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synonym for narcissistic man

[121], The Fountainhead also attracted a new group of fans who were attracted to its philosophical ideas. Washed up and out of the public eye, Keating pleads with Toohey to use his influence to get the commission for the much-sought-after Cortlandt housing project. In jener Zeit verstand er das Ich im Sinne eines Ich-Selbst. [19][20], Narcissism is not necessarily 'good' or 'bad'; it depends on the contexts and outcomes being measured. [99] Existenziell bezeichnet die Eigenschaft von Aussagen darber, wie Menschen mit ihren Wahrnehmungsstrukturen und Verstandesstrukturen leben und die Welt in ihrem Bewusstsein erscheint. Alternatively, I use gynephilic and androphilic to refer to sexual preference for women and men, respectively. Roark and Wynand become close friends; Wynand is unaware of Roark's past relationship with Dominique. [143] Rand said she would never sell rights to another novel to a film company that did not allow her to pick the director and screenwriter, as well as edit the film. Initial sales were slow, but they began to rise in late 1943, driven primarily by word of mouth. When Rand finally found a publisher, the novel was only one-third complete. To win Keating a prestigious commission offered by Gail Wynand, the owner and editor-in-chief of the Banner, Dominique agrees to sleep with Wynand. [147] Cimino continued to hope to film the script until his death in 2016. [78] Philosopher Douglas Den Uyl identified the individualism presented in the novel as being specifically of an American kind, portrayed in the context of that country's society and institutions. Diamond M (2010). [80], Auch die Gestalt Christi kann nach Jung psychologisch als ein Symbol des Selbst interpretiert werden. Word Stress Rules. [104], Im sechsten Gesang wird das Verhltnis von Selbst und Triebkrften so geschildert:Der steht mit seinem Selbst im Bund, Der sich aus eigner Kraft besiegt; In Feindschaft lebt mit seinem Selbst, Wer seinen Trieben unterliegt. Dynes W.R. & Donaldson S (1990). [17] Er verstand dieses Ich-Selbst einerseits als Teilstruktur des Menschen, andererseits als Reprsentant der Gesamtperson. Taking care of your appearance is generally considered a good thing, as long as its balanced with caring about the kind of person you are and how you treat others. In vielen deutschsprachigen bersetzungen indischer Texte wird Seele daher oft synonym zur Definition des Atmans verwendet. No, I disagree. At his trial, Roark makes a lengthy speech about the value of ego and integrity, and he is found not guilty. [1] Ambiphilia describes the combination of both androphilia and gynephilia in a given individual, or bisexuality. Rand asked this young woman to explain her goals in life. Rand sent DeCasseres a letter thanking him for explaining the book's themes about individualism when many other reviewers did not. [82] As a field that combines art, technology, and business, it allowed her to illustrate her primary themes in multiple areas. Die Aussage Ich bin Christoph bezeichne nicht das Ego von Christoph, sondern die ganze Person. Es orientiert sich an seinen eigenen psychischen Fhigkeiten und Mglichkeiten und an den mglichen und realen Gegebenheiten der Naturwelt und der Kulturwelt. [70][71] The novel began appearing on bestseller lists in 1944. Mit dem Erste-Person-Pronomen bezeichne eine Person sich ganzheitlich. [138][139], In letters written at the time, Rand's reaction to the film was positive. Harry Benjamin said in 1966: .it seems evident that the question "Is the transsexual homosexual?" Search for synonyms and antonyms. "Psyching Out Ayn Rand". androphilic, asexual, and narcissistic or automonosexual gender-variant persons. Ein falsches Selbst sei zweifellos eine Bildung des wahren Selbst, hierdurch wrde es getarnt und beschtzt. [22][23] Since then, some psychologists have proposed using homosexual transsexual and heterosexual transsexual or non-homosexual transsexual. She cites the work of Paul Vasey and Nancy Bartlett: "Vasey and Bartlett reveal the cultural specificity of concepts such as homosexuality, they continue to use the more 'scientific' (and thus presumably more 'objective') terminology of androphilia and gynephilia (sexual attraction to men or masculinity and women or femininity respectively) to understand the sexuality of fa'afafine and other Samoans. [111][112][113], Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. determining if there is consensual description. While Wynand shares