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Our Selenium Training in Chennai classes will make sure that you get confidence in Software Test Automation. Job location, panel -11 Explain project git agile maven2 find the locators3 pom brief4 fibanosis series5 string reverse6 method overloading7 constructor8 Page factorypanel-21.Self intro2.testng1 test case execute5 2nd test case execute6 times how u do3.javascript explain in scroll down scroll up we use but in selenium whre you use4.write code for group execution5.testng.xml hwo u execute without changing we can execute. After learning the course, i got placed in In Selenium with Java Training", "I did Selenium Training in Chennai at Greens technology. 5.what is the use of the Action class? Velmurugan explains every concept in a very interesting way and it always creates an excitement in learning more about Selenium. What is the use of background in cucumber? By now, you already have the idea that Maven is a build automation tool that is used to manage the project dependency and the whole project lifecycle. Knowledge of Operating Systems(Linux, Windows), Database/SQL. QUESTIONS(Program)------------------Task 1:Download Sql work bench and do all setup like creating table,assign primary key and retrieve all the values from Demoqa register table(manually).Input :FirstName,LastName,MaritalStatus(Single,Married,Divorced),Hobby(Dance,Reading,Cricket),Country,DateOfBirth,PhoneNumber,Username,E-mail,AboutYourself,Password,ConfirmPasswordOutput:Table Created.Inserted value in tableDeleted value in tableModified value in table, Task 2:Download Sql work bench and do all setup like creating table,assign primary key and retrieve all the values from employee table.Input :EmpId(PrimaryKey),EmpName,EmpSalary,EmpAddress Output:Print all the values from the table, Sample Output:--------------+------+----------+-----------+------------+|EmpId | EmpName | EmpSalary | EmpAddress |+------+----------+-----------+------------+| 101 | Arun | 2000 | Chennai || 102 | Siva | 3000 | Madurai || 103 | Varun | 2000 | Selam || 104 | Tharun | 1000 | Erode |+------+----------+-----------+------------+. However, Selenium cannot extend support to any platform other than the web. L3 round:again technical in manual testing, Where rtm report will generate ( i.e) at which phase rtm report will be genrated. Perform automated and live-interactive testing on 3000+ real desktop and mobile devices online. Also Read Top Selenium Python Frameworks for Web Automation Testing Step 5: Install Browser Drivers (Optional for Cloud Selenium Grid) This step is only applicable for Selenium Python tests that have to be executed on the local Selenium Grid. Cts interview question :1.what and all framework u have worked .2. locating the WebElement or other valid operation with the element. Thanks again." Thanks to Greenstechnology for providing wonderful hands-on Training in Selenium Course. What s defect leakage? Furthermore, the user may configure the wait to ignore specific types of exceptions whilst waiting, such as NoSuchElementExceptions when searching for an element on the page. Now I am having the confidence to attend any interview in Selenium Technology. Explicit Wait With ExpectedConditions in Selenium It provides faster completion of test scripts as compared to other tools. QUESTION 4----------URL : NOTE: Print Greens Overall review text from that. ----------- Test and report bug based on severity and discuss with PM to priorities with. Diff btw thread nd sleep8. ./gradlew clean build . 1. Get started with your journey of learning Selenium with the help of our complete Selenium WebDriver Tutorial. Why we go for POM?5. Projects HandledProject#1: HTC (Hybrid TIGO Care)Hybrid TIGO Care (HTC) is a web application (CRM Portal) developed for TIGOCustomer Care Agents to maintain customer details, this is available four countries. This URL is the location from where Maven can be downloaded. Which selector is preferable and what u have preferred in ur project.8. QUESTIONS(Theroy) 3.Write a code to perform Alert? 15.What are the difference between Jbehave and Cucumber? 4. Minimum 2+ years of strong experience in Automation Testing. Working as a Test Engineer in XXXX, chennai from xxxx to Till Date. QUESTION 5 20. 