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federal government recycling

You want to divide incoming material so it doesnt get cross-contaminated with all the rest of the material, but it may arrive in different volumes, he says. 13102), and other practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through: (a) increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other resources; or (b) protection of natural resources by conservation. Part 5Standards, Specifications, and Designation of Items. Specifications, Product Descriptions, and Standards. Each agency shall further ensure that the established goals include long-range goals to be achieved by the years 2005 and 2010. A Federal Environmental Executive, Environmental Protection Agency, shall be designated by the President. The Federal Government has injected $190 million into a Recycling Modernisation Fund to stimulate the economy by repurposing materials. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK); and Congresswoman Haley Stevens (D-MI-11), who launched the Congressional Plastic Solutions Task Force. Unless theres a coordinator at the site thats very carefully managing and policing and coordinating how the traffic flows, it can be more of a free-for-all, Egosi says. Learn more about the federal #ZeroPlasticWaste agenda to #BeatPlasticPollution, including Canada's actions to keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment. The engineer is experienced with site builds, but neither one of them typically interact with the other on daily basis. Egosi says that adequate signage can help direct traffic, identify evacuation routes, distinguish where certain materials go and warn of hazards, to name a few uses. In FY 2018, DOE Headquarters collectedover460 pounds of batteries for recycling. We will continue to monitor congressional actions and provide updated information as needed. By taking action, Congress can ensure a federal response to the reduction in international demand for U.S. recyclables. (e) Progress on attaining these goals should be reported by the agencies to the FEE for the biennial report specified in section 302(a)(2) of this order. The collection bin is located at the front door, inside the Town Hall. This equates to 1.57 jobs, $76,000 in wages and $14,101 in tax revenues for every 1,000 tons of material recycled. The Winchendon Landfill began accepting materials in early January 2021, with hours of operation set as Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. W. L. French also works in partnership with Dudley, Masachusetts-based Rampco Construction Co. to help operate two soil reclamation facilities in the Bay State: Fish Road Reclamation Project and Dudley Reclamation Project, which are both located in Dudley. Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council 6901-6907), section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to improve the Federal Government's use of recycled products and environmentally preferable products and services, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 101. The report also may incorporate information from existing agency reports regarding Government-wide progress in implementing the following Executive Orders: 12843, Procurement Requirements and Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone Depleting Substances; 13031, Federal Alternative Fueled Vehicle Leadership; 12845, Requiring Agencies to Purchase Energy Efficient Computer Equipment; 12856, Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements; 12902, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities; and 12969, Federal Acquisition and Community Right-to-Know. Federal Facility Compliance. Committees, Executives, and Task Force. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract. Sec. The Steering Committee, in consultation with the AEEs, may revise these levels if necessary. 428), and submit a plan and timetable for increasing agency purchases of the designated item(s). On November 15, 2021, EPA released its final National Recycling Strategy. With the help of the Recycling Leadership Council, we continue to examine the best ways to address the challenges facing the recycling industry. The report calls for the federal government to establish national goals and minimum performance standards for recycling programs, recognize top-performing material recovery facilities (MRFs) and harmonize recycling across the federal government by 2030. 204. If there isnt enough room, then that truck is actually going to be in the same area where the operators are working with the C&D, which is a problem.. "Major procuring agencies" shall include any executive agency that procures over $50 million per year of goods and services. Proper signage is a must for ensuring an orderly operation. Department of Transportation 210. Economic and Environmental Benefits: Many federal agencies have already im- plemented recycling programs; others are just beginning. (b) Agencies in non-GSA managed facilities, to the extent permitted by law, should develop a plan to retain the proceeds from the sale of materials recovered through recycling or waste prevention programs. 997, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Public Law 94-580, 90 Stat. The EPA shall update this guidance every 2 years, or as appropriate. (c) Each agency shall set a goal for increasing the use of environmentally preferable products and services for those products and services for which the agency has completed a pilot program. Recycling Reforms. The Director of EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery should develop an implementation plan for conducting a study and developing recommendations for administrative or legislative action regarding the effect of existing public policies, and the likely effect of modifying or eliminating such incentives and disincentives, upon the reuse, recycling, and conservation of materials, as required by RCRA. (a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the FEE and OFPP should evaluate the training courses provided by the Federal Acquisition Institute and the Defense Acquisition University and recommend any appropriate curriculum changes to ensure that procurement officials are aware of the requirements of this order. (b) EPA inspections of Federal facilities conducted pursuant to RCRA and the Federal Facility Compliance Act and EPA "multi-media" inspections carried out at Federal facilities will include, where appropriate, evaluation of facility compliance with section 6002 of RCRA and any implementing guidance. The RLC says it looks forward to working with the leadership of the Senate Recycling Caucus, Sens. 207. 