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semantic html layouts

Theming Layouts Globals. Whats the difference?, you may ask. We need your help to make Semantic available to people who speak your language. (Allows icons to show up in selected value) sortSelect: false: Whether to sort values when creating a dropdown automatically from a select element. If they are decorative, it is better to write an empty text as a value for alt attribute (see Empty alt attributes) or to just include them in the page as CSS background images. Whitelist Your Ad-Blocker. We have a simple example written up, accessible-image.html, which features four copies of the same image: The first image, when viewed by a screen reader, doesn't really offer the user much help VoiceOver for example reads out "/dinosaur.png, image". Donate Today. Auto-layout columns. How to use nested layouts (sub-templates). The semantic elements added in HTML5 are: Elements such as