1.What is mean by POM? Yet GREENS TECHNOLOGYS offers Selenium corporate training for Software Developing Companies. NOTE: Search iphones 7 and click 1st phone and add it to cart.print the you pay cost displayed. Step 6: You may now open the pom.xml to view the structure set up by Maven. How will you handle security msg which comes in the browser while running a test. NOTE: In google and click google apps(::) and click gmail app. Write a code for both method overloading and overriding. Without page factory can we able call object repository?5. What are all the annotations available in TestNG? How can you prepare customized html report using TestNG in hybrid framework ? Want to support the Selenium project? Return type of findelement and findelements. File Operation: 7. Though it was originally based on Selenium RC, its modifications have set it apart from it. What is the return type of entryset method? Page Object model is an object design pattern in Selenium. NOTE: Create a feature file for facebook login page. QUESTION 7 With Maven you wouldnt have to worry about installing and upgrading your project libraries as they are done automatically with the tool. 5Do you write the scripts or work with scripts ? 25.What s defect leakage? It reduces the steps like adding jar files to the project library, building reports, executing Junit test cases, creating jar/war/ear files for deployment. Type Maven_HOME in the Variable name box and C:\apache-Maven-3.6.1 in the Variable value box. Self intro.2. 18.diff btwn findelement and findelements,what s return type of findelement, 19.u r using find element or findelements,at that time that particular, webelement is not available means what error u ll get, 6. 4.Explain about findElement & findElements? QUESTION 7 "position": 2, How to create custom exception12.Notice period?? How will you print all the links in amazon home page, 7. NOTE: Print the email and password you are given. NOTE: Click download links here and just select selenium link and print it. In what basis userpoints will calculate? URL : What is the difference between before and after hooks? URL : In the beginning Selenium and WebDriver were separate open source projects, however in 2008 both teams came together to create a joint project which in turn helped eliminate inherent issues of then Selenium RC version. 10.What are the difference between getText(),getAttribute()? URL : Difference between cucumber and jbehave6. What is the return type of println? 3.What is meant by Annotations? What is interface?11. In the earlier days, it started as a command-line tool for executing tests. Hands on experience of Automation tools and techniques, in particular, Usage of HP Quick Test Professional 11.0 and above (and/or) Selenium with Java, Automation using descriptive programming (UFT) / POM (Selenium), Exposure to web services testing using QTP/Selenium (preferred), Hands on experience of Quality Center 9.2 or above. QUESTION 2 Windows handling?6.alerts?alerts types? to print all the links in the page?8. Step 1: Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from the official Eclipse website. The Eclipse will open up, and there you are done with your second prerequisite of this Selenium WebDriver tutorial. "@type": "Question", Should have experience in Agile Methodologies. Communicate test progress to the test manager on daily basis, 11. Therefore, referring to individual Selenium language tutorials like the Selenium Python tutorial can be a good starting point to make the most out of Selenium and Python for web automation testing. 26.How to get the parent directory of a file? Which uses extends as a keyword17. Relative locators (or Friendly locators) help locate WebElements relative to a particular WebElement. 7. Work closely with development, business and functional testing team to identify critical business scenarSelenium for automation to achieve maximum ROI, 3. to whom ur reporting in the last project?5. ignore specific types of exceptions whilst waiting, such as So far, in this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, I used the local Selenium WebDriver to run a particular test case. What r framework u r using8.when will u do regression testing9. Description:Create an object for LanguageInfo and StateDetails inside the StateDetails class and call both classes methods also follow the all coding standards. 26. Every Selenium command generates a corresponding HTTP request, which is sent to the browser driver. C# Selenium 4 However, Selenium provides many great features, such as an open-source web framework for automated cross-browser testing. Newt Global also provides IT services to Fortune 50 clients in areas of system integration, testing, application development and support. If I click the button one alert is open how to switch over alert, then need to click Ok,Cancel andgettext handle it10.Do you synchronization concepts11. webdriver driver as static why? NOTE: Enter the email and password and verify whether the input data is correct or not by using junit framework & POM framework. With LambdaTest, you dont have to worry about downloading and configuring hundreds of browsers on your machine as they are readily available on the online Selenium Grid. 3) Should be supporting acceptance test phase in the