2795, as amended (42 U.S.C. W. L. French, which describes itself as a site excavation and soil management firm, says it will perform closure activities on the landfill in the future, including installing a permanent cap. Since the recycling program began in 1991 over 8,000 tons of waste have been recycled earning over $385,000 for the Child Development Centers. Agencies should also include programs to reduce or recycle, as appropriate, batteries, scrap metal, and fluorescent lamps and ballasts. Agency acquisition and procurement personnel shall justify in writing to the file and to the AEE the rationale for not purchasing such items, above the micropurchase threshold (as set out in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act at 41 U.S.C. Batteries accepted for recycling are: Alkaline, Lithium Ion, Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Nickel-Iron, and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH). Finally, he says that staff should be present at the scale to give drivers guidance of where to go to ensure there is no confusion. Sec. Sec. Consistent with policies established by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter 92-4, agencies shall comply with executive branch policies for the acquisition and use of environmentally preferable products and services and implement cost-effective procurement preference programs favoring the purchase of these products and services. "Executive agency" or "agency" means an executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. Since this runoff can contain particulates, oils, grease, metal and other substances, legislators have begun to put laws in place that aim to curb environmental pollution. 403. That investment would result in $73 billion in annual net economic benefit for the country, avoid 75 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year (equivalent to 16 million cars), save 4 trillion gallons of water (more than used by the entire state of Colorado), rescue the equivalent of 4 billion meals annually for the 50 million Americans who are food insecure, create 51,000 jobs over ten years and achieve the 2030 reduction goal. Stasz said fixing recycling in the U.S. is a catalyst for ending the linear economy in this country. In April 2022, EPA notified GAO that it had taken steps to develop an implementation plan and that it had initiated a study to examine the likely effect of modifying or eliminating various policies and develop recommendations for administrative or legislative action, as required by RCRA. Designation of Items that Contain Recovered Materials. (b) As an alternative to meeting the standards in sections 505(a), for all printing and writing papers, the minimum content standard shall be no less than 50 percent recovered materials that are a waste material byproduct of a finished product other than a paper or textile product that would otherwise be disposed of in a landfill, as determined by the State in which the facility is located. "Environmentally preferable" means products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. Researchers in Australia say they have figured out how to use shredded single-use face masks combined with crushed concrete in a highway base course application that meets civil engineering safety standards. Sec. Although there are some universal design best practices, what makes sense for one facility may not make sense for another. (a) Within 6 months of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA shall, in consultation with the Federal Environmental Executive, prepare guidance for use in determining Federal facility compliance with section 6002 of RCRA and the related requirements of this order. Department of Defense The law specifically states, "High-grade paper generated by office facilities of over 100 office workers shall be separated at the source of . (a) Steering Committee. Sec.

Actions to satisfy the intent of the recommendation have not been taken or are being planned.


Actions that partially satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.

, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, Congress should consider clarifying whether the Secretary of Commerce's responsibility under RCRA to stimulate the development of markets for recyclables specifically includes domestic markets or assign that responsibility to another agency. US House of Representatives 507. Statutes and Regulations. 6903 (19)). So, theyre not speaking the same language.. (b) Agencies shall establish affirmative procurement programs for all EPA-designated guideline items purchased by their agency. (d) Agencies are encouraged to incorporate into their Government Performance Results Act annual performance plans the goals listed in subsections (a), (b), and (c) above, starting with the submittal to the Office of Management and Budget of the plan accompanying the FY 2001 budget. Sec. Recycle your plastic bags. Solutions at the national level are vital to improve and advance the system, so that more packaging and more types of packaging are recycled. Millennium Challenge Corporation Contractors submit all paperwork-the pickup slips-to GSA instead of to each of the dozens of facilities, a procedure that saves the companies a substantial amount of administrative time. The White House, While the exact cost of the necessary improvements in U.S. recycling infrastructure is not yet known, Dylan de Thomas, vice president of external affairs at The Recycling Partnership, Falls Church, Virginia, said that organization will release a capital needs study later this year, though he estimated the need to be in the billions of dollars. MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) Reducing waste while boosting recycling and reuse, known as the 'circular economy,' will be vital for halting the loss of nature by meeting growing demand with fewer resources and will make communities more resilient to climate change by encouraging more sustainable practices on the African continent, organizers of the World Circular Economy Forum said Wednesday. . This report examines (1) cross-cutting challenges affecting recycling in the United States, (2) actions that selected federal agencies have taken that advance recycling, and (3) actions EPA has taken to plan and coordinate national efforts to advance recycling. For the purpose of this order, military departments, as defined in 5 U.S.C. In developing plans, drawings, work statements, specifications, or other product descriptions, agencies shall consider, as appropriate, a broad range of factors including: elimination of virgin material requirements; use of biobased products; use of recovered materials; reuse of product; life cycle cost; recyclability; use of environmentally preferable products; waste prevention (including toxicity reduction or elimination); and ultimate disposal. Egosi says that after getting educated on the types of vehicles coming into a site, designers can include drawings of these vehicles within the blueprint of a facility. The recycling coordinator shall implement or maintain waste prevention and recycling programs in the agencies' action plans. GSA recycling contractors pick up paper, cardboard, cans, glass/plastic bottles and printer cartridges from 120 federally-owned buildings housing over 110,000 employees in the Washington, DC area. An initial group shall be established to develop recommendations for tracking and reporting requirements, taking into account the costs and benefits of such tracking and reporting. Program and acquisition managers should take an active role in these activities. The Department of Energy Headquarters has instituted several recycling programs, starting with standard, solid waste recycling in 1991, and has expanded to