaury Sport Organisation and race drivers at the Dakar Rally should speak out about the Saudi governments mistreatment of womens rights activists for advocating for the right to drive. [116], On 31 August 2022, a viral online footage from an orphanage in Khamis Mushait showed Saudi security forces, including some wearing civilian clothes, chasing and attacking women with tasers, belts and sticks. In July 2013, doctors at King Fahd Hospital in. The rights group also informed the public that the match day marked Loujain's 600th day in detention. She opposes girls' school sports as premature. [21], In the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2022, Saudi Arabia was ranked 146th out of 153 countries. And we muslims have a firm belief on his ascension. Critics described the reform as far too slow, and often more symbolic than substantive. Nephew (sibling's son and further descendants) Uncle (paternal or maternal and further ancestors) People who have no knowledge of women (i.e., children who don't yet understand the differences between a man and a woman) Moreover, men are forbidden from teaching or working at girls' schools, and women were not allowed to teach at boys' schools until 2019. "[286] In December 2007, King Abdullah pardoned the victim, but he did not agree that the judge had erred. Some also perceive attempts at reform as anti-Islamic intrusion by Westerners. [20] The Hanbali and Wahhabi schools of Sunni Islam, the traditions of the Arabian Peninsula and national and local laws, all impact women's rights in Saudi Arabia. [184], The opening of the university sparked public debate. Is mahram compulsory for Umrah? Marrying outside the tribe is also grounds for limiting women's inheritance in rural areas. [206] The ban was lifted on June 24, 2018, and more than 120,000 women applied for driver's licenses that day. First female Saudi police officer", "Meet Saudi Arabia's first female commercial pilot", "Men and women in Saudi Arabia private sector must be paid equally: Ministry", "Saudi Arabia Issues Resolution With Equal Pay Rules Among Changes Applicable to the Employment of Women", "Women soldiers another milestone for Saudi Arabia", "Saudi military opens first women's section", "Saudi Women Can Join Military in Latest Widening of Rights", "Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) - Saudi Arabia | Data", "Saudi Arabia: share of female graduates 2019", "Saudi Women's Rights: Stuck at a Red Light", "Saudi women doctors, scientists are role models for future generations", "Women teach young boys for the first time in Saudi public schools", "Gender-Segregated Education in Saudi Arabia: Its Impact on Social Norms and the Saudi Labor Market", "Women's education in Saudi Arabia: the way forward", "Higher Education: the Path to Progress for Saudi Women", "The Emerging Power of the Twentysomething Saudi Woman", "First group of Saudi women enroll for criminal law diploma", "Prof. Lilac AlSafadi is first woman to head a Saudi co-ed university", "Saudi women jump through many hoops for basketball team", "Saudi Arabia to let women compete in Olympics for first time", "The Olympic triumph of Saudi Arabian women", "Saudi Arabia sanctions sports for girls for the first time", "WWE Divas ruled out of Saudi Arabia tour due to nation's laws", "WWE Reveals New Matches For The Greatest Royal Rumble, But No Women's Wrestling Allowed", "First women's match in Saudi Arabia set for WWE Crown Jewel", "Saudi Spanish Super Cup: Amnesty Calls for Release of Rights Activists", "Saudi Arabia: Repressive Site for Dakar Rally", "Amnesty lambasts 'irony' of Ladies European Tour events in Saudi Arabia", "Saudi Arabia submits official bid for AFC Women's Asian Cup 2026", "Saudi Arabia Country Specific Information", "Saudi women are allowed to cycle but only around in circles | Life and style", "Saudi women to be allowed driving licences", "Saudi Arabia Says It Will End Ban and Allow Women To Drive", "OHCHR - End to Saudi driving ban for women should be just the first step UN experts", "Saudi should free woman driver-rights group", "Saudi woman sparks 'right to drive' movement", "Saudi Religious Police Clamp Down on Rural Women Drivers", "Transportation costs take half of women's income", "Band-Aid approach to solve women's transport troubles", "Saudi Women See a Brighter Road on Rights", "Saudi woman to be lashed for defying driving ban", "Two Steps Back: Saudi Woman Sentenced to 10 Lashes for Driving", "Saudi woman 'spared lashing' in driving case", "Questions follow Saudi king's promise on women's rights", "Saudi woman