project delivery. Why use Maven To Manage Selenium Dependency? NOTE: Take the screenshot of Best Selenium training institute in Adayar use scrolldown to go to bottom of webpage. "@type": "Answer", QUESTION 6 NOTE: Go to down of the webpage using scrolldown. After installation of Java, set up the Java Environment Variable. NOTE: Register the form by taking the input from excel sheet(DataDriven) and use POM framework and also you have to create a project in maven and verify whether the input taken is correct or not by using Testng ,POM framework. It fires pre-configured actions when a particular step occurs in jobs. )what are the frameworks you worked with?7. URL : Prepared and Executed Test Cases as per System Requirements. Go to This PC and right-click on the empty space anywhere within and select Properties. setLegacy , BrowserType Browser , AddAdditionalOption , Selenium 4Service executable_path What is @optional annotation? Manual Testing :Example : Wats App5 Test cases for this scenario critical oneHow many members in ur team, what are there roles.What will u do in the review meetingHow will u prioritize ur test casesHow will u test a text box, right the flow. 8. the function throws an unignored exception ", Selenium IDE(Integrated Development Environment) It is used only for firefox It can be used only for simple test cases. What is requirement gathering ?11. Capabilities , W3C 1st round :1. "@type": "Question", Put this together and you will get: Forgetting to switch back to another window handle after closing a L 21. What is final? 3.What are the Types of Xpath? It is our esteemed duty to communicate the current prominence and requirements to accomplish tasks and jobs through Selenium Training in Chennai. ----------- 24.How To Run A Particular Scenario From A Feature File ? "acceptedAnswer": { QUESTION 1 20.How to create directories recursively? 9. what is the latest TestNG version? Now you know how to install Maven in your systems with both Eclipse IDE and with the command line. 2. Selenium 4 , PM> Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Version 4.4.0,, docs: Update the 'Getting Started' page with latest versions (#1129) (83cd3a95f4f). Explain Agile Methodology / How many user stories will complete in a week ? Interview Location : Playground Venue Details: Phase III (Zenith Building), 13th Floor, Unit 03. "contentUrl": "", Selenium IDE um ambiente integrado de desenvolvimento para scripts de testes automatizados. Maven Central Repository: It is a default repository in every new project which is official to Maven. i came to know about this institute through my friend and i felt that it was a good start for my career as an automation tester.I dont have any idea about what am going to learn. QUESTION 8----------URL : 13. Defects reporting and daily status reporting. "item": "" )How will you raise a defect in tool?11. Project explanation?9) did u work with only cucumber framework from the beging ?10) didn't you work with any other frameworks?11) mouse over actions12) alerts13) how to access a values using xpath if its changing randomly14) how to identify or how to find the parent link using child xpath15) dropdown how u can print all values at a time16) who is scrum master17) tell me some interface in selenium18) what webdriver driver= new Firefox driver(); explain each word what is webdriver what is driverand what is Firefoxdriver();19) can we execute a program without constructor ?20) what is a default constructor?21) did we define constructor or it will create automatically?22) sample a =new sample(); what is sample() in the above syntax?23) system.out.println(); explain each word what its ment for?24) how days notice period you have?25) where is your company? QUESTION 14 The main purpose of Selenium tool is automating web browsers. QUESTION 18 Covering the different aspects to cover when test code is prepared for the upgrade, including suggestions on how to prevent potential issues that can show up when using the new version of Selenium. NOTE 5 : Click testimonial and print the mobile number displayed in address and scrolldown and print the last line"Thank you very much for your help and further help needed. Python with Selenium 4. QUESTIONS(Theory)------------------- 10. what is the use of annotations? NOTE: Enter the userId,click continue.Enter password. Handling it7.about jira8.fields in jira9.use of method overridingCTS1.Syntax for getters and setters2.where static keyword used3.About algorithms4.gave a number array and to find the best algorithm to make it in descending order5.what is complexity of driven for excel code7.what is Singleton set8.given a table with two columns, have to find the max value of col 1 and have to get thecorresponding value in col 29.about projectCTS1.DBMS connection2. Artifact Id- refers to the project name. This way, the team can catch deployment failures, if any, at an early stage. JSON 1.What are the different types of Xpath? Write a program to reverse string6. Type JAVA_HOME in the Variable name box and C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20 JDK path in the Variable value box and save the same. 14. 