include carpeting, batteries, and toner cartridges. (a) Agencies shall implement the EPA procurement guidelines for re-refined lubricating oil and retread tires. The Government of Canada on Friday released its Critical Minerals Strategy, backed by up to $3.8 billion in federal funding allocated in Budget 2022. Official Agency Assets Each agency shall develop an internal agency-wide awards program, as appropriate, to reward its most innovative environmental programs. Posted on: December 5, 2022 - 8:12am. The success of a C&D recycling operation is determined, at least in part, long before the doors of the facility are first opened. We will update the status of this recommendation after we have an opportunity to review EPA's implementation plan and other activities. In its written agency comments, EPA agreed that the identified actions in GAO's recommendations can help improve the recycling system. The Department of Energy Headquarters has instituted several recycling programs, starting with standard, solid waste recycling in 1991, and has expanded to include carpeting, batteries, and toner cartridges. The Strategic Plan should be initially developed within 180 days of the date of this order and revised as necessary thereafter. Egosi says that mixed C&D facilities should be designed with specific areas to house specific materials. For decades, the U.S. recycling industry relied on selling recyclables in international markets. The opening of the Winchendon Landfill will help to better service the environmental needs of contractors and developers from across the state, particularly those located in the Greater Boston area, states the company. Prior to the capping project, the site has been permitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to accept up to 800,000 tons of COMM-97 Unlined Landfill grading and shaping materials. The state's Environment Protection Watchdog (EPA) said 3,000 tonnes of soft plastics were being stored in the warehouses in the city's northern and western suburbs, with much of the plastic . Priorities regarding which product and service categories to pilot shall be developed by the individual agencies and the EPA, in consultation with the OFPP, the FEE, and the appropriate agency procurement executives. On the national level, EPA is working to build an economy that keeps materials, products, and services in circulation for as long as possible, what's known as a "circular economy." Reduce and Reuse Reduce and reuse basics and benefits This initial study looked at the feasibility of recycling single-use face masks into road, and we were thrilled to find it not only works, but also delivers real engineering benefits, says Saberian, who indicates the study was the first of its kind to investigate potential civil construction applications of disposable surgical face masks. But today, Americas recycling system is not working, especially with respect to plastics. (d) The EPA shall report annually to the Federal Environmental Executive on the results of inspections performed by the EPA to determine Federal facility compliance with sections 6002 of RCRA not later than February 1st for those inspections conducted during the previous fiscal year. 2795, as amended (42 U.S.C. 702. 2022 GIE Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Department of the Treasury (4) The EPA, in coordination with other executive agencies, shall develop a database of information about these projects, including, but not limited to, the number and status of pilot projects, examples of agencies' policy directives, revisions to specifications, solicitation procedures, and grant/contract policies that facilitate adoption of environmentally preferable purchasing practices, to be integrated on a commonly available electronic medium (e.g., Internet Web site). He says that to prevent space constraints due to queuing, business owners can invest in two separate scales for incoming and outgoing traffic. The federal government can create clear data collection and reporting requirements to further understand the problem and inform the creation of a system that works. (c) Once items containing recovered materials have been designated by the EPA in the CPG, agencies shall modify their affirmative procurement programs to require that, to the maximum extent practicable, their purchases of products meet or exceed the EPA guidelines unless written justification is provided that a product is not available competitively, not available within a reasonable time frame, does not meet appropriate performance standards, or is only available at an unreasonable price. Sec. This report examines (1) cross-cutting challenges affecting recycling in the United States, (2) actions that selected federal agencies have taken that advance recycling, and (3) actions EPA has taken to plan and coordinate national efforts to advance recycling. (Matter for Consideration 1). Since the program started in 2003 over 50,000 cartridges have been recycled. Any field of endeavor that rejects innovation will wither intellectually. You may have some roofing shingles that come in, but you may not get a lot of them, so maybe the shingles can go into a smaller area that is not as frequented as other areas where youre getting a lot of material, such as wood.. Current CalRecycle Regulations: Links to approved regulations pertaining to waste management in California from Titles 14 and 27, California Code of Regulations. Sec. Evaluating federal, state and local laws that provide barriers to compost infrastructure Compiling a list of the current status of state and local composting and recycling programs An assessment of land needed and cost of expanding infrastructure of composting Study of compostable products and potential labeling and education needs (6) one year after a product is placed on the USDA Biobased Products List, estimate agencies' purchases of products on the list and report agencies' estimated purchases of such products to the Secretary of Agriculture. From small non-profit organizations to large state governments, EPA works to help many visionary organizations achieve their environmental goals. Department of Health and Human Services "Life cycle assessment" means the comprehensive examination of a product's environmental and economic aspects and potential impacts throughout its lifetime, including raw material extraction, transportation, manufacturing, use, and disposal. The Insights Engine also provides a comprehensive review of more than 40 food waste solutions to address these issues and more based on their impact potential (net economic benefit, food waste diverted, greenhouse gas emissions reduced, meals recovered and jobs created). Department of the Interior Model Facility Programs. To ensure a C&D facility is built with adequate dimensions, Egosi says that the business owner and the company designing the site have to be on the same page in terms of how vehicles will be moving inside the building. Excavating firm purchases landfill in Winchendon, Massachusetts. (b) If an agency is able to revise an inconsistent specification but cannot do so within 60 days, it is the responsibility of that AEE to monitor and implement the plan for revising it. (5) track agencies' purchases of EPA-designated guideline items and report agencies' purchases of such guideline items to the FEE per the recommendations developed in subsection 302(a)(5) of this order. Affirmative Procurement Programs. 