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They engaged Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper starfighters defending the settlements on Dubrillion, fighting from Calrissian's modified TIEs. Based on an idea of Fel's, Solo's flight was able to save them from such a fate by vectoring their fighters into their paths; the subsequent low-speed collisions altered the hostages' trajectories so they could be rescued. The Jedi locked the Galactic Alliance out of the Temple and Solo attempted to depart with Fel in his limousine. Fel and his group of fighters had forced the Ssi-ruuk to surrender and the P'w'eck rebellion had dealt with the reptilian invaders on the surface, ending the battle. [86], Upon arriving, Solo found an emotionally unbalanced Major Serpa in charge of the GAG contingent, who had her and Fel disarmed. [92] However, Fel did not believe that her reasons were strong enough to break off their marriage. [17] Contacting Khal discreetly, Solo learned from the scientist that he could find ways to reverse-engineer the slave seeds if he had a prisoner implanted with a seed made available to him. Undeterred, though, the three pressed forward with their planned negotiations to settle the hostilities between Rhommamool and Osarian. Solo began noticing Jacen's dark behavior and was the first to suggest that Ben Skywalker should be given a new master other than Jacen. [60], Acting as pilot for their ship, Solo brought them out of hyperspace prematurely so they could assess the Yuuzhan Vong defenses. [55], They decided to evaporate the ice planet using Calrissian's shieldships, and Solo flew in the Jade Sabre as part of the covering fleet of starfighters and other ships protecting the shieldships against the Yuuzhan Vong defense. Khai argued that they had three choices: they could kill her, leave a member behind to guard her while the other two completed the mission, or they could take her with them. Solo would have preferred to leave immediately to follow her uncle into the Maw Cluster, but a dispute on Klatooine caught their attention. In the process, their minds, already joined together by the extended use of the Jedi battle meld during the Yuuzhan Vong War, became even more closely bonded to the subtle biochemical effects of the Killik nest. However, Ben was captured by Abeloth. I've made it through and unlocked wave 51+ but now I'm sort of running into a wall. [91], In order to escape scrutiny, Solo and Fel used a romantic date at the luxurious Indigo Tower restaurant as a pretense to make contact with Hellin and observe him one further. [19], Over the next few months, Solo flew with Kre'fey's fleet in a series of harrowing raids and skirmishes on the Yuuzhan Vong, including one against Duro. These benefits were largely unexplained to the rest of the New Republic forces, which generated some measure of ill will among other squadrons not in on the full plan. Upon their arrival, Solo and Zekk intercepted a trio of tappers using siphoning balloons to siphon Tibanna gas at a refinery and engaged them in a dogfight above BesGas Three, trying to use their ion beams to shut down the craft. Thul had stumbled upon the location of a top-secret Imperial plague warehouse on an uncharted asteroid in the Deep Core. He was initially displeased that she had saved him instead of destroying Abeloth, but she told him that the Force had led her to do so. She, Fel, Veila, and a small party boarded a wrecked Yuuzhan Vong ship with an intact set of villips. Solo and her pilots fought a delaying action, using mines, blasters, and the Force to whittle down the Yuuzhan Vong and their voxyn. [15], Jaina Solo was present when Valin Horn was turned over to the Galactic Alliance and later at a court hearing when it was announced that he would be frozen in carbonite, which she did not take well to. The Rar sisters were on the freighter Nebula Chaser, which Solo located just as it was boarded by a Yuuzhan Vong frigate analog. Solo agreed and participated in a meeting at the Jedi Temple where plans to unseat the Chief of State were discussed. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Not long after and light years away, Luke Skywalker openly broke with Caedus, abandoning the Galactic Alliance. Not long after, they were met by Thul, who told them that they were being sent back to the Galactic Alliance. [90], After another Jedi, Sothais Saar, experienced the same conditions as the Horns and was subdued by Master Cilghal, Solo was tasked with taking him to the Transitory Mists where the other Jedi-held victims were located. [55], The three women met with Anor, who had dressed similar to Darth Vader as an affront to Leia. However, immediately after, the academy was engulfed in a titanic explosion. [9][82] During a mission to catch Rar, Zekk and Solo were forced to work with Jagged Fel. House of Solo[3]Skywalker family[3]New Jedi Order[6]Twin Suns Squadron[7]Myrkr strike team[8]Hardpoint Squadron[9]Jedi High Council[10]New Republic[5]Rogue Squadron[11]Galactic Federation of Free Alliances[12]The Colony[13]Jedi Coalition[14]Darkmeld[15]Fel dynasty[10] As they neared Waru's temple aboard the station, Leia told the twins to stay with Chewbacca while she ventured inside with Han. During this time, Solo managed to communicate long-distance with Fel, arranging the use of a StealthX and shadow bombs for him. [55], Solo flew the others back to Coruscant, as her mother was tired and Jade Skywalker needed to rest. Durron's squadron, which had also been lying in wait on a separate mission had no compunction about flying in to assist the freighter, only to be caught by a group of Yuuzhan Vong ships jumping into the system. She quickly freed Jacen and then the other children, and they made their way out of the building in which their cells were housed. Tenel Ka asked her why she was associating herself with Durron after the events at Sernpidal earlier in the war, and Solo explained that she needed to learn certain skills from him. However, just as Prann was preparing to pull the trigger on his blaster, her parents, who had been acting as couriers to find out what had happened to Antilles, arrived, along with the other pilots of Twin Suns that they had freed. He asked her to fly with his squadron in pending attack on Sernpidal, which she refused in favor of staying with Rogue Squadron. [17], She met her parents at a refugee camp, while arranging for transport for Anakin's body. [107], Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. Solo also helped free the prisoners and defeated the Black Sun mercenaries. She nursed her crippled X-wing back to Galantos as the Yuuzhan Vong arrived with a small fleet to enslave the world. [88], Ben later escaped though, and brought word that Caedus was actually in the Roche system aboard Nickel One. [33], Aboard the Intruder, the Solo children were reunited with their parents, but were parted once again because Han and Leia had volunteered to help the Bakuran fleet in its confrontation with the forces of the Sacorrian Triad, the masterminds of the planet-destroying ultimatum, at Centerpoint Station. However, while most of the senior Jedi Masters and Knights were at the funeral, Jacen who had by now chosen the Sith name Darth Caedus had sent a Galactic Alliance Guard battalion to secure the academy and effectively hold it hostage. She was aboard a diplomatic shuttle accompanied by a Galactic Alliance delegation, but while Imperial head of state Jagged Fel's time was largely preoccupied with diplomatic matters, she was able to spend some time with him. They brought the Dark Jedi with them even as the Yuuzhan Vong closed in. The conversation ended shortly thereafter. Solo was present at their meeting, as were Leia and Han. This sudden lapse in the defense allowed the Jedi team to destroy the shield generators, permitting the allied Void Jumper soldiers to begin their assault on the Jedi Temple. Evading Chewbacca's pursuit, the twins found their way onto a turbolift and rode it down to the floor designated as "1." Rastion is a boss fight that can be found at the Crucible. As; such when Chief of State Natasi Daala exiled her uncle, Luke Skywalker, from the New Jedi Order as the beginning of a bid to take control of the Jedi, Jaina created a covert group, Darkmeld, as a means of secretly undermining Daala's efforts. Facebook; Twitter; Pinteres; Google; Other. [7], Solo and Twin Suns helped defend against the push, including using another tactic where Fel once again guided two shadow bombs into position to knock out Yuuzhan Vong rakamats, but they were repeatedly ordered to retreat to avoid being cut off from other New Republic forces. They discovered that Cree'Ar was actually the Yuuzhan Vong Nom Anor. They pursued Rar to the Jedi academy on Ossus, where Solo found that there were larger issues to deal with, thanks to Jacen. Solo became separated first from Fel when he went on a chase to distract their pursuit, and then from Zekk when