many of the character qualities of Roark, his success is dependent upon his ability to pander to public opinion. Jay-Z is a Sagittarius man who likes to [110], Rand's posthumously published working notes for the novel indicate that when she started on the book in 1936, she conceived of Roark's character that "were it necessary, he could rape her and feel justified". Franklin K (2010). Greater mischiefs happen often from folly, meanness, and vanity than from the greater sins of avarice and ambition. Twelve publishers rejected the manuscript before an editor at the Bobbs-Merrill Company risked his job to get it published. It may be used when describing intersex and transgender people, especially those who are nonbinary. What are some words that often get used in discussing vanity? Isabella Weber and Mark Paul. Hebephilia: quintessence of diagnostic pretextuality. [55][56] Wegen seiner prinzipiell nie vollstndig bewussten Erkennbarkeit ist das Selbst ein Grenzbegriff[57] und eine Grenzvorstellung fr die unbekannte Ganzheit des Menschen. Parts of speech of "vexed" as a synonym for "shook" Suggest new. Why does the paint keep peeling on my bathroom vanity? However, high levels of narcissistic behavior can be damaging and self-defeating. [51], Rand began The Fountainhead (originally titled Second-Hand Lives) following the completion of her first novel, We the Living, in 1934. University of Toronto Press, p. 82. [65] The Fountainhead was published on May 7, 1943, with 7,500 copies in the first printing. [citation needed] His patient was a successful scientist with an attitude of superiority, an obsession with fostering self-respect, and a lack of normal feelings of guilt. [30][35][36] In Rand's view, a person like Wynand, who seeks power over others, is as much a "second-hander" as a conformist such as Keating. In 1937, she took a break from it to write a novella called Anthem. Parts of speech of "adducing" as a synonym for "maintaining" Suggest new. [23] Rand described Dominique as similar to herself "in a bad mood". My usage is contrary to much Western literature (particularly medical) which persists in referring to androphilic transwomen and gynephilic transman as homosexual (indeed as homosexual transsexual males and females, respectively).[43]. In, Boeckmann, Tore. d. Specialties: Pay to play parent accompanied play room for children. As the high prices indicate, expect these first electric trucks to serve primarily as vanity vehicles for people who own more than one car. Daher sah er, wie in allen Archetypen, auch beim Selbst einen krperlichen Aspekt, eine Verbindung zur Materie: zu physiologischen Vorgngen im Krper,[94] im Grunde zur ganzen leibliche(n) Sphre[95] einschlielich der Erde, der chemischen Elemente im Krper.[96]. In Weiner IB, Craighead EW eds. "[2], Psychologist Rachel Ann Heath writes, "The terms homosexual and heterosexual are awkward, especially when the former is used with, or instead of, gay and lesbian. must be answered "yes" and " no." There has been an increased interest in narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in the last 10 years. [4][5] According to Karen Franklin, Hirschfeld considered ephebophilia "common and nonpathological, with ephebophiles and androphiles each making up about 45% of the homosexual population. [124][125], The year 1943 also saw the publication of The God of the Machine by Isabel Paterson and The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane. In extreme situations, this parenting style can result in estranged relationships with the children, coupled with feelings of resentment, and in some cases, self-destructive tendencies. Die Gestalttherapie unterscheidet seit ihrer Begrndung mit dem Werk Gestalt Therapy von Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman und Ralph F. Hefferline (1951) zwischen Ich und Selbst. [7], In biology, androphilic is sometimes used as a synonym for anthropophilic, describing parasites who have a host preference for humans versus non-human animals. [84], Roark's modernist approach to architecture is contrasted with that of most of the other architects in the novel. [18] Writer Tore Boeckmann described her as a character with conflicting beliefs and saw her actions as a logical representation of how those conflicts might play out. Sexual Strands: Understanding and Treating Sexual Anomalies in Men. [29] Hartmann (1939)[24] sah, wie spter auch der Entwicklungspsychologe Jean Piaget fr die kognitive Entwicklung, eine Abhngigkeit der Ich-Funktionen von physiologischen Reifungsvorgngen. Diamond has encouraged using the terms androphilic, gynecophilic, and ambiphilic to describe the sexual-erotic partners one prefers (andro = male, gyneco = female, ambi = both, philic = to love). [107] Der Begriff Selbst bezeichnet eine bestndige, unwandelbare Identitt, doch da es, wie der Buddhismus sagt, nichts gibt, das bestndig ist, und da das, was wir blicherweise als Selbst bezeichnen, vollkommen aus Nicht-Selbst-Elementen besteht, gibt es in Wirklichkeit keine Entitt, die Selbst genannt werden knnte.