5.How to compare paths of two files? Type PATH in the Variable name box & C:\apache-Maven-3.6.1\bin in the Variable value box. NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario and execute with plugin,tags,monochrome run with components. URL : Scrum Ceremonioes?17. QUESTION 3----------URL :, NOTE: Select first paragraph using double click then right click and select print using Robot class Executes JavaScript code snippet in the To investigate the XPath of any element, you can simply right-click on it and click on Inspect. URL : )what is compactability testing?6. 14. {int count = new File("D:\\").list().length;System.out.println("Number of file : " + count); NAME : XXXXXEmail Id: XXXXXXMobile : XXXXXXXXCareer Objective:Looking for Software Testing Engineer position in a well-known organization whichgives me an opportunity to exhibit my technical skills and giving scope for career and financial growth.Summary: Project ExperienceProject 1#: WBMSDescription:The actual problem is to create a website for the manufacturing company website which deals about the manufacturing companys dealers, products of the companys for the company, suppliers for the company, quotations passing between the dealers and company, suppliers and company administrations and ordering the products from the dealers to company and so on.Responsibilities: Academic WorkTitle: Online Course ManagementDescriptionThe project is an web application side project we can learn the Programming language through online main theme of this project reduce the time, which the person spends in course centres.Title: Designing Responsive User Interface For Real Time Attendance Entry.DescriptionThe main purpose of this project, design a responsive user interface for real timeattendance entry using Bootstrap framework which allows the users to feed the attendance in wide range of devices like desktop computer monitors to mobile phones. Encapsulation? 3. Maven Plugins used in jenkins and what is pom.xml? )what is diff b/w isSelected,isDisplayed & isEnabled?7. QUESTION 2 Any exceptions not whitelisted will be allowed to propagate, terminating the wait. In the latter sections of this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, we will deep dive into how to run Selenium tests in parallel on LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid. 5.explain abt github and any confilcts u have faced, 6.tell abt jenkins..whether u r usg in ur project, 7.what is the test case report u r following in ur project, 8.exception ,what r the expections u faced in ur project. NOTE: My sprint is first mouseover Click Paybill. Working experience in Domains such as Telecom and Manufacturing. Install- It would install all the dependencies, in case of missing jars, and create the deployment file(war/jar files in case of JAVA) and then itll run the test. Through send keys i am sending values to text box, how will i print the values. What u will do in Jira tool.9. Try two FREE CLASS to see for yourself the quality of training. Read More Now deliver faster projects with Automation testing tools!! "text": "Flaunt your Selenium skills with LambdaTest Selenium Certifications Selenium JavaScript 101, Selenium C# 101, Selenium Java 101, Selenium Advanced, Selenium 101, TestNG, JUnit" QUESTIONS(Practical)-------------------- It will require discipline and a learning mindset. URL : QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- To demonstrate the usage of Selenium WebDriver, I will perform the following use case: You will need the below pom.xml for importing the necessary dependencies. Are you okay with Jira? How to run test cases in parallel using TestNG? returns screenshot which is encoded in Base64 format. Greens Technology true to its name is the place to gather,garner and garden the knowledge for all around the globe. Here, WebDriverManager.chromedriver.setup() checks for the latest version of the specified web driver binary. We use cookies to give you the best experience. . How good are u in SQL ? testng terms like description ,exception,priority,grouping - why include exclude? ----------- ! 