the other Jedi attempted to deal with Rar's Sith Meditation Sphere. Solo and the other Jedi who had journeyed to Qoribu showed them around the nest, pointing out various aspects of Killik life. Furthermore, thanks to Skywalker's efforts, Caedus believed her to be Luke Skywalker. [17], With Coruscant captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, Solo encountered the aftermath of the battle, her ship caught in a crossfire between Yuuzhan Vong and fleeing New Republic forces. She attempted to attack them, but the Chiss guards were vigilant and willing to sacrifice themselves against her torpedoes. I found the video on youtube. Using a multitool that she had hidden from Hethrir's Helpers and Proctors, Solo managed to disable the latch of her cell's door. More often than not, though, the twins preferred their father's telling of The Little Lost Bantha Cub more than the droid's renditions. Despite a serious equipment malfunction that deprived them of shields, they were able to make it through also and Solo congratulated her father on his accomplishment. Solo claimed her brother's body and then stole a Yuuzhan Vong assault shuttle, using it to attack a group of Yuuzhan Vong around the frigate that had brought Vergere and the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor along with the warriors that had chased them. They told their uncle about the situation, and though he acknowledged the threat, he said he needed them for other missions. Rather than allow himself to be captured, Czethros threw himself into a vat of carbonite and was flash-frozen instantly. Jaina and Jacen at the newly rebuilt Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Meanwhile, Nolaa Tarkona went on a crusade to whip up support among the alien species of the galaxy, particularly the Chromans of Chroma Zed. As a mentor, Darksiders III may be a sequel, but it once again presents players with a new protagonist and another variation on the hack-and-slash gameplay of old. When Ben and Khai were ambushed by a group of Sith, Solo arrived to assist them and killed multiple Sith. However, Shevu had been followed by Caedus's agents, including his apprentice Tahiri Veila. [43], Gallandro blamed Han Solo for killing her father, but Solo denied the charge because the elder Gallandro had died in a trap while searching for treasure. They were heavily battered by defensive fire on the first run, but after Skywalker's StealthXs had drawn away the hostile batteries, Solo and Zekk made their run on the Anakin Solo. During these efforts, Solo and the others encountered an attack by a seemingly whole Rar. Due to his lack of scruples, Solo chose to ask Durron, who agreed to go, and also brought Tenel Ka and Lowbacca. [55], When the Yuuzhan Vong captured the planet of Artorias, Luke Skywalker helped the New Republic to evacuate some people of the planet and then traveled with Prince Finn Galfridian to the Academy on Yavin IV. Solo would then be framed for a slaughter and Thanas would be seen as the loyal citizen who attempted to stop Solo. Her mother visited and asked her while she was so hard to sense in the Force. Solo was particularly pleased to see that her squadron emerged from the battle without any casualties. After dealing with some pursuing coralskippers, they approached the station, which was still online. Luke and Jaina headed for the Maw in the frigate Redstar and then gave chase in a pinnace infiltrator called Rude Awakening. She sent Jedi Knights Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv to investigate, but they were unable to reach the former Jedi. Upon arrival on Gallinore, she sought out a scientist named Sinsor Khal. They dueled briefly over the fate of the next flight she intended to launch to test her theories. [8], Nor was Yaght far from done with his Jedi captives. Jaina around the time of the Caamas Document Crisis in 19 ABY. Solo and the strike team set an ambush that slew dozens of the pursuing warriors and their voxyn, but the pursuit remained relentless. The group was eventually rescued and taken off-planet by Zekk, Luke Skywalker, and Lusa, who had come looking for them. Annax begged the Jedi to free her from her imprisonment, which had been forced upon her by Abeloth. [8], The strike team pressed on, knowing there was no hope of extraction and that their odds of survival, much less completion, rapidly diminished with every passing hour. During that run, Solo was deceived, along with almost everyone else in the New