[108] Der Glaube an eine bestndige Ich- oder Selbstheit gilt im Buddhismus als eines der Geistesgifte, unter dessen Einfluss das menschliche Bewusstsein einer grundlegenden Tuschung unterliege. [118], The success of the novel brought Rand new publishing opportunities. [167] The reviewer for the Financial Times said the play was too long and that Hove had approached Rand's "noxious" book with too much reverence. Guilford Press of New York, p. c2000. Die Aktivitten des Suglings findet bei dem mtterlichen Objekt, der Mutter eine einfhlsame, empathische Spiegelung. After Cameron retires, Keating hires Roark, whom Francon soon fires for refusing to design a building in the classical style. In Ohio, the merger would unite most of the state's local newspapers under one roof.After more than 100 years of publication, Ohios Akron Beacon Journal has stopped printing on Mondays, when it instead offers readers a digital version of the newspaper. Wenn seine Macht du hast erkannt, dann strke durch das Selbst dein Selbst. fscj access fee. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter. In 2004, about six months after his social transition, M began treatment with male hormones. [31] Dominique also returns to New York and learns Roark is an architect. When Rand was only a quarter done with the manuscript by October 1940, Knopf canceled her contract. [74] Bezglich dieser paradoxen Eigenschaft des Selbst zog Jung oft Parallelen mit dem indischen Konzept des Atman. Die hinduistische Reinkarnationslehre besagt, dass beim Tode lediglich der Atman, gemeinsam mit der feinstofflichen Hlle, den physischen Krper verlsst. The company's artistic director Ivo van Hove wrote and directed the adaptation. Es zeichne sich durch eine gewisse Souvernitt aus, denn ein Selbst, das von Trieben gedrngt werde, sei kein Selbst. [10][11] Rand's denials have not stopped commentators from claiming stronger connections between Wright and Roark. Jung betrachtet es als archetypischer Kern des Bewusstseins und er nennt es auch Ich-Komplex mit bestimmten angeborenen Fhigkeiten. The social learning theory proposes that social behavior is learned by observing and imitating others behavior. [39] Es hat sehr viele Symbole[40][41] und umfasst grundstzlich alle Gegensatzpaare, welche das Ganze der Persnlichkeit ausmachen,[42] es ist eine Zusammensetzung aus vielen[43] und hat somit als complexio[44] bzw. [16][17][18] He follows a similar path in his private life: he chooses a loveless marriage to Dominique instead of marrying the woman he loveswho lacks Dominique's beauty and social connections. A recently hired editor, Archibald Ogden, liked the book, but two internal reviewers gave conflicting opinions. [109] Ziel der buddhistischen Meditation ist es, diese Tuschung zu durchschauen und dadurch zur Erfahrung der wahren menschlichen Natur zu gelangen. She also got a $1,000 advance so she could work full-time to complete the novel by January 1, 1943. Freud postulated that all humans have a level of narcissism from birth (primary narcissism), it is healthy, and in time, evolves outward as love for others. Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. mid-14c., "a consideration; a judgment," from Old French regard, from regarder "take notice of," from re-, intensive prefix + garder "look, heed" (see guard (n.)).. Torah (Teaching) The first five books of Moses. Mcht'ger als dieser der Verstand, weit mcht'ger noch das ew'ge Selbst. Narcissism was found to have a high heritability score (0.64) indicating that the concordance of this trait in the identical twins was significantly influenced by genetics as compared to an environmental causation. Der Psychoanalytiker und Vertreter der Ich-Psychologie Heinz Hartmann (1927/1972)[19] fasste als einer der Ersten umfassend und przise die Unterscheidung zwischen dem Ich und dem Selbst. Page 4 of 76 . I, therefore, deliver it as a maxim, that whoever desires the character of a proud man ought to conceal his vanity. [142] She displayed a more negative attitude later, saying