11.Write a code to perform scrolldown in a webpage using Javascript? Selenium 4, , "text": "Selenium has an active user community that offers thorough support. Greens Technology Reviews given by our students already completed the training with us. Let us first do the Maven Clean using the command prompt in this Selenium Maven tutorial. Project Object Model: POM XML contains project information and configuration details used by Maven build. Explain the Execution order in TestNG? handle stored in a variable. Agile?12. This eliminates the need for encoding and decoding the API requests by the JSON wire protocol responsible for communication between browsers and test scripts. In order to develop a secure connection with the browser, Selenium uses Drivers. ----------- ----------- You can either use these goals alone or use it as a combination like clean-install for this Selenium Maven tutorial. What is the difference implicit wait and explicit wait. "@type": "Question", 1.What is the purpose of debug? Apart from the renewed Selenium WebDriver architecture, here are some of the other major enhancements in Selenium 4: A significant change in Selenium 4 is the complete W3C compliance of the WebDriver APIs. 33.How to display all the files in a directory? 10. QUESTIONS(Practical)--------------------QUESTION 1----------URL : What are different assertions supported by JUnit? other uses other maintaining project structure. You will see the below output once you run the testng.xml file. Action13.diff class and interface14.method overriding15.expalin where u have used in ur project16. What is the difference between Assert and Verify in Selenium? if no whats the problem?9.Exception and any 10 exception u have faced in Real time?10. 11.In which class doubleclick() is available? Newt Global is a global IT services and Product development Company head quartered in Irving, USA with deep knowledge in telecom domain. URL : You can share this jar file directly for others to execute. Now that we have covered the basics about what is Selenium, lets me walk you through some of the major features of the Selenium automation framework in this section of the Selenium WebDriver tutorial: Now that you already know what is Selenium, lets deep dive into various components of Selenium in the next section of this Selenium WebDriver tutorial. if yes, How will you do? )what is severity?10. This feature in Selenium 4 can be leveraged to test the websites functionalities by mocking different geographical locations. Can you able to do?9. Step 2: Accept the license agreement in the pop-up next and click on Download. QUESTION 4 When do youtake action on lags17. CapabilitiesCapabilities NOTE: Create a feature file for registration form. Is it possible to re-run the failed test cases in JUnit? Python with Selenium 4. QUESTION 8 What is the difference between hashtable and hashmap? When it comes to web automation testing, there are a number of frameworks like Selenium, Cypress, PlayWright, Puppeteer, etc., that make it to the preferred list of frameworks. Procedure?16. RCWebDriver; WebDriver; Selenium 3. Relevant Experience in Selenium Web driver: Shortlisted candidates will have the face to face interview on weekdays. scroll down and print the line "Java training Reviews from Anitha" },{ Experience developing test automation systems. "name": "Is Selenium still the best automation tool? Step 2: Once the download is complete, extract the zip file at a location at your convenience. Define ur project frame work structure, 3. When you are finished with the browser session you should call quit, In Selenium 4, Desired Capabilities are getting replaced with Options, and we need to create an Options object to use the Driver class. } Most user interactions like clicking on a button, entering text in textbox can be done using the WebDriver Element Commands. What u will do in Jira tool.9. QUESTION 3-----------URL : Please ask your friends /Colleagues also to walk for the drive if their profile matches the requirement. Create excel sheet with details of 10 students name and courses. ----------- Technology:Java, Selenium ,Cucumber and JunitProject 2#: Coverage OneCoverage One is a web-based application that allows for the Marketing, Sales andmaintenance of online Vehicle Service Contracts. Method overloading ND overridding7. No.11 , First Street , Padmanabha Nagar , Adyar , Chennai-600 020. Static19. the frequency with which to check the condition. In the end, we also glanced upon the new and improved features which Selenium 4 offers. 