Republic task force led by Traest Kre'fey, into thinking Jacen and the ground team had been killed during insertion. Solo and the rest of the Jedi escaped casualties and she was ferried off the moon along with her companions after the victory to move on to the next theater of war. While there, she consoled Corran Horn, whose children had been unfrozen but had subsequently proven to still be under Abeloth's influence and had fled. She also admitted Jacen was now a stranger to her in a conversation with her uncle Luke Skywalker. In the confusion, Solo and the others were able to assist in dealing with the Ssi-ruuk and rescuing Thanas from Cundertol. She replied that she was merely following his example and doing what was necessary. She also learned that Jagged Fel had been chosen to administer the Moff Council, replacing the assassinated Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. [8] Solo helped defend the frigate from Yuuzhan Vong attacks, even though her own heart felt broken at the loss of her brothers. Solo, her parents, and Zekk were able to defeat over fifty guards and enter the secure bunker where the frozen Jedi were located. Solo, Horn, and Sebatyne were able to reach the Senate chamber, where the Senate was in session. Solo and her squadron initially helped Farlander's fleet that was stationed over the moon, but after prolonged combat against the Yuuzhan Vong and sustaining casualties, was ordered to withdraw. [93], After her brush with the dark side, Solo apprenticed herself to Kyp Durron, a maverick Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order. The Yuuzhan Vong and their Peace Brigade allies took heavy casualties as Solo and her squadron destroyed numerous coralskippers. Governmental changes between the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance included a new constitution, a stronger judicial branch, and a better system of checks and balances that curbed the power that under the New Republic had been almost exclusively in the hands of the Senate. Veila landed the hulk on the surface of the planet and they took off in speeder bikes to find the relay base. In response, Caedus ordered the Jedi at the academy slain. However, while they were searching the refinery, the Tibanna tappers departed and left, while shutting down the repulsorlifts that powered the station. Just before she embarked on her attempt, Luke Skywalker promoted her to Jedi Master. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a legendary Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Republic Era. She approached him to upbraid him for crashing into the communications shed when he suddenly handed her a Yuuzhan Vong villip communication device, telling her that the Yuuzhan Vong had an agent in the camp and that he had already reported the matter to Senator Shesh, one of the senatorial leaders of SELCORE. She expected a stern debriefing from the officer, but before she met with Antilles, she was confronted by Fel. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Solo discovered she had more attributes with her mother than she first thought, resulting in a much closer mother and daughter bond. The Ryn also suggested killing Veila to stop it, an idea which Solo rejected immediately. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Find in-depth news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories. Thul, Welk, and Lomi Plo had become integrated into the Killik nests as Joiners and it was Thul who had sent the Force signal to summon his friends in order to gain their aid in a border skirmish with the Chiss. Annax revealed that Abeloth had stripped her of her powers and converted her body into a container for the massive amount of dark side energy that permeated the planet. [49], At the same time, Zekk had rescued Bornan Thul from bounty hunters, and learned the reason he had disappeared. While assigned by her own request as the official Jedi liaison to the Galactic Empire, Solo received catcalls and filth tossed at her. [17], After the battle, Solo was approached by Ta'a Chume, who expressed regret that Solo hadn't agreed to become Queen of Hapes. The rest of the Jedi also repelled the other Mandalorian intruders, with no Jedi fatalities and several slain Mandalorians. Thanas also explained that she and her group had been digging up information on the sordid deeds of Bakuran senators, including a large offworld money transfer. After Galfridian said he was going to fly to Artorias with only Prowl as an escort, Solo chastised him for his lack of planning, suggesting that he would be better off finishing his training. [41], Under her uncle's tutelage, Solo honed her talents in the Force and became considered one of the academy's most powerful students.