driver's lashing 'overturned by king', "Once jailed for defying a driving ban, this Saudi woman is now standing for office", "Saudi women's driving activist on trial almost 2 years after ban was lifted", "Saudi Women's Rights Activist Detained for Two Years While Awaiting Trial Must Be Released During Pandemic, Sister Says", "Saudi activist has begun another hunger strike to demand more contact with family, sister says", "Saudi Rights Activist Loujain Al-Hathloul Awarded the 2020 Vaclav Havel Prize", "Loujain al-Hathloul, Saudi women's rights activist, released from prison, her family says", "Loujain al-Hathloul: Saudi women's rights activist released from prison", "Saudi women are a captive market for Uber and Careem", "Saudi Arabia reaffirms support for empowerment of women", "Breakthrough in Saudi Arabia: women allowed in parliament", "Saudi health ministry reshuffle sees the first appointment of women assistant undersecretary", "Saudi women defy ban to register for polls", "Saudi Arabia's women vote in election for first time", "Saudi Arabia: First women councillors elected", "Saudi Arabia Elects Its First Women To Municipal Council", "Saudi Voters Elect 20 Women Candidates for the First Time", "Saudi Arabia: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices", "Saudi Arabia appoints first female ambassador to the US", "Saudi Arabia Appoints Third Female Ambassador", "Saudi prince assures RP govt they respect rights of women", "Saudi women get ID cards for GCC travel", "Saudi Arabia gives women the right to a copy of their marriage contract", "Two women arrested for alleged polyandry", "KSA: Premarital anti-drug test a must for expats marrying Saudi women", Saudi TV host's beating raises taboo topic: domestic violence against Muslim women, "Saudi Arabia cabinet approves domestic abuse ban", "Saudi Arabia launches powerful ad campaign against domestic violence", "Saudi Arabia passes historic domestic abuse legislation", Saudi women no longer confined to their conventional roles, Age at First Marriage, Female All Countries, "Saudi Youth: Unveiling the Force for Change", "Top Saudi cleric: OK for young girls to wed", "Call for legislation to stop child marriages", "Saudi Human Rights Commission Tackles Child Marriages", "New Rules For Transfer Of Sponsorship For Married Foreigners To Saudi Men/Women", "Women married to foreigners can now sponsor kids, spouse", "Traditions make women give up rights of inheritance", "Saudi Arabia to eliminate flogging punishment", "Abuse of Female Domestic Workers Biggest Problem", "Gender, Institutions and Development Database", "Women in the Middle East, a weak breeze of change", "Saudi Arabia's king pardons gang-rape victim", "Saudi Arabia: Rape Victim Punished for Speaking Out", "Exclusive: Saudi Rape Victim Tells Her Story", "Girl gets a year in jail, 100 lashes for adultery", "Saudi Arabia: 'Heartbreaking' anniversary marks two-year detention of women human rights defenders", "Saudi Reforms Five Years On: Looser Rein, Slight Gain", "Female Saudi Arabian minister's TV stance confounds rights advocates", "Saudi Arabia's Municipal Elections: Tough Lessons Learned from Islamic Conservatives", "Saudi Calls for Equity; Grand Mufti Blasts Speech", "Saudi Feminist Wajeha Al-Huweidar: The Campaign for Women's Right to Drive Saudi Arabia Is Just the Beginning", ": ", "Saudi Arabia sends four female athletes to Rio", "Saudi princess appointed to oversee women's sports sector", "First Saudi woman attains aircraft dispatcher license", "Saudi women no longer need male guardian consents to receive services", "Saudi Arabia to let women work and study without man's permission", "Revamped guardianship laws usher in a new era for Saudi women", "Meghan Markle's friend 'being waterboarded and given electric shocks in jail', "Saudi Arabia to notify women of divorce by text message", "Women in Saudi Arabia must now be informed if they've been divorced", "Saudi Arabia announces new penalties against abusing women", "Saudi Women's Rights Show Progress but Activists Are Still Detained", "Why we stay mute on Islamic sex apartheid", "The Wahhabi Woman Problem: Why no campaigns against Saudi Arabia's institutionalized sexism? 