she disliked the entire movie and complaining about its editing, acting, and other elements. Philosopher Chris Matthew Sciabarra called her "one of the more bizarre characters in the novel". It has also been referred to in a variety of popular entertainments, including movies, television series, and other novels. Selbst ist ein uneinheitlich verwendeter Begriff mit psychologischen, pdagogischen, soziologischen, philosophischen und theologischen Bedeutungsvarianten. [60] As her royalties from earlier projects ran out, she began doing freelance work as a script reader for movie studios. [38] Due to their vulnerability, children may be significantly affected by this behavior. When Narcissus discovers that the object of his love cannot love him back, he slowly pines away and dies.[6]. [74] The first paperback edition was published by the New American Library in 1952. Only at the end of the novel does she accept that she can be happy and survive. stick to correctly or closely 1; support against an opponent 1; state categorically 1; state or assert 1. However, I take the opportunity to put on record that I consider an androphilic transwoman (ie one sexually attracted to men) to be heterosexual because of her attraction to a member of another gender and a gynephilic transwoman (ie one attracted to women) as homosexual because she has a same-gender preference. [112] She said Dominique wanted and "all but invited" the act, citing, among other things, a passage where Dominique scratches a marble slab in her bedroom to invite Roark to repair it. [115] Individualist feminist Wendy McElroy said that while Dominique is "thoroughly taken", there is nonetheless "clear indication" that Dominique both gave consent for and enjoyed the experience. [25][30] Sexologist John Bancroft also recently expressed regret for having used this terminology, which was standard when he used it, to refer to transsexual women. About Our Coalition. Das Selbst habe keine eigenstndige Existenz. [88] In the years following the publication of The Fountainhead, Rand developed a philosophical system that she called Objectivism. Blanchard R, Barbaree HE, Bogaert AF, Dickey R, Klassen P, Kuban ME, & Zucker KJ (2000). [1][2], Narcissism exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal personality expression. [75], In der menschlichen Erfahrung decken sich die Symbole des Selbst oft mit einem transpersonalen Zentrum der Psyche[76] und insofern mit einem Gottesbild:[77] was einerseits als psychologische Erfahrung die psychische Ganzheit bedeutet, drckt andererseits die Idee der Gottheit aus; diese Gleichheit von Symbolen treffe aber keine Aussage darber, ob auch eine metaphysischen Identitt bestehe. a substance that by chemical action can kill or injure a living thing read a pamphlet on the toxin responsible for botulism, a food poisoning that can cause paralysis and even death in some She first worked as a volunteer in Wendell Willkie's presidential campaign, and then attempted to form a group for conservative intellectuals. Initial sales were slow, but the book gained a following by word of mouth and became a bestseller. Singlish is the English-based creole or patois spoken colloquially in Singapore.English is one of Singapore's official languages, along with Malay (which is also the National Language), Mandarin, and Tamil. Architect Fred Stitt, founder of the San Francisco Institute of Architecture, dedicated a book to his "first architectural mentor, Howard Roark". His definition described individuals who are condescending, feel superior to others, are preoccupied with admiration, and exhibit a lack of empathy. When a man kisses you with their tongue, it means that they are head over heels for you. Veale JF, Clarke DE, & Lomax TC (2008). [59] That same year, she became active in politics. Opportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. The novel's most controversial character is Roark's lover, Dominique Francon. Sexuality of male-to-female transsexuals. She was as incapable of jealousy as of aching vanity in the fact of a son whom the world was never permitted to forget. Bisexual politics: theories, queries, and visions. Narcissistic abuse might include silent treatment or include a parent raging, attacking, and lying. [60], Similar patterns of change in cultural production are observable in other Western states. Nonhomosexual gender dysphoria. What it means: She lacks healthy relationships with the men in her life. "Rand's Literary Romanticism". Spter wurde es topisch als eine seelische Instanz