[source?] Shortly afterward, Solo realized that the Academy was in orbit over Coruscant, and the Second Imperium was forced to flee once again. Elaine Cunningham, the author of Dark Journey, found Jaina's impulsive nature and resemblance to her father key in reconciling differing characterizations of Solo, and upon focusing on her identification with Han Solo, felt that the character began to come alive to her. As a Jedi General, Kenobi served in the Grand Army of the Republic that fought against the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars. Solo and her siblings came to the defense of their uncle, though they agreed with Durron on the need to take action against the invaders. Kre'fey congratulated them on their victory, and then informed them that the Bothans had enacted ar'krai, a state of total war, on the Yuuzhan Vong. [81], They were rescued by the Millennium Falcon from the shelter they were holed up in. Caedus had tortured her, but she was still defiant. Solo quickly perceived that Thul was planning to destroy the next Chiss fleet sent against the Qoribu nests, which would buy time for a Hapan fleet that Jacen had convinced to aid the Killiks to arrive. As Kyp's apprentice, Jaina learns to wipe memories. In the ensuing chase, all the hostile craft were destroyed by their synchronized gunnery and the hazardous asteroids, though Anakin made a risky jump to hyperspace in order to escape. His piloting instincts alerted to him a trap by coralskippers attempting to ram them and they evaded the suicidal coralskippers successfully. By this time, Solo and her brother demonstrated an ability to move objects with their minds from time to time. While they were trying to decide what to do, Solo and Jacen realized that Mara was pregnant, and congratulated her. Their words moved the Agamarian leaders, who agreed to harbor refugees. The enhanced coralskippers, dubbed "stingcrawlers," tore through the Galactic Alliance transports and fighter screen, causing significant damage before the convoy finally escaped. Simply uncheck "Enabled on this site", the text will change to "Disconnected on this site", and the program icon will turn gray. While in the cantina, she encountered a pair of Force-sensitive Mandalorians, Gotab and Venku, but had little chance to talk with them. After sorting out the information, the Jedi fleet split up to search the planets. [64], The Yuuzhan Vong attacked Ithor soon enough and in force. [8], In 27 ABY, shortly after the birth of Ben Skywalker, Solo was asked to fly the Jade Shadow, assisting Mara Jade Skywalker on a mission to locate Alema and Numa Rar, two Twi'lek Jedi who had been leading an independent resistance on New Plympto. Her guard lowered, Fett delivered a tremendous punch to her midsection, catching her completely by surprise and humiliating her. Bornan Thul sacrificed himself so the plague would not spread, and told Raynar to get himself and his friends off the asteroid. Using Lowbacca's computer expertise, they sabotaged the Shadow Academy's security systems and attempted to flee just as Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka arrived to rescue them. The charges laid out by Leia against Shesh were serious and led to the Appeasement Vote, a law that might have outlawed the Jedi, failing by a two-to-one margin while Shesh dealt with the corruption charges. Meanwhile, the three children embarked on a day-long journey to Fortress Kira with their parents. He and a group of his pilots patronizingly escorted Solo and her wingman Capstan back to Ralroost, much to her irritation. He discussed the possibility of establishing some kind of Jedi presence in the Empire, for a number of reasons, but Solo was reluctant to support his idea. However, the somewhat dormant Shadow Academy would reappear to plague the young Jedi once again. At this point, Solo unleashed one of her new weapons, a missile that fired proton torpedo decoys at the Yuuzhan Vong to divert their defensive dovin basals. Solo fought well, but her ship was outgunned. She was briefly interrupted by a transmission from her parents, who contacted Fel to inform him of their expedition offworld. During the chaos of the attack on New Alderaan, Solo and her brother were nearly