23. Why you want to work in Chennai instead of Hyderabad. What is meant by @cachelookup in pom7 . "@type": "Question", Using Selenium IDE is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell ? Well versed with SDLC, STLC and Defect Life Cycle. QUESTION 10-----------URL :, QUESTION 11------------URL : How to take screenshots of test output & add verification steps to the script. Technical specialist with Automated test experience in Functional and Non-Functional Area, 2. What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD? back to the window you were using previously. The Selenium WebDriver works with a Client-Server architecture model.. We have the Selenium Client Library on the client-side, which supports multiple client libraries corresponding to the programming language being used, like Java, Ruby, Python, etc.The language binding feature of Selenium allows it to support various Sets the message to be evaluated and displayed when time expires. What type of language u used to write scripts in selenium IDE10.scroll down program11.diff btw assert nd verify, L2:1.Self intro2.Difference between immutable string n mutable string3. 17. And without using hashmap how u achieve the hashmap function in class level?17. What does Assert class? QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- In which situation u prefer implicit wait, 1. W3C WebDriver. It handles compilation, distribution, dependency management and other tasks efficiently. We promise you 100% Money Back Guarantee if you fail to clear the actual AWS Certification exam in your first attempt. We use cookies to give you the best experience. Difference between throw throws9. Selenium and Continuous Integration lets QA engineers run Selenium automation tests as a part of the CI/CD pipeline. Selenium was used to generate automated test scripts for functionality. NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,plugin,dryrun,monochrome runwith components and also use Datadriven and POM framework. "text": "Selenium Remote Control (RC or Selenium2) was a tool that enables a QA or a developer to run a web application using various browsers via an HTML interface. "acceptedAnswer": { The introduction of the WebDriver W3C protocol and the retirement of JSON Wire Protocol is one of the major architectural changes that redefine Selenium 4. We are looking for Senior QA Automation Engineer for Newt Global in Chennai. you can loop over both windows or tabs that WebDriver can see, and switch URL : 2.Whether JavaScript is a class or Interface? 3.Whether Action is a class or Interface? QUESTION 2 Step 6: Keep the default settings and click on the Next button. Password as parameter using TestNG Annotation. 4.testng : i)if there are 5 test methods how many times @BM and @AM will run. Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system, 3. NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,tags,plugin runwith components. They Really helped me to clear the interview. long . ", 4. NOTE: Click reset login paswword.In the open new window again Click reset Login password. 14.Diff btw string, string builder and string buffer ? 1. 16.What is the purpose of getNumericCellValue() and its return type? As per the tweet by David Burns (Selenium Committer and Co-member of the WebDriver specification), Alpha release 7 of Selenium 4 Python has many cool API offerings, including the provision of CDP (Chrome Debug Ill quickly go through these default goals before going into detail about the goals required for the Selenium project. )what is extends and implements?where will you use it?write a syntax?9. Step 9: Once the installation is finished, it will ask you to restart your eclipse. My Best wishes to Greens Technology team for their upcoming bright future in E-Learning sector. " QUESTION 13 What is TestNG? This has 4 components:============================. 2.What is marshal and unmarshal? Repositories? "name": "What are the advantages of using Selenium? ------ "@type": "Answer", L1:1. CI engines keep each team member informed of configuration, infrastructure, changes in code, and errors. what will return Driver.findelements14. In this tutorial we will learn about the Actions class in Selenium. URL : What are all the methods available in assert class? ", were have u used in ur project?6. "description": "In this introductory video of the Selenium 4 series, Raghav Pal - Educator on Automation Step by Step, deep dives into the Selenium 4 Grid architecture, overview of relative locators, W3C in Selenium WebDriver, and much more. 3.11, SeleniumW3C 1. QUESTIONS(Theory)----------------- What is the use of git? This method may be overridden to throw an exception that is How will u do?19. "text": "The introduction of the WebDriver W3C protocol and the retirement of JSON Wire Protocol is one of the major architectural changes that redefine Selenium 4. 22. What is meant by garbage collection?24. Step 4: Now upon clicking Next youll need to type information of the Maven project is created. chrome.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); But try to keep implicit wait time as low as possible, because this might increase your code execution time.. "name": "When should Selenium be used? The presence of experts in Selenium real time as the training faculty. 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