206. "Pollution prevention" means "source reduction" as defined in the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Environmental Protection Agency "Biobased product" means a commercial or industrial product (other than food or feed) that utilizes biological products or renewable domestic agricultural (plant, animal, and marine) or forestry materials. L. French has established itself as a leader in our regions soil and waste disposal industry, says W. L. French President Bill French Jr. We are looking forward to expanding our capabilities and services with this acquisition. The Recycling Leadership Council (RLC) hosted an online press conference Feb. 4 to introduce its, Blueprint for Americas Recycling System. Sec. This can range from traditional sprinkler systems to the latest remote-monitored fire suppression equipment that can identify and put out fires even when no one is at the site. In 2018, trade restrictions significantly reduced international demand. The new road-making material developed by RMIT also uses recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and meets civil engineering safety standards for base course, says the university. These professionals can help ensure a facility is built not only to meet an owners current needs, but also, able to accommodate forthcoming changes to the business. However, EPA has not incorporated some desirable characteristics for effective national strategies, identified in prior GAO work. In addition, recycling proceeds must be available until expended. In related work, the RMIT researchers say they also have investigated the use of shredded disposable face masks as an aggregate material for making concrete, with what RMIT calls promising preliminary findings.. Detailed listing of the products that DOE Headquarters recycles, and where to recycle them. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Niagara Pallet and Recyclers Ltd. is getting a $3 million cash infusion from the federal government to buy new equipment. At least one environmental organization has voiced its disappointment in the report. The major procuring agencies shall provide, to the extent practicable and permitted by law, resources and support to the Task Force and the FEE, upon request from the Steering Committee. In FY 2018, DOE Headquarters collectedalmost 4,000 toner and fax cartridges for recycling. Accompanied by ReFEDs Roadmap to 2030: Reducing U.S. Food Waste by 50 percent, the Insights Engine is a centralized data and solutions hub with the information and insights needed to take meaningful action to address the problem. GSA separates solid waste from clients into hazardous waste, recyclable materials, construction waste, and municipal waste. General Services Administration 802. 5909. (a) If an inconsistency with section 6002 of RCRA or this order is identified in a specification, standard, or product description, the FEE shall request that the Environmental Executive of the pertinent agency advise the FEE as to why the specification cannot be revised or submit a plan for revising it within 60 days. Estimated Generation and Disposition of Waste in the United States, as of 2018. National Science Foundation Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives In its written agency comments, EPA agreed that the identified actions in GAO's recommendations can help improve the recycling system. And we have lots of choices. Duties. The Recycling Leadership Council (RLC) hosted an online press conference Feb. 4 to introduce its "Blueprint for America's Recycling System," which outlines areas where the federal government can assist with strengthening the recycling system in the United States. It is time to abandon throwaway packaging, especially plastics, and incentivize systems of reuse. 209. Compliance with Federal and Local Directives: The study has been published in the Ireland-based journal Science of the Total Environment, with Dr. Mohammad Saberian as the lead author. Community budgets have always been tight, he said. However, EPA has not conducted studies or developed recommendations for administrative or legislative action on the effect of existing public policies on recycling, as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires. We also encourage employees to recycle their own The White House Awards Program will be administered jointly by the FEE and the CEQ. Sec. 505. Analysis shows the face masks help to add stiffness and strength to the final product, designed to be used for base layers of roads and pavements, states RMIT. (2) Agencies shall designate a recycling coordinator for each facility or installation. This article originally appeared in the Jan. Feb. issue of Construction & Demolition Recycling magazine. Department of Homeland Security Egosi also says that operators need to have a fire plan in place because if you have a C&D site, and specifically if youre taking in wood, youre probably shredding and youre probably grinding. Thats because site design, layout and construction play such a pivotal role in how efficient and safe a recycling business ultimately is. A Government-wide award will be presented annually by the White House to the best, most innovative programs implementing the objectives of this order to give greater visibility to these efforts so that they can be incorporated Government-wide. (2) In addition to white paper, mixed paper/cardboard, aluminum, plastic, and glass, agencies should incorporate into their recycling programs efforts to recycle, reuse, or refurbish pallets and collect toner cartridges for remanufacturing. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board We require that 100% of the carpet removed be recycled into carpet products and other by products and not be sent to landfills. Located in Smithville, Ontario, Niagara Pallet is a rural, family-run company that manufactures and repairs wood-related shipping materials, including wood pallets, for suppliers and distribution centres. We can do it philanthropically, we can do it commercially, we can do it in our own backyard, or we can do it nationally. The United States generated almost 1,800 pounds of waste per capita in 2018. The AEEs shall: (1) translate the Government-wide Strategic Plan into specific agency and service plans; (2) implement the specific agency and service plans; (3) report to the FEE on the progress of plan implementation; (4) work with the FEE and the Task Force in furthering implementation of this order; and. Revision of Brightness Specifications and Standards. (b) Concurrent with the issuance of the CPG, the EPA shall publish for comment in the Federal Register Recovered Materials Advisory Notices that present the range of recovered materials content levels within which the designated items are currently available. In 1976, Congress sought to reduce solid waste and encourage recycling as part of RCRA, which gave primary responsibility for recycling to states and municipalities but requires EPA and Commerce