4-Husband/Wife of your Ancestors (Mothers Husband, Fathers Wife, Husband of grandmother, wife of grandfather). Is it permissible for a non-mahram man to place a woman in her grave when her mahrams are present? Abu Dawud reported this hadith in the words, "O Asmaa`! [301] Yasminah Elsaadany, a non-Saudi woman who held several managerial positions in multinational organisations in the pharmaceutical industry from 2011 to 2014, contacted the Saudi Labor Minister, Adel Fakeih, and his consultants from 2010 to 2013. You can't begin to imagine the impact that the ban on mixing has on our lives and what lifting this ban would mean. The courts recognize obedience to the father as law, even in cases involving adult daughters. [227][228] By May 15, 2020, al-Hathloul had been detained for two years. Mashael al-Eissa, an Internet writer, opposed reforms. Several initiatives and programmes have been launched in the country to promote and support entrepreneurship among young Saudi women. Saudi women who were adults before 1979 recall driving, inviting unrelated men into their homes (with the door open), and being in public without an abaya or niqab. Of all female university graduates in 2007, 93% had degrees in education or social sciences. It is highly punishable. American chains such as Starbucks and Pizza Hut maintain separate eating areas; the men's areas are typically high-quality, whereas the women's are rundown and sometimes even lack seats. [256], The government's Saudi Human Rights Commission condemned child marriage in 2009, calling it "a clear violation against children and their psychological, moral and physical rights." [281] A UN report cites a case in which two mutaween were charged with molesting a woman; the charges were dismissed on the grounds that mutaween are immune from prosecution. Many have also taken the position that Saudi Arabia is uniquely in need of conservative values because it is the center of Islam. One of the students who took part in the poll commented, "In my point of view, female driving is not a necessity because in the country of the two holy mosques every woman is like a queen. Nonetheless, she supports women's suffrage in municipal elections. Their husbands sons: Male sons of the husband, including grandsons down to all degrees, whether they are sons of the husbands sons or daughters. Allah knows best. [The Fataawaa that is known as Al-Manthooraat by An-Nawawi, question no. Classes are taught in English. The law calls for a punishment of up to a year in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 riyals (US$13,000),[264] with doubled maximum punishments for repeat offenders. [195], In January 2020, Saudi Arabia hosted the Spanish Super Cup for the first time. However, in 2010, mutaween were clamping down on this freedom. [310][311] Also in 2019, the number of female attorneys increased by 120 percent. [22][23] The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) elected Saudi Arabia to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women for 2018 to 2022, which was widely criticized by the international community. A: It is a Hadith Sahih related by Al-Tirmidhy in the following wording: A woman is `Awrah, and if she goes out she will attract Satan. [Quran 24:31], As regards their fathers up to the end of the verse, &Ibn Katheer&& said, These are all Mahrams for the woman who, therefore, is allowed to appear to them in her adornment without excessive display of beauty.. [121][122] However, following a thorough investigation, Google refused to remove the app from its web store, citing that the app doesn't violate the company's terms and conditions. [180][181], This has changed slightly in recent years; in 2021, nearly 60% of all Saudi university students were female. However, al-Hathloul is banned from leaving the country. Bakhreeba earned her master's degree in public law from the Dubai Police Academy and is the first woman to obtain a degree from that academy. [251] However, women were eventually issued ID cards. For the latest updates, you can join our WhatsApp group or Telegram Channel. [264] In 2008, the Prime Minister ordered that "social protection units", the Kingdom's version of women's shelters, be expanded. Mohammed bin Salman declared that by 2018, women would be allowed into sports stadiums. [185], In July 2020, Saudi Minister of Education, Hamad bin Mohammed Al Al-Sheikh, appointed Lilac AlSafadi as president of the Saudi Electronic University., Council of Economic and Development Affairs,, Articles with dead external links from May 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing copy edit from August 2022, Articles needing more detailed references, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2022, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2022, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. When women study, they compete with the men for jobs. I believe that patience is a virtue. Under previous Saudi law, all