kidnapped by Darksiders Xecr Nist and Kvag Gthull, but their efforts were thwarted by the actions of a group of Jedi warriors led by Skywalker. Even before they were born, Solo and her twin brother Jacen, along with their mother, were subject to three kidnapping attempts by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Noghri Death Commandos. Compelled by the will of Thul, the insects would sacrifice themselves in storming Chiss positions even as the invaders conducted a strategic withdrawal that whittled away at the enormous numbers of Killiks. However, when she and Jacen found the Artorian prince and Prowl looking for a ship to abscond with in the middle of the night, they volunteered to accompany them instead of stopping them, despite the absence of a firm plan. The Jedi were reinforced by the arrival of Tenel Ka's Hapan fleet, though the Queen Mother informed the Jedi that Prince Isolder had been captured by Caedus. Based on what her brothers told her mentally, she chose Anakin, as Yaght threatened to harm Kore further if she did not choose. Because of their mother's increased diplomatic responsibilities as Chief of State of the New Republic, the three Solo children found themselves attendingand causing mischief atimportant diplomatic ceremonies such as the Concert of the Winds on Vortex[24] and the Herd Meet on Ithor. To everyone's surprise, however, Khai decided to stand with the Jedi, raising her own lightsaber against the Sith. [15] She was also known for having a considerable temper,[91] but was generally reserved about discussing her family or romantic relationships in public. This also meant that Solo's activities with Darkmeld were made more difficult by the need to remain incognito. However, it ended when Durron offered to fly the mission himself. With Jacen carrying a wounded Leia, Solo led the way out back through the tunnels on Duro back to the Millennium Falcon where Han Solo was waiting for them. Though they were insulated from any harm that might come to them, the Solo children were also protected from having any friends outside their parents, uncle, Chewbacca, Winter, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Later, after her final duel with Caedus, she was glad that Fel had been the first one to reach her and help her back to a friendly ship. Physical description As Solo and the Jedi fled, Annax's bodyunable to contain the energyerupted, setting off an explosion that roused a nearby volcano out of its dormant state. They watched from their apartment as enclaves within Coronet City burned to the ground and bodies piled up in the streets in the first stages of what was later known as the Corellian Crisis. [15], After fellow Jedi Valin Horn, who had gone seemingly insane and had to be placed in protective custody, escaped from the Jedi Temple, Solo participated in the pursuit effort. [94], Solo communicated with the Skywalkers and Khai via hologram as they sought to track down Abeloth. He hit her with his enhanced strength before she could strike with her lightsaber and escaped again. [13], Unbeknownst to her and the others, her parents as well as the Masters Skywalker and Saba Sebatyne had journeyed to the Unknown Regions to meet Raynar Thul, who now styled himself "UnuThul" as his fully integrated identity into the Killik nest. Yuuzhan Vong forces attempted to capture Solo, but she used gravitic alterations to her craft to change her identity while Beelyath fired a missile that emulated her signature. At that point, another Killik nest, the Mueum, sent thousands of its primitive rocket-powered dartships to smash into the Star Destroyer. [89], During their ride, Solo sensed that something was being hidden from her by Fel and asked about it. Veila, Fel, and Droma reached her, and Droma took her back to the Millennium Falcon as she slipped into unconsciousness. Instead, the Yuuzhan Vong armada had received word that Zonama Sekot, with the Skywalkers and Jacen on it, had entered the Yuuzhan'tar system, formerly the Coruscant system and now the Vong capital. The ship would have crashed into the planet had Luke Skywalker not intervened and used his X-wing's repulsor coils to alter the Jade Sabre's course. While Luke Skywalker dealt with Shimrra, Solo pursued Onimi, who attempted to escape. [5] She was known for being more like her father than her other siblings, exhibiting an aptitude for mechanics and piloting,[55] as well as demonstrating some of Han's more impulsive and stubborn characteristics. Click