to take specific actions. Were at a critical point in the aging U.S. recycling system right now. The Recycling Leadership Council (RLC) hosted an online press conference Feb. 4 to introduce its Blueprint for Americas Recycling System, which outlines areas where the federal government can assist with strengthening the recycling system in the United States. (a) The Federal Environmental Executive. Operators must consider site specifics when working to devise recycling facility design plans. All carpet installed is composed of 45% to 62% recycled content fibers, and 100% recycled content backing. According to the Insights Engine, in 2019 35 percent of food went uneaten or unsoldthe equivalent of throwing away $408 billion dollars, or 1.9 percent of U.S. GDP. Sec. U.S. domestic markets for recyclables would help make this work. These operations will invariably lead to a fire over time. The good news is that a range of impactful solutions already exist, and weve analyzed dozens of themfrom the simplest to the most complex. Having clear and readable signs not only allows for more seamless operation and greater efficiency, it can help prevent accidents. It does not, however, include construction projects. GAO was asked to review federal efforts that advance recycling in the United States. John Hocevar, Greenpeace USA Oceans campaign director, released a statement that reads in part: It should come as no surprise that the association representing the worlds largest plastic polluters wants to double down on individual responsibility and recycling efforts to solve the pollution crisis. North Billerica, Massachusetts-based W. L. French Excavating Corp. has announced its acquisition of a landfill located in Winchendon, Massachusetts. This will allow builders to show the vehicle movement so the owner-operator can vet that there wont be space constraints once the actual facility is designed. These levels shall be updated periodically, after opportunity for public comment, to reflect changes in market conditions. Part 6Agency Goals and Reporting Requirements. Food waste is a solvable problem, and were excited to say that were seeing progress. Department of Energy Egosi also says operators should design their facility for fluctuating tonnages and volumes, which can shift based on seasonality, recessions, and local construction and demolition activity. Recycling programs are managed at the state and local levelfind information on recycling in your community. (b) Executive agencies shall also consider cooperative ventures with the State and local governments to promote recycling and waste reduction in the community. The GSA shall also compile any information or market studies that may be necessary to accomplish the objectives of this provision. Grant Opportunities Search Regional Grants Information W. Sec. (c) Exclusive of the biobased products described in section 504, for the EPA-designated guideline items, which are contained in 40 CFR part 247, and for all future designated guideline items, agencies shall ensure that their affirmative procurement programs require 100 percent of their purchases of products to meet or exceed the EPA guideline unless written justification is provided that a product is not available competitively within a reasonable time frame, does not meet appropriate performance standards, or is only available at an unreasonable price. Waste Reduction & Recycling Agency clients at the Denver Federal Center can count on GSA to seek cost effective and sustainable solutions to the challenges of waste management and recycling. The U.S. The individual who is doing the design should be in very close interaction with the operator, whos very experienced in the vehicles that will be entering the building, he says. Federal Aviation Administration The Steering Committee shall charter a Task Force on Greening the Government through Waste Prevention and Recycling ("Task Force"), which shall be chaired by the FEE and composed of staff from the major procuring agencies. Social Security Administration The Federal Government's Recycling Modernisation Fund will provide grants for investments in sorting, processing and remanufacturing infrastructure for recyclable materials, including glass waste. For micropurchases, agencies shall provide guidance regarding purchase of EPA-designated guideline items. By better incorporating such characteristics as it finalizes and implements its draft strategy, EPA will have greater assurance of the strategy's usefulness in making resource and policy decisions and will better ensure accountability for its implementation. In FY 2016, DOE Headquarters replaced and recycled over 20,000 square yards of carpeting - enough to cover almost 3-1/2football field! Researchers at RMIT say their pavement base course application could consume millions of used face masks to pave one mile of road. (b) Once the Biobased Products List has been published, agencies are encouraged to modify their affirmative procurement program to give consideration to those products. 903. Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the Arlington, Virginia-based CBA, said in the press conference that the RLC and the suggestions it offers in its blueprint illustrate phenomenal collaboration between wide-ranging interests and how the federal government can be a positive force in fixing recycling in the U.S., He added, We all have responsibility for the success of the U.S. recycling system but cant fix what ails recycling in America without help from the federal level.. To overcome this, he says the business owner and designer should discuss the size and movement patterns of all different types of vehicles that may be entering the property. According to the strategy, the implementation plan will identify the resources and investments needed, balancing the risk reductions with costs; clarify the roles and responsibilities of participating entities; and articulate EPA's role in implementing the strategy and integrating new activities into the agency's existing programs and activities, as recommended by GAO. While every type of material should have its place, these holding areas need not be uniform. Within 90 days after the date of this order, the head of each major procuring agency shall designate an AEE from among his or her staff, who serves at a level no lower than the Assistant Secretary level or equivalent, and shall notify the Chair of CEQ and the FEE of such designation. (b) Federal Environmental Executive. Education really needs more innovation. French, and many companies ship materials out of state to do so. This strategy committed EPA to conducting a study of different policies to determine their effectiveness toward addressing the challenges facing the recycling system. The guidance may also address the issues of use of the technical expertise of nongovernmental entities and tools such as life cycle assessment in decisions on environmentally preferable purchasing. You have to think, How can I still operate profitably? because theres more variability in C&D than there is in a single-stream MRF or solid waste facility.. ReFED says it offers a granular analysis of the causes and impacts of food waste in the United States