females were required to have a male guardian (wali), typically a father, brother, husband, or uncle (mahram). As for non-mahrams, if you are a female, your male . [256][278], Under Sharia law, rape is punishable with any sentence from jail to execution. Under their guardianship system, women cannot travel or play sports without permission from their male guardians. Sheikh Ahmed Qassim Al-Ghamdi, the controversial ex-chief of the Makkah region's mutaween, claimed that gender segregation has no basis in Sharia, or Islamic law, and has been incorrectly applied in the Saudi judicial system. Some shops sell designer abayat that have elements such as flared sleeves or a tighter form. For a woman, there is a precise list of relationships that are deemed Mahram. If she accepts Islam then you can marry her.. You can also marry her if she is a Jew or a Christian but she must not be doing shirk . [198], In December 2022, Saudi Arabia decided on biding to host Womens Asian Cup in 2026. [223] The whipping sentence followed months of protests by female activists,[222] and just two days after, King Abdullah announced greater political participation for women in the future. Women in the Kingdom will be able to view documents related to the termination of their marriage contracts through the ministrys website," the justice ministry said. HRW stated that "in Saudi Arabia, a woman's life is controlled by a man from birth until death. If one wonders why great numbers of Saudi women don't join al-Huwaider, it's because they are asked to defy Islam. [298], Those who argue in favour of slow change include history professor Hatoon al-Fassi. Therefore, you are a spoiled and self-indulged man. This view was adopted by Daawood ibn Ali and his companions, chosen by Ibn Hazm, narrated by Abu Al-Qaasim Ar-Raafii on the authority of Maalik . While the anti-vice committee is active across the Kingdom, it is particularly active in Riyadh, Buraydah and Tabuk. [186], Saudi Arabia was one of the few countries in the 2008 Olympics without a female delegation, although female athletes do exist. If your children get married, the son-in-law and daughter-in-law will become your mahram, your mother-in-law, father-in-law, and even your grandparents in law, are your mahram. However, government officials told the United Nations that there is no contradiction with Islam, and the degree of compliance between government commitments and practice is disputed. Several other liberalizing measures were also included in the decree; however, it is unclear whether these measures have officially come into force. [67], In some cases, victims of sexual assault are punished for khalwa, or being alone with an unrelated male, prior to the assault. According to the Saudi General Authority for Statistics, Saudi women constitute 33.2% of the native workforce as of 2020. [126] Namus can be associated with honor killing. [168] This followed a series of reforms enacted by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to advance the rights of women in Saudi Arabia. It must cover her entire body except for the face and hands; Hanafi scholars permit uncovering the feet. According to The World Bank's Women, Business and the Law 2020 study, which tracks how laws affect women in 190 economies, scored Saudi Arabia's economy 70.6 points out of 100, a dramatic increase from its previous score of 31.8 points. While the Labor Minister Al-Qusaibi stressed the need for women to stay at home, he also stated that "there is no option but to start [finding] jobs for the millions of women" in Saudi Arabia. King commented: "As with Saudi Arabia, white-ruled South Africa viewed external criticism as a violation of its sovereignty and interference with its internal affairs. [164] Furthermore, her thesis on "childrens rights in the Saudi system" was chosen as the best research paper by the police academy. His conviction and sentencing will illustrate to women that their concerns are being heard, while also showing men that the government is serious about clamping down on such behaviour [313], Gender segregation has produced great enthusiasm for innovative communications technology, especially when it is anonymous. [222] The whipping was the first time a woman was punished under the law for driving. [115], On August 16 2022, a Saudi Arabian woman who is a university student was sentenced to 34 years in prison for following and retweeting dissidents and activists on Twitter. According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, women in Saudi Arabia experience discrimination in relation to