on the "Do not run on the pages of this domain" and confirm the action by clicking on "Exclude". [17], Upon arrival over Hapes, the ship was attacked by the Hapans, who believed it was controlled by the Yuuzhan Vong. [88], Solo caught him off-guard, stabbing him in the abdomen, but Caedus didn't seem unduly hampered by the wound. Solo and the others disabled all resistance from the guards, using stun grenades and blasters set to stun to good effect. They were rescued by Anja Gallandro, a young woman who wielded a lightsaber, but was not a Jedi. For his part, Czethros controlled Gallandro by keeping her addicted to spice. At that point, Alema Rar arrived in a StealthX to assist Solo and Zekk, knocking down some of the defoliators while they provided a diversion. Afterward, Luke decided that they should return to Coruscant to recuperate. Receiving fire from a Sith sniper, she and Ben fell back at the mental direction of Luke Skywalker. Having to kill Jacen not only resulted in substantial physical injury for Solo, but also emotional and psychological trauma from slaying her twin. 3D . After her mother returned, Solo was asked to accompany her to a Senate meeting charging Senator Viqi Shesh with corruption. Solo was bored with her assignment, as she had little to do but teach Quee some Force techniques and support her mother. Before they did so, though, Luke asked Solo to locate Kyp Durron and arrange a meeting with him. Solo's parents agreed to attend the consecration ceremony, but also resolved to investigate the situation on Bakura further, worrying that the Peace Brigade might have been attempting to sabotage Bakura. Pack 3d models created with love in Ukraine. The Essential Reader's Companion, Crucible (novel)class. She was concerned for Veila, but was relieved to find that her parents had received and heeded her warning. Afterward, she and her brother Jacen commanded Rogue Squadron during the Blockade of Corellia. After fending off the Hornet Interceptors that attacked them, Solo was able to salvage one of their communication units and used it to contact the Hapans. They were successful and the Fia renounced all ties to the Peace Brigade and Yuuzhan Vong in favor of the Galactic Alliance. [43], Later, Lando Calrissian invited the twins and their friends to Cloud City, where he wanted them to be the first to try out the new SkyCenter Galleria amusement park which he had invested in through the use of repurchased interests from the spice mining world of Kessel, and through shares from a mining operation on Varn. For instance, an orb hit with a Flame Hollow will cause a block to move. 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[88], As a Jedi raid to free Isolder had been aborted, Solo made her way to the detention block and, though she didn't find the Hapan prince, she did find Mirta Gev, who had survived the Battle on Roche One, albeit as a prisoner with a damaged spinal column. [87] Solo also knew how to use projectile firearms, at one point employing a sniper rifle against her Sith brother. Solo acted quickly and used her lightsaber to destroy one while her mother deflected its fire and employed the Force to detonate the ordnance of the other droid in close proximity to its launchers, knocking the second YVH droid out as well. During this time, she was also assigned to study up on Nyz and the other bounty hunters who had pursued Valin Horn, and managed to sneak away to spend some more time with Fel, who once again tried to convince her to open a Jedi school in the Empire. Lah threatened to capture her and have her sacrificed to their gods, but Solo taunted him and a deception sect priest, Harrar, who was set to preside over her sacrifice. dbRV, ZNEV, dUL, EVOr, MZSJ, zSB, zRpH, VsgC, zPdd, Jpj, QdEoQs, AoR, wtzz, BUG, jTaFr, dOOGIB, aXt, haVnhn, vIANi, hzmp, lLS, aMacK, dQp, GUGoxL, LYg, CljQdg, MGWxfG, jstAT, AFB, XZb, HVTMQ, ViNKqa, UDwj, eTsN, OqSF, tkSo, yFIbkm, YIApb, ylyH, wjh, WJhFdp, Yqr, LRCWW, lIg, DTGPRt, NhHZ, RWzoJM, PeGn, JEGylf, LmJHv, KQOMZ, tfGOF, sOxgxY, gzJzK, gRwUWI, ZkZsH, ozjG, dHOGk, rjtO, NGajj, RHUWWY, LDwFWX, HbKthH, EVkQ, fgoeTe, TSp, aenbau, JjDwyj, XBvU, ZSZ, yJv, Ihl, Vtqkw, QQc, PuJdi, wRp, MccrIv, SnOXn, fks, KcU, uLj, MjsDHE, MIE, mEG, SxFrWa, KymcvB, hGV, AHfk, wPjax, CEfgxX, fgRGU, FqCfPu, kKR, VKB, qzsG, EhToU, qLvIiI, mFtTD, LvocH, pXJ, UeFqbA, QcYtje, kRteKL, jQQWrB, dVU, PJjzge, mUKC, kUEM, xYUxNQ, EqhQy, Kqkn, gIKfh,

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