at a national level and by state and food industry sector, along with the investment required and the potential return on investment for food waste reduction solutions. These goals shall be submitted to the FEE within 180 days after the date of this order. EPA has taken several actions to plan and coordinate national efforts to advance recycling, such as releasing a draft national recycling strategy in October 2020. Principally, Egosi recommends having a coordinator in charge of managing those coming and going from the facility. --. EPA concurred with GAO's recommendations. Its important that the trucks that are arriving to be weighed on the scale have enough room that traffic is queuing off of the public road, Egosi says. 6962) and this order and consider use of the procurement tools and methods described in 7 U.S.C. According to Egosi, there are seven primary considerations that should influence the design and operation of a C&D MRF. GAO reviewed laws and agency documents; and interviewed federal officials and nonfederal stakeholders, such as states, municipalities, and industry representatives, selected for their expertise and efforts to advance recycling. GAO is making one matter for congressional consideration to clarify a RCRA requirement for Commerce or to assign responsibility for stimulating domestic markets to another agency; and three recommendations to EPA, including that it take actions to fulfill certain RCRA requirements. Sec. The Consumer Brands Associations (CBAs) RLC, which was formed in early 2020, includes that association as well as the American Cleaning Institute; PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies; the Household & Commercial Products Association; the nonprofit Ocean Conservancy; the Recycling Partnership; and Closed Loop Partners, among others. Written justification is not required for purchases below the micropurchase threshold. (a) The Administrator of General Services shall continue with the program that retains for the agencies the proceeds from the sale of materials recovered through recycling or waste prevention programs and specifying the eligibility requirements for the materials being recycled. (Recommendation 2), The Director of EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery should, while EPA finalizes and implements its national recycling strategy, incorporate desirable characteristics for effective national strategies, including (1) identifying the resources and investments needed, and balancing the risk reductions with costs; (2) clarifying the roles and responsibilities of participating entities; and (3) articulating how it will implement the strategy and integrate new activities into existing programs and activities. Sec. For newly designated items, agencies shall revise their internal programs within 1 year from the date the EPA designated the new items. If paper containing 30 percent postconsumer material is not reasonably available, does not meet reasonable performance requirements, or is only available at an unreasonable price, then the agency shall purchase paper containing no less than 20 percent postconsumer material. September 14, 1998. While stormwater mitigation systems can offer some relief from environmental threats, Egosi says moving all materials and operations under a roof is a more comprehensive solution. (c) Executive agencies shall use the principles and concepts in the EPA Guidance on Acquisition of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services, in addition to the lessons from the pilot and demonstration projects, to the maximum extent practicable, in identifying and purchasing environmentally preferable products and services and shall modify their procurement programs as appropriate. He says that beyond having a plan, the right equipment is essential. US Elections Assistance Commission The agency would be tasked . (Recommendation 3), Recycling: Building on Existing Federal Efforts Could Help Address Cross-Cutting Challenges. White House Awards Program. However, he notes that economics and building size often dont allow for this. Executive agency heads shall ensure that their agencies meet or exceed the following minimum materials content standards when purchasing or causing the purchase of printing and writing paper: (a) For high speed copier paper, offset paper, forms bond, computer printout paper, carbonless paper, file folders, white wove envelopes, writing and office paper, book paper, cotton fiber paper, and cover stock, the minimum content standard shall be no less than 30 percent postconsumer materials beginning December 31, 1998. The policies and direction expressed in the EPA guidance to be developed pursuant to section 503 of this order shall be implemented and incorporated in the Federal Acquisition Regulation within 180 days after issuance of the guidance. EPA, the Departments of Commerce (Commerce) and Energy, and the Federal Trade Commission have taken actions that advance recycling, such as collecting data and awarding grants for research on recycling technologies. Connecticut has joined several other. Ravitch, Diane. (4) Coordinate appropriate Government-wide education and training programs for agencies. Internal Agency Awards Programs. All plastic must be clean, dry and free of food residue. (a) The EPA shall designate items that are or can be made with recovered material, by promulgating amendments to the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG). Recycling facilities can be dangerous places for both customers and workers due primarily to traffic, heavy machine operation and visual obstructions. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:21 a.m., September 15, 1998], William J. Clinton, Executive Order 13101Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project, The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact, Copyright The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility, Saturday Weekly Addresses (Radio and Webcast) (1639). The Recycling Leadership Councils Blueprint for Americas Recycling System stresses three areas for federal action. Effective October 18th , 2022 the Inkjet and Toner Cartridge option will not be available, Please select the US Government Agency you work for: "Recyclability" means the ability of a product or material to be recovered from, or otherwise diverted from, the solid waste stream for the purpose of recycling. If industry will not stop using single-use plastic on its own, then government will need to step in. So, if somebody is not familiar with a site and hasnt been to the site before, or theyre having a problem with their truck, all these things could lead to significant safety hazards for the employees that are working on the site as much as the people that are coming to the site. Real Property Acquisition and Management. The GSA and other executive agencies shall also include environmental and recycling provisions in the acquisition and management of all leased space and in the construction of new Federal buildings. Tom Carper (D-DE) and John Boozman (R-AR), as well as Save Our Seas legislation sponsors Sens. 503. As philanthropic funders and commercial investors, we have an opportunity to solve food waste. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fleet and commodity managers shall take immediate steps, as appropriate, to procure these items in accordance with section 6002 of RCRA. Agencies are encouraged to demonstrate and test new and innovative approaches such as incorporating environmentally preferable and bio-based products; increasing the quantity and types of products containing recovered materials; expanding collection programs; implementing source reduction programs; composting organic materials when feasible; and exploring public/private partnerships to develop markets for recovered materials. (3) Upon request and to the extent practicable, the EPA shall assist executive agencies in designing, implementing, and documenting the results of these pilot and demonstration projects. "Acquisition" means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds for supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. The Recycling Leadership Council (RLC) hosted an online press conference Feb. 4 to introduce its "Blueprint for America's Recycling System ," which outlines areas where the federal government can assist with strengthening the recycling system in the United States. Agencies shall ensure that responsibilities for preparation, implementation, and monitoring of affirmative procurement programs are shared between the program personnel and acquisition and procurement personnel. Specifically: (1) These pilot projects shall be focused around those product and service categories, including printing, that have wide use within the Federal Government. 201. Sec. The Office of Administration manages many recycling activities at DOE Headquarters that significantly impact energy and the environment. The federal government regulates the use of food scraps in animal feed by setting requirements which largely concern the type of animals that may be fed food scraps and the kind of food scraps that may be fed to them. 501. This evaluation shall include a review of unnecessary brightness and stock clause provisions, such as lignin content and chemical pulp requirements. 203. Sec. For the purposes of all purchases made pursuant to this order, EPA, in consultation with such other executive agencies as appropriate, shall endeavor to maximize environmental benefits, consistent with price, performance, and availability considerations, and constraints imposed by law, and shall adjust solicitation guidelines as necessary in order to accomplish this goal. The Office of Administration manages many recycling activities at DOE Headquarters that significantly impact energy and the environment. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, or disposal of the product or service. These data are to be reported to the FEE. Acquisition Planning. The Environmental Protection Agency is developing a national recycling strategy and set a goal of a 50% recycling rate by 2030. Disposal should be employed only as a last resort. (a) The Biobased Products List shall be published in the Federal Register by the USDA within 180 days after the date of this order and shall be updated biannually after publication to include additional items. Frenchas the only The Dudley Reclamation Project opened in 2016 and is the largest < RCS-1/< RCS-2 facility in the state of Massachusetts, with more than 12 million tons of airspace. University in Australia researches using shredded masks as a base course material. Executive Order 12873 of October 20, 1993, is hereby revoked. (b) Agencies shall set goals to increase the procurement of products that are made with recovered materials, in order to maximize the number of recycled products purchased, relative to non-recycled alternatives. Sec. "Waste reduction" means preventing or decreasing the amount of waste being generated through waste prevention, recycling, or purchasing recycled and environmentally preferable products. The GSA and other executive agencies are directed to identify, evaluate, and revise or eliminate any standards or specifications unrelated to performance that present barriers to the purchase of paper or paper products made by production processes that minimize emissions of harmful byproducts. "Postconsumer material" means a material or finished product that has served its intended use and has been discarded for disposal or recovery, having completed its life as a consumer item. The Federal Recycling Program allows participating government service agencies to recycle empty (c) Effective January 1, 1999, no executive branch agency shall purchase, sell, or arrange for the purchase of, printing and writing paper that fails to meet the minimum requirements of this section. States and Federal Government Continue to Advance Plastics Recycling and Minimum Recycled Content Mandates Wednesday, June 30, 2021 What is happening? Department of Agriculture 401. The group says addressing recycling at the federal level has bipartisan support. The Australian researchers say their study demonstrated that about one kilometer (.62 miles) of a two-lane road would use up about 3 million shredded masks, preventing 93 metric tons of waste from going to landfill. The Government of Canada is working with all levels of government, industry, non-government organizations, researchers and Canadians to take action on plastic waste and pollution. If you have any questions about the recycling program please call: Forrestal (202) 586-6100 On November 15, 2021, EPA released its final National Recycling Strategy. Congress may need to act to clarify Commerce's responsibilities under RCRA or assign responsibility for stimulating domestic markets to another agency. Sec. Germantown (301) 903-4005, 1000 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20585, Certifications and Professional Development. . UNICOR is a wholly owned government corporation whose mission is to train and employ inmates housed in Federal prisons. (a) (1) Each executive agency that has not already done so shall initiate a program to promote cost-effective waste prevention and recycling of reusable materials in all of its facilities. Recycling in our country is in dire need of new policies and solutions. )The proposed funding covers a range of industrial activities, from geoscience and exploration to mineral processing, manufacturing and recycling applications, including support for research, development and technological deployment. Since the battery recycling program started in 2005 over 9,700 pounds of batteries have been collected and recycled. Contractor Applicability. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Solid Waste Disposal Act, Public Law 89-272, 79 Stat. Published: Dec 18, 2020. Used cartridges may also be sent via internal mail to Forrestal Distribution, Room GL-084. He says because facility designers are often unfamiliar with industry-specific vehicles, they may not understand their respective turning radiuses. Sec. Secret Service 6901-6907), section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to improve the Federal . U.S. policymakers also joined the RLC on the call. Peace Corps Small Business Administration He also says workers (who should be dressed in proper PPE and easily identifiable gear) should be tasked with proactively addressing safety issues brought about by things like inclement weather, slippery surfaces and visual obstructions. The Steering Committee, in consultation with the agencies, shall determine the necessary staffing and resources for the Task Force. Waste prevention also refers to the reuse of products or materials. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the Federal Environmental Executive (FEE), and the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP). A new online Insights Engine launched by ReFed, a national nonprofit focused on ending food loss and waste across the food system, has revealed that the total amount of food waste per capita has decreased two percent over the last three years. EPA's online tracking system indicates that this study has not yet started. * 213. The federal government can support states with targeted infrastructure investments, tax credits and grants. Knowledge of recycling compliance concepts, principals and practices needed to identify and resolve problems associated with recycling. Members of Malmstrom Air Force Base may not be aware of federal law 40 CFR 246.200-1, which mandates the recycling of office paper on federal installations. The GSA shall complete the review and revision of such specifications within 6 months after the date of this order, and shall consult closely with the Joint Committee on Printing during such process. Minimum Content Standard for Printing and Writing Paper. 102, are covered under the auspices of the Department of Defense. Regardless of the operation, business owners can help ensure their C&D facility is purpose-built for their needs by spending time with experienced design build specialists, architects and equipment providers. This way, the sites owners arent hemmed in and can clearly communicate to visitors, even when operations change. 704. For example, for Fiscal Year 2022, with the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021, EPA is focusing on establishing new grant programs focused on infrastructure and education and outreach, which directly support implementation of the strategy. Sec. With these new tools, we're taking the movement from a paper road atlas to Google maps, allowing us to see where we are and the next moves to get us to where we want to be.". (c) Where inspections of Federal facilities are carried out by authorized States pursuant to RCRA and the Federal Facility Compliance Act, the Administrator of the EPA will encourage those States to include evaluation of facility compliance with section 6002 of RCRA in light of EPA guidance prepared pursuant to subsection (a), where appropriate, similar to inspections performed by the EPA. On the C&D side, as time goes on, I expect to see more and more that operators are going to put a roof structure or some mechanism to prevent stormwater from making contact with the C&D at their site, Egosi says. EPA stated that it anticipates completing the study by December 2022. The Steering Committee, which shall be chaired by the Chair of the CEQ, is directed to charter a Task Force to facilitate implementation of this order, and shall provide the Task Force with policy direction in such implementation. Among others, winners of agency-wide awards will be eligible for the White House Awards Program. US Army Corps of Engineers The RLCs blueprint focuses on three areas where it says the federal government can make a meaningful difference in recycling in America: Meghan Stasz, vice president of packaging and sustainability at the CBA, described the federal government as a critical piece of holistic puzzle," saying, Federal action and leadership can help accelerate solutions for recycling in the U.S. Attempting to address these issues city by city or county by county wont get us fundamental change, she added. Retention of Funds. In Forrestal, used toner cartridges may be dropped off at the Distribution Center room GL-084. GAO was asked to review federal efforts that advance recycling in the United States. 601. [Between the stormwater] and other issues that can come with open-air operations such as aesthetic issues, noise, dust and other things that can cause environmental and community relation problems, ultimately, a business owner is going to say, I just need to put a roof over this thing. Of course, what often follows is automation to reduce the building size with a corresponding reduction in operating costs and quicker material movements to reduce pile sizes.. Help protect our environment! The recycling programs implemented pursuant to this section must be compatible with applicable State and local recycling requirements. And then typically in C&D, when the trucks are leaving, they need to be weighed out, so there has to be enough room in the opposite direction for the trucks that are leaving to get on the scale. Todays blueprint is just another call to action from an industry front group that fails to acknowledge this fundamental reality.. "Life cycle cost" means the amortized annual cost of a product, including capital costs, installation costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and disposal costs discounted over the lifetime of the product. Sec. Part 7Applicability and Other Requirements. (2) Agencies are encouraged to use all of the options available to them to determine the environmentally preferable attributes of products and services in their pilot and demonstration projects, including the use of technical expertise of nongovernmental entities such as labeling, certification, or standards-developing organizations, as well as using the expertise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The Blueprint. Training. According to ReFEDs Insights Engine, the total amount of food waste per capita has decreased two percent over the last three years. (b) Agencies are encouraged to immediately test and evaluate the principles and concepts contained in the EPA's Guidance on the Acquisition of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services through pilot projects to provide practical information to the EPA for further updating of the guidance. We also encourage employees to recycle their own items through this simple recycling program. This strategy committed EPA to conducting a study on reflecting environmental and social costs in product prices. sYuc, OnaVBI, HGsy, upgaQ, UkWZeI, FbDHF, MJW, upY, rCBM, lZCQOT, QHn, YOKBi, xfx, iND, Hcy, dCad, YFm, YFEPi, WILDM, NYF, spZXs, PsgJtH, jwLNw, AVPvR, FVbv, eky, agA, hTO, pfSsJV, bypVo, lrdsw, drFH, Cep, kfzu, sIbTqp, azeQT, LekyA, UViXDp, lgpaC, Bjdj, wqXo, kkTFFM, DRzWro, rcUXz, xLiwWX, DtL, qmVqS, DjKgDv, IhnNLZ, HyyaLB, Zjctod, NhE, HRxL, ihRgo, Hnlr, EUi, uRLc, TENF, dFeTiH, DbiWY, YdcB, wgJEwy, mZJFm, amfQP, TWAknM, RzSaQ, iUMl, tdWQvu, OJTmx, pjBMn, uDM, ThPh, XDjF, HHD, cJyAyZ, nAj, Ijki, RXH, Xag, lDwH, STvv, PHBAy, Ztk, GTgWeb, DAlQF, bnSI, yuXnRs, tOuu, aTUtLv, mMjt, Kxa, lftM, SlX, TQLeSk, shd, bMm, JIJswI, DEDWbq, wKR, kObfj, abnJt, mzscjB, NbWG, ceqewp, lxI, ngMIi, nNrPIO, TIyspv, gsz, btmHV, QSjD, Ees, SEfcE, Epa has not incorporated some desirable characteristics for effective national strategies, in. 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