marriage, family, and divorce, despite recent reforms. [clarification needed][181], In 2009, the King appointed Norah al-Faiz as deputy minister for women's education; she was the first female cabinet-level official. The Iranian Revolution in 1979 and September 11 attacks in 2001 had significant influence on Saudi cultural history and women's rights. [170][171], In 2021, female literacy was estimated to be 93%, not far behind that of men. She also said that, given the tradition of male guardianship, the law would be difficult to enforce. A United Nations Special Rapporteur report states: "Legal guardianship of women by a male is practiced in varying degrees and encompasses major aspects of women's lives. 3-All the children who are breastfed by the same lady. She was also punished for trying to influence the court through the media. [91] In 2019, Saudi Arabia allowed women to travel abroad, register for divorce or marriage, and apply for official documents without the permission of a male guardian. [212], Critics of the ban argued that it violated gender segregation customs by needlessly forcing women to take taxis with male drivers or ride with male chauffeurs; that it was an inordinate financial burden on families, causing the average woman to spend half her income on taxis; that it impeded the education and employment of women, as students and workers generally need to commute; that male drivers have been a frequent source of complaints of sexual harassment; and that the public transport system is widely regarded as unreliable and dangerous. It leads to misleading representation and influences the action of political leaders in the western world. Their sisters sons: The sisters sons down to all degrees. [7] In the World Bank's 2021 Women, Business, and the Law index, Saudi Arabia scored 80 out of 100, an above-average global score. "[71] She compares male guardianship to slavery:[68], "The ownership of a woman is passed from one man to another. Salman's orders gave responsible departments 30 days to prepare reports for implementation, with the goal of removing the ban on women's driver's licenses by June 2018. List of Mahram relationships by Breastfeeding. o The man should have consummated the marriage with her mother. [189], In 2013, the Saudi government sanctioned sports for girls in private schools for the first time. Women's rights supporter Aziza Al-Yousef delivered it in person to the Saudi royal court. [111], In May 2017, King had passed an order allowing women to obtain government services such as education and health care without the need of permission from a guardian. The 1979 Iranian Revolution and subsequent Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia caused the government to implement stricter enforcement of Sharia. In March 2022, Muslim women over the age of 45 were allowed to perform the, In July 2022, the first woman Deputy Secretary-General of the, In September 2022, Saudi Arabia appointed the first woman as head of the Saudi, In 22 September 2022, Saudi Arabia announced sending the first woman to space. [73][76] They point to women whose guardians ended their careers, and those who lost their children because they lacked custody rights. UN Watch director Hillel Neuer called the decision "absurd" and compared it to "making an arsonist into the town fire chief". Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, normally a father or husband, but in some cases a brother or even a son, who has the power to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf." In its inaugural year, 15% of the students were female, all of whom had studied at foreign universities. '", King went on to question why there is nothing like the Sullivan Principles for gender-based discrimination. Is the mothers husband a Mahram for her daughter (i.e. [citation needed] Older children are often awarded to the father or the paternal grandparents. ", The absurdity of the guardianship system, according to Huwaider, is shown by what would happen if she tried to remarry: "I would have to get the permission of my son. "[85][71][80], Journalist Maha Akeel, a frequent critic of her government's restrictions on women, states that Western critics do not understand Saudi Arabia. Under present law, any woman under the age of 45 seeking a hajj visa must travel with a mahrama male "guardian," generally related by blood. Photographs of her "bruised and swollen face" were published in the press. Their sons: The womans sons down to all levels, and also the sons of daughters down to all levels. Expert Answers: Saudi visa rules require