verstanden. Really believe it will lead to an explosion of creativity and truth, Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) September 12, 2019. [94] Writing for the same newspaper, Orville Prescott called the novel "disastrous" with a plot containing "coils and convolutions" and a "crude cast of characters". For example, intrapersonal grandiosity has a score of 0.23, and interpersonal entitlement has a score of 0.35. Hartmann unterschied also zwischen dem Ich, als einem strukturell mentalen System, dem Selbst, der gesamten Person des Individuums, inklusive seines Krpers, seiner psychischen Organisation und ihrer Teile und der Selbstreprsentanz, die unbewussten, vorbewussten und bewussten endopsychischen Reprsentationen des krperlichen und mentalen Selbst im Ich-System. Forensic and medico-legal aspects of sexual crimes and unusual sexual practices. Sie rckt ihre eigenen Erfahrungen und Wahrnehmungen ins Zentrum ihres Erlebens und setzt sich mit sich selbst auseinander. [54] Das Ich ist nach Jung der bewusste Teil des Selbst, und als Teil des greren Ganzen kann dieses jenes nie begreifen. Youll finally be able to find the bottom of your vanity and maybe even locate that one earring you lost two years ago. Es msse so etwas wie einen freien Willen besitzen. It is of utmost importance to know how to recognize a pathological narcissist so as not to fall into his traps when establishing a relationship with him or her. [79] Apart from scenes such as Roark's courtroom defense of the American concept of individual rights, she avoided direct discussion of political issues. Helen Shaw's review for The Village Voice said the adaptation was unwatchable because it portrayed Rand's characters and views seriously without undercutting them. In contrast, Keating's mimicry of convention brings him top honors in school and an immediate job offer. Reply to Dickemann: The ethology of variant sexology. () Das I ist die Reaktion des Organismus auf die Haltungen anderer; das me ist die organisierte Gruppe von Haltungen anderer, die man selbst einnimmt. The Chumash is a book form of the Torah, usually subdivided into 54 smaller literary units called parashiot (the name of each parashah comes from a key word of the section). Die Person uert persnliche Erfahrungen (Fhlen, Vorstellungen), die fr sie kennzeichnend sind. [21] Her inspiration for the character came from a neighbor she knew while working in Hollywood in the early 1930s. The possibility of sexual orientation towards (masculine) men emerging from (rather than causing) feminine gendered identities is not considered.[1]. [53] Rand began her notes for the new novel in December 1935. Doch wer an seinem Selbst sich freut, [25] Believing that the values she admires cannot survive in the real world, she chooses to turn away from them so that the world cannot harm her. Aber es ist auch ein mehr oder weniger unbewusster Anspruch aus dem Es: Der psychosomatische Bewegungsdrang, der Neugierdrang (Wahrnehmungsinteresse) und Besttigungs-Drang (Primr-Narzissmus) fhren dazu, sich zu erproben, zu behaupten und Probleme lsen zu wollen. [3] While there exists normal, healthy levels of narcissism in humans, there are also more extreme levels of narcissism, being seen particularly in people who are self-absorbed, or people who have a pathological mental illness like narcissistic personality disorder. ; character or quality of being. Ellsworth M. Toohey, who writes a popular architecture column in the Banner, is an outspoken socialist who shapes public opinion through his column and a circle of influential associates. Depression: A sociologist's view. Perls, Hefferline und Goodman definieren es als das System der stndig neuen Kontakte innerhalb des Organismus-Umwelt-Feldes, also einfach ausgedrckt: des einzelnen Menschen in seinem Lebensumfeld. Damit ermglicht es Anpassung, Vernderung und Entwicklung. buyouts conference borderline personality disorder (bpd) is a mental health condition that involves symptoms like emotional instability, impulsivity, and feelings of abandonment and emptiness. Fans, assistants and tabloid media all play into the idea that the person really is vastly more important than other people, triggering a narcissistic problem that might have been only a tendency, or latent, and helping it to become a full-blown personality disorder. "No" if reason and common sense are applied and if the respective patient is treated as an individual and not as a rubber stamp. Psychologist Dennis Howitt writes: Definition is primarily an issue of theory, not merely classification, since classification implies a theory, no matter how rudimentary. The word Torah is better understood as "teaching" or "understanding" rather than "law.". Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Introducing the paedophile. vexed and upset. Rand described the inspiration as limited to specific ideas he had about architecture and "the pattern of his career". [116] Both Bernstein and McElroy saw the interpretations of feminists such as Brownmiller as based in a false understanding of sexuality. : self-esteem matters", "Unraveling the Paradoxes of Narcissism: A Dynamic Self-Regulatory Processing Model", "A behavioral genetic study of intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions of narcissism", "Co-Narcissism: How We Adapt to Narcissistic Parents", "John Banja: Interview with the clinical ethicist", "Leader emergence: the case of the narcissistic leader", "Collective narcissism and its social consequences", "The culture(s) of narcissism: simultaneity and the psychedelic sixties", "Chapter 10: Assessment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder", "A Fate That Narcissists Will Hate: Being Ignored",, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2022, Articles lacking reliable references from June 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. a characteristic in several of the object relations [subtypes]. Persnlichkeitsreifung und -differenzierung, Volltext der Rohfassung vor Erscheinen der Erstausgabe als PDF, Internationale Zeitschrift fr Psychoanalyse, Die Selbstmodell-Theorie der Subjektivitt: Eine Kurzdarstellung in sechs Schritten,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, grundstzlich, basale Matrix, nur in der frhen Lebenszeit ausformbar, auf etwas gerichtet, auf Wirkung orientiert (, egoistisch kmpfend, verbindend, parteiisch, der sterblichen, physischen Hlle (dem stofflichen Krper). "[98] Among critics who have addressed it, some consider The Fountainhead to be Rand's best novel,[100][101][102] although in some cases this assessment is tempered by an overall negative judgment of Rand's writings. the state or quality of being vain; excessive pride or conceit, ostentation occasioned by ambition or pride, an instance of being vain or something about which one is vain, the state or quality of being valueless, futile, or unreal, Five Off-Road Vehicles to Look Forward to in 2021, How AOC showed politicians the power of live-streaming. reaching a consensus on the classifications and definitions of sub-types such as "grandiose" and "vulnerable dimensions" or variants of these. [61] These cultural differences were greater than the effects of individual differences within national cultures.[61]. Tags of "vexed" as a synonym for "shook" Suggest tags. They suggested that narcissists try to compensate in adult relationships. [40][43] Rand used her memory of the democratic socialist British Labour Party Chairman Harold Laski to help her imagine what Toohey would do in a given situation. [36], The controversial condition referred to as "sexual addiction" is believed by some experts to be sexual narcissism or sexual compulsivity, rather than an addictive behavior.[37]. Weinrich JD (1987). [145][146] The deal collapsed after the failure of Cimino's 1980 film Heaven's Gate, which caused United Artists to refuse to finance any more of his films. [88] Diese vom gutem Gottesbild abgespaltenen[89] oder ihm entgegengestellten Aspekte gehrten aus psychologischer Sicht zum Schatten des Selbst Licht und Schatten bilden im empirischen Selbst eine paradoxe Einheit. [2] On a spectrum, destructive narcissism is more extreme than healthy narcissism but not as extreme as the pathological condition.[28]. So reprsentiere das Selbst die Struktur der Person, sie sei die unverwechselbare Grundmatrix deren Ursprnge angeboren sind. Two stresses cannot be one word. [90] Nonetheless, Rand included three excerpts from the novel in For the New Intellectual, a 1961 collection of her writings that she described as an outline of Objectivism. Rummel, E (1996). Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Eine Person, deren Aufmerksamkeit auf ihr Selbst gerichtet ist, versucht zu erforschen und zu klren, was ihre Erlebnisse fr sie bedeuten, was sie dabei fhlt. Er stellt sich dann ein, wenn eine alte Kompromissbildung nicht mehr trgt, weil sie etwa durch neue Erlebnisse, durch neue psychische und soziale Bedingungen in Frage gestellt wird. 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synonym for narcissistic man