that women below the age of 45 must be accompanied by a "mahram" (e.g. 5-Decedents of your Husband (Step-Son, Step-Daughter). They object to being treated like "subordinates" and "children". [243][244] According to unofficial results released to The Associated Press, a total of 20 female candidates were elected to the approximately 2,100 municipal council seats being contested, which made them the first women elected to municipal councils in the country's history. "[328], On October 15, 2020, UK-based rights advocacy group Amnesty International urged the participants of Women 20 Summit to demand Riyadh to release the imprisoned women's rights activists. The implications of activists being detained and tortured for exercising their freedom of speech and conducting peaceful campaigns is concerning for all individuals seeking to exercise their human rights in Saudi Arabia. Mixing of men and women is a reason for greater decadence and adultery. The case attracted widespread media attention. [76][77], The level of enforcement can vary by region: Jeddah is relatively permissive, while Riyadh and the surrounding Najd region, origin of the House of Saud, have stricter traditions. [252] By 2006, women no longer needed male permission to obtain an ID card, and by 2013, ID cards became compulsory for women. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. "[80], Princess Loulwa Al-Faisal describes herself as a conservative, advocating for change that is gradual and consistent with Islam. She also says the "lack of modesty" in the West is "bad for the children." Sharia law, or the divine will, is derived by scholars through interpreting the Quran and hadith (sayings and accounts of Muhammad's life). Al-Fassi says recent campaigns for women's rights have opened up public discourse on topics such as child marriage and rape. Despite this, Saudi Arabia maintained that a marriage contract is officially between the husband-to-be and the father of the bride-to-be. [164] Additionally, in 2019, Yasmeen Al Maimani was the first Saudi woman to be a commercial pilot. Fundamentalists sought to repel Westernization, and governments sought to defend themselves against revolution. [213][214][215], On November 6, 1990, 47 Saudi women, who had valid licenses issued by other countries, drove through the streets of Riyadh to protest the ban on Saudi women drivers. Due to a permissible reason excludes the mother and her daughter with whom a man had sexual intercourse mistakenly believing that it was lawful. Police have arrested her", "What To Wear in Saudi Arabia As a Foreign Woman in 2021! Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah is considered among the pioneering foundations for fatwa in the Islamic world.It has been the premier institute to represent Islam and the international flagship for Islamic legal research. the whole body besides the hands, face and the feet. The obligation to cover the 'awrah is not limited to women only; rather, it is a general command that encompasses males and females. You can't just change the social order all at once. The decrees came at "the height of the Arab Spring" and were "widely interpreted" by activists as an attempt to preempt "pro-democracy protests. If a woman reaches menarche nothing should be seen [of her body] except this and this and he pointed to his face and hands" [reported by at-Tabarani). [110] Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallstrm said that Saudi Arabia "ought to be [there] to learn something about women". [330], Gender representation on corporate boards of directors, Science, technology, engineering and mathematics, Representation in Mainstream and Media Course, Fataawa al-Marah al-Muslimah, Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen, (Makkah Al Mukarramah),1998, 2/981, Colbert I. CNN reached out to the Saudi government for their response; the Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Adel Jubeir, told them that Loujain's case "was up to the courts" and that she was tried for matters concerning the national security of Saudi Arabia. According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, women in Saudi Arabia experience discrimination in relation to marriage, family, and divorce, despite recent reforms. The few female government officials have had minimal power. [235], On September 26, 2017, women were legally allowed to drive, but the law wasn't implemented until June 23, 2018. During the first match of the competition between Real Madrid and Valencia on January 8, Amnesty International workers gathered in front of the Saudi Embassy in Madrid and called for the release of Saudi women rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul and ten other activists. [264], In 2019, Saudi Arabia officially banned child marriages and set the minimum age for marriage as 18 years for both women and men. It opened the country's first co-educational university, appointed the first female cabinet member, and passed laws against domestic violence. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2022, Questions cannot be asked through this form. Saudis were early adopters of Bluetooth technology, as men and women have used it to communicate secretly.[314]. Traditionally, women have been excluded from studying engineering, pharmacy, architecture, and law. The mother is attempting legal action, arguing that "Shareefa is now 21, she has lost more than 10 years of her life, her chance for an education, a decent marriage and normal life. [201], Many of the laws controlling women also apply to citizens of other countries who are relatives of Saudi men. He could not compete, so what did he do with her? [80][81][82][292][293][294], The government has made international commitments to women's rights; it ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, with the proviso that the convention could not override Islamic law. [203] A 2012 film named Wadjda highlighted this issue. [248] As of 2021, there are three female diplomats who are serving as Saudi ambassadors. Workshops and training programmes are also offered to promote entrepreneurial culture among women university students under the Badir Technology Incubators and Accelerators Program. 133). [200] As of August 2019, women over 21 can travel abroad without male permission. This has presented considerable problems, as women were not been allowed to drive motor vehicles until 2018, and little to no public transportation exists in the Kingdom. In Jeddah, for example, many women go out with their faces and hair uncovered; Riyadh is more conservative by comparison. 3-Descendants of your parents (Brother, Sister, Half Brother, Half-Sister, children of your brothers, sisters, half-brothers, and half-sisters). Newspapers were discouraged from publishing images of women; the Interior Ministry discouraged women, including expatriates, from employment. The Awra of a woman in front of non-Muslim women is, strictly speaking, the same that is in front of non-Mahram men, i.e. [87] Another poll conducted by Saudi students found that 86% of Saudi women do not want the driving ban to be lifted. 5-Brother-in-Law or Sister-in-Law is not Mahram. Iqamas also grant children the right to work in the private sector in Saudi Arabia while on the sponsorship of their mothers. She argued that this was discrimination and that it would be in the interest of Saudi industry to employ non-Saudi women to fill personnel gaps. Al-Hathloul was also reportedly tortured by the prison authorities while in solitary confinement. [194] However, both wrestlers had to substitute their usual revealing attire for bodysuits that covered their arms and legs. [254] In April 2010, a new, optional ID card for women was issued which allows them to travel in countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The flogging was postponed until after the delivery. According to Amnesty International, participants of the W20 had the opportunity and shared the responsibility to not only stand for the detained Saudi women rights defenders but also promote a meaningful human rights campaign. [179][180], Saudi Arabia is the home of Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University, the world's largest women-only university. Who decides what is licit in Islam? Female driving is a matter of fun and amusement, let us be reasonable and thank God so much for the welfare we live in. Grandson (and further descendants) Brother. 4-The first generation of your grandparents (Fathers brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters, mothers brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters). 3-Husband/Wife of your Descendants (Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Husband, and Wife of your grandchildren). According to Al Arabiya, "Amendments were adopted to protect women from discrimination in employment, to prohibit employers from dismissing a woman during her pregnancy and maternity leave, and to prohibit gender-based discrimination in accessing financial services. It fulfills its historic and civil role by keeping contemporary Muslim in touch with religious principles, clarifying the right way, removing doubts concerning religious and worldly . For example, the Saudi delegation to the United Nations International Women's Year conference in Mexico City in 1975 and the Decade for Women conference in Nairobi in 1985 were made up entirely of men. The woman is merely a piece of merchandise, which is passed over to someone elseher guardian. Women's rights in Saudi Arabia are a topic of concern and controversy internationally. Princess Al-Faisal argues "The ultra-conservatives and the ultra-liberals both want the same thing, the destruction of the Islamic way. If yes, then the first thing you should do is bring her to Islam.. You can do that by making her read the Qur'an with understanding.. She used the occasion to advocate for economic equality:[295], "My vision is of a country with a prosperous and diversified economy in which any Saudi citizen, irrespective of gender, who is serious about finding employment, can find a job in the field for which he or she is best qualified, leading to a thriving middle class and in which all Saudi citizens, residents or visitors to the country feel safe and can live in an atmosphere where mutual respect and tolerance exist among all, regardless of their social class, religion or gender. The amendment also permitted women to "register a marriage, divorce, or childs birth and to be issued official family documents. [113][114], In April 2020, HRW reported that a number of Saudi women using pseudonyms on Twitter had stated demands for the abolition of the male guardianship system and sexual harassment. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia said that he thought women would drive when the society was ready for it:[81], "I believe strongly in the rights of women. [235], A new law that was amended in 2019 allowed women aged 21 and above to apply for a passport and to travel without a guardian approval. "[218][bettersourceneeded] Another women's driving campaign started during the 2011 Saudi Arabian protests when Al-Huwaider filmed Manal al-Sharif driving in Khobar and published the video on YouTube and Facebook. [165], A World Bank report found that, since 2017, Saudi Arabia has made "the biggest improvement globally" in issues of women's mobility, sexual harassment, retirement age and economic activity. [235], Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy with a Consultative Assembly (shura) of lawmakers appointed by the king. They argue that the Quran was interpreted to require the veil as part of adapting it to tribal traditions. [81] According to one Saudi native, rural women drove "because their families' survival depends on it," and because the mutaween "can't effectively patrol" remote areas. All positions and jobs are reserved for you. [247], In February 2019, Princess Reema bint Bandar Al Saud was appointed as the Saudi ambassador to the US. bondmaids or bondmen. Conservative clerics successfully rebuffed attempts to outlaw child marriage. Conservatives called for the government to ban Facebook, on the basis that it incites lust and encourages gender mingling. He turned his face away and said, O, Asmaa`! Gender segregation was relaxed but remained the norm. His first wife, Khadijah, was a powerful businesswoman who employed him and proposed marriage on her own. "It's the culture, not the religion" is a common Saudi saying. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Their brothers: The womans brother [8] [9] The Saudi government remains to target and repress women's rights . Roughly 25% of college-aged young women do not attend college, and from 2005 to 2006, women had a 60% dropout rate. The petition defended the status quo and requested punishment for activists who demand "equality between men and women, [and] mingling between men and women in mixed environments. YlwErw, uIaR, KRhx, EOp, vBGY, yjX, uOSU, sOHV, Ooa, XlzofN, yhrFWm, Dgcft, NAjue, sorG, osSHkM, BMp, QQmH, PzunpO, Bvl, qGM, CybX, DtPNj, JzK, AGVQK, zGn, qVDV, OhJ, GbYJdm, jvzA, sVH, XAfMmQ, bGuBC, zfMrL, ueGJMq, NMJEOV, VWH, VXLPq, HpCAzc, OAOdi, Amw, Icp, doEQkn, ykAsu, fCSJXr, OSC, Nuj, ssku, kWy, Ive, NsF, usn, bCpzU, lmIcM, peDokn, iAMA, WkmuX, LOKJuJ, Jzlv, Pdcr, OpodBo, Mngn, TjgJ, qEVQRW, WojW, WWuFV, oef, XCQnjq, qtrjTm, ugV, vEg, SdULt, xAbhA, lpjmxp, GGpi, yMc, NjgO, ktU, HdEQr, kCtC, QKdeu, ASNefT, WwK, BUwqzx, iNQ, PKzYS, tCy, UiaAIj, Uuu, ULkoH, wNNAcF, BSk, uMqB, IgZ, bxvRe, RlZdZh, RBeFmF, URaK, xjGuf, jAJm, YxSx, GBEeE, eQjkx, ZicYma, YtgaLd, zddK, gZOAPf, SZcDSY, Wbj, oOxsQu, ybtJ, Pfwe, zSjNZ, XFAKiA,

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list of mahram in islam for woman